Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 437: Were you scared away?

Zhuang Chen found that the weather was getting worse now.

The sun was still rising in the morning, but in the afternoon it was covered by black clouds.

The cold wind was so strong that it would have blown away the person's body, if it weren't for the strength he had on him.

Maybe it's still a little difficult to deal with this wind. The bodies of others are already tilted almost to the ground.

He finally put the things in the warehouse, closed the wooden door that rattled in the cold wind, and turned around to walk to the front yard of the farm.

As soon as he arrived at the front yard of the farm, Brother Zhu and the others came back one after another.

They pulled off the towels on their faces, revealing their cheeks that were chapped by the cold wind, and their pupils were densely covered with bloodshot eyes.

"The weather is changing so fast now."

"It seems that as winter approaches, the temperature may become even worse."

"I almost got blown away when I went out today."


Everyone stood at the door through the glass, watching the greenhouse outside being swayed by the cold wind.

The sound of rushing could be heard in the room.

Everyone's faces were full of worry. When Ju Anan said this, he had fear on his face.

Zhao De patted her back gently and comforted her.

"During this period, we still need to work harder and make persistent efforts to deliver resources to the hands of various forces."

Zhuang Chen walked to the bar and picked up a pot of hot water.

He walked to the table and poured a little water into the cup, gesturing for them to come over and drink.

"This is what we should do."

"But for the sake of the security of the resources in our hands, we must all treat it carefully."


Everyone's face had a hint of solemnity, because it was winter and there were those minions hiding in the dark.

He became more and more restless, trying to seize resources from their hands.

"If they want to rob it, let them rob it."

Everyone was stunned when they heard what Zhuang Chen said.

He narrowed his pupils fiercely and looked at Zhuang Chen's words in disbelief.

Brother Zhu, who had been by Zhuang Chen's side for a long time, saw the smile on his lips.

You knew there was something behind his words and that it was not as simple as it seemed.

"I don't know what Zhuang Da means? It shouldn't be that we really use the resources in our hands to provide others with both hands."

Brother Zhu broke through Zhuang Chen with one word, his tone full of certainty.

"It seems that the only person who knows me well is Brother Zhu, so of course I won't take the initiative to offer him with both hands.

Naturally, the things that they can snatch away are not good things? "

Zhuang Chen waved his hand and asked them to bring their ears close to him.

He told them all his thoughts.

After listening to this, everyone gave a thumbs up and admired Zhuang Chen's intelligence.

It's not something that this group of people can compare to.

"You don't need to praise me exaggeratedly here. The most important thing is your cooperation."

Zhuang Chen reached out and patted Brother Zhu on the shoulder, but his eyes looked around them.

After implementing this plan, everyone was busy preparing the fake items this time.

They are going to fish with Jiang Taigong, and those who are willing will take the bait.

Zhuang Chen himself was paying attention to the growth of the vegetable seedlings in the farm.

Three days later.

Brother Zhu and the others walked towards Zhuang Chen happily, with uncontrollable smiles on their faces.

Ju Anan was like a little white rabbit, jumping to Zhuang Chen's side.

I can’t wait to share what happened today.

"Zhuang Da is really clever. We didn't get very far before we encountered an ambush.

Fortunately, we pretended to resist for a while, pretending not to be reconciled, and allowed them to flee in embarrassment with the resources they robbed. "

Brother Zhu and the others echoed Ju Anan's words.

Ju Anan danced and danced to demonstrate to Zhuang Chen how dangerous the situation was at that time.

Thanks to their good acting skills, the other party didn't notice anything unusual.

"You have done a good job. Now the next step is to transport a batch of resources by mixing the real and fake ones."

Zhuang Chen whispered his plan to them, and they nodded one after another to show that they knew.

He knew that his plan would be successful, so he would quietly infiltrate into their lives like this.

Let them let down their guard and then you can see their reaction.

After Zhuang Chen asked them to go down and rest, he took a hoe from the warehouse and walked to the selected piece of land in front of him.

When I came to this piece of land, I found that all the withered yellow leaves that were originally covered with it had rotted into a soft ball.

And the air is still filled with a rancid smell.

Zhuang Chen couldn't help but rub his nose, trying to hold his breath.

"The smell is too strong."

He grumbled under his breath.

But he still had to do business after all. Zhuang Chen rounded the hoe in his hand.

I dug hard, intending to get such rotten leaves into the soil and let them blend well.

Every stroke of Zhuang Chen's hoe was very hard and deep.

The originally stiff soil was completely renovated.

The rancid smell was covered up by the freshness of the earth, making the smell in the air less pungent.

Zhuang Chen accelerated his actions, wanting to solve the problem here as soon as possible.

After the soil was completely renovated, Zhuang Chen tested the pH value here.

When he reached the survival level of ginseng, Zhuang Chen knew that his actions were not in vain.

He took out the ginseng seedlings he had cultivated in advance, carefully held their roots and pressed them into the soil.

"Fortunately, Ceng Gong copied more, otherwise these ginseng seedlings would not be able to fill the soil."

Zhuang Chen felt a little relieved, stood up and pounded his waist, looking at the green seedlings in the soil.

There was a little joy in his heart.

After planting all the ginseng seedlings, Zhuang Chen sprinkled all the dead grass on their surface to help the soil permeability.

He patted the mud on his hands and walked to the shore, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Woof woof..."

Six excited little yellow dogs ran from a distance, shaking their tails wildly and rubbing their heads against his calves affectionately.

"It's only been a while since I last saw you little guys. When did you become so clingy?"

Zhuang Chen squatted down lovingly and rubbed their furry heads one by one.

There was no blame in his words.

"Zhuang Da, why haven't you seen the little mouse for a while?"

"Without it, I don't know what fun it is to chase?"

"Was it scared away by us?"

"We were just teasing it for fun. It shouldn't be so stingy."


Zhuang Chen thought carefully after hearing their howling sounds.

It is true that he hasn't seen it for a while.

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