Chapter 130 Mu Yueqing killed, don’t go anywhere

Won the clubhouse model, lost the field work.

Before the end of the day, Wang Xiaoming was already tired of a dull life, with endless money in his hands, drag racing, K songs, and playing women, these are all outdated things he played, and the rich second generation also had troubles.

Born with a golden key, they will also have troubles if they don’t worry about eating flowers, Wang Xiaoming hates the ordinary life of normal society, and the arrival of the end has given him a new stimulus, zombies, what interesting, what a challenging opponent?

The fighting techniques he learned in the past came in handy, every time he fought with zombies, the feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife made him bland nervous, he liked this feeling of adrenaline, but over time, these zombies had no challenge.

Back and forth is those things, he is a little tired, these zombies do not evolve like in movie novels, he feels very boring, no challenge, until the two posts on the Internet came out, allowing him to see the world of inhumans!

He yearned, but to no avail, the kind of strong man who came and went, did not bother to show his face at all, and the excitement and excitement that he had just risen cooled again, unwillingly, but helpless.

Until yesterday, Wang Xiaoming discovered a new world!

The tall and magnificent city wall, with incredible visual shock, vast majesty, indestructible is the first time Wang Xiaoming saw the idea of rising, the vast and calm safe zone without the existence of a zombie, which made his heart shake uncontrollably!

A tall wall, a vast security zone, what does this mean? .

He can’t achieve the realm of an inhuman strong, but he can chase power, which is also a challenge!

Looking at the twinkle in Wang Xiaoming’s eyes, Liu Zihao smiled bitterly, he knew that this usually lazy big brother was excited, with his understanding of Wang Xiaoming, the things he recognized, he would not stop until the goal was achieved!

“Brother Xiaoming, you said so, can I not help you?”

Wang Xiaoming was relieved in his heart and patted Liu Zihao’s shoulder, “Good brother!” ”

“Go, let’s go and take out the hot air balloon that was idle before, I still don’t believe it!” Can’t discover anything this time! ”

The rich second generation can play more than you think, and the hot air balloon is something that Wang Xiaoming used to play occasionally with, and now he has been staying in the warehouse to eat ashes.

The most luxurious villa No. 1 in the Jiangyuan villa area is Wang Xiaoming’s stronghold, the gym on the 3rd floor, two girls wearing white slim fencing uniforms, protective gear on their heads, and rapier swords in their hands attacking each other.

You enter and I retreat, I enter and you retreat, the rapier in hand collides back and forth in mid-air, and the elegant figure is well founded in the ring, quite beautiful.

Next to the ring, a group of girls gathered around the left and right, enjoying the fight between the two women, clapping their hands from time to time.

Farther away, a group of young people are resting, while others are playing a series of competitive sports of billiards.

Just when everyone was immersed in it, the door of the gym opened, Wang Xiaoming and Liu Zihao walked in, and the two who suddenly came in attracted everyone’s attention, even the two girls fencing stopped.

Take off the protective gear on her head, her long hair is flying, Wu Mengfei is panting in a small breath, there are fine beads of sweat on her forehead, and another young girl also took off the hood, revealing Liu Mingyue’s petite and cute face, cute big eyes with innocent light, particularly moving.

With her arm propped up on the rope at the edge of the ring, Wu Mengfei looked at Wang Xiaoming and the others gathered together in the distance and asked, “What are they doing?” God is mysterious. ”

Liu Mingyue walked to the side, leaned softly on the rope, and shook his head: “I don’t know, I heard that Brother Xiaoming and Brother Xiaohao went out this morning, and took away the wingsuit flying equipment, looking at what they were wearing, they should have gone to the city wall again, right?” ”

“Going again?” Wu Mengfei was a little surprised, but she knew the dangers of wingsuit flying, and in her opinion, doing so was no different from seeking death.

“Look, they’re leaving, what are you doing?”

Wu Mengfei quickly raised her head, indeed, a group of young people excitedly followed behind Wang Xiaoming and walked towards the door of the gym.

Wu Mengfei thought about it, dropped the hood in his hand, stretched out the rope and jumped from the ring.

“Go, go and see what they want to do.”

Even if Wu Mengfei doesn’t say so, the girls present all think so, Wang Xiaoming’s prestige in this group is still very high, many girls present like Wang Xiaoming, the bold and careful and capable big brother, but it’s a pity that Wang Xiaoming is past the age where he likes to play with women, and he doesn’t pretend to be a shiking about these girls.

Just walked out of the gym, Wu Mengfei saw Wang Xiaoming they pulled a deflated hot air balloon out of the door, hot air balloon Wu Mengfei also played, look at this posture, Wang Xiaoming are planning to get a hot air balloon?

Outside the villa, when Wu Mengfei and her sisters came out, Wang Xiaoming and others were filling fuel to ignite, and the deflated umbrella-shaped hot air balloon was also supported by the blower.

Hot air balloons are also dangerous, although Wang Xiaoming is impulsive, but has not lost his mind, the reason for looking for these young people, is to help, whether takeoff or landing, hot air balloon work is very tedious.

Seeking excitement does not mean death, Wang Xiaoming carefully checked the integrity of the hot air balloon, the fuel cylinders around the basket and a series of other things that need attention.

After all the inspections, Wang Xiaoming looked at the height dashboard, everything is normal, as long as the ropes fixed on both sides are untied, the burner is ignited to supply thermal power, and the hot air balloon can take off!

“Brother Xiaoming, what are you going to do?”

Wu Mengfei walked up with a group of sisters and looked at Wang Xiaoming curiously.

Turning around, looking at Wu Mengfei and the others, Wang Xiaoming smiled slightly, and his handsome appearance made the eyes of many girls with hearts light up.

“Feifei, you can wait for me at home, I went out with Xiao Hao this time to see the city wall a few kilometers away and the safe zone inside, you don’t know, this morning I went with Xiao Hao, and there was a magnificent wall with no end in sight in the east!” This is simply impressive! ”

“Build another wall?” Wu Mengfei froze, and the little sisters on the side were also shocked to grow up Xiao Xiao.

Wang Xiaoming nodded excitedly, and said excitedly: “The wingsuit flight distance is too short, I can’t see anything useful at all, so I’m ready to use the hot air balloon as a springboard, and if I observe deeper, maybe I will find something amazing, and even I want to contact the forces inside!” ”

Almost grew up together, looking at the expression on Wang Xiaoming’s face, Wu Mengfei knew that what he was thinking about was not only this, Wu Mengfei was not stupid, and indeed did not break it, but warned: “Brother Xiaoming, the city wall that suddenly appeared, I don’t know what you thought?” ”

Wang Xiaoming was slightly stunned, looked at Wu Mengfei in puzzlement, and asked, “What comes to mind?” ”

“Remember the posts on the hot search? I feel that the wall is likely to be the handiwork of that type of person, so I don’t recommend you to go over, after all, I don’t know the attitude of the other party, if you rush over, it is likely to be dangerous. ”

The two videos on the hot search have always been deliberately forgotten by Wang Xiaoming, he can’t do it, and he can’t catch any hope, and now Wu Mengfei suddenly mentioned it, and Wang Xiaoming patted his head.

Yes, the city wall that suddenly appeared, there is no end in sight, this supernatural phenomenon can only be explained by that type of people!

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoming was even more excited!

“If so, all the better! I’m worried that I can’t find it, now there is a suspected existence of that kind of person, I must give it a try! Whether I can become that kind of person or not, I have to give it a try, it’s a big deal if I join the other party’s forces, slowly plot! ”

Crazy, Wu Mengfei felt that Wang Xiaoming was really crazy, she already knew that she would not say that sentence just now.

With Wang Xiaoming’s character, once a decision is made, eight horses can’t pull back!

“Ignition! Let’s get there! ”

Wang Xiaoming excitedly took out the igniter, and as soon as the igniter was placed next to the burner, the fire was suddenly extinguished.


Wang Xiaoming was stunned for a moment, did not care, fired again, and then extinguished again.

“What’s the situation?”

“It’s okay, you shouldn’t be able to go.”

The sudden sound made everyone present already look ahead.

Although he missed it in the morning, Mu Yueqing still came.

The Jiangyuan villa area is not too far away, no matter how many zombies there are on the streets, they can’t help but clean up hundreds of female warriors like wolves, especially Mu Yueqing’s demon fire to open the way, it is even more unstoppable!

Jiangyuan villa area as a magic capital people, Mu Yue has long admired the name in the morning, but this level of villa area is not something she can live in, hundreds of thousands of square meters of housing prices, she can’t even afford to buy a toilet.

With the female warriors all the way in, Mu Yueqing unexpectedly found that the entire villa area was very quiet, as if like a ghost, there was not a single zombie, this bizarre situation has only one possibility, that is, there are survivors here, and the zombies have been cleaned up.

Aware of this problem, Mu Yueqing was a lot more cautious, the energy level reached Lv5, Mu Yueqing’s perception was very sensitive, especially in these two promotions, she obtained a fairly good new ability, mental power, which made her confidence greatly increased.

Although the mental power is not as terrifying as Lin Fan’s magnetic force, it is still easy to block a bullet or something, not to mention that as far as her demon fire gazes, nothing can not burn, this is the powerful effect of specialization and strengthening.

And the mental power, in terms of strength, is also Lv5 level, which is the horror of the demon cat power! The awakened ability and level are shared, which is the horror derived from the magical abilities of mythical creatures!

The only thing that made Mu Yueqing feel uncomfortable was that after choosing the mental power, it seemed that the promotion experience had also improved a lot? Although there is no definite number, she just feels this way, maybe this is the price.

With the two major powers of Lv5 demon fire and mental power, Mu Yueqing was full of confidence, and after sensing the breath of a living person, he quickly rushed over with Jasmine and others, and before the person arrived, dozens of meters away, Mu Yueqing heard Wang Xiaoming’s wishful thinking.

“Don’t even think about it, don’t say if you can pass alive, even if you pass alive, the Lord will only kill you, it’s better for you to die here than let the Lord get in the way!”

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