Duge felt the invasion of Pan-Universal Entertainment immediately.

This is a very strange feeling, like raindrops suddenly falling into a calm pond, causing ripples on the water. And Doug is a fish living in the pond. He may not be able to see what is integrated into the pond. Raindrops, but you can definitely feel the vibrations on the water.

At this moment, Du Geming understood the meaning of the way of heaven, and he could easily sense any changes in the universe.

at this time.

Du Ge knew why Daozu knew about Pan-Universe Entertainment's invasion, because his pond was also disturbed.

If one day, he can change from a fish living in a pond to the pond itself, or jump out of the pond, it should be what the Ladd Protoss calls the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

Doug feels that he is not far away from this step.

At the beginning of Pan-Universal Entertainment's invasion, there was nothing unusual, but just one day later, Doug's mind was flooded with requests for help.

"Supreme God, help."

"Supreme God, Pan-Universal Entertainment Invasion."

“God Most High, save me.”

at the same time.

The corresponding image also appeared in Doug's mind.

The natives whose bodies were taken away by Pan-Universal Entertainment went on a killing spree on different civilized planets that were farthest away from him in a straight line.

Wherever it passes, not a blade of grass grows.

The warriors put in by the pan-universe are not natives selected from various planets to participate in the game.

There is no competition between them, and keywords can be specified, and their mental power is high.

The most important thing is that it can also be released in groups within a region.

In such a team, as long as ten people have awakened their skills and cooperate with each other, ordinary people are no match for them. If there are more than a hundred people, they can almost massacre the entire planet.

In order to improve efficiency, the objects they seize are often directly violent institutions like the military...

Distress signals erupted from all directions at the same time.

The Star Network is full of videos of Pan-Universal Entertainment killing people.

The warriors of Pan-Universe Entertainment need to match the keywords to improve their physical attributes. Therefore, instead of harvesting alien battlefields like before, they use various means to eliminate the indigenous inhabitants of the universe.

There is no shortage of ways to kill, torture, massacre, destroy, crush, intimidate, etc.

When these videos were posted on the Interstellar Network, they immediately caused great panic among various civilizations.

Witnessing the brutality of the Pan-Universe, the people were frightened. Civilizations that had not yet been affected by the Pan-Universe asked the Supreme God to save people. At this moment, the only one they could count on was Duge...

"Supreme God, what should I do?"

God King Thorn, King Celestial God and all the main gods were furious.

The God of Peace's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "There is no way we can make it over such a long distance."

"We can make it in time."

Du Ge's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water. The anger that he had witnessed when Pan-Universal Entertainment harvested the alien battlefield once again hit his heart.

He did not expect that after Pan-Universe Entertainment failed to seize his body, they would choose such a brutal way to deal with him, massacring the people of the entire universe, reducing his followers, and lowering his attribute values...

At this time, the most correct thing to do is to ignore it.

Because when Pan-Universe Entertainment started killing, the chaos caused instantly exploded, causing Doug's attribute value to jump up a notch again.

He could vaguely feel that his power could almost touch the limit of the universe.

In other words, as long as Duge waits quietly and allows Pan-Universe Entertainment to massacre, his power will definitely reach its peak before Pan-Universe Entertainment kills all the indigenous inhabitants of the universe, and will successfully break through the universe and enter the companion universe.

But Duge can't do this. The current universe is his base. His believers and the budding admirers of the opposite sex are all in this universe. He talks about the Constitution and needs endless people to believe in him.

Entering the companion universe, he has to start over again.

At that time, what if Panverse Entertainment replicates the current operation?

Should he continue to escape?

There is always a universe that he will not have time to develop...

In other words, this is what Pan-Universe Entertainment has in mind, to erode his base and leave him with no time to develop himself. One day, he will be defeated.

In the final analysis, he still has not escaped the control of the pan-universe!

If he wanted to completely eradicate the hidden dangers, he had to go head-on with Pan-Universe Entertainment until they dared not invade him.

Duge looked around at everyone, his eyes bursting with fierce light: "Everyone is ready, bring the God-Destroying Cannon, and kill anyone who comes across the Pan-Universe Entertainment without mercy."

"But how are we going to get there?" God King Thorn asked, touching the source of human race in his hand.

"I will take you there." Duge sneered. "They think they can fight guerrilla warfare with me. I will let them know that in the face of absolute strength, all tactics are useless."

Planet Lata.

The person who leads the Pan-Universe team is called Gu Li. He leads a team of a thousand people. The key word is killing.

The thousand-man team was divided into ten parts and descended from different locations on the planet.

A squad of a hundred people is enough to control a country in a short period of time. Dividing it into ten squads is the most efficient and can directly break down the indigenous defense system.

The team led by Guri captured the body of the guard of the federal capital, and he himself captured the body of the commander of the guard.

Gathering all the alien warriors who had seized the bodies, Guri aimed the escort's guns at the densely populated federal capital, pressed the launch button, and after brushing up his attributes, he controlled the planet Lata in the shortest possible time. Leadership.

Targeted promotion was carried out based on the keywords of the Thousand-member Team. Through the Star Network and the local network of Lata Planet, a large-scale publicity was carried out to quickly brush up everyone's attributes, and then launched a massacre on the planet.

They are pan-universe commandos, specially designed for harvesting, and each of them has a minimum mental power of 10 billion.

After the attributes are refreshed, coupled with the powerful mental power and skill stack, the aboriginal army of Planet Lata cannot cause any damage to them.

What's more, ten hundred-man troops attacked at the same time, and the planet Lata lost its central command system in a very short period of time. The armies that could not be mobilized in a unified way were fighting independently, and they were just a mess...

In less than half a day, they killed nearly half of the nearly four billion people on the planet.

Just when Gu Li thought that he could complete the mission and return in one day, and then change places to continue the massacre.

Duge led the gods under his command and arrived without any warning.

Then, darkness enveloped the land.

In different areas, negative effects such as weakness, slowness, corrosion, etc. are superimposed on them at the same time.

Before Gu Li could react, his soul was shaken, and he and his companions lost consciousness...

In one day, no matter how fast they grow, they can't catch up with Du Ge, not to mention, there are also God King Thorne, God King and others who are second only to Du Ge in strength.

In order to protect their own universe, no god will show mercy to them.

In less than a minute, the Guli team was completely killed by Duge, and no one could escape.


This is also related to the people behind the scenes at Pan-Universe Entertainment. They never expected that Duge would suddenly travel through space and appear on the battlefield. By the time they reacted and called people back, it was already too late.

In order to improve efficiency, most of the keywords they assigned to the warriors were related to killing. None of the keywords could confront Duger head-on. In short, they were too weak after only one day of development.

Duge's attributes were high enough at this time, and he suddenly attacked, and the people outside were so confused that they didn't even have time to press the button...

After Duger finished dealing with the people on Planet Lata, he quickly moved on to the next place.

This time, the people outside reacted. He had just arrived and had not yet taken action.

All the alien warriors were pulled out, leaving unconscious bodies behind.

These are all bodies that have awakened their skills. Duge was not polite. He concentrated on Yu Bin's body and marked each body with a fish character. Then, he put all these bodies into the dark space and continued to fight the next one. battlefield.

Less than twenty minutes.

All the invading pan-universe warriors were cleared out by Duge. Except for the thousand-man Guli team that was killed by Duge at the beginning, the remaining people all retreated intact without any damage.

But they left behind nearly 10,000 bodies with awakened skills, and also lost a thousand elite warriors.

Compared to the few people they massacred, it was already a huge loss.

After all, even if they kill 20 billion people, it is nothing compared to the vast universe.

But Duge has 10,000 bodies marked with the character "fish". These bodies have become Duge's private property, which means that they cannot use them again.

To continue the invasion, they can only choose new bodies, but Duge has such fast mobility, so what if they choose a new body to seize the body? Why not continue to send resources to Duge...

An invasion battle that was supposed to be vigorous ended in such a careless manner, and Pan-Universe Entertainment suffered a huge loss.

"How could Duge travel through space across galaxies? How did he do it? Since he has this ability, why didn't he use it when fighting against the King of Gods?" Mengping, who had lost the battle, waved his arms angrily. He did not dare to accuse the ruler. Guan's strategy can only shift his anger to Du Ge.

"Do you still believe that he is an ordinary person now?" The consul sneered, "This is not an ability brought by skills, it can only be his ability of the way of heaven itself. The way of heaven is the will of the world, and they can come to their own world at any time. Anywhere, it’s clear that Doug has become the god of that universe.”

"..." Feiluo opened his mouth and did not dare to refute.

He used to be very sure of his research, but now Duge's various performances make even him doubt himself.

They have all the information about Doug's growth, and it's impossible for ordinary people to do this.

"Fish in troubled waters, he will always be the biggest beneficiary of the chaos caused by Du Ge." Shen Long sighed, "Lord Archon, we should give up the plan of confronting Du Ge on the frontal battlefield! Fish in troubled waters plus the source of chaos "He is invincible on the main battlefield. The more frequently we target him, the faster he will grow."

"Then what should we do? Should we just let him escape our control?" Meng Ping said unwillingly, "When he breaks through the barrier of the universe and has the ability to travel through the multiverse, we will completely lose control of that universe. ”

There was silence.

Suddenly, everyone realized that they seemed to be helpless against Doug, and this discovery made them extremely frustrated.

"How's it going with Dougal's distraction?" asked the Archon.

"Successful," Tu Shan said.

"Succeeded?" the consul asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes." Tu Shan nodded, "Duge seemed to be distracted and realized that we were going to take action against him, but after all, his strength was not as good as that of Duge. Our people immediately replaced him and surrounded him. Cohesive partners.

Then he used the God-Destroying Cannon on him, successfully activating the twenty-one skills hidden in his body, and also took away Duge's distraction from the companion universe.

Now, the soul in Doug's body is Rose. However, the main keyword chaos skill is lost in that body, leaving behind the hidden keyword rescue skill.

Without Chaos as its main skill, the body's attributes would increase very slowly and it would be impossible to keep up with Duge's body.

This means that there is a loophole in our previous plan. Without the keyword Chaos as the main body, even if we have twenty-one skills at the same time, we cannot compete with the main body of Doug. Unfortunately, we can only specify the main keyword for Doug's distraction. The hidden keywords are random, keywords such as random to chaos, which is too difficult. "

He paused for a moment and said, "Furthermore, with the current situation in the companion universe, it is easy for Duger to distract himself and awaken his skills, but it is difficult for him to grow up. We need a lot of time to cultivate Duger's army. Our original plan was to delay Duge's body, give us time to develop, now..."

"Duge's body won't give us that much time." Shen Long frowned.

"Since there is not enough time for the companion universe, why don't we change to another universe? There are many parallel universes in this universe. We can completely change to a place where Doug can't reach and develop slowly." Hodder raised his hand and said before a group of big shots He expressed his opinion in the middle and said, "Why do we have to insist on confronting Doug head-on? I think we have gone into a misunderstanding."

"This is not the crux of the problem." Tu Shan glanced at Huo De, then turned to the consul, and said awkwardly, "Sir consul, I also made a serious mistake."

"What mistake?" asked the consul.

"In order to verify whether being hit by the God-Destroying Cannon would cause a server failure, I took Duge's distraction back from the companion universe." Tu Shan said.

"What does this have to do with it?" the Archon asked subconsciously, "This verification is normal, everyone will do it this way."

"If Doug's memories are interconnected in the same universe, then Doug who stays in our headquarters already knows what we did to him in the companion universe. With his level of intelligence, he will probably not cooperate with us in the future. ..." Tu Shan said coquettishly, "He may also try his best to oppose us. You also know that he needs to realize the splitting of souls. If he is unwilling to cooperate, our plan will not be carried out. "

After hearing Tu Shan's words, everyone was stunned.

"Why do you need his consent?" Meng Ping asked irritably, "When we analyzed his soul before, didn't we still not get his consent?"

Tu Shan glanced at him and said: "Now, the recalled Duge's distracted mental power is as high as 150 billion. With such a high mental power, he can detonate himself at any time. If he is willing, the two souls can be destroyed at any time. Can be combined together, we can't prevent the skill effect..."

The words have not yet fallen.

News came from the Soul Laboratory that Duge's distracted souls merged together and he requested to negotiate with the Archon.

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