Chapter 122 Underground Research Institute, creepy sighting

After healing the injury, when he met a person who touched porcelain in person, Lin Fan was speechless in his heart, even if you are very magnificent, you can’t be so unreasonable! Even if you look beautiful, you can’t be unreasonable? Is it beautiful or fierce enough to touch porcelain?

I tell you, it really can! I remember you!

Glaring at the woman who was pulled away by Zhou Xiuyan, Lin Fan no longer paid attention to the women who were laughing, and turned to look at Zhao Wanqing.

People are basically dead, and the ground is full of charred corpses, even those who escaped have not been spared, but there are a few living mouths.

Lin Fan came closer and just heard Zhao Wanqing asking something.

“Where are you from? Where are your strongholds? Where did you get your equipment? Whoever of you says, I will spare anyone’s life, there is only one chance, it depends on which of you can seize it! ”

There were only four people left alive, and hearing Zhao Wanqing’s question, the four people who had long been frightened and confused rushed to answer.

“We came from the underground research institute, just about three hundred meters on the right, the research institute is underground, very hidden!”

“I heard from the boss that our equipment was transported by the military region, saying that we have the support of the military region, and no one can be afraid!”

“Yes, yes, a lot of our equipment and food are given by the military region, oh yes, the military region also let us protect a doctor, that doctor is a, every day to do live experiments, and force us to catch him alive, we are all innocent!”

“Please spare us, we can show you the way!” Please! ”

Lin Fan, who came over, listened to the chaotic words of these people and captured some useful information from them.

First of all, there is the underground research institute three hundred meters on the right, and then the equipment of these people is provided by the military region, as for which military region, there is no need to think, it must be the side of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, which is the closest.

The role of these people should be to protect the doctor, do some shady research, human experiments, this kind of thing, but it is very taboo, no one dares to study in the open, even if the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, has the idea of establishing itself as the king, it is estimated that they dare not play human experiments in the military area.

These people in front of him deserve to die, including the doctor, no matter what the purpose of his research is, it is taboo to study living people!

Not only did Lin Fan think so, but Zhao Wanqing, who listened to these news, was also thinking about these in her heart, and at the same time, some doubts in her heart were almost solved.

No wonder she didn’t find it all the way, it turned out that the other party’s stronghold was underground? It’s too hidden! In addition, the distance is a bit far, and it is normal not to find it for a while.

“Lord, what should I do?”

Listening to Zhao Wanqing’s inquiry, Lin Fan didn’t think about it: “Let’s go over, go to meet that doctor, and see how unconscionable he is!” ”


The four men looked at Lin Fan and the two with longing on their faces and asked, “Sir, is it okay to let us go.” ”

Zhao Wanqing sneered and said disdainfully: “I didn’t say to let you leave alive.” ”

The four men were shocked, trembling in their hearts, and roared: “How can you talk without counting!” You clearly said that as long as we answer, you will let us live! ”

Zhao Wanqing nodded her head, “Yes, I did say it, but what I said is that you can only live one, well, it was decided that it was you.” ”

Saying that, Zhao Wanqing pointed to the man on the far right, and the man who was pointed out looked ecstatic, knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing in thanks: “Thank you, my lord!” Thank you, my lord! ”

The remaining three people had dead faces, Zhao Wanqing did not talk nonsense, flicked her fingers, thunder flashed, and there were three more scorched corpses on the ground again.


The ground rolled, a soil thorn penetrated the man who was kowtowing in thanks, the expression of ecstasy froze on his face, the man kept coughing up blood droplets, looking at the earthen thorn that ran from his back to his front body, his eyes were full of disbelief.

“She said to let you go, doesn’t mean I let you go, scum don’t waste limited air.” As if he knew what was going on in the man’s heart, Lin Fan’s tone was cold, and after speaking, he turned around and walked towards the research institute three hundred meters away.

As for leading the way? It is not needed at all, before I did not know where the stronghold was, but now I know, where do I need someone to lead the way? This kind of scum will die in peace.

Hundreds of men all died, none of them were spared, they all deserved to die, Lin Fan naturally would not show mercy to his subordinates.

The women followed behind Lin Fan, and the distance of three hundred meters soon passed, sensing the underground research institute, Lin Fan walked into the unpretentious, plain supermarket in front of him, and soon found a passage to the underground.

Lin Fan walked in front, the underground was not dark, even exceptionally bright, I don’t know if it was because everyone went out, the underground research institute seemed very deserted and empty.

The target pointed directly at the research room, Lin Fan pushed open the closed door, the metal door that required a magnetic card was not defended at all in front of Lin Fan, forced to break through the gate, the alarm of the underground research institute did not have time to sound, Lin Fan casually fingered, and the alarm was lifted.

Whether it is lightning energy or magnetic field energy, solving these are small problems.

All the way unimpeded, Lin Fan pushed open the innermost door, his eyes swept around, and soon found a figure who was busy.

Looking at the figure of the man with his back to him, crouched on the desk and seemed to be writing something, Lin Fan did not rush over, his eyes scanned a circle, there were dozens of cultivation tanks in the huge research room, all of them were zombies, there were several real zombies in them, and a few were zombies that were later thrown into the living and then transformed into zombies, Lin Fan did not know.

“Hmm… Hmm…”

“Uh… Roar…”

The abnormal sound attracted Lin Fan’s attention, and he looked at it, on the two hospital beds, the restraint belt firmly locked two suspected living and suspected zombie figures, as for why he said this, Lin Fan could feel that these two people were transforming into zombies, but at a very slow speed.

One of them is basically already a zombie, and the other one still retains human sanity, and it seems that zombification is not serious.

There is no doubt that these two people must have been subjected to live experiments, and the initiator was the man lying on his desk and did not know what he was writing.

The death sentence had already been pronounced on this man in his heart, Lin Fan walked over, picked up a folder casually and opened it, and the first page in his eyes made Lin Fan’s head explode.

“Feasibility Experiment Report on Fusion of Zombie Virus and Human Body.”

“Subject: How long it takes for the zombie virus to go from infection to onset.”

“Complete zombie virus injection into the human body, youth, the elderly, children, women infection time is 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 8 minutes, 7 minutes, the constitution is different, from infection to complete transformation time fluctuates up and down two minutes, this time after 100 cases of experimental process to be confirmed, the error is not more than 1 minute.”

“The tone of the virus fusion test, after the zombie virus is diluted three times, it has been tested 25 times by different experimental subjects, and the human body cannot withstand it, and this experiment failed.”

“Zombie virus diluted five times…..”


“The zombie virus is diluted tenfold, the rate of human infection is reduced, after 81 human tests, the virus infection process is irreversible, and the maximum survival time in vivo experiments is 3 hours and 21 minutes.”


The dense experimental process and report filled the entire folder, and Lin Fan was indescribably shocked and shocked in his heart.

Looking at the man next to him who was still concentrating on writing information, and didn’t even notice that he, a big living person, was standing next to him, Lin Fan’s gaze swept over, and there were folders on the cluttered desk.

“A study report on the physical characteristics of zombies.”

“Zombie Domestication Experiment Report.”

“The principle of zombie action and the kinetic energy supply report.”

Folders with various labels were everywhere, and Lin Fan felt the horror of a scientific madman for the first time.

With so many folders, how many live experiments did this man do? Just the folder in his hand alone, adding up to hundreds of people, is the real horror of the end times zombies?

No! It’s people!

Lin Fan once again had a new understanding of these words, those leaders of the great forces that enslaved women were simply harmless little sheep compared to the men in front of them!

The man in front of him can be called completely frustrated, he is simply a demon in human skin!

And the military behind this man also made Lin Fan feel boundless evil in his heart for the first time, the reason why this man can achieve this level is not unrelated to the support of the people behind him, and even everything is ordered by the military!

This group of people! It’s really crazy!

Casually closed the folder and threw it on the table, such a big movement finally woke up the man who was writing something with his head down, Yang Yiping’s brows furrowed high, the point he hated Liu Zhikun the most was to interrupt his train of thought while he was studying!

And this time it was especially serious! He dared to throw his important experimental report casually!

“Didn’t I say I didn’t call you and didn’t allow you to come in? Did you take my words for ears? ”

Looking up at the side with a cold face, Yang Yiping was stunned when he boarded, this was different from what he imagined, looking at the cold man in front of him, Yang Yiping’s eyes flashed with doubt.

“What are you?”

Yang Yiping stood up from the seat, his eyes swept around, and he was stunned to find that there were hundreds of women standing behind him, one by one, holding cold Tang knives in their hands, their clothes stained with blood, and staring at him unkindly.

“Who are you? How did you get here? ”

There is not a single Liu Zhikun around, and there are so many bad-looking women in the institute, and it seems that after a battle, Yang Yiping has some bad premonitions in his heart.

“You don’t need to know who we are, I just want to know, do so many human experiments and kill so many innocent people, won’t your conscience hurt?” Or do researchers like you have no conscience at all and only experiments in their eyes? ”

Pointing to the folders that were almost piled up on his desk, Lin Fan couldn’t understand the thoughts in the minds of these researchers, were they really all scientific madmen?

Pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Yang Yiping said calmly: “Conscience? Do you mean guilt? You don’t understand science at all, do you know what I’m doing? Their sacrifice is for more results, which can benefit all mankind and even save the world! ”

“Is it wrong to sacrifice some people to save the world? Science is not a child’s life, where did it come from without sacrificing results? There will be gains and losses, and only giving will there be gains! The rules of trading are equal, I only sacrifice a small number of people, what’s wrong with that? ”

“Only by constantly experimenting can we find the path to success, and on this road, all the sacrifices are worth it!” What do you know? Do you understand zombies? You see zombies as the source of trouble, but do you know the truth? ”

“Zombies are an evolution! Do you understand? You only see the sacrifice in front of you, if I can crack the key to zombie evolution, humanity will have an unprecedented leap forward! ”

“Look at those zombies outside, human flesh and blood are not the energy needed for zombie activities, the real answer is sunlight! The cells of the zombie can carry out photosynthesis, maintain a highly active state, and supply the usual actions, and even the zombie’s head is not dead, but is in the stage of bestiality! ”

“It’s like our ancestors, who evolved from apes to what they are today, after hundreds of thousands of years, and my experiments can speed up this process, using a small number of human lives to achieve a great leap of hundreds of thousands of years, you tell me what’s wrong with that?”

Looking at Yang Yiping, who had a feverish gaze in front of him and seemed to have entered a certain state, Lin Fan only had one conclusion in his heart at this time.


PS: Chapter 113 is already available to watch, those roommates want to watch, brothers want to watch, let them watch it.

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