Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 283 Questions

Zhuang Chen's harvest was quite rich. He carried cucumbers, green beans, tomatoes, small vegetable seedlings, etc. in his clothes.

"Cuckoo cuckoo..."

As he walked towards the kitchen happily, a crisp voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Zhuang Chen's expression stiffened, and he turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from.

He squatted down, put all the things in his hands on the floor, turned around and walked towards that corner.

"Do you have any good news for me when you come here this time?"

Zhuang Chen saw Yuan Lin outside through the wire website. She was still as charming as ever.

Her hair like seaweed hangs naturally on her shoulders, and she wears a black scarf on her face to cover her appearance.

Revealing deep and charming eyes, blinking eyelashes as thin as cicada wings.

She stood there tall and cold, looking at Zhuang Chen's appearance at this moment, and a strange emotion flashed through her.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and your appearance has become even more breathtaking."

"No need to bring us closer, it's time you reported your news to me, right?"

Zhuang Chen lowered his head and smiled helplessly. He crossed his arms across his chest and slightly raised his chin to look at Yuan Lin frivolously.

Seeing Zhuang Chen's confused expression, she could only sigh softly, and then slowly said:

“I received news that the whole family bribed one of the people on your farm to do harm to you.

But I don't know who this person is? "

Upon hearing her words, Zhuang Chen's head was like thunder on the ground, making him sober in an instant.

"It seems like they are really making a big deal out of it."

"Not only that, they plan to cooperate inside and outside to create things to work with the people inside to deal with your farm."

"It seems that you are quite competent as an eyeliner!"

Yuan Lin smiled reluctantly and looked elsewhere.

If Zhuang Chen didn't have the leverage over her, the whole family would start to seek death more and more.

Now she wants to hug someone to help her make a living in the future.

"But you are so dedicated, here! This is for you."

Zhuang Chen took out a few apples he had just picked from his pocket and threw them to Yuan Lin through the barbed wire fence.

With a puzzled look on her face, Yuan Lin subconsciously reached out and took it, blinked at Zhuang Chen with doubtful eyes, and then looked at the apple in her hand.

“Although resources are scarce in the last days, you gave me these few apples and sent me away.

Wouldn't that be a little too stingy? "

Yuan Lin wrapped her slender fingers around the apples, looked at Zhuang Chen with a raised eyebrow, and a slight smile on her lips.

Zhuang Chen originally planned to turn around and leave, but after hearing what she said, he turned back and smiled mysteriously at her.

"Maybe you can try it yourself and know the secret."

After saying that, he left directly.

Yuan Lin curled her lips and played with the small gadgets in her hands.

Although the sweet smell is indeed quite attractive, it doesn't look like anything special.

She tentatively picked one up and wiped it on her clothes, then took a big bite.

The sweet and sour smell instantly filled her taste buds, followed by a strong force that rushed into her body.

For just a moment, she didn't react at all.

Her body immediately became limp and lay on the ground like a puddle of mud. She curled up and felt the force rushing through her body.


She gritted her teeth to prevent herself from screaming, feeling that the muscles in her body were being tempered.

Dark dirt began to appear on the surface of the white and tender skin, giving off a bit of a stink.

When the power in her body subsided, she weakly relaxed her body.

"This little apple has such a miraculous effect."

Yuan Lin opened her pupils in surprise and took the few apples that fell on the ground into her arms as if they were treasures.

Now she felt a little more relaxed all over, but her body was sticky and a little uncomfortable.

Yuan Lin stood up slowly from the ground and staggered away.

When Quan Di saw Yuan Lin coming back quietly, he had a suspicion in his heart, and he followed him calmly.

"Where did you go?"

A familiar voice sounded, frightening Yuan Lin's heart.

With her back on her back, she immediately adjusted herself. Her face was calm and she turned to look at Quan Di calmly.

"Just went out and had a big fight."

Yuan Lin lowered her head and sniffed the scent of her body, with a somewhat embarrassed look on her face, and she subconsciously stepped back.

Quan Di frowned slightly, looking at the dirt on her body with disgust.

"Then why don't you go clean it?"

Yuan Lin raised her eyes and felt even more chilled when she saw the way Quan Di looked at her.

In her mind, she remembered that An Qing scolded her that she was just the family's dog.

The rebellion within her emerged leisurely.

Yuan Lin hid the ambition in her eyes, nodded slightly to Quan Di, turned around and left in a hurry.

Quan Di looked at her back meaningfully until she disappeared, then he came to his senses and left.

When Zhuang Chen got the news, everyone felt suspicious.

I also secretly guessed in my heart who it was? He was bribed by the whole family to do harm to the farm.

He scratched his head and seemed to have no clue.

After all, the enemy is hiding and he is showing the light.

"Huh! Let's take this matter one step at a time!"

Zhuang Chen could only temporarily suppress this matter and observe it in his usual contact.

Until the sun set, the clouds in the distance were stained with the color of the sunset.

"Zhuang Da, I have something to talk to you about."

Zhuang Chen, who was buried in the vegetable garden, heard this voice and raised his eyes to look at him.

I found that it was Huang Feng's team member. His presence was very low at ordinary times.

The young man in front of him had a square face and black glasses on his face.

He was a little fat and rarely spoke.

Although Zhuang Chen was a little confused, he still patted the dirt on his hands.

He made a gesture to him and asked him to go to the studio to talk.

The two of them communicated secretly for three hours and did not come out of the house until late at night.

"Thank you very much for your sincerity to me. Just in case, you should do what they said first."

Zhuang Chen put his hands behind his back and raised his head to look at the full moon hanging in the sky.

The voice fell into his ears even though it was lowered.

To avoid suspicion, the two of them left the place one after the other.

Zhuang Chen saw with his sharp eyes that after Wu Hai left, a dark shadow in the dark looked at his back strangely.

Then he left.

Because the place where he stood was too dark, he could only see the outline of his body and could not confirm his identity.

"Is there anyone else in the farm who was bribed?"

Zhuang Chen had a doubt in his heart.

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