Chapter 169 Crazy Points, the first high-level power!

The movement of the demon fire breakthrough is not large, except for the sky that is dyed by the flames, the rest is not at all comparable to one-tenth of the breakthrough of lightning energy, but the degree of damage caused is simply incomparable to lightning energy!

Last time the thunder and lightning energy broke through, the sky thunder falling from the sky made the roof of the department store collapse at most, belonging to the thunder and rain, but the demon fire energy is different, although there is no earth-shattering explosion and big scene, but the destructive power caused is not reasonable at all!

Everything in a radius of one kilometer has been evaporated and turned into an endless sea of magma, replaced by such a large degree of damage before the end of the world, the property damage caused can be as high as hundreds of billions! And that’s not counting the casualties!

Today, there is nothing left except magma in a radius of one kilometer, and in this kilometer area, the zombies do not even have a single hair, and they are directly vaporized and evaporated!

Looking at such a terrifying destruction caused by the breakthrough, Lin Fan shook his head, spread his hands, palms facing down, the terrifying suction force burst out, palms were like two black holes, whales swallowing the sea sucking, constantly pumping the fire element energy of the underground magma sea.

As a large amount of fire elemental energy is withdrawn, the magma sea with a radius of one kilometer starts from the very edge, and the magma color changes from the otter to dull, the temperature decreases, and finally turns into pitch-black magma rock.

A steady stream of flame energy poured into Lin Fan’s body from under his feet, and Lin Fan could feel that the fire element energy in his body was highly active, and even the purity of demon fire had been somewhat improved.

Draining all the fire elements of the underground magma sea, Lin Fan exhaled a breath of turbid gas, turbulent energy spit out from his mouth, and the air in front of him was distorted and deformed by the impact of this turbid gas.

“System, open Personal Properties.”

Character: Lin Fan

Power: 281

Agility: 286

Intelligence: 285

Physique: 310

Points: 12,0110

Abilities: [Magnetic Field Control Lv7], [Lightning Control Lv7], [Wood Element Control Lv7], [Earth Element Control Lv7], [Demon Cat Lv7]

Experience: 40091/10W; 10137/10w; 4597/10w; 11650/10w; 14105/10w

Possession: Throwing knives *100

A wave of breakthroughs, the points directly exceeded 100,000, or even directly exceeded 20,000!

Looking at this skyrocketing points, Lin Fan was stunned, of course, there are also the merits of the female warriors who are struggling at the four city gates, the advantage of quantity is reflected in this moment, in the real sense of gathering sand into a tower, gathering armpits into a crotch, nearly two thousand female warriors, as long as each person kills ten zombies, that is nearly 20,000 points!

Not to mention that there are Zhao Wanqing, Lin Youyou, Zhao Yanyan, Li Siqi, Mu Yueqing, these few little experts in points, the strength of the five of them now, although not as terrifying as Lin Fan, but they can also do it, stomp their feet, and hundreds of zombies that block the way are violently killed.

Let’s not talk about the points, let’s talk about the four-dimensional attribute, the growth is also very terrifying, from just breaking two hundred, directly approaching the three hundred mark, and even the physique has exceeded 300 points, reaching as many as 310 points!

How terrifying is this? Hand tearing Gundam is not a problem at all, of course, provided that there is.

Evaporated everything within a radius of one kilometer, which Lin Fan did not expect, some zombies in the front of a kilometer away that were almost baked, Lin Fan’s figure flashed and came to a kilometer away.

The throwing knives that have not been taken out for a long time appeared again, under the control of the magnetic field, these throwing knives shuttled on the main road, and the zombies that rushed over were headshot, and vines broke out on the ground, and before the corpses of these zombies fell, they all turned into flying ash, and then were blown apart by the zombies rushing up behind them.

“Ding, kill zombies, points +1, magnetic field control experience +1, current experience 39189/10w.”

“Ding, kill zombies, points +1, magnetic field control experience +1, current experience 39590/10w.”


One after another prompted sounds sounded in his mind, Lin Fan didn’t care too much about this, he didn’t put these zombies in front of him at all, which would make him already pay most of his attention to the system mall.

This point finally broke through the 100,000 mark, Lin Fan has been thinking about that high-level power, what time power, space energy, fate energy, speech and spirit energy, etc., if it weren’t for the insufficient points before, he would have won one of them!

Now that the points are enough, where can Lin Fan endure it? Then it must be the first time to start redeeming ah, the points are enough or not redeemed, etc.? Can the points still be made into two cubs?

[Time Ability]: After purchase, you can get the ability to control time, the initial level Lv1, priced at 100,000 points.

[Space Energy]: After purchase, you can get the ability to control space, the initial level Lv1, priced at 100,000 points.

[Fate Ability]: After purchase, you can influence the direction of destiny, the higher the skill level, the greater the level of control, the initial level Lv1, the price is 100,000 points.

[Speech Spirit Ability]: After purchase, you can get the ability of Word Spirit, words come out of the way, distort the rules, the higher the skill level, the more terrifying the impact of Word Spirit Ability, you need to know, the use requirements beyond the scope of Word Spirit will lead to failure, the initial level Lv1, the price is 100,000 points

[Fantasy Manifestation Ability]: After purchase, you can have the ability to manifest fantasy, distort the convention, according to the skill level and spiritual power, you can have any prop or life, the initial level Lv1, the price is 100,000 points.

[Creation Abilities]:…..

[Destructive Energy]:…..

One by one, high-level powers were placed in the system mall, and Lin Fan was a little dazzled for a while, and he didn’t know what to choose.

Time is respected, space is king, this sentence can be said to poison an era, but Lin Fan feels that the spirit of speech is also very good, the way to say it is casual, think about it, but this thing is too demanding, and the definition is not easy to distinguish.

Who can always grasp that degree? This is purely ticket-playing, and it doesn’t help much at the moment.

Fantasy manifests, this thing belongs to how big the idea is, how fierce this thing is, it is more eating level, the early estimate is what kind of knife, gun, these basic props, up to these don’t think about it, don’t think about it for the time being.

It’s a little interesting to control the direction of fate, simply put, it is a halo of wisdom, but it looks very interesting, the actual use is not much, his strength, need to reduce the IQ of others? Horizontal push can pass, this thing is also passed, save it for later play tickets.

Thinking about it, it seems that time and space are more suitable, as for the creation of special energy, this fantasy has little difference, Lv1’s creative power can also change the living person? That must be impossible.

“Time and space, which of these two is better?”

Lin Fan scratched his head a little, the time energy is very strong, but the space energy is not weak, the difference is how to use, thinking about it, Lin Fan feels that the space energy is more useful, now purchased, slowly upgraded, in the future will definitely expand the sphere of influence, when the level is higher to build a space door, this end goes in, that end comes out, simple and fast and trouble-free.

The spatial energy is suitable for long-distance shuttle, and in the future, it will definitely be necessary to build cities in major establishments, and this spatial energy will appear to have a higher priority.

Having made a decision in his heart, Lin Fan did not hesitate any longer, and immediately chose to exchange.

“System, exchange space powers for me.”

“Ding! Deducting 10W points, congratulations to the Lord for obtaining advanced power space control, is it fused now? ”


When the words fell, a wave of strange energy poured into his body, and with the appearance of this force, Lin Fan could feel that the surrounding space had a touch of intimacy, and even he could control it at will, but limited by the lack of space energy, he could not use the space to do anything too outrageous.

For example, opening a space door, such as jumping over the space alone, or solidifying the space of a certain area.

The spatial energy fusion ended quickly, Lin Fan raised his hand, space energy flowed in the palm of his hand, and with a wave of his hand, the space was stripped away, turning into a sharp blade and flying out, this blade shuttled through the space, and almost at the moment of throwing out, it had already flown to the head of the zombie.

The space blade cut through the zombie’s head without hindrance, in the eyes of normal people, the space seemed to be distorted, and then the zombie heads blocking the road exploded one after another, until the energy of the space blade was exhausted, and it disappeared, and this casual blow, dozens of zombie heads were cut off in a straight line.

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 for points, +1 for space control experience, 1/100 for current experience. ”

“Ding! Kill zombies +1, points +1, space control experience +1, current experience 10/100. ”


“Ding! +1 for zombie kills, +1 points, +1 for space control powers, 34/100 for current experience. ”

A series of prompt sounds came, Lin Fan looked at the system prompt, and subconsciously twitched his horn.

Good fellow, you have not only gone up in price, but even the upgrade experience has gone up??? Lv1 requires 100 experience, which is enough for ordinary powers to advance to Lv3, and even rich experience.

Lin Fan was suddenly a little lucky now, fortunately he didn’t choose other powers before, otherwise this promotion experience was really a little unbearable, too dragging the rhythm.

Spend 100,000 points to buy high-level powers, can you rise? If you go up the dragging rhythm, not raising 100,000 points is equivalent to spending it in vain.

And according to this upgrade experience, it really takes a long time to upgrade to the level of being able to open up the door of space, provided that he simply doubles his experience tenfold, not such a rise in decimal.

If it was decimal, Lin Fan estimated that his face would be green.

Take back the surrounding flying knives, the magnetic field control is not in a hurry to rise for the time being, first upgrade the space energy, otherwise when will it come in handy?

He does not lack the means to kill zombies, and buying space powers is to fancy his convenient transportation.

Without the blocking of the throwing knife, the momentum of the zombies’ charge was unstoppable, and they rushed towards Lin Fan.

Looking at these hideous-looking zombies, Lin Fan clasped his hands together, suddenly pulled, spatial energy surged in the palm, and instantly a half-moon-shaped space blade more than one meter long appeared out of thin air, and with Lin Fan’s push with both hands, the space blade more than one meter long instantly shot out, and the oncoming zombies were cut into two sections.

The dwelling where the space blade passes, the cut surface is neat and smooth, and the spatial energy contained in it completely destroys the complete ecosystem of zombies, even if they are cut off from the waist, these zombies have no possibility of standing up and die completely.

The benefits of the power are here, the energy contained in it is devastating, there is no need to deliberately take a headshot, even the qi in the female warriors’ bodies is the same, full of aggression and destructiveness.

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 for space control experience, 58/100 for current experience. ”

“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 for space control experience, 100/100 for current experience. ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the main space control of the special energy advanced Lv2, it takes 0/500 experience to advance to the next level. ”

“Ding! Kill zombies +1, points +1, Space Control Psychic experience +1, current experience 20/500. ”


“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 for space control powers, 126/500 for current experience. ”

The prompt sound surged wildly, and the spatial energy in the body increased with the skill level, and the energy was more sufficient, and at the same time, Lin Fan could feel that the surrounding space was becoming more and more simple to control, without the previous obscurity, and even able to use the same energy to hit several times the previous attack!

It wasn’t the Decimal experience increase that also made Lin Fan breathe a sigh of relief, if the next level required 1000 experience to be promoted, then it was the real despair!

If Lv3 is promoted to 1000, Lv4 will be 10000, Lv5 is 10w, all catch up with the magnetic field energy Lv7 to promote Lv8!

Fortunately, it’s not decimal, but the simple experience has doubled tenfold, which is probably the best good news!

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