Doomsday: I have a super farm

Chapter 503 Luxurious Building

Zhuang Chen quietly opened one eye and looked at the people around him who fell into a deep sleep.

The sound of snoring rose and fell like thunder before he rolled over and landed on the ground.

He bent over and walked to the wall again, tapping his feet lightly on the wall to gain strength.

He flew to the window and ran out smoothly.

He passed through layers of warning tape and arrived at the place agreed with Haili.

Abandoned bricks and tiles were piled up on a hillside, and a musty and damp smell penetrated people's noses.

Zhuang Chen came to the back of the bricks, where Haili had been waiting for a long time.

"It seems that you are quite punctual and keep your promises."

"You're not bad either."

The two men turned around to check cautiously, and then crouched down to avoid their lights when they were sure it was safe.

"Now can you tell me what happened?"

“These people are hypocritical. They do things to help people on the surface, but in fact they achieve their own goals through them.

They snatched my child away and force-fed me with a memory-clearing potion. "


Haili said that her body is special and can dissolve any harmful substances.

So such medicine has no effect on her.

"What is their purpose?"

“Their intention is to use our free labor to train children to become their ruthless killing machines.

The set of mechanisms inside is even more mind-numbing. "

When Haili said this, her tears fell uncontrollably, like beads with broken strings.

His clenched fists were filled with hatred.

"I even scratched my cheek to protect myself. This will never end like this."

Zhuang Chen relied on the faint light to truly see her appearance.

The fair face has three-dimensional features and firm brows.

But there was an abrupt scar on the right cheek, which looked like a ferocious centipede, destroying her beauty.

Zhuang Chen could feel her emotional fluctuations. In order to find her child, he had been lurking here with humiliation.

“We can only find the mastermind behind this and destroy everything.

Only then can more people here be rescued from dire straits. "

There was urgency in Haili's words, and her fiery eyes were fixed on Zhuang Chen's face.

After careful questioning by Zhuang Chen, he found out that no one had seen his true face as the so-called Uncle Zhou.

Zhuang Chen felt that the doubts in his head had become a mess.

He grabbed his hair irritably and sighed softly.

"Things still need to be considered in the long term. If you find anything, please notify me in time."

Zhuang Chen quickly said this to her and turned around to leave.

He was running in the industrial area, a very luxurious building that was very incompatible with the factory next to it.

Several rooms in the building were shining with warm yellow lights, full of ambiguity.

Especially the colorful nightclub on the top floor attracted Zhuang Chen's attention.

Listen carefully and there is strong music playing.

He raised his eyes and looked at the many guards surrounding the building.

No one is allowed to come near.

"You go and lure them away."

Zhuang Chen took the rat out of his hat and looked at its sleepy appearance.

He shook its head vigorously to bring it back to consciousness.

His voice rang in Huazhishu's ears, and Huazhishu woke up with a start.

He blinked pitifully with his pupils widened.

"No way, let me lure them away again."

"Don't talk nonsense here, hurry over."

Zhuang Chen squatted down, put the squirrel on the ground and pushed its body.

Huazhishu turned around without tears and looked at Zhuang Chen who showed no intention of discussing.

It could only use its short legs to run towards the group of guards.

"In this apocalyptic world, there are still such small mice?"

"This is too strange. Everyone, hurry up and catch it."

"Little one, let me see where you are running?"

"Quickly stop me."


The guards at the door put away their guns one after another, and chased after Huazhi Shu with tiny steps.

I was very surprised by its small size and immediately surrounded it.

The squirrel's flexible body shuttled between their legs, and kept shouting in its mouth.

Zhuang Chen took the opportunity to teleport in.

He pushed the door open and found that the lobby was completely high-end, grand and luxurious.

The floor was polished and the bar on the right was stocked with a variety of drinks.

Two huge leather sofas are placed in the middle.

"Deng Deng..."

Zhuang Chen heard the sound of high heels hitting the ground, and he hurriedly hid his body behind the sofa.

With the reflection of the person on the floor, he discovered that the other person was wearing a uniform, revealing her long, shapely legs.

Her enchanting body swayed from side to side, and she took out the treasured wine in her hand.

The expression on his face was numb, and he walked to the car with a dizzy head and started pushing it.


Zhuang Chen raised his head and glanced at the blind spot of the monitor. He rolled over, stood up and covered her mouth and nose.

The woman was frightened and screamed, struggling hard.

"Don't yell, I have something to ask you."

Zhuang Chen told her the purpose of coming here in her ear.

He warned her repeatedly to cooperate.

The woman nodded in fear.

Zhuang Chen slowly put his hand down after making sure that she would not reveal her identity.

Unexpectedly, the other party just sobbed softly and took a step back to distance herself from him.

Zhuang Chen slowly relaxed her vigilance and learned from her that this building was a place for those managers to relax and have fun.

The other party was also forced to be here.

Zhuang Chen curled up and hid under her cart, using the drooping white cloth to cover his figure.

The cart entered the elevator and successfully reached the top floor.

Zhuang Chen could see through the gaps in the white cloth that there were several rooms in this corridor.

There were two guards standing at the door of each room, and there was noisy music and colorful lights at the end of the corridor.

Every time the woman passed by a guard, they would touch her.

She gritted her teeth to endure such humiliation, pretending to be coquettish and asked them to pay attention to their words and deeds.

She endured the fear in her heart and pushed the cart to the end of the corridor.

Although Zhuang Chen wanted to rush out and punch them, he knew that now was not the time to reveal his identity.

He entered the largest room, which was very dim.

The colorful light flashed, reflecting the man's wretched face.

He swung his body wantonly in the center of the room, making the girls around him dance.

He grabbed their arms and pulled them into his arms.

The girls were forced to force a smile with difficulty, and their eyes were full of fear of him.

Zhuang Chen took advantage of the fact that no one noticed him, rolled down from under the cart, and hid in the corner of the room.

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