Chapter 191 The horror of mirror space, space energy Lv7

The Magic Capital Gymnasium is less than three kilometers away from the Fenglin Campus, which is not a problem for Lin Fan, and even with Lin Fan’s current strength, as long as he wants, he can instantly destroy everything within a ten-kilometer radius, and even with full firepower, the destruction area will be even greater!

The horror of the magnetic field, Lin Fan has not specifically understood until now, he is not a scholar, not as smart as Lao Wan, what kind of unified field can he make, and jump to the fifth dimension to observe the past and the future, this thing, Lin Fan really can’t do it.

Now he is like a walking pollution-free nuclear bomb, but can he do that? No, no!

How many people and how many years did the magic capital build? In order to be fast, crazy amplification moves, yes, the points rise very quickly, the experience is also very fast, the question is, is he now very inadequate, is he very inexperienced to do something?

Brainless destruction? Yes, you have a lot of points and skills are full, but what do you leave behind? The entire demon was reduced to ruins, with no zombies and no living people.

Is there a difference between this situation and an orphan? Even if he can live forever, what is the point of eternal life in the world alone?

Lin Fan has seen a lot of doomsday movies, such as I am a legend, a person and a dog, that kind of loneliness will make people crazy, not to mention him? Can loneliness drive a person crazy and live forever to be a madman? Does this really make sense?

This kind of immortality, Lin Fan would rather have a knife!

Space energy wants to be promoted to Lv7, you need 10w experience, Lin Fan’s brush head is bigger, but if you don’t brush it, you can’t, the space portal is very useful, if you don’t brush it now, you will have to brush it sooner or later! .

However, it is possible to pass on the power, but to whom, this is a question.

Just as Lin Fan was thinking, the distance of two or three kilometers quickly disappeared behind him.

Standing in front of the Magic Earth Stadium, looking up at the giant building in front of him, Lin Fan felt it, he could feel that there were not too many zombies in the stadium.

“Is this the charm of Mu Qingxue? Loved, loved. ”

For Mu Qingxue, he also knew before the end of the world, the brightest star of the Eastern Empire, no one will be more dazzling than her, this woman is like not belonging to the world, the breath of not eating the world’s fireworks, in Lin Fan’s feelings, there is only the little dragon girl in the ancient tomb is not much different.

Lin Fan doesn’t chase stars, but how hot is Mu Qingxue? Walking in the streets and alleys, you can hear all kinds of discussions from passers-by, most of them are Mu Qingxue, and it is difficult to know it.

However, sometimes it is not a good thing to be too hot, such as the magic capital stadium in front of you, 80,000 people are full, and as a result, more than ninety percent of them have become zombies, how? Surprised? Surprised or not? Stings are not irritating?

Walking into the Magic Capital Stadium, you can see that the floor that can be illuminated in normal times is full of blood, all kinds of garbage, all kinds of seats that have collapsed, and then there are zombies, densely packed zombies!

Lin Fan didn’t know if Mu Qingxue was still alive, including Qin Yuwei, but as far as these zombies in the Magic Capital Stadium were concerned, it would allow him to quickly increase a wave of experience and points!

Close to 80,000 zombies, not to mention, there are not so many zombies in the streets of three kilometers, especially so dense!

Looking at the large number of zombies in the Magic Capital Stadium with satisfaction, Lin Fan raised his foot and stomped gently.


A sound that was not dull, nor did it sound too thick, and in an instant, with Lin Fan’s feet as the center of the circle, the entire Magic Capital Stadium changed instantly!

It’s not that the whole Modu Stadium has changed, but something has changed, becoming not the Modu Stadium, but ….


The entire Magic Capital Stadium was shrouded in the power of space, and as Lin Fan advanced, the entire Magic Capital Stadium was distorted, and the seats, buildings, and even the huge pillars that supported the stadium were all distorted, and the invisible force of space affected all this.

The whole space was like a huge millstone, as Lin Fan advanced, this large millstone began to rotate, and countless zombies were involved in it by the huge millstone with Lin Fan’s advance, and then completely shattered and dissipated into boundless smoke.

The Modu Stadium was distorted, and in the mirror space, the entire Modu Stadium was like a giant hot dog, the sky was the earth, the earth was the sky, and the jagged building swallowed all the zombies in the stadium as Lin Fan walked by.

This way of killing zombies is very fast, neither destroying the Magic Capital Stadium, but also quickly killing zombies, but it is too space-consuming.

The idea of mirror space, inspired by the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, pulls all the zombies into the mirror space, so that you can kill the zombies at the fastest speed without affecting the outside world, this way of killing zombies by changing the space is very novel and fast, mainly looking very cool!

Of course, handsome needs to pay a price, the magic capital stadium is three hundred meters in diameter and more than seventy meters high, Lin Fan walked from one end to the other, and the spatial energy in his body was about to bottom!

But such a big effort pays off!

“Ding! Kill zombies +1, points +1, space control experience +1, current experience 78491/10w. ”

“Ding! Kill zombies +1, points +1, space control experience +1, current experience 98570/10w. ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the main space control special energy advanced Lv7, it takes 0/100w of experience to advance to the next level. ”


“Ding! +1 for killing zombies, +1 points, +1 for space control experience, 59541/100w for current experience. ”

The space energy that was almost exhausted suddenly skyrocketed at this moment, and the strange and terrifying space energy full of magic instantly filled the whole body, like a tsunami that kept surging, washing Lin Fan’s body, and the massive amount of space energy was transforming and optimizing, so that Lin Fan’s body was upgraded, so as to be more in line with the space energy!

There is too much space energy, a steady stream of space energy is running, the space around Lin Fan is constantly distorted, one after another fine spatial cracks appear and disappear, disappear and appear, the cycle continues, the space around Lin Fan has been undergoing the process of destruction and repair.


The space was shaking, and in an instant, Lin Fan seemed to pull out countless afterimages, and it was as if the space had been folded ten thousand times, and countless Lin Fan’s figures appeared densely like pieces of paper in one overlapping space, and then disappeared completely as the space collapsed.

The entire magic capital stadium seems to be undergoing a fission of space, and it seems to be divided into countless dimensional spaces, visible to the naked eye, a shabby chair overturned, and then disappeared in that space, and the next second, it appeared in the air a hundred meters away, and disappeared again before falling a few centimeters.

The divine strange of various spaces appeared in the Magic Capital Stadium, and this divine strange also disappeared as the boiling spatial energy in Lin Fan’s body stabilized.

The promotion was completed, the spatial energy was successfully promoted to Lv7, and the nearly 80,000 zombies in the entire Magic Capital Stadium instantly filled Lin Fan’s experience, even exceeding tens of thousands, although the space energy was exhausted, but everything was worth it!

The most important thing is that this time the carnival, with the promotion of the power, the burst of spatial energy instantly filled the lack of spatial energy in his body, just like an upgrade in an online game, instantly full of blood and blue!

Magnanimity! Right! Compared with Lv6, Lv7’s spatial energy energy is massive, increasing more than ten times the spatial energy in the body, and then rushing to the head, and finally stopping in the left eye, the massive amount of space energy with the left eye as a cave, it is regarded as a territory occupied, all the space energy, a drop of all poured into it.

In Lin Fan’s left eye, the endless space was folding, and the patterns of space were jumping, drawing a dense star array map, but the star array diagram seemed to be somewhat incomplete, and some places were still incomplete.

Blinked, his eyes returned to normal, Lin Fan raised his hand, there seemed to be space collapsing in the sky above his palm, folding, this is Lv7’s spatial power, powerful and terrifying!

Moreover, Lin Fan’s dream space portal, Lin Fan felt that he could already get it, but the space portal still had some defects, or it was not complete, and the teleportation distance could not be too far, for example, a transnational teleportation or something, so-so, so casually can teleport seven or eight hundred kilometers.

But Lin Fan is not greedy, seven or eight hundred kilometers is enough, this can cross provinces, oh, here is talking about small provinces, not large provinces, and the difficult spatial passage before, Lin Fan can easily get out.

LV7’s spatial energy, Lin Fan is even more like an arm.

Step out, real teleportation, instantly appeared thousands of meters away, turned to look at the magic capital stadium that was already far behind him, Lin Fan stepped out again, and the figure returned to the place where he stood before.

This is not really the limit, but the instantaneous kilometer is the most suitable way to rush, in this case teleportation.

After experiencing the strength after entering, Lin Fan casually dispersed the mirror space, a ripple spread, and the entire Magic Capital Stadium returned to normal, the only difference from before was that the nearly 80,000 zombies inside disappeared! It’s like evaporating out of thin air!

This is the mirror space, in the mirror space, you dry up the sky, and there is no impact at all outside the mirror space.

There is no person Lin Fan wants to find in the magic capital gymnasium, such as Mu Qingxue, as for Qin Yuwei, Lin Fan does not know what it looks like, whether he is dead or not, but it doesn’t matter, he has already felt the breath of a living person, just grab someone and ask.

The figure disappeared in place, and instantly appeared in the Olin Hotel, looking at a security guard with his back to him, Lin Fan stepped forward and patted the other party’s shoulder.

“Brother, do you know where Qin Yuwei is? Or do you have someone named Qin Yuwei here? ”

Leng couldn’t help but be patted on the shoulder, and the security guard who turned his back to Lin Fan was startled, and anyone who suddenly appeared on the back and patted his shoulder was terrifying enough.

Turning around suddenly, Liu Youcai looked at Lin Fan viciously, with a lingering fear on his face, and after finding that Lin Fan was not a familiar person to provoke, Liu Youcai scolded angrily: “Your horse’s, you don’t know…”


Gently pinched the neck of the security guard in front of him, Lin Fan’s hand loosened, Liu Youcai’s body fell to the ground weakly, his face still had a look of shock and anger, and the words that had not yet been said were also stuck in his throat, and he had no chance to say it in his life.

“Life is so fragile, why can’t you answer questions well.”

Shaking his head, Lin Fan’s figure flashed and appeared on a daze security guard a hundred meters away.

Looking at Lin Fan, who suddenly appeared in front of him, the security guard was directly frightened and collapsed on the ground, and his whole face was pale.

“Let me ask you, do you know where Qin Yuwei is? Or, do you know Qin Yuwei? ”

Li Yuanbin couldn’t say anything in fear, his head was blank, and the whole person was screaming.

Looking at the almost frightened security guard in front of him, Lin Fan shook his head, and the figure disappeared in a flash, Li Yuanbin looked at Lin Fan who suddenly disappeared, rolled his eyes, and decisively pulled over.

Dozens of meters away, seeing the smoke in front of him falling on his clothes and burning a hole in the security guard, Lin Fan raised his hand to pinch off the cigarette butt and asked, “Do you know Qin Yuwei?” Know the name? ”

Liu Yuxuan returned to his senses with an agitated spirit, looked at Lin Fan in front of him, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and quickly pulled out the pistol on his waist.

“Watch me physically exorcize!”


Tilting his head to avoid the bullet, Lin Fan was expressionless.

“Okay, the exorcism is over, can you tell me that you know Qin Yuwei?”

“Hide…. Dodged? “Liu Yuxuan people are stupid, and they can’t come back to their senses.

Seeing this situation, the spatial energy in Lin Fan’s left eye flashed, the space suddenly cracked, and the infinite suction instantly swallowed Liu Yuxuan, and it was not clear how far into the universe he was banished.

After cooking Liu Yuxuan, Lin Fan looked at a security guard who was frantically fleeing in front of him, thought about it, did not go directly over, but hung unhurriedly behind, until the other party stopped at the door of an elegant attic.

Listening to what the security guard said at the door, Lin Fan thought thoughtfully, perceived, there were three people in the room, two women and one man, Lin Fan’s figure instantly appeared at the door, looking at the security guard who was directly frightened and fainted, and ignored it.

“Qin Yuwei, are you inside? If you reply, I’m not gone. ”

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