Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 282 Planting Carrots

Zhuang Chen slept until noon, and felt sore in the waist and back after yesterday's tossing and turning.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, sat up and looked around his room hazily.

Hearing the little sounds coming from outside, he felt a sense of tranquility.

He turned on the system and found that both tasks this time were completed perfectly.

He got 6,000 points and seeds respectively, and felt a little relieved in his heart.

"Fortunately, the reward this time is rich, otherwise I would have cried."

Zhuang Chen complained in a low voice.

Seeing that the points owed to the system were getting less and less, Zhuang Chen became more and more motivated to do things.

"Bang bang..."

Just as he was watching the system sort out, there was a rhythmic knock on the door.

Zhuang Chen walked over in slippers, opened the door and saw a pleasing scene.

Seven girls looked at him with smiles and said goodbye to him.

"We had a big battle yesterday. Won't you rest here for a few more days?"

"We also have important things to deal with. Thank you for your hospitality."

Zhuang Chen saw that they insisted on leaving and stopped trying to persuade them to leave. He watched them leave the farm.

"Zhuang Da, the doomsday forces have been a little strange recently."

Brother Zhu walked towards Zhuang Chen and stood beside him, reporting the recent events in a low voice.

"The quieter they are, the more we have to be on guard. It seems that they are trying to do something big in silence."

"The calmer they are, the more prominent our actions will be, and they will be clearly exposed to the eyes of various forces."

Zhuang Chen fell into silence when he heard what Brother Zhu said.

It is because of the special nature of his farm that the things and people involved are also very wide.

This really pushed them to the top of the wave, which is easy to attract the attention of those with bad intentions.

"We have no way to confirm the other party's plan now, we can only wait and see."

"It is said that we killed the youngest son of the whole family, and they secretly made a feud with us and vowed to fight us to the end."


Zhuang Chen's mouth curled up a light smile. When he decided to kill the man.

He had already anticipated the forces behind him, and he was afraid that they would not come.

"Let's do this for now, tell others to be more alert recently."

Zhuang Chen patted Brother Zhu on the shoulder, told him this sentence, and then walked towards the orchard.

He walked leisurely towards the apple tree, stretched his hand upwards and picked an apple with his mental power.

He wiped it on his clothes and put it in his mouth, biting its flesh.

The juice spread in his mouth, and the sweet smell made him enjoy making sounds.

At the same time.

There was also a force flowing slowly to his limbs, and Zhuang Chen felt comfortable.

Zhuang Chen looked around the orchard and found that there was only one apple tree, which seemed too lonely.

Fortunately, he found a tiger-level orange tree this time.

Zhuang Chen used his steps to measure the distance. Ten steps away from the apple tree, Zhuang Chen took out a small shovel and dug a hole diligently.

He gestured with his hands to measure the depth and width, and then confirmed that there was no problem.

Only then did he carefully find the precious tree from his personal space.

Zhuang Chen stepped on both sides of the dug hole, holding the sapling in his hand and placing it vertically in the hole.

The sapling entered the hole perfectly, and he squatted down and quickly moved the soil on both sides to bury its roots.

He stood up and teleported to the small pond, picked up the red plastic bucket and drew some water.

Then he returned to the sapling and watered it carefully.


Looking at the sapling that was only as high as his knees, Zhuang Chen felt a little relieved in his heart.

He stretched out his finger and poked its green leaves, hoping that it would grow vigorously.

Then he walked into the vegetable garden again, and this time he also harvested some seedlings.

He hadn't looked carefully at what kind of varieties they were.

Zhuang Chen walked into the vegetable garden and sat on the ground carelessly, and took out all the soil from the portable space.

There were rows of messy small seedlings on it, about the length of a finger, and they looked particularly delicate.

When he saw the variety on it, a touch of joy flashed in Zhuang Chen's eyes.

There were not only carrot seedlings, but also their levels were all tiger-level.

"It seems that this mission is really worth it!"

Zhuang Chen grinned and found a vegetable field suitable for them according to their growth habits.

Because the growth environment of carrots is different, Zhuang Chen chose a small slope for it.

He took out a shovel and hit the ground hard to loosen the soil and clean out all the gravel inside.

The gravel splashed everywhere. After cleaning up, Zhuang Chen used his shovel to gather the gravel together.

He looked up and found that he had sorted out almost thirty acres of land.

Seeing that the gravel inside was cleaned up, he took a small shovel and marked out the distance for planting carrots.

Plan their distance, the width is between 60 cm and 80 cm, and the height of the piled soil is between 10 cm and 15 cm.


Zhuang Chen straightened his stiff waist, patted his head, and exhaled heavily.

He teleported back to the warehouse to find fertilizer, and returned to the soil again.

Zhuang Chen dug a small pit with a small shovel and spread organic fertilizers such as potassium sulfate and diammonium phosphate.

Plant the carrots that have sprouted a little into the soil, push the soil next to them to cover them.

Then pick up a pile of hay to cover them.

"Zhuang Da, you can ask us to do these things!"

Ceng Gong scratched his head in confusion, watching Zhuang Chen sitting on the ground to adjust his breathing.

He just saw him busying around and wanted to interrupt him.

But seeing how serious he was, he could only do other things first.

"Because the way to plant this little seedling is a little different, I'd better do it myself."

"You can ask us next time."

Ceng Gong walked over and sat next to Zhuang Chen.

"Wait for this carrot to sprout, uncover all the coverings on it, remember to water it every day and keep it moisturized.

If the sun is strong, you will need to do shading work later, and these things will be left to you!"

Zhuang Chen stood up from the ground and told him the details of these things.

Then he dragged the shovel and left the vegetable garden.

When passing by other vegetable fields, he watched them extend upwards vigorously.

Zhuang Chen found it hard to describe his mood. He picked some fruits that looked good.

"I'll use you guys to make lunch today."

Zhuang Chen saw that it was getting late, so he could only put the seedlings that had not been planted in his personal space.

He was in a good mood today, so he went to make lunch first.

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