Chapter 189 Immortal Qi is ethereal, as cold as Immortal Mu Qingxue

Two kilometers southwest of the Fenglin Campus, Modu Stadium.

Before the end of the world, this is a holy place for all kinds of big stars to perform, and some stars who don’t have enough coffee seats don’t dare to hold concerts here, the magnitude is not enough, there are too few fans to come, and they can’t make enough venue money.

Before the end of the day, there was a big star singing here in the Magic Capital Stadium, it can’t be said that the big star, but the super-first-line diva of the Eastern Empire who is currently in the throne, Mu Qingxue!

The crisp and sweet singing voice is like a heavenly sound, cold as a fairy face, fairy ethereal as her name, just debuted caused a huge sensation, countless people sought after, in less than three years, fans all over the Eastern Empire, her songs spread all over the streets, even some Western empires, there are many fans of Mu Qingxue.

Mu Qingxue is like a fairy in the sky, not stained with worldly dust, debuted for three years, without any scandals, the heavens seem to be too fond of her, even those media and paparazzi can’t bear to attack this fairy, the Eastern Empire doesn’t know how many billionaires want to invite Mu Qingxue to dinner, but none of them get their wish.

Mu Qingxue has not received any advertisements except for singing since her debut, even the tickets for the concert are symbolically charged some of the lowest prices, and her existence is as if she was born to sing.

How hot is Mu Qingxue? Just look at the Magic Capital Stadium.

The Magic Capital Stadium can accommodate up to 80,000 people, a full 80,000 people! Many first-line big stars hold concerts here, and it is already very good to have 20,000 or 30,000 fans come to watch, but here in Mu Qingxue, a full 80,000 seats, none of them are absent, and even many people bid thousands of yuan to find scalpers to buy even the last tickets!

This is Mu Qingxue’s influence!

But sometimes, this influence is not a good thing, like a zombie outbreak! During Mu Qingxue’s last concert, the sudden outbreak of zombie virus made the entire Magic Capital Stadium instantly chaotic, and in just a few minutes, the outbreak of corpse tide swept the entire Magic Capital Gymnasium.

There were screaming crowds everywhere, zombies chasing madly everywhere, blood splattered, and the blood of living people was spilled all over the Modu Stadium, in this case, only a few people escaped from the gymnasium by luck and retreated to the hotel attached to the Modu Gymnasium.

Speaking of which, the facilities of the Modu Stadium are still very complete, garden-style hotels, various snack bars, and most importantly, supermarkets!

It was the existence of these shops and supermarkets that allowed the thousands of people who escaped from the Magic Capital Stadium barely survived, including security guards, bodyguards, and many fans of Mu Qingxue.

Olin Hotel is the name of this courtyard-style hotel, it was noon, a figure in a white dress stood in the pavilion, looking down at the clear water pool below, the breeze floated, blowing the skirt of the long skirt, the retro-style long skirt fluttered, the slender figure was ethereal, quite an unreal feeling.

Mu Qingxue is not just a person in the pavilion, but Mu Qingxue’s temperament is too dusty, like a fairy who is not dusty, making people subconsciously ignore the existence of people around her.

Mu Qingxue stood next to the same girl, the girl looked young, her little face was still childish, Bai Yan’s touching little face was full of collagen, big eyes blinking, Yixi Yiyi, full of girlish vitality.

The girl’s name is Qin Yuwei, is Mu Qingxue’s iron fan, as long as it is Mu Qingxue’s concert, she has never been absent, this time is the same, but in time for the outbreak of the zombie crisis, fortunately not infected, and most of the people retreated to the hotel side.

The arrival of the end Qin Yuwei does not know whether to be happy or sad, happy to be able to get close to the idol, and even eat and live together, sadly, the world is no longer safe, the life and death of her parents are uncertain, even she does not know how long the peaceful life can last.

Where there are people, there will be fights, and the Olin Hotel is no exception, desire is the driving force of human progress, and more than half a month ago, various conflicts broke out irrepressibly.

Are zombies scary? It’s scary! The food in the Olin Hotel is not endless, thousands of people eat together, ten days is completely gone, in order not to go hungry, the police and security guards spontaneously organized some people to set up a search team.

The supermarket is not too far from the hotel, but there are many zombies in the middle, and every time they go out to find food, they face great danger, and at the beginning they are cautious and careful, but lady luck does not favor a person forever.

An accident still appeared, an accident, the search team killed more than a dozen people, this death once again aroused people’s fear of zombies, and some accumulated dissatisfaction and resentment also broke out.

There were thousands of men and women, the search squad was made up of all men and took all the risks, women gave almost nothing, many felt that this was not fair, women had to pay a corresponding price in exchange for food, or go to find food themselves.

There are also some men who feel that men protect women and give women food as a matter of course, but this part of the people is a very small minority, men who have been holding back for more than half a month, and external pressure, many people are eager to release, women are an excellent way, coupled with the existence of some videos on the Internet, so the differences broke out uncontrollably.

The people of the search team no longer provide food to the women, and they pay the corresponding price for what they want, which is proposed by the bodyguards who still have some humanity, and everyone is just a transaction, and no coercion is allowed.

Women were not willing to give in at first, but under the pressure of hunger, many women still chose to give in, and many self-reliant women set up search teams to go out to find food, but in this regard, women are indeed no better than men, the first trip ended in failure, did not reach the supermarket at all, and was forced back by zombies.

Not only that, but dozens of people died tragically, which completely frightened all women, and under the oppression of death and hunger, almost all women succumbed.

Very realistic, if you want to eat, you will exchange your body, fortunately, with the restraint of the police, those men do not play as much as online, like pre-apocalyptic prostitutes, food instead of money.

And Mu Qingxue and Qin Yuwei are the two few women who have not been affected, to be precise, Qin Yuwei is stained with Mu Qingxue’s light, even in the end now, those men have an instinctive love for Mu Qingxue, and they can’t bear to force Mu Qingxue at all.

To be precise, any man in front of Mu Qingxue, can not bring up that kind of thought, and even in the face of Mu Qingxue will can’t help but rise a feeling of shame, so now, more than a month after the end of the world, Mu Qingxue is still doing herself, and there is no need to worry about food at all.

And Mu Qingxue, who lives with her, can also eat and drink every day, and those men can’t raise any thoughts of asking in front of Mu Qingxue.

However, there are exceptions, the more you can’t get it, the more you want to get it, such as a certain security chief, who has been trying to overcome that feeling of shame.

“Sister Qingxue, Wu Dazhi is here again.”

In the pavilion, hearing footsteps not far away, Qin Yuwei quietly glanced at it, and on the path on the right, a fat man in a suit and tie was wiping his sweat and rushing towards this side.

To be honest, some people, even if they wear imperial robes, do not look like the emperor, such as Wu Dazhi.

In the summer of more than 30 degrees, what kind of successful person are you wearing a thick black suit? Do you really think that you are a high-class person in a suit? The most important thing is that the suit does not fit, maybe it was exchanged somewhere, the buttons are tight, Qin Yuwei doubts whether it will break the buttons if he does not care.

Looking at the clear pool water in front of her, Mu Qingxue sighed softly, and there was indescribable sorrow in her tone.

“Yuwei, what do you say is the difference between us and these ornamental fish in the pool? are trapped in this small world, the current freedom is just a snort, if one day is tired, may become the fish on other people’s plates. ”

Mu Qingxue’s voice of not eating the breath of smoke and fireworks sounded, she didn’t understand anything, the title of fairy was just given to her by others, she was not a fairy, in this big dye vat in the world, who can really come out of the mud and not be clean?

She knew the situation of the Orin Hotel, and even knew what those people thought, but she was just a weak woman with no chicken power, and there was no way at all.

Listening to Mu Qingxue’s words, Qin Yuwei’s eyes were gloomy, yes, she and Mu Qingxue are the fish meat on the sticky board, the difference is only that when it is put on the dinner plate, if it is not for Mu Qingxue’s protection, she is already the fish meat that can be tasted on the dinner plate.

“Whew…. Call…. Qingxue you are here, I have been looking for you for a long time, it’s noon, I sent someone to prepare lunch for you, today I let people catch a fish, the taste is very good, you go and taste it. ”

Just when Qin Yuwei and Mu Qingxue were silent, Wu Dazhi ran to the pavilion with a sweaty head, wiping the sweat while watching Mu Qingxue’s back with adoration and fanatical eyes, and the little eyes squeezed together by fat flesh couldn’t wait to see through Mu Qingxue’s clothes.

“Trouble Captain Wu, Yuwei, let’s go.”

Mu Qingxue’s mouth opened lightly, and the slender white jade hand pulled up Qin Yuwei, and the slender figure left the pavilion.

Seeing Mu Qingxue’s and Qin Yuwei’s figures walking away, Wu Dazhi unbuttoned his suit, quickly took off his suit, and let out a long breath.

“Grass! Heat me to death! Suits are really not something that people wear! ”

Just when Wu Dazhi was cursing secretly, on the side path, a figure quickly ran to Wu Dazhi’s side.

“Captain, everything is arranged, are you sure this method is feasible?” Don’t be at that time…..”


Wu Dazhi slapped the person on the head with his angry backhand, and scolded: “If you don’t speak, no one will sell you as a dumb!” Horse’s, this is already the best way I can think of, if it doesn’t work, Lao Tzu will be completely out of rut! ”

“Don’t you know how much Mu Qingxue has immortal qi, do you dare to look directly into Mu Qingxue’s eyes? Don’t say look directly, it’s just a glance at Mu Qingxue, I’m all soft, and there is only this way now! ”

He was slapped on the head, and the security guard who ran over was not impressed at all, and said with a smile: “Big brother, don’t worry, this method will definitely work, don’t you see that this is how the story of the dragon knight came from?” The sleeping pills in the dish are enough for the two of them to sleep for a day, the eldest brother works hard, and the new generation of Yin Zhiping is you! ”

“I just don’t know, after the eldest brother, can you let the brothers do the same?” The brothers have also been thinking about it for a long time. ”

Wu Dazhi’s face, which was still excited, instantly sank, turned his head to look angrily at the security guard beside him, and cursed angrily: “What do you say about his horse?” Can Mu Qingxue be the same as those women? At most, give you that chick named Qin Yuwei, and that one is not bad. ”

“I don’t have time to pay attention to you, I can’t wait, I’ll go first, you guys show me, don’t let those smelly bodyguards come and make trouble!”

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