Chapter 188 Wu Yali is miserable, and Chu Han is in the trace

A loud noise echoed in the not too noisy cafeteria, and all the women in the cafeteria were startled in an instant, especially when they heard the content of the angry shouts, the women were all frightened stupid.

Rebel? How can anyone even dare to rebel?

Really tired of living? Who is so daring?

One by one, they looked at Tan Yufeng’s side, and the women’s eyes were all focused on Wu Yali, who was pressed by two women at the dinner table, and there were also female soldiers patrolling the cafeteria, and when they heard Tan Yufeng’s drinking, they all rushed over.

“What’s going on?”

Looking at the two female warriors who quickly rushed over, Tan Yufeng pointed to Wu Yali, who was pressed on the dining table with a shocked and incredulous expression on her face, and said: “That’s her, just now she came to us to share the table, we kindly let her sit down, and also gave her our own dishes to eat, but without saying a few words, they encouraged us to rebel, and my two companions can testify to this.” ”

Before Tan Yufeng’s words fell, the woman on the left nodded and said, “What Yufeng said is true, this woman vainly tried to destroy the internal unity of the City of Judgment, and she is simply unforgivable!”

“What’s going on? Why are so many people gathered here, what are you doing? ”

At the back of the crowd, a figure hurried over, tall and slender, especially the pair of large pigs in front of him were extremely eye-catching.

The safety of the hospital today is taken by Ye Ruolan, as one of the team leaders, her responsibility today is to ensure that there is no disturbance in the hospital, and once it occurs, it will be suppressed immediately.

With a four-dimensional attribute of more than twenty points, holding a Tang knife, Ye Ruolan alone could easily suppress hundreds of maids.

Just happened to pass by the cafeteria, heard the sound of drinking from inside, Ye Ruolan, who felt that something was wrong, immediately walked in, and saw the crowd gathered together at the first glance.

“Captain Ye.”

“Captain Ye is good.”

As the captain of Lv3, Ye Ruolan’s status is very high, and the women on the side bowed their heads and saluted, and the two female warriors saw Ye Ruolan coming over, and also quickly bowed, and then told the story of the matter.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Ye Ruolan looked at Wu Yali, who was pressed on the table with a dead gray face, and snorted coldly: “I really don’t know if I am dead or alive, Wu Yali, right?” I remember that Xiao Tang mentioned to me today, saying that there is a person named He Li who is passive today and deducts all the money for a week, and even thinks of rebelling, a woman like you, a thousand cuts are cheap for you! ”

With a wave of his palm, Ye Ruolan said coldly: “Send her outside, and then convict her when the main mother comes!” ”

“Yes! Captain Ye! ”

Watching the two female warriors escort Wu Yali out of the cafeteria, Ye Ruolan turned her head to look at Tan Yufeng and asked, “You discovered Wu Yali’s intention to rebel and capture her in the first place, right?” ”

Tan Yufeng nodded quickly, pulled the two women next to him at the same time, and said: “It is considered that the three of us found it together, she instigated the three of us to rebel at that time, but she was captured by us.” ”

“You did a good job, follow me outside the cafeteria, the main mother should be there soon.” After Ye Ruolan finished speaking, he walked towards the door of the cafeteria.

Holding back the excitement in his heart, Tan Yufeng took the arms of the two companions, and the three of them walked outside the cafeteria door together.

At the door of the cafeteria, not long after Ye Ruolan and several people came out, Lin Youyou’s figure in the sky flew over at an extremely fast speed, and stopped in front of Ye Ruolan and several people in the blink of an eye.

Lin Youyou looked cold, before she came, she was checking the progress of the production of combat uniforms in the garment department, and the report of the female warriors under her made her good mood immediately turn cloudy and then cloudy.

Someone actually wants to plot rebellion? This is the first time she has heard it in half a month, and this is really bold!

“Master Mother!”

“Master Mother.”

Lin Youyou’s arrival made the surrounding female warriors and maids salute one after another, Lin Youyou waved his hand, pointed to Wu Yali, who was kneeling on the ground with an unconvinced look, and asked: “Is it this woman who wants to rebel?” ”

Ye Ruolan lowered her head and said respectfully: “Back to the main mother, according to Tan Yufeng, it was this woman who plotted to rebel when she was eating at noon, but she was exposed by Tan Yufeng and these women.” ”

“Tan Yufeng?” Lin Youyou has a good memory, and when his eyes swept, he saw Tan Yufeng standing next to him with his head bowed, and at the same time, some information about Tan Yufeng appeared in his mind.

“You did a good job this time, I have read your report on applying for Lv3 auditor, you are very suitable for this position, from today, your rank will be promoted from Lv2 regulator to Lv3 auditor.”

Tan Yufeng, who lowered her head next to her, was ecstatic in her heart, sure enough, as she thought, Wu Yali is really a boy with scattered wealth, willing to be a stepping stone to help her ascend to the top, if there is no Wu Yali this matter, she may have to wait for a while to be promoted to Lv3, and may not even pass.

“Mother Xie!”

Extremely excited, Tan Yufeng quickly knelt down to thank him.

Compared with the surprise in Tan Yufeng’s heart, Wu Yali, who was kneeling on the ground with her head pressed, was much more manic.

“You horse, are you born with a pair of mean bones? Obviously you can get a better status, you have to be willing to fall, when what Lv3, are you a fool? I’m so blind to find you! ”

Being pressed on the head, Wu Yali scolded madly, even if she inhaled a lot of dust when breathing, she didn’t pay attention to it at all, and the anger in her heart at this time was simply impossible to describe in words.

Can’t believe it! She really can’t believe that there would be a woman who gave up the leadership of Lv6 and chose to betray her, isn’t this stupid? Cheap is not cheap!

“Noisy!” Lin Youyou’s eyes were cold, silver light flashed, a splash of blood splashed, Wu Yali was full of blood, and a cut tongue was cut off and fell next to it.

“Aaaaah! Woooo

Being held down by her head, Wu Yali struggled painfully, howling non-stop, full of blood, but she couldn’t even say a normal word.

“Tie her up, put her in the sun, and wait until the Lord returns before sending her on her way!”


Eight kilometers north of the North City Gate, Lin Fan cleaned up all the way, killing a lot of zombies along the way, I don’t know if it’s because most of the zombies in the magic capital have been led to the military area, with the cleanup, the zombies that poured over are not as much as before, it is very convenient to clean up, but the experience and points have risen a lot slower.

Fenglin Campus of Fudan University in the magic capital, standing at the entrance of the college, looking at the prestigious university in front of him, Lin Fan shook his head, and he sighed indescribably in his heart.

In the past, how lively were the people here, and the campus was full of Fudan students, and everyone had vigorous vitality and confidence on their faces, but now what?

Looking around, inside the electronic door of the school, all the wandering zombies, not a single living person can be seen, in the distant teaching building, in the corridor and even in the classroom, there are also zombie shaking figures, and there is no sign of living people at all.

This is the school where Li Yun’s daughter Chu Hanyan is located, and I cleaned up all the way to this side, just in time to go in to see if there were any living people, and whether Li Yun’s daughter Chu Hanyan was alive.

Speaking of which, Lin Fan didn’t even know what Chu Hanyan looked like, and Li Yun’s mobile phone had been lost for a long time ago, so there was no way to talk about the photo.

At the moment, you can only take one step at a time, if there are still living students in the Fenglin Campus, just ask if there is Chu Hanyan, if not, then there is no way.

The figure flashed, appeared in the campus, as Lin Fan’s footsteps moved, there seemed to be strange patterns spread out under his feet, the surrounding space was faintly distorted, most of the zombies were shaking, the head had already moved, and was cut off by the invisible space blade, and the body turned into flying ash in the process of falling.

In the entire campus, there was a strange situation, a man’s figure walked as easily as stepping on the blue, the zombies seemed to have not seen, where they passed, the zombies were separated one after another, and in the process of falling, they turned into smoke and dust, which looked particularly terrifying.

The first teaching building, there are no living people, the second teaching building, there are no living people, the first canteen, there are no living people, the second canteen, there are no living people, the laboratory building, there are no living people, and the library has no living people.

Along the way, the entire Fenglin campus seems to have completely fallen, there is no trace of living people at all, those desks, have accumulated a layer of dust, now there are only dormitory buildings left, if there are no living people, basically can declare that the Fenglin campus has completely fallen, and there are no more living people.

Frowning, Lin Fan took the lead to go to the girls’ dormitory area, fortunately, Li Yun at least knew which dormitory her daughter was in, which dormitory on the first floor, which at least saved Lin Fan a lot of things.

All the way to the dormitory where Chu Hanyan was, speaking of which, the girls’ dormitory has always been a forbidden area for boys before the end of the day, and I don’t know how many men want to enter, but they are blocked back by the janitor aunt.

6112 on the 6th floor, looking at the sign in front of him, Lin Fan pushed the door and walked in, in fact, Lin Fan did not hold out any hope, along the way, all the zombies seen in the dormitory area were zombies, and there was no sign of any living people moving on the dormitory floor, in this case, the possibility of surviving students in the dormitory area was almost minimal.

But when they all come, it is not difficult to push the door to come in and take a look, and bringing back some of Chu Hanyan’s things back can also give Li Yun some comfort.

Pushing open the door, the dormitory was clean, it seemed to have been cleaned up, and most importantly, Lin Fan found that some of the things in this dormitory seemed to have been taken away.

With a glance of his eyes, Lin Fan came to a bed, looked down at a note placed on the table, and Lin Fan picked it up.

“Mom, I’m Hanyan, if you can find this place and still see this note, don’t worry, I’m safe, I’ve left the school and headed with my classmates to the Baiyuan Business Building four kilometers east, where there are a large number of survivors, a large survivor gathering place set up by hundreds of policemen.”

The message on the note ended here, and Lin Fan put the note down, with a pang of doubt in his heart.

A large gathering place for survivors set up by hundreds of policemen? After the end of the day, almost all the police in the magic capital mobilized, trying to eliminate all the zombies at this stage, or organize a defense line, but with the further spread of the virus, many police officers mutated into zombies halfway, and the so-called rescue became a child’s play.

The police of the magic capital with up to 780,000 people either mutated into zombies, or were forced to stop halfway, and then scattered by the crowd and corpses, and there were hundreds of people gathered to establish a gathering place for survivors? I have to say, luck is really good.

Chu Hanyan did not mutate into a zombie, which is good news, is the Baiyuan Business Building three kilometers to the east?

Don’t be in a hurry to go for the time being, there is also a magic capital gymnasium two kilometers to the west that I haven’t gone, Zhang Qiuyue’s daughter Qin Yuwei is over there, and there is a well-known big star, first go to the west to see, and then go to the east Baiyuan Business Building is not late.

PS: Again, maybe someone jumped the chapter earlier and didn’t see it, the star is original, try not to be linked to reality, and it’s not that you can’t be original yourself, the province makes trouble, especially the doomsday theme, the province makes trouble.

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