Chapter 171 I will not spare anyone who tries to make enemies of me!

How can a good person who can follow the two brothers Zhao Bin and Zhao Deng, and be entrusted with heavy responsibilities?

Listening to Zhao Bin’s orders, Sun Xiaogang patted the mouth and assured: “Don’t worry, big brother, although I have not undergone professional training, there is still no problem in hitting fixed targets!” Big brother, you just see! ”

“Hahahaha! No problem, big brother believes you and blew his head on me! What Lao Tzu hates the most is this ability to disrupt the balance, since it can’t be used by me, then die! ”

Although Zhao Deng did not speak, the gloomy gaze under the gold wire glasses had already betrayed the thoughts in his heart.

With his hands on the edge of the rooftop, Zhao Deng looked down below, he was waiting, waiting for the moment the man’s head exploded on the street, that blood flower must be beautiful, right?

“Quick! Xiao Gang, quick! Looking at the street below with a telescope in his hand, Zhao Bin kept waving his hand, signaling Sun Xiaogang to hurry up.

Sun Xiaogang raised the anti-material sniper rifle, put the bracket, aimed at the head of the man on the street through the scope, calmed the excitement, Sun Xiaogang held his breath, remained still, and quickly pulled the trigger!


The dull sound echoed in the sky, and the anti-materiel sniper rifle was still not small even if it was equipped with a silencer, but compared to before the silencer was installed, it was not much better.

Sun Xiaogang did not leave the scope, looking at the scene in the picture excitedly, he was waiting, waiting for the moment when the man’s head exploded on the street, he liked this feeling! .

Ending other people’s legends, this in itself is a very cool thing, no matter how awesome you are in the future, no matter how strong and weird your strength is, you will die at my hands today!

Thinking about killing an ability person who will be very awesome in the future, how does this not make Sun Xiaogang excited?

Zhao Bin next to him was also excited, holding the binoculars in both hands, bending down hard to look down, as if he could see the other party’s head bursting into rotten watermelon earlier.

“Hit! Hit! Hit! Grass! You horse, why did this kid suddenly move his head! What a shame! ”

Putting down the binoculars, Zhao Bin slapped angrily on the rooftop, his tone indescribably annoyed.

Looking down at the bottom, Zhao Deng, with a faint confident smile on his face, froze, he thought that the shot that was stable was empty?

Zhao Deng couldn’t help but burst into foul language! What kind of empty can this be? Listening to Zhao Bin’s meaning, was the other party’s head suddenly moved, just dodging the bullet? Is this Nima okay?

The face sank, this will Zhao Deng can no longer maintain the confident and calm expression before, grabbed the telescope in Zhao Bin’s hand, with the help of the telescope, Zhao Deng saw the situation on the street below.

The first time he saw it, Zhao Deng secretly cursed a word, and he found that the person on the street had actually found them! Are you kidding? They are now nearly 300 meters high! Are the other person’s eyes electronic? How else could it be possible to see so far?

But through the telescope and the other party looked at each other, although Zhao Deng did not want to believe it, the other party’s gaze that had not been taken away told him that the other party was so outrageous, and found them on the roof from a distance of nearly three hundred meters!

Looking at the cold expression and gaze on the other party’s face, Zhao Deng was very uneasy in his heart, and he always had a feeling that a catastrophe was about to come!

Suddenly turning his head to look at Sun Xiaogang, who was in a daze, Zhao Deng scolded: “What are you waiting for?” Don’t shoot yet! Wait for the other party to come up and kill us? ”

Sun Xiaogang returned to his senses with an agitated spirit, his face turned red, and the shot that was stable in ten times was actually empty, and the fixed targets were empty, which is simply a shame and can no longer be humiliating!

Setting up the anti-materiel sniper rifle again, Sun Xiaogang aimed at the man on the street again, but what frightened him was that he had just aimed the crosshair at the other party’s head, and the other party immediately looked over, that look, it was like looking at him from a distance of nearly three hundred meters!

This strange situation frightened Sun Xiaogang, and he almost accidentally went crazy!

“Shoot quickly! What are you waiting for? ”

On the side, Zhao Deng looked at Sun Xiaogang, who was grinding and chirping, and couldn’t suppress the fear and anger in his heart, and shouted loudly.

Sun Xiaogang endured the fear in his heart, his fingers were chattering uncontrollably, and Zhao Bin next to him was at a loss, and he didn’t react at all to what was the situation, wasn’t it a fluke to dodge a bullet? As for being so excited?

He didn’t notice that something was wrong here, mainly because he didn’t see Lin Fan’s suddenly raised gaze, maybe when he saw it, he would notice that something was wrong.


The anti-materiel sniper rifle opened fire again, a flash of fire erupted from the muzzle, and a bullet instantly shot into the street below.

The gun sounded, Zhao Deng looked nervously at the situation below, the same as Sun Xiaogang who shot, as for Zhao Bin is a boring face, he has no sniper scope, no telescope, he can’t see anything, nearly three hundred meters high, he can only see the blurry shadow below.

On the street, Lin Fan’s eyes were cold at the roof of the Universal Hotel, just now, a sense of peeping came from the sky, Lin Fan was still a little puzzled, before he looked up, a sharp whistling sound came, it was an anti-material sniper rifle bullet.

The bullet was aimed at his head, although the anti-material sniper rifle bullet hit him and couldn’t even cut the oil skin, but Lin Fan didn’t have the habit of standing and being beaten, and slightly turned his head sideways, and he dodged this bullet that normal people definitely couldn’t dodge!

In Lin Fan’s eyes, dodging this bullet is simply not too simple, slow as the speed of a snail crawling, how can it not dodge?

The sonic boom flashed next to the ears, and a deep crater appeared on the ground behind it, which was left by the bullets of the anti-materiel sniper rifle.

A few hundred meters is no different from a few meters for Lin Fan, looking at the three figures on the top floor of the Universal Hotel, Lin Fan perceived, and found that there were quite a few people in the Universal Hotel! There must be nearly 2,000 men and women combined, especially women, with men accounting for less than one-third.

I didn’t expect to have an unexpected gain, which is probably a small surprise, before that, you have to solve the people on the roof.

Before Lin Fan could think about what to do with the other party, he found that the people upstairs were aiming at him again, and Lin Fan wondered, is it so iron?

The whistling sound of bullets came, looking at the sniper rifle bullets coming straight to his eyebrows, Lin Fan’s head tilted again, and this sniper rifle bullet was empty again!

“Grass! Is this still human? Dodge bullets? ”

On the rooftop, clearly seeing this scene, Zhao Deng’s face was extremely ugly, he knew that this time he hit the steel plate, these capable people are too terrifying! The ability is weird, not to mention, but also special strong non-human, dodge bullets What is this operation?

Especially dodging the bullets of anti-materiel sniper rifles! What is this concept?

The flight speed of the anti-material sniper rifle bullets is up kilometers per second, and from here to the man below, there are six hundred meters dead, that is to say, the man dodged two sniper rifle bullets in a row in less than half a second!

This is not luck at all! One shot is fine, but this is two! It takes less than half a second from the exit to the hit, can this be luck?

Through the telescope and the other party’s four eyes, Zhao Deng can see the killing intent in the other party’s eyes, the other party wants to kill them, that look is very cold, like a cold-blooded murderer who does not put human life in his heart at all, or in other words, the other party does not treat them as people at all, killing at most is like stepping on a few ants!

This kind of person is the most terrifying!

Sun Xiaogang also froze, two consecutive shots did not hit, this time he clearly saw that the other party was slightly sideways, and a small movement dodged the sniper rifle bullet he fired!

What is this special concept? What level of sluggishness did he encounter? Able to dodge two headshot sniper rifle bullets in less than half a second?

Zhao Deng’s roar was so obvious that even if Zhao Bin couldn’t see what was happening, he could see that the figure standing on the street did not fall.

Turning his head to look angrily at Sun Xiaogang, who had not yet returned to his senses and was still in a daze, Zhao Bin cursed angrily, kicked him away, picked up the anti-material sniper rifle and aimed it at Lin Fan on the street.

“Draft, I see if you die this time!”

Pulling the bolt, Zhao Bin looked at Lin Fan, who was looking at him in the sniper mirror, and angrily pulled the trigger!

“Death to Lao Tzu!”

On the street, Lin Fan turned his head slightly, dodging the bullet from Zhao Bin, and the whole person was unhurried, just quietly looking at the three men on the rooftop, like looking at three jumping beam clowns.

On the roof, Zhao Deng’s heart sank to the bottom, listening to the sound of gunfire around him, he knew that this decision was wrong, and the result was that he provoked this terrifying existence in front of him, and next, they are estimated to live in a nightmare!

Walk! Must go! Universal Hotel can’t stay anymore, must be transferred immediately!

Zhao Deng was not carried away by anger, he didn’t want to die, and he could live until now because he was calm enough, knew what it was to protect his life, and left Qingshan without worrying about the truth of burning firewood, he understood it very thoroughly.

“Grass! Out of bullets! What about bullets? ”

Next to him, the angry Zhao Bin emptied the bullets in the magazine of the anti-material sniper rifle, mixed his shoulder that was shaken with pain, and roared angrily at Sun Xiaogang next to him.

“Are you looking for this? Here you go. ”

The sudden voice behind him made Zhao Deng slightly stunned, at this time, how could there be someone behind him?

Turning around suddenly, looking at Lin Fan who didn’t know when he appeared behind him, Zhao Dengren was paralyzed in fright, leaning against the wall next to him with difficulty, his eyes full of panic and panic.

Zhao Deng never expected that one second, the other party was still on the street on the ground, and the next second he suddenly came behind them, which was simply terrifying!

The other party didn’t take them to heart at all, and they took the initiative to provoke each other as if they were still dead!

Looking at Lin Fan who suddenly appeared behind him, Zhao Bin was also frightened, as for the sniper rifle bullet Lin Fan was holding in his hand, he didn’t have the courage to take it at all.

The anti-material sniper rifle in his hand fell to the ground, Zhao Bin’s face was pale, cold sweat broke out on his head, he looked at Lin Fan in horror, and stammered: “Rao… Spare your life, yes, it’s us who can’t see Tarzan, my lord… You should have never seen us, let us go like a fart! ”

Sun Xiaogang was no better, he was also frightened and collapsed on the ground, his face was pale and he couldn’t say anything, and he no longer had the confident and hideous look he had before.

Crouching down, looking at the three people leaning against the roof wall, Lin Fan took out a sniper rifle bullet from his hand, the bullet was very long, the top was very pointed, looking at the sniper rifle bullet between the index finger and thumb, Lin Fan said softly: “I don’t know if you have seen the blood gangster, I like the male protagonist Thomas there. A word from Shelby. ”

“Why? Because we have this strength, because we have strength, if we have strength, do it! If we let them go now, they will fight back! ”

Holding the bullet of a sniper rifle in his hand, Lin Fan looked at Sun Xiaogang next to him, “If I let you go, will you let me go again?” Just as you didn’t let me go before, so I came, and before that, you thought you had strength, so you did it, and shot after shot in order to prevent me from counterattacking! ”

“And now, it’s my turn!”

With a flick of his fingers, the sniper rifle bullet passed through Sun Xiaogang’s eyebrows at a speed twice as fast as the anti-material sniper rifle.


The dead body fell to the side, and a transparent hole was punched out of the wall behind it, and Sun Xiaogang still had a look of horror in his eyes.

Turning his gaze and looking at Zhao Bin, who kept shaking his head next to him, and his terrified voice could not be heard, Lin Fan picked up a sniper rifle bullet again.

“Thomas. Shelby also said that I almost got everything I wanted! Almost! Because of this, his brother died, his wife died, because of the vendetta, the other party kidnapped his wife and children, because just that little, the mistake in the TV, I will not make. ”

“Nope…. No… Leave me alone… I definitely won’t report ….”


The sniper rifle bullet was ejected again, and before Zhao Bin begged for mercy finished, there was an extra bullet hole in his head.

“What you said is useless, I don’t believe you won’t retaliate, even if you are just an ant in my eyes, although it can’t make an impact, it’s very annoying!”

After saying these words, Lin Fan’s finger flicked again, and a bullet shot out, and Zhao Deng, who was tiptoeing not far away and wanted to leave secretly, froze, and the body fell softly on the rooftop.

“I will not spare anyone who tries to be my enemy.”

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