Doomsday: I have one more keyword than others

Chapter 649 Learn from the barbarians and learn skills

1.5 trillion mental power was quickly invested.

on the virtual screen.

Doug, who was deprived of his body, suddenly began to struggle painfully.

He struggled for a full three minutes. His face was distorted, his muscles were bulging, and fine drops of blood even oozed from the pores all over his body. He looked like a bloody man.

The horrific scene made God King Thorn and others anxious, and they all stepped forward to check on Doug.

Facing the concerned people, the pale-faced Duge waved his hands weakly and gritted his teeth and said: "Everyone, the soul that took over this time is stronger than before. I may not be able to hold it anymore. If you find that there is a different person in my body, you will definitely Kill me immediately, don't show mercy..."

Watching Doug's performance, the Pan-Universal Headquarters could hear needles dropping in silence.

The corners of Tushan's eyes twitched. This bastard was treating them like fools. His mental strength was always calm. Even if there was pain, it would not last for three minutes.

This cunning guy was clearly tricking them into sending people to seize his body...

He must have benefited from the process of seizing the body!

Chairman Tushan's heart trembled with distress. The Archon mobilized all the inventory of his Pan-Universal Entertainment. In the blink of an eye, nearly two trillion spiritual energy was wasted. Tai Te Niang's fortune was ruined!

"Lord Consul, are you still trying?" Council Chairman Shen Long asked, "Duge is probably using false performances to cover up his weakness, making us think he is bluffing and dare not continue to send people to seize him. Of course, it may also be He tempted us to continue seizing homes in order to profit from it..."

Tushan was stunned for a moment, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead. Moreover, Duge was too naughty at this point.

"No need to try." The consul ignored Duge's performance, his eyes became more intense, and he turned to Mengping, "Mengping, you lead the army into the universe where Duge is and harvest the civilization in the universe.

Du Ge relies on the power of faith, the budding heart of spring, and the movement of his whole body to harvest his attributes. If there is no one in the universe, all his attributes will surely stagnate. Beat him until he is left alone, don’t worry about not being able to do anything to him..."

"Consul, we don't have enough time!" Meng Ping said, "Duge's strength is growing very fast, and he occupies the keyword of chaos. Our mass killing on the alien battlefield will promote the growth of his strength. Once he has broken With the power to open the barrier of the universe, we can’t catch him even if we empty out the universe.”

He was only questioning the success rate of the strategy, but he did not object to the massacre of the universe. They had been harvesting civilization for a long time and used other civilizations for entertainment. They already had extremely contempt for life.

"As long as the speed is fast enough." The consul said, "Looking at all Duge's words and deeds, he has always protected the bottom. He will not watch us kill. If he breaks the barrier of the universe and enters other universes, we will Just chase him and kill him, his speed of breaking through the barriers of the universe is not as fast as our projection speed..."

After a moment of silence, Meng Ping said: "Jago, are you sure you want to be an enemy of Duge? Our people have no entity, and every death on the battlefield is our loss. If we don't let the alien warriors clear the way, our people will directly If we put them on an alien battlefield, if there are too many casualties, our clan may be at risk of extinction.”

"Mengping, why don't I know that our warriors are precious?" The consul sighed and said, "The growth rate of alien warriors is too slow. Once they develop their physical attributes and skills, we will be even less able to reach them. Dugger."

There was another moment of silence.

Everyone present knew that Dugger was good at blitzing, but they just couldn't interrupt Dugger's rhythm.

They are even tougher than the alien warriors.

Because they were facing a complete form of Duge, who not only had established power, but also had twenty-one skills.

However, one thing they have better than Doug is that they can monitor Doug's movements at all times and respond in time.

for example.

They can avoid Duge's current position and conduct clearing operations in remote areas first, once they detect signs of Duge's movement.

Moreover, when the alien warriors are defeated, they can summon their own warriors back at any time and place them in another place to preserve their own vitality.

In the early stages of the war, never have a direct conflict with Duge, thereby gradually eroding Duge's power and then disintegrating his power base.

"I just made a suggestion. If you have anything to add, you can feel free to say it." The consul said, "The secrets about Duge are related to our future and even the fate of our people. The plan against him must be perfected."

"Lord Archon, we can start with Duge's distraction in the accompanying universe." Tu Shan almost lost his mind just now, but this time an idea suddenly came to his mind and asked, "The distraction still has two skills, we can With the help of external forces, the skills hidden in his body are also released. "

"Tu Shan, do you mean the God-annihilating Cannon?" Council Chairman Jia Long asked.

"Yes, Du Ge was exposed after being hit by the God-annihilator cannon." Tu Shan said, "I think we can use the God-annihilator cannon to recreate the scene at that time. If we are sure that the God-annihilator cannon can activate Du Ge's hidden skills, then We can keep putting Doug distractions into alien battlefields and repeat this operation until we create a batch of bodies with twenty-one skills."

The Archon's eyes lit up and he motioned for him to continue.

"Duge's distraction does not have as high mental power as the main body." Tu Shan looked around at everyone and said, "Even if he was hit by the God-Destroying Cannon, he was still out of our control. It was easy for our people to seize him. At least you don’t have to put in so much mental energy.”

"Lord Archon, I think what Tu Shan said makes sense." General Meng Ping said, "Use our people in the main universe to hold back Du Ge, and at the same time, in the companion universe, we keep using Du Ge to distract and copy possessions. With a body of twenty-one skills, we can have a group of super soldiers in a short time.

Perhaps Duge's true form can easily defeat warriors with one or two keywords.

But if everyone has twenty-one skills, the gap between us and Duge will be infinitely narrower. In addition, our spiritual power is naturally strong. Even Duge cannot compete with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of us warriors. Head-to-head confrontation. "

"That's right, we can assign different keywords to Doug during each delivery process. In this way, even if most of the skills are the same as Doug, there will always be two or three or four skills that are different from Doug. With more skills, there is always a skill that can restrain Doug," Ross said.

The Archon's strategic policy was to flood the area and kill everyone, but Tu Shan's proposal opened everyone's minds, and even Ross and others became excited.

After all, originally Doug's body was not their turn, but now everyone has the opportunity to have a super body.

Everyone has seen how fast Du Ge, who has twenty-one skills, grows up. If everyone in the pan-universe has twenty-one skills, they can use the same body until they grow old and never need to change their bodies. They will really become The first race in the universe.

"When Du Ge finally defeated our disruptive warriors and entered the companion universe, he met people with more than twenty skills like him. I really want to see how desperate he must be. What a wonderful expression he had at that time!”

"Dougal must have never imagined that it would be his distraction that ultimately defeated him."

"Lord Archon, we have finally cracked the curse of the keyword on our race. We no longer need to look for Duge's heavenly body!"

"No, we still need to find Duge's heavenly body. The current method must rely on Duge's distraction. If Duge becomes disillusioned, what awaits us is nothing. Only by finding Duge's heavenly body can we Only when the keywords are truly used by us can we truly solve the hidden dangers of our people," the Archon said.

"If Doug becomes distracted and realizes our plan, will he resist?" Hodder asked.

"Only when the distracted mind and the main body are in the same universe, the memories will be interconnected. There is no need to worry about this." Feiluo said, "Duge's distracted mind's original mental power is too low. He can't resist us and can only listen to us obediently. arrange."

"Tu Shan's suggestion is good. Is there anything else you would like to add?" The consul looked around at everyone and continued to ask.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"In that case, let's follow this plan first." The consul said, "We are pressed for time, Meng Ping, you go mobilize the army and prepare to launch the attack on the main universe where Duge is.

Tushan, your company is responsible for monitoring the entire battlefield. Once there is an emergency, we will call our soldiers back as soon as possible to reduce casualties as much as possible.

Philo, Gaucho, you continue your previous research.

Ross, you inform the overseas supervisors of various places and return to the headquarters and ask Bailong to bring back Duge's body. No, not only Duge's body, but also the Tao Ancestor, Immortal Emperor and others who later took the body, as well as all those who have relations with Du Ge. Contact the people and bring them all back to the headquarters.

If something unexpected happens, these people may be able to play a certain role. "

"Yes." Everyone took the order and went to do their own things.

In the blink of an eye.

Only two people, Consul Gago and Parliament Speaker Shen Long, were left in the headquarters.

Shen Long looked at Jago and asked slowly: "Jago, do you really plan to let every tribesman have more than twenty skills? More than twenty skills will quickly narrow the gap between ordinary tribesmen and us. , If we do that, the pan-universe will fall into extreme chaos, which will be detrimental to our rule."

"Now that you know, there is no need to ask me again." Gago glanced at him and smiled, "There is no need for so many top strong people in the universe. Shen Long, don't worry, the most powerful person can only be A few of us.

If we can truly grasp the key words, it won't matter if all the clan members die. When that time comes, it will be easy to build a new pan-universe. "

"Duge is qualified to join us." Shen Long said.

"If he lives, it's not that he joined us, but that we were ruled by him." Gago looked at Duge on the screen again and said, "He is too scary. I can't imagine what his true nature is." How awesome.”

He paused and suddenly asked, "Shen Long, if one day we really find the location of his body, do you dare to conquer him?"

"..." Shen Long paused, and also looked at Duge on the screen, without answering Gago's question.

"Actually, I'm very worried." Gago said.

"What are you worried about?" Shen Long asked.

"I'm worried that the day we really defeat Duge's body, we will directly attract his Heavenly Dao body here." Gago said.

"Jia Ge, I think you are thinking too much." Shen Long suddenly laughed, "If his true form is really that powerful, he can just come and steal our keywords, why bother sneaking in a clone to cause trouble? Maybe Du The strength of Ge's body has surpassed that of his Tiandao self."

"Maybe!" Gago smiled and stopped talking.

His body was taken away for the second time.

Duge's mental power skyrocketed again, jumping from 900 billion to 1600 billion.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

As his mental power skyrocketed, his strength also increased by leaps and bounds. Many things that he had not understood suddenly became clear at this moment. The principles of the operation of the universe, the various divine powers he had mastered, and all the superpowers given to him by the human race. At this moment, it is clear to my heart.


Spatial ability is Doug's weakness. His use of space is only about teleportation and the perception of others using space.

But now, Duge recalled the way God King Thorn, Leiter, Hart and others used space, and suddenly understood the reason. After knowing the path, Duge's powerful mental power, using those powers At that time, he was definitely more skilled than Leiter and others.

Also growing explosively is his strength and physical strength.

Duge's perception can cover a galaxy, and he has cultivated a field of light. The size of the field of light is equivalent to the range of his perception.

In other words, he can move around the galaxy at will.

The power of faith can expand the scope of his perception, allowing Duge to perceive more distant environments through believers, and the perception of the power of faith cannot be covered by the field.

Because the universe is large enough, one needs to use wormhole space to jump from one civilization to another. Duge did not dare to use his own body for experiments for fear of being torn apart by space jumps.

But at this time, his physical strength had reached an incredible level.

Du Ge's power is enough to break stars but cannot leave scars on his body. He feels that his current body strength is enough to support him to teleport at will in the universe.

In other words, he can really respond to the prayers of the believers of the Supreme God at any time, and instantly move to their side to solve their difficulties.

But Duger didn't intend to do that. Pan-Universe Entertainment's two precise shots on his body made him realize that his whereabouts were still controlled by Pan-Universe Entertainment.

Since they are still under surveillance, it is better not to expose some abilities. They can be used as a trump card at critical moments.

After the last trump card was exposed, Doug habitually began to accumulate new trump cards for himself.

Every time he is taken away from his body, his mental power will skyrocket. Regardless of whether there is someone behind the scenes or something else, it is a real benefit to him...

Therefore, Doug had a clumsy performance of seizing the body, and he is looking forward to Panuniverse Entertainment giving him a wave of benefits.

As a result, it took a long time after the performance, but the third wave of contestants still hadn't arrived.

Doug didn't know that his performance had been discovered.

With a snap of his fingers, he cleaned up the blood stains on his body that he had forced out of him. He sat up straight like a normal person, smiled at the people around him who cared about him, and said, "Okay, let's all go back. I just lied to Pan-Universe Entertainment." , every time they fail to seize my body, they will lose one person. The person sent to seize my body must be their general.

I originally thought that by using myself as bait to kill one more of their generals, our universe would be safer. As a result, they were not fooled, so let’s continue to discuss how to deal with Pan-Universe Entertainment. This time they failed to kill me, and there will definitely be new moves next. We need to respond with all our strength to prevent them from coming back..."

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