Chapter 170 Since we don’t have it, let’s destroy him!

“Grass! How did the water stop? Lao Tzu is taking a bath, what is the situation? ”

At the Universal Hotel, a violent roar suddenly came, followed by a man wrapped in a bath towel with a face full of flesh pushing open the door of the presidential suite and walked out.

Pulling a man next to him casually, Zhao Bin roared: “Go and check for Lao Tzu, why did the good end suddenly stop the water.” ”

Pushed by Zhao Bin casually, the man was not the slightest bit annoyed, lowered his head and smiled repeatedly: “Yes, big brother, I’ll go and see what the situation is right away.” ”

Zhao Bin’s scolding didn’t disappear for long, and a man with gold wire glasses and a tall looking Sven walked over from around the corner.

Frowning at the man’s disappearing figure, Zhao Deng asked, “Big brother, what happened?” ”

Zhao Bin turned his head to look at Zhao Deng, who came over, the scowl on his face disappeared, and his face was full of anger: “I just had a happy moment, I sweated, I wanted to take a bath, but suddenly the water was cut off, and I was covered in soap foam, or I washed the pure water in the suite to get those foams away, what a shame!” ”

Speaking of this, Zhao Bin looked at the straight black suit on Zhao Deng’s body, scratched his head, and asked: “Arden, isn’t it hot for you to wear this this summer?” The suit is worn on formal occasions, awkward to death, why are you reluctant to take it off? ”

Zhao Bin Zhao Deng is two brothers, the eldest brother Zhao Bin is typical of courage and unscrupulous, but he is really a good hand in terms of fierceness and ruthlessness, Zhao Bin is a black boxer before the end of the world, the end comes, Zhao Bin with his strong personal strength, subdued most of the boxers in the underground black boxing ring.

Coupled with some beautiful prospects painted by Zhao Deng, many black boxers were accepted by the Zhao Bin brothers without much resistance, the eldest brother Zhao Bin was responsible for hosting the big event, and Zhao Deng was on the side to give advice, and since the end of more than a month, the power of the two brothers has snowballed.

Zhao Deng is very brainy, his vision is also very good, he has always been calculating the previous four major forces, that is, Liu Jinbao, Wang Kui and these people, in Zhao Deng’s plan, it is the brothers who sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, ready to sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman, but did not think, Liu Jinbao of the drunken dream death nightclub was suddenly served.

If it weren’t for the dark line that had been observing and found that something was wrong, I didn’t know that the Drunken Dream Death Bar had been extinguished, and then there was an explosion from the Zhenlong Hotel, the billowing smoke was obviously very abnormal, and the spies sent out brought back the news that Wang Kui of the Zhenlong Hotel was also destroyed, but it was not Liu Zhikun.

According to the report of the secret whistle, Liu Zhikun Xingshi came out of the crowd, and as a result, he went back in disgrace and did not gain anything at all.

Not only Wang Kui was destroyed, but even the women in the Dark Incense Bar disappeared, this abnormal situation immediately attracted Zhao Deng’s attention, sensing that things had changed, Zhao Deng chose Mingzhe to save his life and retreated.

In this regard, Zhao Bin has always listened to Zhao Deng, he knows that he does not have the ability in this regard, so he does not dictate or anything, after leaving a few secret posts, the two brothers retreated decisively with hundreds of people, even the women did not stay.

The two brothers fought for several kilometers all the way to the Universal Hotel, and some people also had guns in their hands, and soon took down the Universal Hotel, a force that had hundreds of people who did not have decent weapons.

The strength of the two brothers expanded to more than a thousand people in one fell swoop, and their power expanded rapidly, and not long after, they heard the news coming back from the secret whistle, and Liu Zhikun’s power was also taken over.

This can scare the two brothers not lightly, not counting the dark incense bar, among the four major forces, Liu Zhikun’s equipment is the most complete, the single anti-tank rocket launcher This thing is simply too terrifying, at the beginning of the conflict, just one face, killed five or six of their younger brothers.

If it weren’t for stealing chickens and killing some of Liu Zhikun’s subordinates and obtaining a lot of weapons, the brothers didn’t have any capital to compete with Liu Zhikun, but Liu Zhikun, who was so terrifyingly equipped, was destroyed without making much movement, and this situation made the brothers drumming in their hearts.

Later, Zhao Deng speculated that Liu Zhikun’s power should be destroyed by the thunder god rumored on the Internet, including Wang Kui and those people, in addition, I couldn’t think of a better result, after this inference, the two brothers were even more glad that they evacuated early, otherwise the list of destroyed people is estimated to have two brothers.

Ignoring Zhao Bin, Zhao Deng lowered his head and pondered, he always felt that today’s things should not be so simple, and the sudden water outage revealed strange everywhere.

Before Zhao Deng could come up with a reason, the person who was sentry on the rooftop suddenly walked down, carrying an anti-material sniper rifle in his arms.

This anti-materiel sniper rifle was captured from Liu Zhikun, otherwise under normal circumstances, without special channels, it is difficult to get this thing, after all, this is the Eastern Empire, Zhao Bin and Zhao Deng two brothers said, before the end of the day belongs to the lowest level of society, where is the means to get anti-material sniper rifles.

“Eldest brother, second brother, I found a person upstairs, this person seems to be an able person.”

Zhao Deng suddenly raised his head and looked at the strong man who came over, his brows furrowed even tighter, “Xiao Gang, what did you just say?” Did you find an ability on the roof? Where is it? Forget it, lead the way ahead. ”

Sun Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, quickly responded, turned his head and walked to the top floor, Zhao Deng followed behind with a frown, and Zhao Bin returned to the presidential suite, took out two clothes and chased after him.

On the top floor of the Universal Hotel, Sun Xiaogang stood on the edge of the rooftop, pointed to the street below, and said: “Big brother, second brother, you see, it’s that man, I accidentally saw it before, and I felt that something was wrong, so I ran down to inform you.” ”

Zhao Deng squinted his eyes, but helplessly the Universal Hotel was too high, looking down from a height, he could only see a person’s shadow constantly advancing on the street, and then the crowded corpse tide could not stop the other party’s footsteps, and very strange corpses were everywhere.

“Give me the telescope.”

Sun Xiaogang quickly handed the telescope to Zhao Deng, and after Zhao Deng took it, he looked at the street below, and after a period of adjustment, the vision became clear.

Looking at the man on the street below, as if walking leisurely, casually waved, a large number of zombies were cut off at the waist, this kind of picture made Zhao Deng couldn’t help but secretly scolded: “Grass!” When did the magic capital have so many abilities? The previous immortals and thunder gods, now another one has appeared out of nowhere, what a grass! Why didn’t I! ”

“Ardennes, show me.” Zhao Bin next to him shouted eagerly.

Zhao Deng was upset in his heart, handed the telescope in his hand to Zhao Bin, and the anxious Zhao Bin took the telescope and looked at the street below, and there was a scolding sound immediately.

“If you know the dog, this Nima is outrageous, right? With a wave of his hand, zombies die like cutting wheat, what kind of ability is this? This is also outrageous! This is simply not a way to live! If I have this ability, what shit Liu Zhikun, I will destroy him in minutes! ”

The more he spoke, the more depressed, Zhao Bin put down the binoculars, looked at Zhao Deng next to him, and asked: “Arden, what should we do?” Do you want to him? We don’t have it, others don’t want to have, he is awesome, at least he can’t fly, it’s still very simple for us to kill him! ”

“As long as he is still a human, he can’t carry the bullets of an anti-material sniper rifle, and I don’t believe he can still be invulnerable!”

There is no doubt that Zhao Bin is jealous, this kind of gap that others have, I don’t have, makes him very unhappy, especially the other party’s ability is so strong, it looks very powerful, which makes Zhao Bin feel more uncomfortable.

“Give me the telescope.”

Zhao Deng did not make a decision at the first time, but asked for a telescope.

Zhao Bin handed the telescope to Zhao Deng depressedly, looking at Zhao Deng expectantly, he knew that this younger brother was thinking and calculating the feasibility of things, in this regard, whether it was before the end or after the end of the world, the probability of Zhao Deng making a mistake was very low.

Zhao Deng held the binoculars and carefully looked at the figure of the man walking step by step from the distant street, silently calculating in his heart.

Zhao Bin next to him looked anxious, walking back and forth, eager to grab Zhao Deng’s telescope and make decisions for him, but he also knew that this kind of thing was the most he could think about.

Just as Zhao Bin was anxiously waiting, Zhao Deng put down the telescope in his hand, and in Zhao Bin’s expectant gaze, Zhao Deng said in a deep voice: “Just now I observed, the other party’s shot is very regular, each time I wave, the killing area is about two meters wide and about 100 meters deep, there may be some errors, but the basic problem is not big.” ”

“In five minutes, the other party shot five times, and the killing range of each time is fixed, from which it can be speculated that if the other party does not intend to control, it is the other party’s ability to only do this, I think the latter is more likely, because the street is very long, there are many zombies, if he has the ability, he can save a little more trouble.”

“We are in a high place, no matter what the principle of the opponent’s attack is, hitting from low to high will increase consumption, we are now on the 56th floor of the Universal Hotel, the height is 289 meters, whether the other party intends to control the distance or not, this height, the other party is basically impossible to hit us.”

The more he listened to the expression on Zhao Bin’s face, the more excited he became, and the flesh on his face was trembling, and Zhao Bin asked excitedly: “Arden, do you mean that we can do it?” ”

With a smile on his face, Zhao Deng nodded, “In theory, this is the case, but there is another problem, if we do not solve this problem, I suggest that we do not do it for the time being, let each other pass, and it is best for everyone to be at peace.” ”

“What problem?” Zhao Bin said anxiously.

Looking at Sun Xiaogang next to him, Zhao Deng said solemnly: “Xiaogang, are you sure to snipe the other party?” If this assassination is unsuccessful and the other party escapes, it will be us who will be scared at that time! ”

Sun Xiaogang glanced down at the figure on the street below, and a fierceness appeared on his humble face, “Second brother, aren’t you joking?” The other party is almost a fixed target, and the head is not shaking, how can I not hit? ”

“Say it again.” Sun Xiaogang patted the anti-material sniper rifle in his arms, pointed at the muzzle and said: “We have a silencer here, a distance of hundreds of meters, he estimates that he doesn’t know where he hit him until he dies!” ”

Sun Xiaogang’s answer, in Zhao Deng’s expectation, pushed the gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose, in Zhao Bin’s expectant gaze, Zhao Deng smiled slightly, “Big brother, give an order, in fact, I have not been comfortable in my heart for a long time!” ”

“This power, since we don’t have it, then destroy it in our hands, we can do without, but no one else can have it either!” We can’t deal with Thor and the like, this kind of small goods, we can still deal with it! ”

Zhao Bin was extremely excited, turned his head and slapped Sun Xiaogang the shoulder, the horizontal flesh on his face became more and more terrifying, and said with a sinister smile: “Xiaogang, it’s up to you!” I can’t help but want to see that kid’s head burst! ”

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