Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 144: No killing after all

Zhuang Chen reacted quickly.

But that person had already disappeared without a trace. He had just found the traces of these people, and was he going to be cut off by others?

He walked out of the dark unwillingly.

In the portable space, he took out the hemostatic medicine he made in his spare time.

He walked over to check if there was another person, and there was still a trace of breath.

Zhuang Chen hurriedly sprinkled the hemostatic medicine on his neck.

The blood on the man's neck kept gushing out, and Zhuang Chen tried to cover it with his hands.

The effect of the hemostatic medicine was not enough to stop his deep wound so quickly.

The man was already a little breathless, his face turned pale, and his dead fish eyes were wide open.

Under the moonlight, it looked extremely terrifying.

"Even before you die, you have to tell me where the person who took the photo lives?

Otherwise, he will be killed to silence him."

Zhuang Chen's face was full of panic, and he kept stretching out his palms.

Slap the man on the face to keep him awake.

The man murmured weakly, but he couldn't hear what he was saying.

Zhuang Chen's anxious forehead was covered with sweat.

He covered the wound on his neck with one hand, leaned over and put his ear to his mouth, listening to what he said.

After the man said this, his head drooped to the side of Zhuang Chen, and he lost his breath?

"No. 18 Qingnian Avenue?"

Zhuang Chen looked at his dead appearance and felt a little distressed.

He stood up and left the place, repeating the man's words just now.

"Is there only one No. 18? Why are there not several buildings?"

He thought about the address he gave with some annoyance, which was obviously incomplete.

Zhuang Chen quickened his pace. He could only know it by reaching that place first.

He avoided the monsters and zombies wandering on the street and came to the news he had heard.

He stood on the highest roof and looked down, but did not see anything unusual.

He felt a little uneasy. Could it be that the man just now got there first?

If so, wouldn't his way be blocked by these people?

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened a little.


Zhuang Chen stood on the top floor, his clothes were blown up by the breeze, and he kept listening to the sounds around him with his ears erect.

Fortunately, he was still sensitive enough to hear a person's groan of pain.

He immediately walked quickly to No. 18 of that building.

Zhuang Chen saw a man in black from a distance, stepping on a murderous step

walking towards a middle-aged man, picking up the camera on the ground and operating it.

The man's face was full of fear, and he kept shrinking his body and retreating.

Zhuang Chen knew what his purpose was this time? He was even more anxious.


He broke into the window directly, and the glass fragments flew in. The huge noise attracted the thoughts of the two people in the room.

The two people subconsciously stretched out their arms to resist the flying glass fragments.

Her eyes looked at Zhuang Chen with some surprise.

"It's you?"

When Zhuang Chen saw the face of the man in front of him, the anger in his heart rose.

"I'm so sorry, you're a step late."

Qi Yan raised her head and raised the camera in her hand, shaking it in front of his eyes.

Zhuang Chen took a general look at the room.

The room was not big, probably only 50 or 60 square meters. On the simple desktop, the computer was smashed to pieces.

And the film of the camera was also completely deleted by her.

Zhuang Chen's eyes sank slightly.

"It seems that your goal this time is to bring me down."

There was endless anger in Zhuang Chen's light words.

But before he could do anything, Qi Yan threw away the camera in her hand.

She was one step ahead of him and teleported to the man's side.

She picked up the dagger in her hand and cut across his neck.

The man didn't even have time to scream, and blood instantly covered the wall.

Zhuang Chen kicked Qi Yan in the abdomen, but she dodged it cleverly.

The man lying on the ground was twitching constantly.

Even if he was a Daluo immortal now, he might not be able to save him.

Zhuang Chen's face was a little distressed.

"My mission has been completed, so I won't accompany you anymore."

Qi Yanrao smiled lightly, and after saying this, she jumped out of the window.

Zhuang Chen punched the ground, and the building trembled slightly.

He wanted to chase him out, but there was no way at all.

He wanted to use the hemostatic medicine in his hand to save him.

This action was undoubtedly a drop in the bucket, and it had no effect at all.

The man on the ground was dead in a moment.

Zhuang Chen was a little complicated, but he couldn't stay here now.

He stood up in this small room and set his eyes on the computer and camera that were smashed to pieces.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, maybe this matter hadn't become very bad yet.

Qi Yan, who was hiding in the dark, sighed softly when she saw Zhuang Chen leaving with something in his hand.

"It seems that I didn't kill you after all."

I didn't leave until I couldn't see his back anymore.

Secret base.

"Cousin, I have dealt with all those people, but he found me in the end."


Professor Qi didn't react to the previous sentence.

When he heard that he was found, he slammed the table and stood up, staring at his cousin fiercely.

"Are you sure you did it perfectly?"

"I have deleted all the negatives of the computers and cameras and smashed them."

Qi Yan was shocked by her cousin's behavior and said with her head down.

Professor Qi didn't believe her words.

She felt that the boy was very unusual, and she was afraid that he could find something to turn things around this time.

Her heart was beating uncomfortably, just like beating a drum.

Professor Qi was inexplicably irritated and paced back and forth in the room.

She looked at her cousin with a look of disappointment, wanting to scold her, but she didn't say anything in the end.

"No matter what? Don't let him turn over and say hello to the one in the security department this time."

Professor Qi's cold words were filled with uneasiness, and she instructed her cousin to go to the security department immediately.

Qi Yan nodded and turned to leave.

A trace of guilt flashed in her eyes, and she could only bury this strange feeling in her heart.

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