Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 281: Revenge for the murder of a son

"Please give me another chance, I will never provoke you again.

"I believe you should know that the biggest enemy of your family is me. Do you think I will believe what you say?"

Quan Zhizhong's eyes were filled with tears. He tilted his head and clasped his hands to kneel down and beg Zhuang Chen.

"If I had known this today, why did I do it in the first place?"

Zhuang Chen turned his head away from his current appearance and waved his hand slightly.


Quan Zhizhong's body quickly fell under the cracked gap, and a painful sound sounded.

Seeing this, Huang Feng and the others pushed the huge rock next to it together.

"Why is a scum like him still doing in the apocalypse?"

"What are you thinking about every day in your head?"

"It's time to go to hell."


As the crowd's voices against him became louder and louder, the rock was pushed down by them together.

He planned to crush Quan Zhizhong into a pulp and hold him accountable.

The atmosphere fell into a calm state, with everyone slumped on the ground breathing heavily.

“Has the root cause of this geological change been resolved?”

"Because the depth below is too deep, there is no way to bring sunlight or oxygen into it to completely destroy the monsters inside."

Zhuang Chen sighed lightly, with a disappointed look on his face.

Shangguan Wan walked to the edge of the gap with small steps, stretched out his hand and released a burst of power.

The airflow around her swirled around her and then entered the gap like a whirlwind.


Her other six sisters wanted to stop her, but she waved her hand and refused.

Zhuang Chen was attracted by the movement here. He stood up and walked to Shangguan Wan's side, looking at her with a puzzled expression.

"What are you doing? Even if you are using the power of the wind element to send the air flow in.

Most people can't do it, so don't waste your efforts anymore. "

Zhuang Chen kindly tried to dissuade her.

Shangguan Wan raised her eyes shyly and gave him a gentle smile.

"Maybe others can't, but Wan'er can give it a try."

Shangguan Ai came over and explained to Zhuang Chen. She looked at Shangguan Wan with a distressed expression.

Although Shangguan Wan appears to be the weakest among the seven sisters.

But in fact it is her power that no one can imagine.

"Continuing like this is not an option at all. We need to completely eliminate the monsters inside more quickly.

After all, the cracked gap is thousands of meters deep, so long that it can't be seen at a glance, and about eighty centimeters wide. "

As soon as Zhuang Chen's data came out, everyone took a breath of cold air.

This is indeed a huge and impossible project.

Huang Feng and the others came over spontaneously and imitated Shangguan Wan in exercising their power.

Slowly send airflow into the gap to pour oxygen into it.

This scene is quite shocking.

Zhuang Chen was also deeply touched. He raised his head and looked at the scorching sun hanging in the sky.

Everyone's foreheads were covered with fine sweat, which condensed into large beads of sweat and streaked across their cheeks.

Slowly, his jaw dropped to the ground.

Zhuang Chen also came up with a brilliant idea. He found some full-length mirrors from his pocket.

He entered the gap again and fixed the mirror to the top of the mountain wall.

After adjusting its position, a similar full-length mirror was placed on it.

Using the refraction principle of the mirror, the sunlight fills the entire cracked gap.

He placed a full-length mirror on the wall every 100 meters.

Let the scorching sun on the ground shine in as much as possible, so that the monsters inside can't hide.

After doing all this, Zhuang Chen lay on the ground and listened to what was going on inside.

It was very obvious at first, and he could clearly sense the monsters fleeing in all directions.

As time goes by, the movement underground becomes smaller and smaller.

Until the sun sets, everything returns to calm.

Everyone fell to the ground exhausted, breathing heavily.

The sun sets slowly and night falls.

The biting cold wind blew, and several people shivered on the frozen ground.

"Okay, we should go back."

Zhuang Chen took a deep breath.

He clapped his hands and asked everyone to cheer up and stand up.

They followed Zhuang Chen with weak steps, had a simple meal, and then fell asleep.

Quan's safe zone.

When he heard that the surviving men in black came back to report the news, Mr. Quan was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

His body twitched uncontrollably, and his face twisted into one piece.

Curling up on the sofa, he slowly regained his composure until the housekeeper brought him medicine.

"Who told him to do this? Are you ignoring my words?"

Mr. Quan blew his beard and stared angrily, taking pictures of the table and yelling at the people below.

When he got the news that it was his eldest son, he encouraged his younger son to do this.

He felt a fishy sweetness welling up in his throat, but he suppressed it with his strong sense.

Quan Di got the news halfway over, but his face was full of calm, not necessarily a trace of sadness.


He came to the hall and called his father calmly, lowering his head and remaining calm.


Master Quan walked to him angrily, swung his arm and slapped him in the face.

There was an obvious slap mark on Quan Di's face.

His face was suddenly swollen, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes.

"He is your brother, how can you plot against him like this?"

"I don't understand what father is saying?"

"You ask even though you know the answer."

Master Quan pointed at him with a trembling hand and a look of heartache, and his breathing became disordered.

He paced back and forth with mixed feelings.

"From childhood to adulthood, which one is not your priority as the elder brother? Why can't you tolerate your younger brother?"

Master Quan couldn't understand why his two sons turned against each other.

Under his nose, they plotted against each other.

Under Master Quan's accusation against him, Quan Di did not make any comments of his own.

Master Quan vented his anger, and he waved his hand with mixed feelings to let him go.

Quan Di turned around and left immediately. He stopped before he stepped out of the door and said without looking back:

"Although I have been the first in everything since I was a child, I have never received more than a glance from my parents."

He left in a hurry after he finished speaking.

Master Quan looked at his back with regret.

"The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable."

He clenched his fists, his cold eyes staring into the distance.

He exuded murderous aura, and a tear slowly passed from the corner of his eye.

Yuan Lin hid in the dark and took in everything that happened.

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