Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 502: Reaching an Agreement

Zhuang Chen finally understood the meaning of the words "pending" behind those names.

He leaned half of his body to the side and looked at the long queue.

He saw a familiar figure at the door.

The young man looked at everyone who passed by him with a cold face.

He crossed his arms around his chest and felt the power emanating from the room.

Zhuang Chen sighed in his heart, he knew that the other party was looking for him.

His brain was running fast, thinking carefully about how to solve this crisis.

There were still many things he hadn't thought about, and he was not sure who was the mastermind behind the scenes?

He couldn't expose his identity so quickly.

Zhuang Chen seemed calm on the surface, but in fact he was in a storm.

Watching the team slowly shorten, there were four or five people in front of him who were about to take his turn.

Zhuang Chen saw the instrument inside clearly.

It looked like a large disc on the outside, with a cylindrical stone pillar supporting its body below.

The surface of the disc was engraved with various runes, and there was a compass arrow in the middle.

These people pressed their hands on the center of the disc, calmed down and let him slowly mobilize his power.

The disc felt the fluctuation of power, and the pointer started to rotate rapidly.

Pointing to a certain symbol, and emitting a light source visible to the naked eye.

Those who were judged to have superpowers were taken to another place.

Zhuang Chen knew that the crisis was gradually approaching.

He took advantage of the fact that the young man did not focus on him.

He began to use his spiritual power to disrupt the magnetic field of the disc instrument and crush it with a powerful force.

"What's going on?"

The person who was about to put his hand on it was also shocked when he saw this sign.

He stepped back repeatedly, and there was confusion on his face.

He quickly waved his hand to indicate that it was not caused by him.

The guard at the door stepped over and looked at the situation above with a confused state.

I saw the pointer on the disc instrument spinning wildly.

I could only see a little afterimage of it.

Smoke came out after a while.

"Da Da Da..."

The disc machine made a sharp and piercing sound.

The boy and the guard at the door had to turn it off first, and they were all incredulous about the damage.

"It has been working fine all this time, how could it suddenly break down?"

"It may be because too many people were tested and it was not carefully maintained, which led to this situation."

"Just report this matter to the higher-ups, and let the others stay in the factory first.

When they are repaired, we will test them again."

When the boy finished this sentence, he walked away indifferently.

When he left, he always felt that there was a person inside who gave him a familiar feeling.

He always had a premonition that this damage was not an accident, but he couldn't tell the specific feeling in his heart.

He could only give up.

Zhuang Chen saw this posture, and he let out a breath without making a sound.

"Everyone go back to the workshop and continue working."

The guard at the door drove them away irritably.

Zhuang Chen mixed in the crowd and imitated them to shake his body and leave.

"Brother, people with special abilities were sent to the upper levels. Have you seen them again?"

Zhuang Chen had a flattering smile on his face. He trotted to the boy who had just asked.

And quietly handed the compressed biscuit to him.

The boy lowered his head and looked at the compressed biscuit in his hand.

Then he carefully raised his head and looked around, making sure that no one had noticed this action.

He quickly put the compressed biscuit back into his pocket.

He lowered his voice and answered Zhuang Chen's words.

"Of course not, I heard that they are very successful and have everything they want.

People like us can't see them, so many people want to go to the upper levels.

Look! Look at those people, they are a model!"

The boy pursed his lips to signal Zhuang Chen to look over.

Zhuang Chen saw Qiu Feng and Dong Ya walking together, talking and laughing.

It is said that they live freely, have independent rooms, and are not controlled by others.

Zhuang Chen didn't know why, but he always felt that something was wrong?

But after thinking for a long time, he still had no idea.

He returned to the workshop with the group of people, his hands numbly sticking labels, but his head was thinking about the secrets of this factory.

Suddenly, a light bulb flashed in his head.

"Why can't we see children in this place?"

"The children are carefully nurtured by the upper level."

"According to them, children are the flowers of the future, so..."

What he didn't finish made Zhuang Chen understand, that is, they will put all their efforts into training.

But why do they need to do this? Is it just to cultivate talents?

Zhuang Chen hoped that he didn't judge others by his own meanness, but he still needed to verify it himself.

After all, there were too many weird things in this industrial area, and he didn't want to care about these things.

But he was involved now, so he had to intervene.

When Zhuang Chen asked them this series of questions, a woman who was pulling wires next door kept staring at him.

When they had lunch at noon, Zhuang Chen lowered his presence and followed the crowd with his head down.

They walked outside the factory and lined up to receive food, and found a place to sit at random.

Zhuang Chen also found a step and sat on it directly, imitating them to open the package of compressed biscuits and chew them in big mouthfuls.

He retched dryly, and immediately twisted the cap of the mineral water bottle and poured water in.

"Are you investigating in this industrial zone?"

Just as Zhuang Chen stretched out his fist to hit his chest and followed the compressed biscuits.

A calm female voice suddenly sounded beside his ear, and he widened his pupils and prepared to look at her.

"No need to look over."

Zhuang Chen's head just turned halfway, and he reached out and scratched his head calmly.

He pretended to lower his head and eat compressed biscuits, listening to the woman next to him talking to him.

"You are still obedient, aren't you afraid that I will report you?"

"If you really want to report me, you won't sit next to me and tell me these things."

A glimmer of hope flashed in the woman's eyes, and she knew that she had not found the wrong person this time.

"You came to see me just to talk about this, right?"

"I can tell you something about these industrial areas, but you have to help me."

After hearing what the woman said, Zhuang Chen quickly reached an agreement with her.

After the two agreed on a time, they pretended to be strangers and went their separate ways.

Late at night.

Zhuang Chen pretended to drink the mineral water with the drug, and spit it into the towel in his hand the moment he lay down.

He closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

He knew that the group would send people every night to monitor them drinking the mineral water with the drug.

Only then would he feel at ease to leave here.

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