Chapter 190 Boss, that buddy is too fierce, brothers can’t stand it!

“Sister Qingxue, I always feel that Wu Dazhi is very wrong today.”

After closing the door, Qin Yuwei frowned, her face was indescribably serious.

Mu Qingxuelian moved gently, step by step to the table where the dishes were set, her cold eyes stared at the plate of boiled fish in the middle, and those eyes seemed to have seen through everything in the world.

“What’s wrong? It’s just that it’s time for the fish to be served. ”

Qin Yuwei was slightly stunned when she heard this, her eyes subconsciously looked at the boiled fish on the table, and quickly reacted.

“Sister Qingxue, are you saying that there is a problem with this fish?”

Walking quickly to the table, Qin Yuwei looked at the boiled fish in front of her with beautiful eyes, Qiong’s nose wrinkled slightly, and she kept sniffing something, the left side of her little head sniffed, and then turned to the right, Mu Qingxue looked at Qin Yuwei like this, and a little smile could not help but appear on her cold face, but it quickly disappeared.

“Strange, except for the smell of fish, you can’t smell anything, Sister Qingxue, do you have a silver hairpin?” Let’s try to see if it’s poisonous inside. ”

Sighing slightly, Mu Qingxue looked at Qin Yuwei helplessly, she always felt defeated by this little sister.

“Look at my body, where can I put down the silver hairpin? And have you watched too many TV series? Silver hairpin test poison loss you can think of, who said that this is poisonous. ”

Qin Yuwei raised her head, her cute little face wrinkled slightly, she sat helplessly on the chair, looked at Mu Qingxue with her chin in her hands, and asked, “Sister Qingxue, what do you say?” Who knows what’s in this fish, so why don’t I pour it out so we don’t get hit. ”

Saying that, Qin Yuwei was about to boil the fish when she got up, but was stopped by Mu Qingxue.

Being stared at by Qin Yuwei’s puzzled gaze, Mu Qingxue asked softly, “Do you think this is useful?” Wu Dazhi will not poison us, at most there are some medicines that make us unable to move, not surprisingly it should be sleeping pills, even if you pour boiled fish, will you not drink water in the future? ”

“As long as they have a plan, we can’t dodge, only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no reason to defend against a thief for a thousand days.”

Qin Yuwei lowered her head dejectedly, and said with a bitter face and frustration: “Then we will be at the mercy of each other?” ”

Suddenly, Qin Yuwei’s eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: “Let’s go to Captain Qi, he will definitely not ignore us, and he is also your fan!” ”

“Do you think you can find Captain Qi? Or do you think Wu Dazhi will let you go to Captain Qi? Not surprisingly, the way to find Captain Qi has long been blocked by Wu Dazhi’s people, and even Captain Qi’s side has been dragged down, and we are destined to be unable to hide today. Mu Qingxue seemed to see everything through.

Zhang widened Xiao Xiao, Qin Yuwei looked at Mu Qingxue blankly, and the whole person was stunned.

“That…. So why are we coming back? Just after speaking, Qin Yuwei also reacted, and her eyes became expressionless.

“That’s right, the other party has prepared everything, even if we don’t come back, Wu Dazhi is likely to bring these dishes to the pavilion to watch us eat.”

Mu Qingxue was older after all, looking at Qin Yuwei’s eyes, and comforted softly: “Don’t be sad, we are already much better than many women, aren’t we?” ”

Qin Yuwei nodded, indeed, they were much better than many women, but she was unwilling!

“Sister Qingxue, do we really have nothing to do?”

“Method…” Mu Qingxue’s eyes were slightly dazed, she was a weak woman, what could she do? Wu Dazhi: This is already a dog jumping off the wall.

“It’s better for us to commit suicide, Wu Dazhixiu wants to get us!” Qin Yuwei’s gaze was firm, the little girl was not big, but her personality was very strong.

“Can you be sure that the other party is not interested in the corpse? What is the difference between us who have taken sleeping pills and corpses? ”

Qin Yuwei was stunned in her heart, the people who were shocked by Mu Qingxue’s words were stupid, the corpse…. Corpse???

She is going to scold her mother, what kind of pervert is this! But think about it, are there any men who dare not try? Which snakes and snails are not dared to try?

Her eyes were dull, her eyes lost their radiance, Qin Yuwei only felt that the sky was spinning, the whole person was confused, she couldn’t even commit suicide, she really couldn’t think of a good way.

If this is the kind of hotel with dozens of floors, she can’t jump a hundred, but the problem is no!

A total of one floor, jumping from the window, without numbness, how else to commit suicide?

Qin Yuwei really didn’t expect that one day even suicide would become a luxury.

Just when the two women were speechless, a knock came from the door, and without even waiting for Mu Qingxue and the two to reply, they pushed the door and walked in.

I don’t know when, Wu Dazhi has already put on the suit that does not fit, the fat head and big ears are indescribably ridiculous.

Walking in all the way, I found that it was not the two women who had passed out on the table, and even the fish on the table did not move, not only the fish, but even the chopsticks were not picked up, and now Wu Dazhi was stunned.

He came over full of joy, but he didn’t look at this.

Mu Qingxue raised her head slightly, her eyes looked at Wu Dazhi, her deep eyes were incomparably pure, not stained with any dust, and her deep eyes seemed to contain endless cosmic starry sky, which made people indulge in it at a glance.

Wu Dazhi wanted to speak, but just met Mu Qingxue’s eyes, the whole person froze, the pure, otherwise worldly dusty gaze, the cold face like a fairy, Wu Dazhi instantly felt a little unable to hold on.

Hurriedly looking away, he was afraid that if he looked further, he would not have the courage to speak, or even the courage to do anything today.

“Qingxue, why don’t you eat it, I specially arranged boiled fish, it’s delicious.”

Wu Dazhi’s words were like a bucket of boiling oil, which made Qin Yuwei, who had a fire in his heart, explode in an instant.


“Wu Dazhi! You say, what did you do in this fish? Did you put sleeping pills in it and wanted to do something to me and Sister Qingxue while we were asleep? Did you also arrange for someone to split Captain Qi, didn’t you! ”

As soon as Qin Yuwei’s words came out, Mu Qingxue knew that things were not good, didn’t this mean that the fig leaf was lifted? At that time, will Wu Dazhi still be so good to talk? In the end, he is too young to hide things in his heart.

Mu Qingxue sighed in her heart, if Qin Yuwei didn’t speak, she might still have a way to resolve this crisis, but right now, she didn’t know how to resolve it, the man who was provoked, lost his mind under anger, her impact would be minimized.

Under anger, people lose their minds, like beasts, hungry beasts, will you care what temperament you have?

Sure enough, as Mu Qingxue expected, Wu Dazhi was stunned for a moment, his face was as swollen as a pig’s liver, his eyes were filled with blood, and the fat on his face was trembling, completely tearing his face, and roared: “Yes!” Yes and how? In the past month, Lao Tzu has provided you with food and drink, and given you the most comfortable environment, shouldn’t this be? ”

“What do you think you are? If it weren’t for Qingxue’s face, Lao Tzu would have asked someone to take your turn, and now you dare to shout with Lao Tzu, really think you are a goddess? ”

“Now I give you a choice, now obediently eat the fish, so that you can still eat a rare meal of boiled fish, or, I call someone in now, right here, give you a turn, don’t you have a big temper?” Come, Lao Tzu see how big your temper really is! ”

Wu Dazhi is like a crazy beast, with eyes of orangutans, full of violent aura, Qin Yuwei is sober, frightened awake, and even in Wu Dazhi’s roar, step by step and keep retreating, the whole person looks panicked.

Looking at Qin Yuwei, who kept retreating, Wu Dazhi’s face was hideous, and his figure kept approaching, “What’s wrong?” Scared? What about your arrogance just now? Where did it all go? Aren’t you very capable? Come on, which one to choose? Is it to eat? Or don’t eat it? The first time I ate yours is mine alone, and if I don’t eat it, your first time is likely to be a lot of people together. ”

Qin Yuwei panicked, looking at Wu Dazhi who kept approaching, she felt helpless for the first time, how she hoped that her parents could come to save her now, even if it was someone else, she was really scared!

At the dinner table, Mu Qingxue picked up the chopsticks and said softly: “Wu Dazhi, stop, I’ll eat.” ”

Suddenly hearing Mu Qingxue’s voice, Wu Dazhi’s mind that was carried away by anger became slightly sober, turned his head to look at Mu Qingxue, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Mu Qingxue had actually moved his chopsticks, and even put fish meat in the sword.

What made Wu Dazhi feel most excited was that he was now looking directly at Mu Qingxue, and he didn’t have the inferiority complex that he wanted to avoid, as if Mu Qingxue had fallen from the altar at this time!

This discovery surprised Wu Dazhi in his heart, he could actually look directly at Mu Qingxue, and there was no feeling of inferiority, and even now he was very excited, and it was like eating a bottle of Viagra somewhere!

What is this situation? Wu Dazhi didn’t understand, why was he suddenly so heroic? It wasn’t like that just now!

If it weren’t for the fact that looking at Mu Qingxue would be inferior and would not be able to raise the slightest reaction, why would he have delayed until now? If there was no reaction, why would he put sleeping pills in the fish?

But at this time, Wu Dazhi has no time to care about why, even if his body mutates and is about to become a zombie, he doesn’t care! He must get Mu Qingxue now, even if he dies after one time, it is worth it!

If there is anything, we will have to wait until after this time!

As for the fish? What fish do you eat at this time? Eating a fish with a hammer, is there a normal state in a coma? If there is no way, who will choose to put sleeping pills?

Ignoring the sluggish Qin Yuwei, Wu Dazhi quickly rushed to Mu Qingxue’s side, and just as he wanted to pounce, he heard a rapid knock outside the door.

“Boss boss! You come out quickly, there is an emergency! ”

Wu Dazhi people are so stupid, my pants are going to take off, you knock on me now? Don’t know how to do big things?

“What urgent matters of your horse are also given to Lao Tzu a little later!” When I’m done, even if the sky falls, you will bear it for me first!” ”

Bang bang!

“The boss can’t do it, it’s really a big deal, a fierce man came outside, saying that he came to find Qin Yuwei, boss, come out quickly!” The brothers are about to be overwhelmed! ”

As soon as Qin Yuwei came back to her senses, she was stunned again, looking for her? Who will look for her? Her dad? Or her mother? Isn’t her dad dead? Who will look for her at this time?

Wu Dazhi was also stunned, looking for Qin Yuwei? Still fierce? The brothers are almost overwhelmed? Aren’t you kidding me? Can’t stand it with a gun?

Before Wu Dazhi could come to his senses, a calm voice came from outside the door.

“Is this the place? Qin Yuwei, are you inside? ”

PS: The character picture is Mu Qingxue, I have been looking for this picture for a long time, and my head is bald

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