Chapter 178 Want to play? Can you afford it?

Bang bang bang!

Huo Meijuan ordered, a group of women like chicken blood, eyes shining, hidden under the table arms are raised, according to the memory of Wu Yali narrated, against the door of the restaurant suddenly pulled the trigger, in an instant, the sound of gunfire echoed in the restaurant, densely like dozens of thousands of firecrackers.

At the door of the restaurant, dense firelight burst out, some bullets flew away, hitting the door frame, some hitting the wall, but more still hitting the man at the door.

The crackling sound, the gun to the flesh, the man at the door was instantly beaten into a bloody man, almost turned into a mess of rotten meat.

The gunfire soon stopped, but none of the women were happy.

Especially Huo Meijuan, her face is livid, and the other women are embarrassed one by one, as for Wu Yali at the end, don’t mention it, her face is even more wonderful.

Originally watching the man at the door being beaten into a hornet’s nest, Wu Yali was about to cry out excitedly, but when she underestimated the height and clothing of the man at the door, as well as the vague appearance that could be seen, the smile on Wu Yali’s face instantly froze, and then collapsed directly.

She is going to scold her mother now, this special appearance at the door of the restaurant is not the man she thinks at all, although she only saw a glance, but the height, dress and appearance are not the same as the man who was killed at the door!

Although she didn’t want to be enslaved, she didn’t say it, Lin Fan was very tall and handsome, and even through his clothes, he could feel it, his figure was very good, he should be the kind of little wolf dog who was very fierce and aggressive, and it was not this leper dog at the door at all.


Huo Meijuan was angry and wanted to scold her mother, Bai was excited, and she hit the wrong person! That’s disgusting!

“You guys move the body out quickly, change the bullets for the others, and hit them next time when you see it clearly!”

Huo Meijuan didn’t mention that she was aggrieved, but the man who died tragically at the door was even more aggrieved.

If Zhao Bin is still alive, he will definitely be able to recognize it, isn’t this man in front of him the man who was sent by him to see why the water was stopped?

The man ran out to check the reason, but he escaped a catastrophe, did not think that the old nest was copied just back, all the way upstairs, heard a voice on the restaurant side, and hurriedly rushed over, but before he could see what was going on, he was beaten into a hornet’s nest on the spot.

Under Huo Meijuan’s order, several cowardly women who were named carried the body away, and a few women cleaned up the doorway and cleaned up some blood stains, looking at the appearance of these women who did not dare to disobey the order at all, Huo Meijuan was in a much better mood!

This is power, the feeling of calling the shots from above, it’s so cool!

On the other side, Lin Fan was rushing to the Universal Hotel, and he didn’t know that someone had just used a gun for him, but even if he knew, he wouldn’t pay attention to it.

What can hundreds of guns do with him? It’s just a useless pile of broken copper and iron.

The figure appeared at the gate of the Universal Hotel in a few flashes, and after sensing, Lin Fan found the women gathered in the restaurant, but interestingly, Lin Fan also felt that many of these women were holding guns and looking nervously at the door.

Sensing this situation, Lin Fan thought for a while, understood what they wanted to do, snorted disdainfully, and Lin Fan walked into the Universal Hotel.

Since those women want to play, then he accompanies him, but he doesn’t know if those women can afford the price.

In the restaurant corridor on the 9th floor, Lin Fan did not deliberately suppress the sound of footsteps, and walked unhurriedly towards the door of the restaurant, and faintly, Lin Fan saw a small half of his head flash away at the door of the restaurant.

How fast can it be? In Lin Fan’s eyes, it was just a slow and slow movement.

In the restaurant, the woman who had just secretly looked at turned around excitedly and nodded to Huo Meijuan, and now Huo Meijuan, including hundreds of women in the restaurant, were excited!

With the lesson just now, this time Huo Meijuan learned to be smart, let a woman watch at the door, save and hit the wrong person, although the bullet does not need money, but it is very precious, can not be wasted casually, just a while, hundreds of women shot thousands of bullets!

This kind of play, a few more bullets will be finished! They are not brothers of the Zhao family, and they don’t know where to look for bullets.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, Huo Meijuan and the others have mentioned their throats and eyes in one heart, and Wu Yali at the back is also staring at the door with dead eyes, and next, it is the moment to decide fate!

Under the expectant nervous gazes of hundreds of people, Lin Fan’s figure appeared at the door, Huo Meijuan’s eyes lit up, and she said decisively: “Sisters, do it!” ”


Hundreds of excited women got up instantly, their muzzles raised, and the dense gunfire and gunsmoke instantly filled the air.

Bang bang!

The gunshots were fired one after another, without the slightest regularity, it was even more lively than the cannons in the countryside during the Spring Festival, the muzzles of the guns spewed flames, and hundreds of bullets shot towards the door of the restaurant under the powerful kinetic energy.

At the end, Wu Yali took a step back and stood in the timid female crowd, her eyes were staring at Lin Fan at the door, once she found that Lin Fan was shot, she immediately moved forward, and then took out the pistol hidden under the table and fired at Lin Fan.

If Lin Fan is okay, then all this has nothing to do with her, and she can find another opportunity to plan differently.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, hundreds of bullets hit the door, time seemed to stop at this moment, and all the women saw the bullets flying, no! It was not that they saw the bullets flying, but the bullets all stopped not far in front of Lin Fan.

The dense bullets stopped in mid-air, as if hitting an invisible air barrier, seeing this scene, Wu Yali’s heartbeat was about to stop, a thick look of horror flashed on her face, and she couldn’t say how happy she was in her heart!

She knew that this plan had failed, and the next thing was the moment when Huo Meijuan and these women ushered in the trial, but she didn’t know what the final result would be for Huo Meijuan and these people.

But none of this has anything to do with her, she didn’t do anything, these things have nothing to do with her!

The air froze at this moment, Huo Meijuan, Li Yuan, and Yu Xiuxiu stood in the front, looking at the scene in front of them with dull eyes, not only them, but also the women around them all looked at this scene in despair, all of them were scared stupid!



Dense bullets fell from mid-air, jumping on the ground, and the crisp sound of metal clashing woke the women from shock.

“I don’t remember saying that I need you to welcome me in this way.” Looking at these women in front of him with a mocking face, Lin Fan’s tone was indescribably cold.

Huo Meijuan people were already scared stupid, she didn’t expect that after planning hard for a long time, it would be such a result!

Hundreds of people, hundreds of guns fired at the same time, did not hurt Lin Fan half a hair, the bullet that fell to the ground and kept bouncing, every blow seemed to hit her heart!

Terror! It’s horrible! This man’s existence is like a nightmare!

Looking at the cold and mocking expression on Lin Fan’s face, Huo Meijuan was extremely afraid in her heart, she didn’t know what would happen next, but she understood that what was going to happen to her next must be terrifying!

No way! It can’t be like this! She has to take the initiative! She is definitely not willing to fail like this!

“What’s wrong with us doing that? We are all living people, not goods, we should enjoy normal rights, why should you enslave us! You men are disgusting, they will only bully us women, use us as a venting tool, and have the ability to kill zombies! ”

“I’m not convinced! I’m not willing! I definitely won’t put up with it any longer! If you have the ability, you will kill us all! We will never succumb to your coercion, we would rather die standing than kneel on the ground and steal our lives! ”

People in desperate situations, can always burst out unexpected energy, at this moment, Huo Meijuan broke out, hoarse roar, her words resonated with hundreds of women, some women in panic and despair are still hesitating, some are remembering all kinds of humiliation before, the light in their eyes is firm.

“Sister Meijuan is right! We would rather die than accept the enslavement of your men again, we are not an outlet tool! Rather die than submit! If you have the ability, you will kill us! ”

“Yes! It is better to die than yield, if you have the ability, you will kill us!” ”

“Come on! I’ve had enough, and if you have the ability, you will kill me!” I curse you, sooner or later you will go to hell! ”

The short two sentences resonated with many women, and under the excitement of the crowd, the women forgot the fear brought by Lin Fan, and roared with excitement one by one.

Looking at these excited women, Lin Fan’s face was neither sad nor joyful, in other words, before the end of the day, perhaps many people would have a headache, because there were legal restrictions, especially when there were a large number of people, if it were not for the heinous charges, no one would have any good way to deal with these women.

If you use rudeness or force, it will definitely usher in social criticism, many people are taking advantage of such a psychology, gathering crowds to make trouble, using fishing boats to confuse ordinary people, people are blindly obedient, as long as the sentence is more concise, the demagoguery is strong, most of the ignorant people will become weapons in the hands of people with intentions.

But now is different, now is the end, an era without law, no order, and social collapse, these women in front of him want to use this to persecute him, Lin Fan can only say that he is too naïve.

Since waking up, Lin Fan didn’t remember how many people he killed, although most of them were men, but there was a reason for this, if it weren’t for the fact that she needed women, she would definitely not kill less.

These women in front of them forgot who saved them from the chaotic abyss, not only did not appreciate him at all, but also wanted to rebel and kill him, but also said so righteously, it was simply unbelievable!

Lin Fan ignored these women’s swearing, looked at the women behind him who were obviously separated from these women, and asked, “Are you the same as their thoughts?” Rather die than submit? ”

The women’s faces were full of fear, and under Lin Fan’s gaze, they shook their heads one after another.

“Nope… No. ”

“It has nothing to do with us, we didn’t promise to do those things.”

“We didn’t want to resist, and we didn’t want to be enemies of you.”

The women’s voices were chaotic, but the general meaning was that Lin Fan understood, which made Lin Fan breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, not all women are like this, otherwise this time may have to run for nothing.

The gaze turned back to Huo Meijuan and these women, Lin Fan swept one by one, especially Huo Meijuan, who was standing in the front, did this woman really look at death like she said? Just look at the gaze that does not dare to look at him.

The real person who would rather die unyielding, who looks at death like home, will not be afraid of any gaze at all, if she avoids, it can only mean that she is weak in heart and afraid!

“It’s good that you all want to be free and don’t want to be enslaved, and in order not to be enslaved and free, you’d rather die than fight me! I hope you don’t regret it! ”

Hearing Lin Fan’s words, Huo Meijuan ‘clicked’ in her heart, she now wondered if she had made a wrong decision, if she had just knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, could she be spared death?

But Huo Meijuan has no choice now, she can only bite the bullet and go to the dark, not only her, but other women also hesitate at this moment.

They have been enslaved and played for so long before, and it doesn’t seem unacceptable now, right? After the excitement of starting again, the women have calmed down a little.

“The women who want to go with me come with me now, and those who don’t want to go with me stay here, and before making a choice, I advise you to think clearly and clearly!” My tolerance is only once! ”

After Lin Fan said this, Huo Meijuan and these people all breathed a long sigh of relief, they won the bet! They use their efforts to force the man in front of them to retreat! They got the freedom they wanted!

The women in the restaurant were commotion, one by one women separated the crowd and walked outside from the restaurant, Huo Meijuan and others did not obstruct, in her opinion, these women are all fools!

The women who didn’t want to resist before all came out, and only Huo Meijuan and these people were left in the restaurant, and among the people who came out, Wu Yali was also among them.

Standing at the door of the restaurant, Lin Fan made a casual move, and the guns in the hands of Huo Meijuan and these women were all taken away, including bullets.

“These are my loot, you are not qualified to take them yet, you should do it yourself, let’s go!”

Lin Fan turned to leave the restaurant, and thousands of women followed behind Lin Fan nervously, they didn’t know what kind of life they would face next.

In the crowd, Wu Yali’s brows furrowed, at this time she was a little suspicious, was it different from what she thought? Lin Fan let Huo Meijuan and those people go so easily?

Just, is it possible? Would Lin Fan let them go so easily?

PS: Five more eighteen thousand words a day is already the limit, now there is a plaster on the waist, and it is necessary to cupping before going to bed, and every morning it hurts to climb and can’t get up, the author really wants to add more, but the body has reached the limit, and now sitting on the waist is like a needle prick, really weak heart, sorry.

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