Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 381: Is it possible?

Zhuang Chen saw his crisis and was once again lured away by Huazhi Shu.

He looked around and made sure he wouldn't attract anyone's attention before leaving.

The guards patrolling back and forth here were too strict. Zhuang Chen walked through this section as if he had passed through many mechanisms.

It made him somewhat out of breath.

In the last jump, he landed lightly on the high wall with both feet.

Then he quickly jumped up and landed smoothly on the ground.

This series of coherent movements made no sound.

He pressed his body tightly against the wall, his chest rising and falling violently.

Just as he adjusted his condition, he was ready to leave.

But a few muffled voices in the distance rang in his ears.

This was followed by the sound of footsteps approaching him step by step.

Zhuang Chen covered his mouth and nose, put his ears on the wall and listened to the voice on the other end.

"The guard must be strict tonight, and we will finally use this beauty to eliminate the anger of the superiors.

Don't make any mistakes. "

"I have sent additional personnel outside the superior's house."

"Tell them not to get too close, otherwise they will disturb his mood."

"There seem to be a lot of rats recently, please pay attention to me."


Zhuang Chen could tell from their words that they attached great importance to this matter.

He heard the footsteps gradually disappearing, and then he quietly left the place.

I'm also thinking about this big shot in my head. What is his origin?

He quietly followed the other party and came to the place where the big shot they talked about was.

The high-rise building in front of him was rising from the ground, and the moonlight shone in and was reflected by the glossy surface of his glass wall.

Even if there is a gecko, it cannot climb on it.

Ten meters away from the tall building, there were dozens of guards walking back and forth around the building.

There are no blind spots for people to take advantage of.

"I'm exhausted. You must make twice-cooked pork for me when you get back."

The flower-branched rat ran over from the darkness in a short time.

It followed Zhuang Chen's pants and came to his shoulders. All its limbs lay on Zhuang Chen's shoulders, panting heavily from exhaustion.

Zhuang Chen ignored it and looked at the guard in the distance with bright eyes.

It suddenly became wary.

"Don't ask me to come over again. This time I won't be a bait no matter what you say.

Do you know that I was almost trampled to death just now? "

Huazhi Shu was lying on Zhuang Chen's shoulder, wiping his eyes with his hands and sobbing aggrievedly, looking so pitiful.

When Zhuang Chen heard its movement, he took a helpless breath and turned his head sideways to stare at its showmanlike appearance.

"You have already aroused others' suspicion. It would be a little weird if I asked you to go again.

Then I will be discovered before I even finish my work. "

Zhuang Chen's words made him immediately stop what he was doing.

He immediately wiped away his tears and said with a grin:

"I told you earlier, what will you do now?"

Huazhi Shu was making sure that Zhuang Chen wouldn't let him go out again.

It immediately sat up straight and imitated humans, crossing its legs and looking at the guards in the distance.

"Their posture is too strict. Even a little mouse like me can't break in."

"Now we just have to wait and see."

Zhuang Chen kept changing his position, trying to find a breakthrough and break in as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he was afraid that something might happen to the girl who was sent in.

"That woman just now was really stunning!"

"That's not something we can get involved in. Put away your bad intentions."

"You don't need to tell me, why don't you just let me take a look? Just keep your eyes on me and I'll go pee."

As soon as the man walked away, Zhuang Chen took advantage of one of them to look to one side.

He immediately held his breath and teleported behind him.

The man touched his cold back and looked back.

When he found nothing unusual, he turned his head and continued patrolling.

Zhuang Chen took a breath and saw that he didn't attract their attention.

He looked around how to get in?

Fortunately, the guards in the distance are far away from here.

He was hiding behind the pillar, and if you didn't look closer, you wouldn't be able to find him at all.

Zhuang Chen turned around and looked at the glass door, which was swaying back and forth with the cold wind.

His eyes lit up, he walked over quietly, pushed the door gently and stepped in sideways.

"It really takes no effort at all."

A smile appeared on Zhuang Chen's lips, and he ran to the top of the tall building without delay.

In just one minute, Zhuang Chen arrived at the top floor.

"In such an apocalyptic world, for you to do such a cowardly thing is like eating human blood.

People like you will definitely be struck by lightning. Get out of my way and don't touch me. "


He heard a woman's desperate screams and her angry yells.

Zhuang Chen tried to push the iron door, but he couldn't push it at all.

"If we don't rush in, this little girl may die."

When the flowery mouse heard the woman's clear and melodious voice, it sat on Zhuang Chen's shoulders with its hands folded across its chest.

He shook his head regretfully, his words full of sympathy.

"Isn't this what I'm trying to do?"

Zhuang Chen was a little anxious, and he responded to Hua Zhishu in a low voice.

He was somewhat thankful that this so-called big man had a habit of not allowing others to eavesdrop.

Only he was walking back and forth in this empty floor.

Zhuang Chen found another door, walked over, squatted down, and took out the wire from his pocket neatly.

He held his breath and inserted the wire into the keyhole, and put his ear tightly against the iron door, listening to the sound inside.

"Can you do this?"

Hua Zhishu jumped directly on Zhuang Chen's head excitedly, grabbed his hair and tilted his head.

He also learned from Zhuang Chen to open one eye and close one eye, looking at the keyhole inside.

"Shut up!"

Zhuang Chen had to concentrate on looking inside, and he interrupted Hua Zhishu's voice with a low and sharp shout.


In the silent environment, there was a clear sound of a door opening.

Zhuang Chen held the cold handle and pushed it down, and then pushed the door open.

The squirrel jumped up and down happily at this, and couldn't stop praising and admiring Zhuang Chen.

Zhuang Chen didn't bother to pay attention to its flattery. There were not many decorations in the room, and it could be seen that it was a newly built building.

He quickly walked into the window closest to the next room and looked over.

When he looked through the gap of the glass window next door that was propped up, he saw the situation inside.

He was so angry that his fists creaked.

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