Doomsday: I have one more keyword than others

Chapter 631 Proverbs of the Supreme God

There was silence.

No one answered God King Thorne's question.

People who are accustomed to dealing with things in order are all at a loss when faced with sudden chaos.

It involves half of all life on the planet and cannot be suppressed by force.

Now every civilization is in dire straits, and no one can guarantee what will happen next.

Theoretically speaking.

Qiao Silin is a woman, so she should be influenced by Duge. When the saints of the Ladd Clan discover this situation, they will most likely replace Qiao Silin.

Even if Qiao Silin is replaced, the Ladd Protoss may not bother to join forces with the Thorn Protoss to fight against the Celestials.

However, there should be no need to fight against the Celestials now. The Celestials are not much less troublesome than them...

God King Thorn's eyes passed over the bodies of the ministers below, and his head became more and more painful.

He didn't expect that an inconspicuous little bug would cause things to collapse to this extent. After being silent for a moment, God King Thorn said: "Prime Minister, pass on my order. The God King will return and pursue Duge. Thorne All the fleets of the Protoss gave up their scheduled missions and went all out to encircle and destroy Duge."

"Yes." The Prime Minister responded feebly, sighing secretly, changing the order for the third time. This Duge is really the nemesis of the Thorn Protoss.

182 space nodes.

Night Stalker.

The red-haired woman who vowed to kill Duge and take away his attributes and her subordinates looked at the information on the star network, and they all froze in place and were silent.

"Boss, are we still ambushing?"

A three-eyed tribesman stared blankly at Duge on the screen and subconsciously licked his lips.

There are many non-human creatures who have the same actions as him.


The red-haired woman swallowed softly and frowned, feeling extremely shocked.

The Doug in front of her and the Doug in her impression seemed to be two different creatures.

That Doug was wretched and annoying, and he did something quite excessive to her, but the Doug in front of her was powerful and charming...

Why do you have to be his enemy?

He has such a strong power, maybe working with him can get rid of the control of Pan-Universe Entertainment!

"Let's cooperate with him!" the red-haired woman said in a strange way. After saying this, she thought she would attract opposition from the crew. After all, it was she who said she wanted to rob the human race.

Who would have guessed.

Most of the crew members nodded desperately, fearing that she would regret it the next second.

The red-haired woman vaguely felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.

If she couldn't figure it out, she stopped thinking about it. The red-haired woman waved her hand and said energetically: "Let's go."

The star of Ratak.

Emperor Ming and Emperor Donghua jointly completed the control of the planet and eliminated other alien warriors on the planet. The two were planning to break into the universe to join Du Ge and help him, when they saw Du Ge from the Star Network. feat, but also witnessed the chaos on the planet.

"Emperor Ming, how did Duge do it?" Emperor Donghua asked in disbelief.

"In our world, he has mastered several laws, and it is normal for him to be better than us." Emperor Ming was a little depressed. He once thought that even if there was a gap between him and Du Ge, it would not be much different, but now, he really I felt the huge gap between the two.

"Are we still looking for him?" Emperor Donghua asked, "I don't know why, but I feel that Duge is a bit scary now. Sometimes, I have a feeling that he seems to be using us..."

"Don't think wildly." Emperor Ming glanced at Emperor Donghua and said, "We have learned about his past, and his reputation has always been good. Hurry up and join him. We are late. This time on the alien battlefield I’m afraid it’s about to end again. We haven’t realized anything, and if we continue, we may really become the playthings of pan-universe entertainment.”

Every corner of the universe.

As Duger's fame spread, except for the alien warriors who had awakened and were immune to the influence of spiritual skills, most of the alien warriors who had taken away women fell almost at the same time.

He began to do everything possible to cooperate with Du Ge.

The surviving indigenous alien warriors on Qiyuan Star are much calmer. They know clearly that when Duge's momentum sweeps the universe, their help is basically no longer needed.

The remaining time is enough to protect yourself and wait for the harvest.

Du Ge is indeed Du Ge. No matter what kind of alien battlefield, nothing can limit his performance.

Stellar number.

Bo Minghan and others had long regarded Du Ge as a man of heaven, and followed him wholeheartedly, and no longer dared to have any different intentions.

They were even equally in awe of Pancosmic Entertainment behind Dougal.

A charming keyword can affect the entire universe. How powerful must that company be if it controls countless keywords?

"Dougal, is your key word really charm?"

Comparing people to each other will lead to death, and goods will need to be thrown away. After comparing the keywords of the two, Zhan Sini felt a little depressed. She has experienced many simulation fields. Except for Du Ge, she has never seen an alien warrior who can Keywords are played so domineeringly.

"It's indeed charming." Duge smiled and began to compile a new announcement to flood the Star Network, such as:

"All alien warriors must be friends with me so that things can go smoothly. Once they become my enemy, everything will not go smoothly."

"My Du girls, I thank you for your support, and I sincerely wish you all the best day and night, and all the best."

"Civilizations throughout the universe should unite to overthrow the rule of the Celestial Clan and the Thorn Clan, and create a cosmic environment where there is no oppression or persecution."

"In this universe, I will become the supreme god, the god of complete restoration of freedom. All laws will be used by me. I will protect all those who support me with supreme power and depose my enemies."

"All those who believe in me, when you are in danger, pray to me sincerely. As long as you are pious enough, I will come to you at any time after receiving the prayer."

"As the supreme god, I have the power to break through the universe and bless all living beings. Unless all things are eliminated, if there are living beings who miss me, I will live forever."

Dugger always pursues maximizing profits when doing things.

The momentum has been built up, and the best opportunity to use it is to move the whole body and mouth the Tianxian.

A single move can trigger a trend throughout his body, but holding Tianxian in his mouth can increase his magical powers and abilities out of thin air.

On the alien battlefield, there were many restrictions on speaking of the Tianxian, but this universe contained many civilizations. The words he said and the rules he formulated came true, and he made a lot of money.

All the trump cards have been exposed. This is his last chance. He must take this opportunity to accumulate enough ability to fight against Pan-Universe Entertainment.

Dougal has gone crazy.

With so many skills around him, he felt like he was the supreme god.

As his image and his words similar to wishes and blessings spread to the interstellar network, another carnival started in the universe.

Men don't matter, the opposite sex who are influenced by the love of love are true fanatics. They believe everything Dugger says and regard it as the truth.

Under Duge's instruction, various civilizations established the Supreme Cult on the Star Network.

In every civilization, a high-status person will be elected as a bishop, with positions such as saint, saint, and missionary.

The scripture of the Supreme God Religion is the "Proverbs of Duge".

The Book of Proverbs contains all of Doug's past, his heroic deeds on other alien battlefields, as well as every word he said and all his magical powers.

Such as:

"The Supreme God Duge is in charge of light and darkness. He said that if there is light, there will be day. He said that if there is darkness, there will be night. All gods born from light and darkness are the sons of the Supreme God and are controlled and controlled by him. Jurisdiction.”

"The Supreme God Duge is in charge of all things and has the power to create the universe. All natural things are under his jurisdiction. He can change the shape of all things at will and make the dead planet alive..."

"The Supreme God Duge controls time and space. He is everywhere. No place can imprison him. No thought can restrain him. He is not bound by any means and has absolute freedom."

"What is he doing? Is he crazy?"

The King of Gods saw Du Ge throwing away his personal items like crazy, and was surprised and at the same time dumbfounded, "He doesn't even have the strength of a God King, so what's the use of bragging about himself so much?

Just to enjoy false glory? Why is there such an idiot in the world? I can't stand him anymore. This disgusting guy must die. I have never praised myself like this..."

"I think he is trying to expand his influence!" The God of Peace said faintly, "It is said that Pan-Universe Entertainment will rank them according to their influence and finally reward them."

"In the final analysis, he is just a puppet controlled by others." The God King laughed mockingly and shook his head, "Help me contact God King Thorn. I want to talk to him. I want to join forces with him to end this farce. , drive all the alien warriors out of our universe, they are just a bunch of nasty bugs.”

"Your Majesty, do you need to ban the spread of the Duge Cult on the Star Network?" asked the God of Peace.

"No need." The God King waved his hand and said, "I will let the God King broadcast the battle with Duge live. I will let the clowns who worship Duge see how I screwed up their supreme god's brains. If he comes down, I will make his skull into a drinking vessel..."

The skill of speaking.

The God King connected to the communication of God King Thorn.

The virtual image of God King Thorn was projected in front of the God King. He had a sullen face and a touch of sarcasm on his lips: "God King, you must be very unhappy after being played by a madman!"

"Let's join forces! The source of human race belongs to you." Once the King of Heaven makes a decision, he will not change it. He ignored King Thorn's ridicule and said, "He not only played with me, but also played with you. The two of us. Let's work together to get rid of Doug, and then clear out other annoying alien warriors, and then go to conquer the so-called Pan-Universe Entertainment. Their keywords are very interesting and are enough to make our power go further. "

"..." God King Thorn was silent for a moment and nodded, "Okay."

This is the only good news these days.

He did not doubt that the God King would deceive him. Now that both sides were equally distressed, there was no need for him to do so. Only by killing Duge could the chaos of their respective civilizations return to order.

As for the keywords of Pan-Universal Entertainment, God King Thorne is also interested. After all, the power displayed by Doug is too special.

Although Duge keeps saying that his power comes from human origin, God King Thorne clearly knows that it is definitely not the power from human origin...

Daozu got rid of the control of spring heart.

The First Saint helped him reshape his body and transformed him from a woman into a man.


What Qiao Silin was thinking when she acquired the skill still exists in Daozu's mind. Every time he thinks of it, it makes him feel even more ashamed, and then he hates Duge.

He immediately posted on the Star Network how to get rid of the influence of Doug's skills.

Duge was so popular that Daozu’s post luckily caught up with Duge’s popularity and was also pushed onto the hot list.

But there was a lot of scolding under his post. Not only Dougal's fans were scolding him for being nosy, but men were also scolding him bloody.

Any civilization that can connect to the Star Network has a high technological level, and medical level can easily transform a woman into a man.

But Dugger influenced almost all women.

Turn them into men, what should men do?

What about reproduction?

Do they all use genetic culture technology?

What's the point of living on a planet full of men?

Not everyone among the alien warriors has Daozu's self-control. They think falling in love with Duge is a normal thing. Even if they know the method, they don't want to change. Instead, they follow the trend and scold Daozu.

"Qiao Silin, how do you plan to deal with the next situation?" the first saint asked, "Obviously, you are no match for this Duge, the situation has been triggered by him..."

"Saint, the Celestial Clan and the Thorne Clan have stopped fighting, and now Duge is their common enemy." Daozu pondered for a moment and said, "I think it's time for the Ladd Clan to join this war."

"Will you help the Celestial Clan and the Thorn Clan fight against Duge?" the first saint asked.

"Yes." Daozu nodded affirmatively, "The god-kings of the two tribes are no match for Duge. We have to invite several saints to go out with the army and gather everyone's strength to deal with Duge."

"Oh?" The First Saint smiled, "Do you think Doug's power exceeds the top powerhouse in the universe?"

"Yes." Daozu nodded affirmatively, "You must put all your strength into the battle with Duge, otherwise you will definitely fall short, because Duge has Pan-Universe Entertainment behind him. Saint, please make a decision as soon as possible. Once Duge defeats the two god kings, , no one in this universe can restrain Doug, this is our last chance."

"Good." The first saint was silent for a moment and then said one word.

The power of the skill is indeed magical, and it can even affect the thoughts of saints. Daozu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Please also ask saints to use the way of space to find other alien warriors in the universe.

Only skills can deal with skills. Duge is the incarnation of heaven in another world. He has great magical powers and possesses the keyword of charm. To get rid of him, be fully prepared.

I thought that swallowing Duge’s soul could prove the Hunyuan Dao Fruit…”

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more chaotic and out of control, Daozu gradually felt that he was powerless. As the first saint said, he could no longer deal with Duge.

For the current plan, we can only risk it.

As for how to obtain the keywords of Pan-Universal Entertainment, we will wait until Doug is eliminated. As long as he is alive, he will not be able to do anything...

At worst, after getting rid of Du Ge, he would just learn from Du Ge and go to the alien battlefield a few more times!

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