Doomsday: I have one more keyword than others

Chapter 630 Women Crazy for Love

In fact, there is no need for the Queen Mother to verify it.

When Harry and others were integrating the fleet and appeasing people, Doug transmitted the video of the battlefield to the star network before everyone else.

The chaos he instigates with his own hands brings the highest returns.

The skill of fishing in troubled waters, only if he muddies the water himself, will he be the biggest beneficiary.

Moreover, after Doug exposes himself, the connection between his spring heart and the power of faith will turn the admiration of those of the opposite sex attracted to him into faith...

The place covered by the power of faith is the place that his perception can touch.

It is easy for people to admire him and be attracted by his personality charm when he can defeat eleven fleets by himself.

At that time, it is the time when one call and one hundred responses can exert its greatest power.

The power of faith can respond to hundreds of calls, and it can be linked to the whole body at the slightest move, allowing him to do things with half the effort.

A series of skill linkages broke through the limitations of keyword strength and soared exponentially. This was no longer a snowball.

When he does everything right, the sensation caused is a big avalanche. Anyone who dares to go against him will be drowned by this avalanche...

The origin of human race is always a hot topic, not to mention the real-time combat video data.

Just as Duger expected, after he uploaded the battle footage to the Star Network, it caused an uproar in a short time.

What was supposed to be a vigorous war ended in less than two hours, and in a one-sided manner, which surprised everyone.

Ordinary people on the Star Network didn't care about the face of the superior gods. They quickly reposted the videos one by one and discussed the current situation heatedly under Du Ge's video.

"He actually won. Who is this Duge? No wonder he dominated the star network's hot spots a few days ago. He does have this strength."

"Not only does he have strength, he is simply too powerful, okay? That is the main battleship of the Thorn Protoss. One battleship can conquer a civilization, and the protective shield was shattered by his punch. Is he the God King?"

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have looked down on him. Duger was not only the trigger of the war, but also had the power to influence the war."

"He defeated the main god of the Thorne Protoss in the most humiliating way, and also took away the source of human race. The Thorne Protoss will definitely fight him to the death."

"It is said that he wants to avenge his friends. He has only been in this world for a few months, but he is willing to challenge the most powerful civilization in the universe for his friends. This integrity touches me so much."

"Do you really believe that he is avenging his friends? Haven't you read the rules of the game of Pan-Universe Entertainment? Doug is just using this reason to provoke a war so that he can gain the greatest benefit. He has plunged the universe into turmoil. He is The biggest sinner in the universe should be sent to a military court."

"Challenging the Thorn Protoss on his own, don't you think he is very charming?"

"I think he is very charming. I fell in love with him the first time I saw him. If he is willing to come to my planet, I want to have a child with him."

"Duggar can only be mine. When I close my eyes, he always looks like him. Compared with him, my current boyfriend is worse than a pig..."

"I have filed for divorce from my husband."

Men paid more attention to the war than women.

But there are always women who click on hot videos and take a look.

With the blessing of Chunxin's sprouting skills, just one glance is enough to make these women who see Du Ge's face miss their lives.

They don't care what the war will lead to, they only care about Doug himself.

Especially after the busybody used titles such as "The most perfect man in the universe, 360 degrees without blind spots" to attract attention, more and more women were attracted in, and then fell under the charm of Doug.

When crazy fans join in, they will naturally defend their idols.

As a result, after the forum that originally belonged to men was joined by a woman who admired Doug, the topic quickly turned to an unknown direction.

The threads are full of replies discussing Dougal’s charm. Dougal’s eyes, nose, mouth, even the curvature of his chin and the outline of his crotch are all topics discussed by women.

They enthusiastically took screenshots of every picture of Doug, analyzed in detail how handsome he was, put their own photos together with Doug P, and fantasized about having sex with him.

Divorce and breakup storms swept the entire universe in just a few hours. Maybe there are teenagers who are ignorant of the world and have never experienced the beauty of women who will admire Doug.

If you were to vote for the most annoying creature in the entire universe at this time, it would definitely be Doug...


The feeling of spring does not specifically refer to women, but to the opposite sex.

As a result, silicon-based civilization, ghost tribe, Zerg tribe and other special civilization races that are completely different from human beings, whether male or female, immediately became loyal fans of Duge when they saw him.

If you were to vote for the most popular person in the universe, it would definitely be Doug. After all, men of his kind only account for a small portion.

"He will definitely be killed by King Thorne."

"No, he will not only be killed by God King Thorn, but will also be hunted by the Celestial Clan. If the resume about Duge on the Star Network is true, then he will never give the source of human race to the Celestial Clan, but will Continue to hold.”

"You will be killed by the God King."

"There is no need for the God King to kill them. Anyone who slanders Duge is a heretic. Sisters unite, we will set up an organization to protect Duge in the universe and boycott all those who are enemies of our male god."

"Gelman star Evelin joined the Guardian Doug organization under her real name."

"Dare to offend the two most powerful civilizations at the same time, Du Ge's courage is unparalleled, and Gugliti won the real name to join the organization that protects Du Ge."

"The Richter star Greta has joined the Guardian Dougal organization in her real name. My declaration is that any man who slanders my idol should be sent to hell..."

Duger's attributes and charm brought about the influence of Spring Heart. The opposite sex affected by the skill seemed to be possessed and frantically protected their male god.

They fought from online to offline, like a rolling torrent sweeping across the entire universe. Wherever there are voices, there are Duggar fans.

The chaos caused by iron powder was actually more violent than war.

Regardless of whether Doug was slandered or not, men of the same gender as him were miserable, but they didn't dare to speak on the Star Network.

As soon as you show up, you will be sprayed all over your body.

After your identity is exposed, you may even be chased offline, blocked in the door and cursed, or in serious cases, even have excrement thrown at you and painted with paint...

Relying on the chaotic help provided by half of the opposite sex, Doug's attributes are improving day by day.

Not only is his divine power and spiritual power soaring, but the abilities provided by his human origins have also been greatly improved.

Casca's scorching rays may only be able to break through the outer shell of the spacecraft, but the scorching rays shot out of Doug's eyes can easily split an asteroid in three halves.

The mothership of the Thorn Protoss is almost the size of an asteroid. In other words, Duge no longer needs to run close and smash open the protective shield with his fist. With a pair of eyes, he can use the scorching ray to consume the energy of the protective shield. completely exhausted, and then destroyed the entire mothership...

In fact, these are nothing. What makes Duge most happy is that because of the existence of the power of faith, his perception is almost all over the entire universe.

To be precise, it is everywhere in the universe where there are his followers, just like many dots of spots lit up in the darkness.

The power of the sun allows him to teleport within the range of his perception.

In theory, he can now teleport to any location in the universe.

Because of the improved attributes, his physical fitness was strong enough, but Duge thought about it and did not dare to take the risk.

The universe is mostly a vacuum zone where no civilization exists. When a spaceship sails, it needs to use space nodes to jump. It seems to take a very short time, but there is no telling how many billions of light years separate the two civilizations.

Duge was worried that such a long-distance teleportation would tear him apart.

In order to verify an ability, it is not worth taking such a big risk. His ultimate goal is to escape from the control of Pan-Universe Entertainment, not to make himself more powerful...

what's the situation?

The sudden change stunned everyone who paid attention to Doug.

Every woman in the universe who sees Doug defends him, and the negative impact caused is no less than that of war. The severity has shaken the foundation of civilization, making people's hair stand on end.

Women influence men, and men influence the world. If this continues, Doug's cheers are enough to overthrow anyone's rule.

"Dao Ancestor, what... is this skill?" The Queen Mother stuttered as she looked at the suddenly turbulent Star Network and the even more chaotic coalition forces. "Almost all women are defending Du Ge and are crazy about him. He has What is the keyword? Can we really defeat him and inherit his strength?"

That is to say, cultivation in this world does not require mind cultivation, otherwise the Queen Mother’s Taoist mind may have collapsed.

Daozu closed his eyes tightly.

Beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. She was trying her best to fight against her obsession with Doug with strong willpower.

But the more confrontation there was, the clearer the image of Doug was in his mind.

Doug's facial features, figure, and even the evil smile when he took off other people's limbs seemed to be engraved in his heart, making his heart beat faster.

Unknowingly, I will fantasize about having an affair with Doug in my mind...

Inner demon!

At this time, Du Ge seemed to have transformed into the inner demon that affected his practice.

If he can't get rid of the influence Doug has on him, I'm afraid he will sink and become a vassal of Doug and never get up again.


Why is this happening?

He clearly understood everything and arranged everything properly before taking this step.

He once thought that his intelligence would never lose to Doug, and he would transcend him one step ahead, obtain the source of keywords, and become the supreme being across the multiverse.

But why did it become like this?

Doug was a clone, and he was also a clone. Before the two had officially fought, Doug casually set off a storm, and the aftermath of the storm hit him and almost defeated him.

Is the gap between him and Dougal that big?

Daozu's body was filled with black energy.

"Daozu..." Queen Mother was shocked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Queen Mother, you will take care of the coalition forces first. I will go to the temple of the Ladd God Clan." Daozu suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "Look for more Alien warriors, pay special attention to people with healing, elimination and other skills, and if you find them, keep them at all costs.”

"Yes." Queen Mother responded, but she still wanted to speak, but Daozu's figure was no longer in front of her.

Red Jupiter.

God King.

In front of the God King kneeled a row of Valkyries.

The Valkyrie trembled, but no one was willing to betray Duge.

On the virtual projection in front of the King of Gods, posts about the Duge Guard Group's conquests on the Star Network were scrolling. The relaxed look on his face finally disappeared and turned to caution: "In what ways has he affected the entire universe?" "Female?"

"Key words!"

The God of Peace said tremblingly.

He was also frightened by this sudden trend in the universe. He just went out to investigate. The women on Red Jupiter also went crazy for Doug, and the entire planet was in chaos.

"Keyword?" The God King frowned, and for the first time he paid attention to Pan-Universe Entertainment, which he didn't take seriously. "Is there still no news about Tiffany?"

"..." The God of Peace shook his head.

"Contact me Tiffany." God King said.

"Your Majesty, we have lost contact." The God of Peace swallowed and said, "I have contacted the God of Wisdom just now, but his communicator has been in a no-signal state."

"Are there alien warriors on Red Jupiter?" The God King was stunned for a moment and asked.

"..." The God of Peace shook his head again, "I launched the summons, but no one jumped out. Maybe they didn't believe us, maybe they were scared by Duge."

"Then send someone to capture some alien warriors for me." The God King said angrily, "No matter what the cost."

"Yes." The God of Peace said.

"Also, notify the Ministry of Information to delete all video materials about Duge on the Star Network." The God King said with a gloomy face, "I will not allow any news about Duge to appear on the Star Network."

"Yes." The God of Peace responded again. He paused and said, "Your Majesty, Duge is obviously not coming with the human source. What should we do next? Are we going to conquer him?"

The God King looked at the Valkyrie kneeling in a row in front of him, his head felt a little swollen and painful. For a moment, he took a deep breath: "Pass my order, Thunder War God Duge defected, all fleets gave up pursuing the Thorn Protoss, and used all their strength to Encirclement and suppression of Ares."

Thorn Protoss.

Seeing the farce caused by Du Ge, God King Thorn didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

As he expected, Duge did not give the source of human seeds to the King of Heaven, but the current situation is not as good as if he gave the source of human seeds to the King of Gods?

The entire universe was in chaos because of Doug, which had seriously affected his logistical supplies.

The Thorn Clan is different from the Celestial Clan. They determine a person's social status based on the strength of the superpowers endowed by his origin.


There are many women among the commanders of the main battleships of the Thorn Protoss, and there are also many women among the soldiers.

Less than three hours have passed since Duge's incident began. He has already received information about the defection of at least thirteen fleets. If the incident spreads, he will not need to take back the source of human race, because the Thorn Protoss It has been defeated by Dougal alone.

"Has the information about Doug on the Star Network been blocked?" God King Thorn asked, rubbing his temples.

"Huishen King, it has been blocked." The prime minister said, "But this fire has already burned, and the shield alone cannot suppress it. Those crazy women gave Duge various nicknames to bypass the shield. , continue to cheer for him on the Star Network. Maybe killing Du Ge can stop this evil trend..."

"Kill Doug?" God King Thorn closed his eyes. There were too many chaotic things that happened in recent days, which overwhelmed him. His determined heart finally felt tired. He sighed and asked, "La Is there any response from the De Shen Clan?”

"Not yet." The prime minister said, "The Dugg incident also affected the Ladd Protoss, and Qiao Silin, the consul of the Ladd Alliance, is also a woman..."

God King Thorn suddenly opened his eyes: "You mean, the coalition forces of the Ladd God Clan are likely to join forces with the Archon because he is obsessed with Duge?"

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