Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 380: Seeking Help

Zhuang Chen quickly hid in the surrounding buildings with several black shadows, lowering his eyes to take in their appearance.

Several men in black coats covered their bodies and looks.

There was a huge furry hat on their head, and behind them were several people wearing hoods.

Judging from the graceful body, she must be a woman.

They were wearing thin clothes and shivering in the cold weather.

There is a huge difference from the men in black coats.

Zhuang Chen heard their words and knew what they did this time.

Last time, Wei Ziyue saved several women from his hands. Unexpectedly, they did not restrain themselves, but instead became more and more unscrupulous.

This time they were lucky enough to meet them, but where were they transported to those women they didn't meet?

Hearing their words, Zhuang Chen felt very angry.

But his reason suppressed his emotions, and he resisted his impulse and followed them quietly.

He was like a phantom hiding in the dark night.

Zhuang Chen walked behind them for a long time and stopped at the gate of a heavily guarded city.

Watching them helplessly, they sent the women inside.

There were several guards carrying machine guns outside, patrolling back and forth.

They were so guarded that not even a fly could get in.

Zhuang Chen hid in an abandoned building and watched their movements through the window.

You can see them, basically they are three layers inside and three layers outside, wrapping the city.

It seemed that there were all important people inside, and Zhuang Chen's eyes darkened a bit.

He tightened his fists and vowed to uproot all these cancers.

Zhuang Chen's sharp eyes discovered that there was a gap in the wall that could allow him to pass through.

While the patrolman walked over, Zhuang Chen teleported through the corner.

"who is it?"

Suddenly a sharp voice sounded, and Zhuang Chen pressed his body against the wall vigilantly.

All the guards standing guard turned their attention and put the machine guns on their shoulders.

He closed his right eye and aimed at the position where Zhuang Chen was hiding. His shoes scraped against the ground, and a rustling sound reached Zhuang Chen's ears.

"call out!"

A black shadow the size of a fist ran out from behind the wall.

Everyone took a closer look and found that it was a little mouse.

They felt a little surprised that there were still such unmutated animals in this apocalyptic world.

"Catch this mouse and don't disturb the people above."

Zhang Ke coldly turned his back on the running figure of the little mouse and whispered to his men.

Two of the guards stood up immediately, nodded slightly to him, and then started chasing the mouse in the direction in which it was escaping.

“It’s really too much, every time you encounter such a dangerous situation.

They want me, a helpless little mouse, to act as a shield. "

The face of the squirrel was full of tears, and it moved its short legs vigorously.

Looking at the guards behind him who were gradually approaching it, he could only use his best strength.

Zhuang Chen saw that the guards just now were lured away by the squirrels, and then he dared to walk out from behind the wall quietly.

When Zhuang Chen was outside, he had already seen the direction in which the women were being sent away.

He quickened his pace and reached the house where the girl was being held.

Zhuang Chen stood on tiptoes and looked in through the window. The girls were crouching down and sobbing softly.

There were four guards walking back and forth at the door, glancing inside from time to time.


While Zhuang Chen was looking at it, a girl's voice suddenly sounded in surprise.

Zhuang Chen quickly squatted down.

"Bang bang..."

"Put away your crooked ideas and don't try to escape from under our noses."

The guard at the door also heard this strange thing, and he strode to the door.

He stretched out his palm forcefully and slapped the iron door, making it rattling, threatening them fiercely.

The girls lowered their heads to the middle of their knees and shivered without saying a word.

When the guards saw that they couldn't make much splash, they turned around and left.


Zhuang Chen crouched down and hid outside. He heard a slight tapping sound of knuckles on the wall.

He felt that the girl's exclamation just now was because she discovered him.

He stared at the station quietly with suspicion.

Zhuang Chen happened to see a little girl crying with tears streaming down her face. She stood on tiptoes and grabbed a railing with both hands.

There was a girl about her age underneath her body, supporting her body with her shoulders.

She desperately grabbed her railing to steady her shaking body.

"You...are you here to save us?"

Guo Ya blinked her helpless eyes, tears washing down her face like a flood.

Zhuang Chen nodded.

He stretched out his index finger, put it to his mouth to make a silent gesture, and carefully looked at the guard at the door.

"Please go and save my sister, okay? She was just taken away and said she wanted to contribute to the people above."

Guo Ya suppressed her emotional fluctuations, and tears burst into her eyes silently.

She lowered her voice and spoke into Zhuang Chen's ears, her eyes filled with prayers.

Seeing her so sad, Zhuang Chen couldn't bear to refuse her.

When he learned the direction her sister was sent, Zhuang Chen patted her little hand and told her not to worry.

Then he walked quickly in that direction. The security here was too strict.

He was almost discovered by others several times, but fortunately he dodged flexibly.

Zhuang Chen felt that something seemed to be climbing on his legs and feet.

He was about to kick it out, but found a flower rat.

It ran to his shoulder flexibly, panting.

He tilted his head and stared at Zhuang Chen resentfully, and a wronged voice sounded beside his ear,

"Can you not arrange me out every time in such a dangerous situation?"

"Of course, only you can handle such an important task. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly in the future."

Zhuang Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth and answered it in a low voice.

Hearing that he took her words seriously, she proudly crossed her arms around her chest, raised her head, and snorted.

"Go and lead the people in front away."

"Are you kidding me? I just escaped from someone's clutches!"

The squirrel was so angry that he stood directly on Zhuang Chen's shoulder, glaring at him with his hands on his hips.

No matter what Zhuang Chen said, he was unwilling to take the risk again.

"I'll treat you to the food I cooked myself when I get back."

"Then I want to eat the twice-cooked pork from last time."

The squirrel's eyes lit up instantly, and he rubbed his hands and looked at Zhuang Chen.

After getting Zhuang Chen's confirmation, he rushed out with full energy.

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