Chapter 121 is an incredible scene, I bet your gun is a burning stick

On the second floor of the supermarket, connected to the phone, listening to the blind sound coming from there, and the faint blurry voice, Lin Fan immediately got up, the magnetic field control energy spread instantly, and soon found Zhao Wanqing’s location.

Similarly, through the feedback of the magnetic field, he also knew the dilemma faced by Zhao Wanqing.

“A bunch of damn stinky rats, really tired of living!”

More than a dozen women were injured, which made Lin Fan very angry in his heart, but fortunately, the casualties were within a controllable range, and as for those men who didn’t know where they came from, these people had to die!

“Lord, what happened?”

Lin Fan suddenly stood up with a cold face, and the anger emanating from his body was like substance, Lin Youyou got up worriedly and asked.

“I don’t have time to tell you, I’ll go out immediately.”

With a wave of his hand, the window on the second floor opened, Lin Fan’s figure turned into electric light, and the figure instantly rushed out.

Lin Youyouliu’s eyebrows frowned slightly, he wanted to follow the past, but after thinking about it, he stopped, with Lin Fan there, she didn’t need to be present, and she didn’t have other things to be busy.

How fast is Lin Fan now? Lin Fan himself didn’t know this, after the lightning control energy advanced to Lv7, Lin Fan had never tried to use the lightning energy to gallop in the sky, he didn’t know how fast before, but he knew now!

One second and a kilometer, exceeding the speed of sound, almost the whole person turned into thunder light, the scene under his feet was blurred in an instant, and the speed was so fast that the thunder and lightning behind him could not keep up with Lin Fan’s flight speed!

With a distance of nine kilometers, it only took nine seconds for Lin Fan to stand above everyone.

On the ground, looking at the thunder light that flashed from the sky, sensing that the familiar aura was above her head, Zhao Wanqing’s somewhat uneasy heart instantly stabilized.

With a cold light in her eyes, looking at these scum in front of her, Zhao Wanqing smiled, indescribably cold and moving.

“I think I can fight hundreds, promise to make you flutter, have fun, and then return to the world!” Want to try it? I’m very confident in this regard! ”

Zhao Wanqing’s words were amazing, for a while, Liu Zhikun and the others on the opposite side were all stunned, obviously they didn’t expect that Zhao Wanqing was so daring, and dared to joke with them?

“Hey, hey, I’d like to try…”

Behind Liu Zhikun, a lewd man laughed strangely twice, shaking his crotch and making indecent movements, and before he finished speaking, a blue electric light instantly enveloped him.

Zila la ~

The blue electric light flowed madly on his body, the current was not very strong, the man did not die at the first time, but collapsed on the ground and kept snorting, like a sheep madness, the blue electric light jumped, the man kept rolling his eyes, tears, salivation, and even incontinence.

The sudden scene frightened Liu Zhikun and others retreated one after another, the man scrambled on the ground for half a minute before he died completely, and the whole person was extremely distorted, as if it had been condensed into an irregular twist.

Seeing his subordinates die so miserably, Liu Zhikun was terrified in his heart, and the men next to him were also scared enough.

After the fear, Liu Zhikun’s heart was only anger, looking at Zhao Wanqing more than ten meters away, Liu Zhikun did not expect that with so many people and so many powerful thermal weapons, the other party would dare to use means.

He didn’t know what method Zhao Wanqing used, and he didn’t want to know, he just wanted to vent the anger in his heart now.

“Break her limbs for me! I see how she still uses her means! ”

Liu Zhikun spoke out angrily, and the subordinates behind him suddenly sobered up at this time, looked at the brother who died tragically on the ground, and then looked at Zhao Wanqing who was standing not far away, and swallowed his spit.

Liu Zhikun’s henchman Xiao Bing was swinging at this time, and said in a hushed voice: “Old… Boss, did you watch yesterday’s hot search? ”

After not hearing the gunshot for a long time, Liu Zhikun was impatient in his heart, and suddenly heard Xiao Bing’s words, and his heart was a little unclear.

“I call him what a hot search! I told you to shoot, didn’t you hear? Is it that Lao Tzu can’t speak well? ”

Xiao Bing was helpless, shoot? Tired of it, right? Yesterday’s earth-shattering scene, you didn’t see the brothers who died in the pit!

Although he looked at Zhao Wanqing’s figure and didn’t look like that thunder god, he was not afraid of 10,000 just in case! He doesn’t want to die yet!

Raising the gun in his hand, Xiao Bing gritted his teeth and raised the muzzle of the gun against Liu Zhikun’s head.

This move directly stunned Zhao Wanqing, and the nest was reversed? Just because of a hot search? What a good brother!

Not only Zhao Wanqing was stunned, but Zhou Xiuyan and a group of women were stunned, why did the other side suddenly have infighting?

Lin Fan, who was watching the play on the platform in the sky, was also dumbfounded, he originally planned to go to the scene, see how Zhao Wanqing cleaned up this group of scum, how to do a good infighting? What’s the hot search? Could it be the vision of heaven and earth caused by his promotion to Lv7 yesterday? But the question is, what does it have to do with the present? Lin Fan’s question mark.

Isn’t that funny?

Being pointed at the head by a gun, Liu Zhikun lost any anger, a layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on his head, and he turned his head sideways to look at Xiao Bing next to him, and said sharply: “Xiao Bing of your horse, Laozi is not thin on you, right?” What do you mean? ”

“Are you all dead? Take down Xiao Bing for me! ”

Liu Zhikun roared angrily and corruptly, every subordinate behind him dared to move, some of them watched the hot search, some did not watch it, but with a few words, they understood the horror of the matter, where would they take care of Liu Zhikun at this time? They are now anxious in their hearts, and they only hope that the other party will let them go.

The rabble is the rabble, the soldiers are bearing, and they will be a nest, even if they have powerful weapons, there is such a waste boss as Liu Zhikun, the group of people under their hands are no better, at most bully and bully the weak, encounter hard stubble, and kneel and surrender in minutes.

No one moved, and Liu Zhikun knew that something was wrong no matter how stupid he was at this time, but Xiao Bing didn’t have time to deal with him at this time.

Looking flatteringly at Zhao Wanqing, who came step by step, Xiao Bing smiled and said, “Lei… Under the crown of Thor, you see, the culprit is Liu Zhikun, this dog thing, I have already captured him, we are also confused for a while, do you see if you let us go? ”

Xiao Bing said, the muzzle lowered to Liu Zhikun’s big hoof is a shot, in the harsh howl, Liu Zhikun knelt on the ground, and the gun in his hand also fell to the ground.

With undisguised disgust in her eyes, Zhao Wanqing raised her hand and pointed out, and the thunder light moved, instantly shrouding Xiao Bing, and the terrifying electricity instantly electrocuted him into coke.

For this kind of scum, Zhao Wanqing also lost the mind of torture, this kind of person will dirty her eyes if she looks at it more.

“Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Good death! Good death! Dog stuff! Erwuzai! Your horse deserves it! Good death! ”

Liu Zhikun, who was lying on the ground and screaming, laughed maniacally when he saw Xiao Bing’s tragic situation, and his tone was indescribably resentful.

Zhao Wanqing casually fingered, and Liu Zhikun instantly turned into coke.

Killing these two scumbags, Zhao Wanqing continued to walk forward, and with each step, hundreds of well-equipped people took a step back, and none of them dared to shoot.

Maybe they still have the last trace of luck in their hearts, but in the next second, Zhao Wanqing broke all their luck!

“You guys! All damn it! ”

With a wave of his hand, a thunder light cut through the air, crashed into the first person and burst out, forming a chain of lightning, shrouding more than a dozen people around, and the fierce howl completely collapsed hundreds of people!

Some people dropped the gun in their hands and turned their heads and ran, while others raised their guns in fear and aimed them at Zhao Wanqing, shouting fiercely in their mouths: “Don’t come over!” I’ll rob you again! ”

Several men with individual anti-tank rocket launchers on their shoulders were trembling all over, looking at Zhao Wanqing who was approaching step by step, feeling like they were facing a demon.

“You, you come here again and I will shoot, you don’t force me, let us go, we will leave immediately!”

Looking at a few men carrying individual anti-tank rocket launchers with disdainful eyes, if Lin Fan hadn’t come before, she might still have been jealous, but now that Lin Fan has arrived, she has no worries!

How powerful the individual anti-tank rocket launcher is, Zhao Wanqing does not know, but it definitely can’t hurt her! This is her confidence!

“You fire, I’ll wait for you, can you try it first?”

Saying that, Zhao Wanqing casually pointed a finger, and the flow of electric light electrocuted one of the men carrying a single soldier anti-tank rocket launcher into coke on the spot.

The death of his companion and Zhao Wanqing’s contemptuous tone stimulated several other men carrying rocket launchers, and their blood rushed to their brains, and several people pulled the trigger irrationally, but found that the invincible individual anti-tank rocket launcher on their shoulders was the same as the decoration, and there was no movement at all.

“Wouldn’t it seem useless for you to fire a cannon?”

In mid-air, Lin Fan said this and fell, without looking at the scum in military uniforms, turned his head and squatted down, looked at a dozen injured women and said: “You are all good, take your hands away, I will treat your injuries.” ”

How to say that there is also Lv5 plant control ability, what Zhao Yanyan can do, Lin Fan’s side can also do it, now Zhao Yanyan is ten kilometers away, or even farther, this kind of thing can only be done by him, and by the way, he can also harvest a wave of faith values.

It was the first time that more than a dozen injured women were so close to Lin Fan, and looking at Lin Fan up close, the women all lowered their heads embarrassedly, but they still obediently took their hands away, allowing Lin Fan to make it convenient to move.

Raising his hand, the magnetic field controlled the energy to take out the bullet, listening to the muffled snort from the woman, Lin Fan said softly: “Bear with me, it will be fine soon.” ”

Without anesthetics, Lin Fan couldn’t help it, and it would definitely hurt to take the bullet.

The green plant energy repaired the wound, and in the shocked eyes of the women, the wound recovered as before, and not even the scar was left!

Healing the women’s injuries one by one, Lin Fan stood up, looked at the dozen or so women who still had some unable to come to their senses, and said with a smile: “It’s all right, get up and bounce around to see if there is any discomfort.” ”

More than a dozen women only felt as if they were dreaming, and the gunshot wound just now was not even scarred in just ten seconds???

“How? Is there something uncomfortable? ”

More than a dozen women came back to their senses and looked at Lin Fan blankly, and suddenly, one of the women covered her heart and said bitterly: “Lord, I am so uncomfortable!” ”

The smile on Lin Fan’s face instantly froze.

Waht? Can’t it? Even if he hadn’t used the plant power, he couldn’t have lost his hand the first time, right?

“You…. Where are you uncomfortable? ”

“Lord, my first love has just begun, it seems that I am about to fall out of love, can you cure me? I may need injections to get better. ”

Lin Fan: …

Looking at the very fierce woman in front of him, Lin Fan swallowed his spit, fortunately, it was not his problem, but this female benefactor, you should indeed get an injection, fever reduction (SAO) injection!

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