Chapter 106 Heavenly Lady Scattered Flowers under Precise Guidance, Terrifying Heaven and Earth Vision!

Lin Fan’s surprise was undoubtedly an affirmation of this harvest, Lin You smiled leisurely, and his beautiful eyes were like water.

“This time it was luck, when we passed, just in time for the two parties to fight, and then I took the opportunity to bring them all back.”

Lin Fan couldn’t laugh or cry after listening to it, this is okay? Why didn’t he have such good luck, just happened to be able to meet two parties fighting each other?

“The people are brought back by you, you arrange it, there is still something on my side, the maid I will take away a hundred people, in addition, Yan Yan and they will also take away, you are busy at home.” Pinching Lin Youyou’s small Qiong nose, Lin Fan smiled and let her go.

Lin Youyou snorted, sensible did not ask, Lin Fan took Zhao Yanyan’s white little hand and said: “You take someone here to wait for me, take a break by the way, and I’ll take you out in a while.” ”

Zhao Yanyan’s beautiful eyes blinked, and she tiptoed to Lin Fanxian and kissed her.

“I see.”

Li Siqi smiled and leaned over to kiss on the other side, and with the encouragement of the two sisters, Lin Fan turned his head and left.

In the crowd, Wang Ziwen, Liu Yuer and others saw Lin Fan leave, the originally straight body was instantly deflated, just now they stood straight at the waist, but they showed the most perfect body, as a result, Lin Fan glanced at it casually, and then left!

This made the several women who worked hard very frustrated, and in the crowd in the rear, Zhou Xiuyan and Jasmine saw Lin Fan for the first time, and they simply glanced at Lin Fan, didn’t even speak, and left very plainly, which made them feel unreal.

Maybe it’s really like Li Fengjiao said, they are like this, they can’t get in line, people’s vision is so high, how can they have time to force them specifically?

I know that I know, but it really happened, and the gap is still very large! .

Lin Fan left, the smile on Lin Youyou’s face converged, pointed to Zhou Xiuyan and the others, and said, “You guys come with me.” ”

In the orchard, hundreds of maids stood here neatly, waiting for Lin Fan’s arrival.

These maids have been waiting for a while, Lin Fan has not come over, these maids do not dare to have the slightest impatience, Lin Fan is the king of the high here, they should wait.

Lin Fan didn’t let these maids wait longer, the figure flashed in the distance, and the next second he came to the front of these maids.

The sharp-eyed maids saw Lin Fan coming over and quickly bent down and knelt on the ground.

“Welcome to the Lord.”

At first, this kneeling etiquette maids were a little unacceptable, but after a long time, they were used to it.

Looking at the women kneeling on the ground, although Lin Fan felt that this kind of kneeling ceremony was not very good, the sense of surrender and vanity was greatly satisfied, and over time, Lin Fan did not care.

“Let’s all get up.”

“Thank the Lord for the gift.”

The maids got up one after another, lowering their heads and not daring to look directly at Lin Fan, the maids were not allowed to look directly at the Lord, this was humility.

“I think you all want to know why I called you over, your task today is very simple, that is, move things, now come with me.”

After saying the task of the maids, Lin Fan turned around and walked towards the gate, and the maids followed behind, all curious in their hearts about what Lin Fan wanted them to move.

At the entrance of the hospital, Lin Youyou took Zhou Xiuyan and others away, leaving only Zhao Yanyan, Li Siqi and more than a hundred female warriors, and the 10 female warriors who stayed in the hospital before also rushed over, looking at the companions who had advanced in strength, one by one, their faces showed envy.

The women were quiet, and although they were all guessing who Lin Fan had asked them to stay, no one dared to speak casually.

Not long after, Lin Fan rushed over with a hundred maids, looking at the hundred maids who followed, Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi looked at each other, and they both saw the puzzlement in each other’s eyes.

Soon, Lin Fan stopped, looked at the doubtful gazes of the women, smiled and said: “I know what you are wondering, next, everyone is divided into two teams to clean up the zombies on the east and west sides, how many to clean up, the limit distance is 10 kilometers, Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi are the captains, and come back before dark.” ”

“Have questions?”


The female warriors shook their heads one after another, what questions could they have? It’s good to kill zombies! Don’t be happier with their killing today!

“Then act, stay safe.”

Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi divided the team, and at this time, Lin Fan turned around, looked at the maids behind him, and said: “Your task is to bring all the things in the Dahua Shopping Center back to me, I will thoroughly clean up all the zombies near the hospital to ensure your personal safety, understand?” ”

The maids nodded one after another and replied, “Lord, we understand.” ”

Zhao Yanyan and Li Siqi had already divided their teams, each rushed out of the hospital with more than seventy people, and quickly left towards the east and west sides.

“Let’s go too.”

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fan flew into the air, and the thunder light intertwined behind him, and soon came to the roof of the Dahua Commercial Building.

The magnetic field induction spread, in order to ensure the personal safety of the maids, Lin Fan still had to eliminate all the zombies within a radius of several kilometers, so as to ensure that nothing was lost, and he couldn’t call the maids out, and as a result, he was infected by the zombies, right?

The maid is also a human being, the basis for maintaining power.

The eyes slowly closed, all the zombies within five kilometers of the underworld Lin Fan had been locked, the electricity in the eyes was intertwined, dense electric light appeared around the body, under the control of the magnetic field, a huge amount of iron elements were ingested from the ground, and then condensed into black projectiles.

The thunder light was stirring, the projectile condensed by the iron element was shrouded by the electric light, turning into thunder beads, Lin Fan supported his hands to the sides, his eyes suddenly opened, and the brilliant thunder light burst out at this moment!

“Precision guidance! Ten thousand thunders in unison! ”

The low roar carried a vast majesty, and the terrifying lightning arc spread out into a ring, and thousands of thunder beads shot out in all directions under the guidance of the magnetic field like eyes.

The blue fireworks are like shooting stars outside the sky, and like the scattered flowers of the heavenly goddess, thousands of meteors have scattered, like billions of stars intertwined in the sky, this is a visual feast, indescribably gorgeous!



The sonic boom was dense, mixed with the sound of thunder and lightning raging in the air, and blue arcs of light cut through the sky, accurately submerged into the heads of zombies.


Lei Guang made a masterpiece, Lei Zhu smashed the head of the zombie, and the headless corpse did not know what happened, and fell to the ground aimlessly after walking a few steps.

At this time, the piercing sonic boom was belated.

With the Dahua Commercial Building as the center, within a radius of five kilometers, a huge amount of thunder beads turned into the most brilliant electric light, whether it was on the street, or in the rooms and buildings of zombies, at this moment, all the heads were ignited by the thunder beads, turning into a corpse that no longer had any threat!

With one blow, all the zombies within a radius of five kilometers were completely liquidated, and all the zombies turned into corpses!

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 experience for lightning control, 214/1000 experience for currently. ”

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 for lightning control powers, and 422/1000 for current experience. ”


“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 for lightning control powers, 895/1000 experience at present. ”

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 for points, +1 for lightning control powers, 1000/1000 experience for current. ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the Lord, your lightning control power progression, the current level Lv6, to advance to the next level requires 0/10000 experience points. ”

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 for points, +1 for lightning control powers, 114/10,000 for current experience. ”

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 experience for lightning control, 789/10,000 for current experience. ”


“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 experience for lightning control, 8971/10000 for current experience. ”

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 for lightning control powers, 10,000/10,000 current experience. ”

“Ding! Congratulations Lord, your lightning control power progression, the current level Lv7, to advance to the next level requires 0/10w of experience points. ”

A huge number of prompts bombarded Lin Fan’s mind like a cannon, and almost before he could see what it was, the next second he had already popped up an unknown number of prompts.

The terrifying thunder light raged on the roof of the Dahua Commercial Building, and the thunder snake the thickness of the bucket shuttled back and forth, and the thunder and lightning control energy rose two levels in a row, and the thunder and lightning energy like Wang Yang roared in the meridians.

The heart beats violently, the blood is pumped wildly, and then the high concentration is compressed, the metabolism is accelerated, a large amount of waste blood is evaporated out of thin air, and then replaced by healthier and more energetic fresh blood, large-scale necrosis of cells, new cells are more active, and more energy is contained!

One after another blue-purple thunder and lightning flashed on the bones, forging the muscles and bones, and a huge change that could be called the essence of washing appeared on Lin Fan, and at this time, Lin Fan had no time to listen to the prompt sound of the system in his mind.

Get stronger! With the advancement of the lightning energy, he felt that his body was rapidly getting stronger, the power in his body was highly expanded, and the soaring power made Lin Fan feel that he could shatter the void with one punch!



The dense thunder light exploded on the roof of the Dahua Commercial Building, and the entire roof turned into a void thunder pool, and the thunder and lightning with the thickness of the bucket burst like a thunder snake, and the raging thunder light swam quickly in midair, like a thunder dragon raging.

The void turned into a sea of thunder, the clear sky was covered with clouds in an instant, the dark clouds covering the sky covered the sky, and in an instant, the sky darkened, with the Dahua Shopping Center as the center, the terrifying dark clouds quickly churned into the distance like ink, spreading out nearly ten kilometers almost in an instant.

Like heavenly punishment clouds rolling motion, heavy lead clouds seem to crush the void, countless people, zombies at this moment looking up at the sky, the vast heavenly power makes everyone fearful, even if it is a zombie without wisdom, in front of this terrifying vision of heaven and earth, they all bow their heads in fear!


The thunder roared, the heavy lead cloud in the thick thunder rushed, the thunder and lightning thunderbolt exploded, the electric light whipped the clouds, the dense thunder light seemed to echo the thunder sea on the top floor of the Dahua Shopping Center, one after another thunder snakes raged into the sky, and the thunder dragon in the sky converged.


Heaven and earth lost color, terrifying thunder light suddenly landed from the sky at this moment, heaven and earth lost sound, everything lost color, brilliant blue electric light flashed blind everyone’s eyes, all eyes looking at here turned white in this instant!

This moment! The rays of the sun are eclipsed!

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