131 octopuses will die, but the net will not break

Mu Yueqing killed, and the Tang knife in the hands of Jasmine and the others behind him was sharp and flashing with cold light.

The fierce anger and cold Tang Dao made a group of rich children a little afraid, and subconsciously retreated behind Wang Xiaoming.

They can murder against zombies, but in the face of dozens of times the number of people, and Mu Yueqing and others who are still holding Tang knives, they are not easy to mess with at a glance, they are still afraid.

Are zombies scary? It is indeed terrible, but after overcoming the fear of zombies, as long as you dare to take up arms, you can generally defeat it, especially after understanding the rules, it is better to deal with unreasonable zombies.

But people are different, people are intelligent, flexible and changeable, especially the female warriors holding Tang knives imposing appearance at a glance knows that it is not easy to mess with.

Faced with dozens of times the number of people himself, Wang Xiaoming was also shocked, he did not expect that one day he would be knocked on the door, and listening to the tone of the other party, he still came from the other side of the city wall.

Wang Xiaoming is not stupid, the other party is obviously not good, he came with the purpose of killing them, in the face of this situation, Wang Xiaoming took out the pistol on his waist.

This pistol, which is usually more than deterrent, finally came in handy at this time.

Opening the insurance, Wang Xiaoming pointed his gun at Mu Yueqing in the front, and said clearly: “We don’t want to be enemies with you, there are many of you, but the gun in my hand is not vegetarian, although the bullets are limited, but no one should want to die, how about we take a step back?” ”

Seeing the gun in Wang Xiaoming’s hand, a flash of contempt flashed in Mu Yueqing’s eyes, even with a broken pistol, he dared to threaten her? Even if she doesn’t have mental power, she is not afraid, if she has more, maybe she will be afraid of it!

Under the gaze of Wang Xiaoming and others, Mu Yueqing raised his arm, and just when Wang Xiaoming and the others were slightly relieved, thinking that the other party would give up like this, Mu Yueqing smiled sarcastically.

“Kill, except for women, leave no one!”


On Wang Xiaoming’s side, the crowd exclaimed, all were stunned by Mu Yueqing’s order, and Wang Xiaoming, who was holding a gun, was also shocked, the woman on the other side, this is also too rigid!

“I see who dares to move!”

Wang Xiaoming was annoyed and angry, roared, his finger was on the trigger, and the muzzle shook forward threateningly, but a scene that shocked him happened, with an order, hundreds of women holding Tang knives rushed up without fear of death!

“Horse’s! Aren’t these people afraid of death? ”

Wang Xiaoming cursed secretly in his heart, at this time, he couldn’t help it, his eyes flashed with a crazy look, and he pulled the trigger on the female warriors who rushed up.

Since you are going to die, you have to pull a few cushions before you die!

Bang! Bang bang!

The muzzle spewed flames, and the gunfire shook the villa area, Wang Xiaoming’s heart was bitter, he did not expect that his action had not yet begun, and it would end with his death.

This is probably death before birth, right?

Looking at the female warriors rushing over with a fierce face, Wang Xiaoming emptied the magazine in the pistol without hesitation, his eyes stared at the front, he wanted to see the other party’s tragic death!

Then he was stunned!

A few meters in front of the muzzle, nine bullets in the pistol hovered in mid-air, and they didn’t even fly out for three meters, as for seeing the other party dead, it was even more nonsense, the bullets did not fly out, what to kill people?

The female warriors rushed over, waving the Tang knife in their hands, their eyes flashed with an icy luster, in the eyes of these female warriors, these men, and those zombies are no different, they are all enemies, the only difference is that killing these men will not increase their strength!


One after another blood springs flew into the sky, the young rich second generation looked terrified, and fell in a pool of blood without any resistance, some people were still running, roaring and fleeing, begging for mercy, but they couldn’t run far before they would be caught up.

Bang! Bang!

In the crowd, fists and feet collided, Liu Zihao and a female warrior fought together, the female warrior did not use a knife, relying on her personal skills alone, it can be seen that the female warrior has practiced, Liu Zihao has also practiced fighting arts, and is even very proficient, and the skills are obviously above the female warrior.

But in terms of physical fitness, the female warrior who killed a lot of zombies was obviously better, faster, and her fists were more ruthless, and a fierce fist hit Liu Zihao’s mouth, making a muffled sound, and a mouthful of bruises kept spitting out.

Wang Xiaoming threw away the gun in his hand, in the face of supernatural forces, the pistol really had little effect, looking at the woman in leather clothes walking step by step, Wang Xiaoming put on an offensive posture.

Jasmine put away the Tang knife and handed it to the female warrior next to her, stepped on it, and the figure crossed a distance of several meters and appeared in front of Wang Xiaoming.

The pupils shrank, Wang Xiaoming grabbed with his bare hands, wanted to grab Jasmine, and then hit him closely, using a dense offensive to beat Jasmine to death, but he grabbed it empty!

Bang bang!

Fast and fierce, three tricky straight punches hit the heart, Wang Xiaoming’s face turned pale, and then suddenly rose, a mouthful of counter-blood rushed to the throat, the plain white fist in front of him enlarged, the neck was hit hard, and a mouthful of bruised blood was instantly scattered.

Click! Click!

At this time, the sound of bone shattering is belated, there are ribs in the heart area, and there is also the sound of the neck being shattered.

Jasmine has withdrawn at this time, all she has learned are killing skills, and the talent is very high, in the past, Jasmine wanted to kill Wang Xiaoming was very simple, not to mention that now the physical fitness is fully strengthened, the speed is faster, the punch is more fierce, Wang Xiaoming does not even have room to resist.


The desperate corpse fell to the ground, not only Wang Xiaoming, but also Liu Zihao not far away.

Wang Xiaoming and the two died one after another, the young girls were frightened and pale, Wu Mengfei stood in front of many girls, if Wang Xiaoming is the leader of this group, then Wu Mengfei, who is excellent in all aspects, is the leader of the girls, and the status is only below Wang Xiaoming.

The female warriors surrounded her, and Wu Mengfei protected Liu Mingyue and the others and slowly retreated.

Mu Yueqing stepped forward, looked at the corpses piled together by the female warriors, raised his palm, a fire lotus appeared out of thin air, and then flew to the corpse pile, and the fire instantly ignited.

After doing all this, Mu Yueqing’s gaze swept over the faces of Wu Mengfei and the others, and said indifferently: “From today onwards, you are no longer free, go and pack your things, you only have ten minutes, I will wait for you outside.” ”

Mu Yueqing was in full power, witnessing the killing of his companions, and Wu Mengfei and the others did not dare to question Mu Yueqing’s words.

Wu Mengfei looked at the corpse that gradually turned into flying ash under the demon fire, turned her head and walked towards the villa, and the young girls followed behind with blank eyes, and they couldn’t come back to their senses until now.

It didn’t take long for the girls to come out with their things, but they were still immersed in the fear just now, and most of them did not come to their senses.

“You don’t need to be afraid, as long as you don’t do stupid things, I won’t hurt you.”

Wu Mengfei raised her head and looked directly at Mu Yueqing, although she wanted to question angrily, but looking at those vertical pupils, all courage disappeared, and the questioning voice became weak.

“You… Why did you kill them? What did they do wrong? What is your purpose in leaving us? ”

Looking at this naïve girl, Mu Yueqing said calmly: “There is no right or wrong in the last days, everything depends on the fist, not to mention that they have already violated the rules, should you think that his purpose is to simply explore the inner city, right?” Things that can be figured out with your toes, don’t tell me if you want to understand? ”

“The end is full of all kinds of powers, plunder, if we have no chicken power, then we are guilty, everything will be plundered by you, but we are strong, they lose, don’t make them so innocent, if you are dissatisfied, see that fire?” Jumped in a hundred. ”

Looking at the roaring flames over there, a flash of fear flashed in the eyes of Wu Mengfei and the others.

“Do you still have questions? If not, then go. ”

After speaking, Mu Yueqing waited for a moment, saw that no one spoke, turned around and walked towards the gate of the Jiangyuan villa area.

Surrounded by female warriors in the middle, Wu Mengfei and others followed behind without moving, walking along the way, the ground was full of zombie corpses, and there were zombies pouring in from various streets around, without exception, they were killed if they couldn’t get close at all.

If the amazing combat power of the women surprised Wu Mengfei and others, then Mu Yueqing, who walked in front, shocked them!

Holding a flame whip, everywhere they passed, the zombies turned into torches, and they were evaporated into flying ash in the blink of an eye, and the picture was terrifying!

With such a shock, they walked out for several kilometers until they came under the city wall, looked up at the tall city wall in front of them, and the oppression that swept over them almost made them unable to breathe!

Activating the imprint on the back of his hand, the solid city wall in front of him vibrates, and a tunnel with a height of 8 meters and a width of more than ten meters appears in front of him.

Walking in the Yong Road, Wu Mengfei and others watched left and right, the shock in their eyes had not disappeared before, and at the same time, an uneasiness filled everyone’s hearts.

They are all worried about the future, and there is an exit for light, but the rest of their lives is not necessarily bright.

Walking in the inner city, Wu Mengfei and they saw everything in the inner city described by Wang Xiaoming, and indeed as Wang Xiaoming said, not a single zombie was found in the inner city, and even the ground was clean except for dirty blood.

After walking out for a distance, some corpses appeared, and every time at this time, Mu Yueqing would casually throw a demon fire.

The inner city area is very large, and the ten-kilometer road is nothing for Mu Yueqing and the female warriors, but Wu Mengfei and the others are tired enough, when did they walk such a long way?

But at this time, no one dared to complain until they came to the door of the hospital.

“Jasmine, you take these women to the maid’s dormitory, let them go to the fields to see orchards and the like first, and then arrange them collectively when they are free.”

After the order, Mu Yueqing walked towards the supermarket, in the hospital, after a morning of cleaning, the open space was full of various cars, and many women were washing with tools.

Mu Yueqing glanced at it and didn’t pay attention anymore, she heard Lin Fan mention that when the road is completely clear, you can drive to the city wall, which is convenient and fast, and when the ecosystem is established, those entertainment venues such as bars will also be cleaned up and continue to open, and you can drive over when the time comes.

Although it is more convenient and faster to run, how much is it to catch?

On the second floor of the supermarket, Lin Fan was holding Su Xiaoluo and collapsed on the sofa, and he made out the east city wall in the morning, Lin Fan was too lazy to move, he just wanted to be paralyzed as a salted fish.

Seeing that Mu Yueqing actually rushed back at this time, Lin Fan was a little surprised.

“Why did you suddenly come back?”

Mu Yueqing secretly looked around, did not find Lin Youyou, happily threw himself into Lin Fan’s arms, kept rubbing, in terms of habits, a little more and more like a cat.

“I didn’t plan to come back, but I accidentally caught a bunch of Bai Fumei in the Jiangyuan villa area, and I brought it back by the way.”


The teacup was broken up, making a crisp sound, Lin Fan frowned, followed the sound, next to the coffee table, Yueyi stood with a pale face, and his expression was a little wrong.

PS: To be honest, I don’t know what to say, first of all, Yang Yiping didn’t let go, it definitely makes sense that the protagonist didn’t kill, the woman is dying, and the protagonist can’t have a little dying wish? Death row prisoners have a hearty dinner when they are dying, and someone else’s doomsday plot must be the plot I arranged? The follow-up plot began to make a conclusion without watching it, is it too arbitrary? For me, the author, you have not yet read the conclusion, is it fair?

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