Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 436: Good Luck

“Stop chasing them.

An Jian looked at their leaving figures with dark eyes, and whispered to the people behind them so that they didn't have to pursue them anymore.

The people behind him were all a little confused, no matter how powerful that person was.

Can't they defeat him with so many people?

"I know what you're thinking, but this man is unusual.

All of us combined are no match for him. "

Because this person was his father, he was warned repeatedly not to touch him casually.

This is not something he can fight against, if he wants to deal with this person.

It is still necessary to make gradual progress in cycles and find a good time to bring him down completely.

"This stinky woman's life will be saved today."

An Jian tightened his fists and turned around to leave unwillingly.

When Zhuang Chen and the others saw that there were no people chasing behind them, they relaxed their pace and started walking slowly.

"How did you know that I was in danger? And find my location so accurately?"

Yuan Lin took small steps and ran to Zhuang Chen, blocking his way.

He frowned slightly and asked in a low voice, with a hint of doubt in his words.

"Don't worry about how I know. I have my own channels."

Zhuang Chen stretched out his hand and pushed her body to the side.

Looking straight ahead, he pondered for a while and then said slightly:

"There seems to be something wrong with the butler around you. When I was looking for you, he deliberately pointed me to a lonely road.

Fortunately, in the end, I cleverly remembered the surrounding terrain and determined your location. "

Hearing Zhuang Chen's words, Yuan Lin had a look of disbelief on her face.

But seeing Zhuang Chen looking so serious, she had to fall into deep thought.

"Although I did not tell him where I went, but he saw me going out with his own eyes, so logically he would not point to that road."

Yuan Lin remembered that when she was going out, the old housekeeper personally walked her to the door.

And told her to pay attention to safety.

"Whatever the situation is? You need to pay more attention."

Zhuang Chen stopped himself, turned his head and reminded her solemnly.

"I see.

You care about me so much and you still say you don’t like me! "

Yuan Lin glanced at him gratefully, and then the expression on her face changed.

She winked at him playfully and said these words to him coquettishly.

"Stop filling your head with useless things and instead look at what's going on right now."

Zhuang Chen had three black lines drawn on his head and sighed as he spoke to her.

Seeing his confused look, Yuan Lin pouted her mouth in anger and stamped her little feet on the spot with her arms folded around her chest.

"With a stupid head like yours, I really don't know how to fall in love in the future."

"You don't need to worry about small things like this."

Zhuang Chen put his hands around his neck and tilted his head back to relieve his fatigue.

"The An family already knows that I was the one who killed them and is here to cause trouble for me. Does this have anything to do with you?"

"What are you thinking in your head? Of course it has nothing to do with me. You must know that you are my subordinate now."

Yuan Lin scratched her head. What he said was indeed not unreasonable.

"Did those forces get the funds they said they wanted to give you last time?"

What Zhuang Chen said made her emotions go on an emotional roller coaster to its peak, and she jumped up and down as he spoke.

"Not to mention the excitement when those people moved boxes of gold and silver jewelry into my room.

The golden light almost blinded my eyes. "

When Yuan Lin said these words, the tears from the corners of her mouth were almost flowing.

Zhuang Chen rubbed his throbbing temples and was also infected by her emotions.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he briefly communicated with her, and left from here.

He returned to the farm and moved his limbs, wandering around the farm.

When Zhuang Chen saw those vegetable seedlings, he fell into melancholy again.

What method should be used to find things that are not found in the farm.

Replant it to complete the system's tasks.

There were only a few days left, and the pressure in his heart made him breathless.

Zhuang Chen grabbed his hair irritably and let the cold wind blow on his face, allowing him to regain consciousness for a moment.

When Zhuang Chen walked to the garden, suddenly an idea flashed in his head.

He immediately turned around and returned to his room, took out the exquisite box and opened it.

Looking at the little ginseng still lying quietly inside, exuding its unique scent.

Zhuang Chen took a deep breath and smelled the smell in the air.

"Isn't it said that it must be planted in the farm to be counted? Then I am a collector.

If we try to plant it again, it should be effective, right? "

Zhuang Chen thought of his approach and couldn't help but praise his wit in his head.

After looking for some details related to growing ginseng, he closed the book and hurried out of his room.

Choose a suitable surface for it to live on in the farm.

He walked around the farm and found no place suitable for him.

Zhuang Chen immediately found an open space and sprinkled a layer of withered yellow leaves on its surface.

Qi Yan, who was passing by, was puzzled by Zhuang Chen's action, and several big question marks flashed in her head.

"Zhuang Da, what are you doing?"

"Because I need to plant ginseng, the land suitable for its survival must be humus land.

So I can only sprinkle a layer of leaves on it and let them rot in the soil."

After hearing Zhuang Chen's explanation, she understood the method.

Qi Yan rolled up her sleeves and helped Zhuang Chen spread all the leaves on the ground.

"You can plant after waiting for a while."

Zhuang Chen put the tools on the edge of the field, straightened his waist and patted the soil on his hands.

The breath he exhaled turned into a mist visible to the naked eye.

He walked towards the warehouse with the tools, and when he passed his own pond.

He found that the cracks were slowly healing, and the strength of the fish and shrimp was getting stronger.

No longer bound by the pond.

And some black fish fry appeared on the edge of the pond, almost merging with the water.

If you don't look carefully, it's easy to be overlooked.

Zhuang Chen looked at the first batch of fish and shrimp fry he had put down, and they were all beginning to reproduce rapidly.

His pond would soon welcome many new lives, and by then this small pond might not be enough for them to survive.

Zhuang Chen thought that he had to find a time to expand the area of ​​the pond.

He took a look here, tightened his clothes, lowered his head and walked towards the warehouse in the howling cold wind.

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