Chapter 179 I am a person, and revenge never overnight

“Really?? Really gone? ”

In the restaurant, Huo Meijuan looked at the empty doorway, her face full of disbelief!

A woman tentatively walked to the door of the restaurant, looked at the corridor, looked at the empty corridor, turned around in surprise, and cheered: “Sister Juan! You are too strong! That man was scared away by us, and I was scared to death just now! ”

Huo Meijuan’s hooves are soft now, when she confronted Lin Fan just now, she really thought that she was going to die soon, but it was okay! She survived!

Trying to keep her expression calm and making a light expression, Huo Meijuan forced a smile: “What is this, I said, that man does not dare to attack us, this is called the law does not blame the public, the only pity is that the damn man actually snatched our weapons!” ”

Speaking of this, Huo Meijuan gritted her teeth angrily, without a gun, what do they take to defend themselves? How to expand territory without a gun? Do you want to use a kitchen knife to cut zombies? It’s just abominable!

This is a typical inch, just glad to survive, immediately unsatisfied with the desire for weapons.

Hearing Huo Meijuan’s words, these women also reacted, cursing and stamping their feet angrily, and the indescribable viciousness in their words.

“Wait, what about Wu Yali? Where did Wu Yali go? Huo Meijuan originally wanted to find Wu Yali to come up with an idea, but she swept round and round, but she didn’t find Wu Yali’s shadow, and Huo Meijuan was a little dumbfounded.

What about people? Can it still evaporate?

“Sister Juan… Just now, Wu Yali seemed to have gone out with the group of women. A woman spoke weakly.

Huo Meijuan was stunned, and then her face turned livid instantly, “Grass!” This is not a daredevil, you deserve to be ridden, you ran fast when something happened, but I didn’t expect to pit yourself this time! ”

No matter how unhappy her heart is, it is useless, Huo Meijuan waved her hand and said: “Okay, everyone pack up, in the future, this global hotel will be our territory, and here in the future, we have the final say!” ”

Not to mention, Huo Meijuan’s command really has a bit of a big sister’s pie.

Downstairs, Lin Fan led a group of women out of the door of the Universal Hotel, the women were afraid one by one, but no one dared not leave, when they really came to the street, they found that the zombies that used to be densely packed with streets were all gone!

Not only the zombies are gone, but even the congested vehicles have disappeared, as if they have evaporated out of thin air, and the empty streets are inexplicably desolate and weird.

Walking out all the way for tens of meters, Lin Fan turned around and looked up in the direction of the ninth floor, his eyes indescribably cold.

Will Lin Fan let those women go? Just kidding, how is it possible!

He was not a great benevolent man, and from the moment those women pulled the trigger on him, those women were already dead, and now, it was just the of those women before death, first to make them despair, and then to give them hope.

I just don’t know how desperate they will be when they encounter zombies next, and wanting to die is actually very simple, the difference is how to die.

Standing in the crowd, Wu Yali is now doubting life, did she choose to do wrong this time? This man didn’t even punish Huo Meijuan and those women?

Even if you don’t kill them all, there is not even a little punishment, but simply confiscated weapons? Is there something wrong with this man?

The reason why Wu Yali came out with her was because she felt that Lin Fan would settle accounts after the fall, and all the things before the end of the day taught her a truth!

Dogs that bite don’t bark, how much of this kind of thing before the end of the world, everyone laughs in person, here the front foot goes out the door, the back foot calls to figure out how to kill you, is this kind of thing less?

Wu Yali was based on this situation, chose to follow and leave, but did not think, this is all out of tens of meters, Lin Fan did not even move the slightest, this man really let Huo Meijuan those women go!

Wu Yali gritted her teeth hatefully, she wanted to ask now, now she wanted to go back, was it still time?

Of course, Wu Yali didn’t have the guts, they all came out, and now they want to go back, isn’t this looking for death? She felt that as long as she dared to say it, this man in front of her who was absolutely holding fire in her heart would kill her in minutes!

Just when Wu Yali sighed and regretted it, Lin Fan, who was standing in the front, moved, without the slightest sign.

With a grasp of the void in the palm of his hand, the magnetic field within a radius of several kilometers was controlled, and under Lin Fan’s control, a huge black hole seemed to appear in the sky, and dense small black dots flew up from all directions, surging towards the black hole continuously.

Behind Lin Fan, the women were frightened and stupid, a black hole appeared out of thin air in the sky, and it was still devouring zombies continuously!

Yes! It’s zombies! Despite the distance, the women could still vaguely recognize that the zombies that flew into the sky were all hideous-looking zombies.

The most important thing is that it is the man in front of him who does all this!

The women shivered with fear, they didn’t know what Lin Fan was going to do, they were already scared stupid, and they didn’t know what to do.

In the crowd, Wu Yali woke up from the shock, looked at Lin Fan’s back with dull eyes, and suddenly felt cold!

She got it!

Lin Fan didn’t let those women go, but wanted to give them the greatest despair! At this time, she no longer has the slightest regret, only infinite rejoicing!

This time, her cleverness saved her again, if she hadn’t followed her out just now, she might have to face these terrifying zombies with Huo Meijuan and those people right away!

No guns, no weapons, and even in the case of being caught off guard, directly facing these zombies, Wu Yali did not dare to think about it!

That kind of scene must be extremely terrifying and terrifying!

Lin Fan didn’t know what Wu Yali was thinking, controlling the black hole in the sky to absorb the zombies around him, if it weren’t for the zombies that were cleaned up too clean before, he wouldn’t have needed such trouble.

The magnetic field energy is very terrifying, and there are many abilities that can be derived, such as Lin Fan now uses gravity, with a point as the center, gravity spreads around, forming a huge gravitational field, rather than a black hole that devours everything in the universe.

Its function is only to ingest all the surrounding zombies according to Lin Fan’s needs, similar to the Vientiane Heavenly Guidance in Naruto, but it does not need to be centered on itself.

The terrifying gravitational black hole devoured the zombies within kilometers of the surrounding area, ingesting thousands of zombies in just a few seconds.

Stopping the attraction of the gravitational field to the outside world, Lin Fan moved his palm, and a huge black hole flew from afar, and the huge black hole with a radius of hundreds of meters seemed to swallow even the light, and the sky instantly darkened.

The huge black hole slowly descended with a terrifying suffocating coercion, and then a large number of zombies were thrown down and fell on the street in front of them like dumplings.

The women covered their heads in horror, shivering with fear, if Lin Fan were still standing in front and also showing terrifying power, they might have screamed and fled for their lives now.

The magnetic field energy shielded the smell of all women, and even distorted the light, so that everyone disappeared on the street at this moment, as many as thousands of zombies fell, the zombies that landed first were broken to the bone, and the subsequent zombies were sniffing the smell of living people emanating from the Universal Hotel, screaming and rushing in.

Behind Lin Fan, thousands of women looked at the scene in front of them in horror, looking at the zombies that kept pouring into the hotel, they all understood what Lin Fan planned to do!

The man in front of him actually wanted to use these zombies to bite all those women to death!

This man is not benevolent, but terrifying like the devil!

As many as thousands of zombies rushed to the Universal Hotel, Lin Fan dispersed the gravitational field, closed his eyes slightly, listening to the sound coming from the hotel, his index finger was still shaking rhythmically next to his shoulder, as if immersed in some kind of moving music.

“Aaaaaa Zombie! Zombie! ”

Soon, there was an ear-piercing scream in the hotel, but it was too far away, and only Lin Fan could hear it.

Opening his eyes and looking at the direction of the ninth floor, Lin Fan asked in his mind: “System, can you give me a picture that is clear enough and large enough?” ”

“Yes, pay 10 points per minute.”


When the words fell, a huge screen comparable to IMAX appeared in front of Lin Fan’s eyes, the picture was clear and realistic, and the feeling was as if it was immersive!

On the corridor on the ninth floor, the zombies rushing up directly pounced on the woman who screamed, and in the woman’s crazy screaming struggle, she bit down, and blood splashed in an instant, the woman struggled, and a large amount of blood gushed out of it.

The woman’s scream attracted the attention of all the women, and when Huo Meijuan walked out of the restaurant and looked at the woman who was pressed to the ground by the zombie and kept nibbling, Huo Meijuan was stunned.

Roar, roar, roar!

In the loss of concentration, the roar of zombies came, Huo Meijuan raised her head in a daze, looking at the zombies crowded in the corridor, she was desperate!

Recalling Lin Fan’s words when he was leaving, Huo Meijuan instantly understood!

“You don’t keep your promises!!! Bastard! You don’t keep your promises! You clearly said, let us go! ”

In the hoarse scream, a large number of zombies swarmed over, instantly throwing Huo Meijuan and the women who came out to the ground, terrified screams, desperate howls, zombie chewing sounds filled the entire ninth floor restaurant, all women were remorseful, wailing and being eaten by the zombies.

At this moment, all the women regretted it, regretted being an enemy of Lin Fan, and now they regret that they are not the beginning, but there is no regret medicine in the world to take, what kind of consequences they have to endure if they do anything!

All women paid for their greed! And this price is their lives!

On the street, thousands of women looked at the scene in the picture that was a hundred times more terrifying than a horror movie, and the whole body was cold, especially Wu Yali, who was scared and almost incontinent on the spot.

She chose the right one, she was right, the end is more cruel than before, and the horror of people is deeper than before, just like Lin Fan in front of her, the way of revenge is even more terrifying!

If she didn’t come out, the result would definitely be the same as those women on the ninth floor, becoming food for zombies, being torn by countless zombies, eaten alive, and dying alive in endless pain.

Especially watching the zombies tearing and biting their own flesh and blood, the feeling that is comparable to Ling Chi is even more terrifying! It’s even more torturous!

This is more terrifying than killing with one shot, and it is also tormented countless times!

This man in front of you! It’s a complete demon!

The screams echoed, listening to Huo Meijuan’s wail, Lin Fan laughed and said: “Yes, I did say that I would let you go, but it was in the restaurant, I left the Universal Hotel now, and I don’t plan to let you go, isn’t there anything wrong with that?” ”

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