The four people in the 708 dormitory shook their heads in unison. What a joke! Zombies can eat people. Why fight for their lives if they can just stay alive? "Let's hide in the dormitory and wait for rescue. As long as we hide and don't make any noise, the zombies won't be able to find us." A gentle man wearing glasses said. "What if rescue doesn't come for a few days?" Zhao Kun frowned. "It's okay. We still have a lot of food in the dormitory. It's no problem to hold on for a few days." Another curly-haired man said. Hearing his words, Yang Bin's eyes lit up. They searched so many rooms and only found some scattered snacks. Until now, several people have not eaten enough. I didn't expect that these people actually had food for a few days. "Can we go in and sit down? If we keep standing in the corridor, we will attract zombies." Yang Bin said with a smile.

"Ah... come in, come in."

When they heard that they would attract zombies, the people in the dormitory panicked.

Yang Bin led a few people into the dormitory, and what caught their eyes was a table full of snacks, as well as Coke, Sprite, cake, etc., which made Chen Hao and others drool.

"Did anyone have a birthday last night?" Yang Bin asked.

"Yes, it was my birthday, and they bought a lot of things for me to celebrate yesterday." Curly said with a smile.

"Well, happy birthday!" Yang Bin said with a smile.

Then he walked to the table and started eating naturally, looking very familiar.

"Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday!"

Chen Hao and others followed suit, also congratulated Curly, and then walked to the table and ate voraciously.

"Thank...thank you!" Curly said in a daze.

"Fuck, that's not right, they ate our food, what will we eat then?" Seeing the few people wolfing down their food, the man with glasses got anxious.

"Fuck, shut up!" The other few people also reacted and rushed over to grab the food.

However, when they rushed over, the food on the table was almost eaten up by these starving guys.

These guys not only stuffed the food into their mouths, but also put it in their pockets.

"Fuck, are you bandits!?" Curly said angrily.

"How could it be, isn't this celebrating your birthday?" Yang Bin said vaguely, holding a Coke in his left hand and a piece of bread in his right hand.

"My birthday has passed, I don't need you to celebrate! Compensate us for the food!" Curly stared, and Curly was almost angry.

The other three also glared at the few people. These people are too shameless.

"Say, the food has already been eaten, you can't spit it out." Yang Bin smiled and said, "But I won't eat your food for nothing."

After Yang Bin finished speaking, he walked to the bed, took down the ladders beside the two beds, and threw them to them, saying:

"This thing is much more important than food in the end times. With it, it may save your life."

Several people took the ladders in a daze, and didn't dare to speak for a while, obviously frightened by Yang Bin's strength.

Yang Bin put two bags of drunkard peanuts into his pocket again, and led everyone away.

"If you don't dare to kill zombies, then close the door. I hope you can wait for rescue."

After everyone left, the few people in the dormitory dared to speak.

"This group of damn bandits, they ate our food for several days at once, how can we wait for rescue!"

"That's right, they are cutting off our retreat."

Outside the corridor, several people drank Sprite and ate cake with a happy face.

"It's so cool!"

"Yang Bin, are we going too far?" Zhao Kun frowned.

"Too far? Haha, do you think there will really be rescue?" Yang Bin asked.


"Even if there is, it will be at least ten days or half a month. Do you think their food can last that long?"


"That's it. We ate their food, but I also gave them weapons. Relatively speaking, weapons give them more hope of survival."

"Yeah, that's right." Zhao Kun nodded, obviously agreeing with Yang Bin's words.

Then, several people dealt with several zombies in the two dormitories at the back and walked to the other side.

It took more than half an hour to clean up all the ten dormitories on the right. In various searches, some snacks and mineral water were found, as well as some clean clothes and daily necessities.

Several people each carried a backpack and put everything in the bag.

Yeah, the backpack was also looted.

Right 1

0 rooms have no survivors, which shows how low the survival rate is.

There are nearly 80 people on the entire 7th floor, and in the end only the four people in dormitory 708 and Zhao Kun and his three people survived. The others either turned into zombies or were eaten by zombies.

The survival rate of less than one-tenth made everyone feel extremely heavy.

However, this is also the reason why there are many people living in the school dormitory. Other places are probably better.

After cleaning up the seventh floor, the sun was about to set. Everyone decided to find a clean dormitory tonight and think about other things tomorrow.

Now there is enough food and water for the time being, and there is no need to worry about hunger.

In the end, several people found two dormitories with undamaged doors. Zhao Kun and his three people lived in one, and Yang Bin and Chen Hao lived in another.

After simply cleaning up the room, Yang Bin and Chen Hao lay directly on the bed. They were really exhausted physically and mentally that day.

Yang Bin took out the charging cable he had looted and plugged in his mobile phone, and then fell into deep thought.

"Brother Bin, do you think we can survive the doomsday?" Chen Hao whispered.

"Yes!" Yang Bin said firmly.

"Yeah." Chen Hao nodded, with a look of hesitation in his eyes.

I used to feel that the doomsday was very exciting when I watched movies, but only after experiencing it did I know how scary it was to feel that you might die at any time.

"Don't think too much, just walk the road in front of you, and you will come down to the sixth floor with me later." Yang Bin said.

"Why go down to the sixth floor? Aren't we good here?" Chen Hao asked curiously.

"When I was cleaning up the zombies just now, I turned on my special ability to look down at the sixth floor, and accidentally saw a special zombie in the corridor of the sixth floor." Yang Bin said.

"Special zombie? The one that almost wiped out the five of us?"


"With that kind of zombie, isn't it very dangerous? Why are we still going down?" Chen Hao asked with some doubts.

"Why do you think my strength has suddenly increased so much?" Yang Bin asked suddenly.

"Yes, I've always wanted to ask, how come you suddenly become so strong, could it be... that crystal!?" Chen Hao said with eyes wide open.

"Yes, it was after eating that crystal that my physical fitness was greatly improved." Yang Bin nodded.

"This crystal may be the key to surviving the doomsday, so we have to get more before others find it."

"Brother Bin, do you mean that this kind of crystal is only found on special zombies?" Chen Hao asked.

"Well, we have killed so many zombies and only encountered one. It can be seen that special zombies should be extremely rare. It is rare to encounter one, so we naturally cannot let it go."

"Well, I'll listen to you. Do we need to call them?" Chen Hao pointed to the room where Zhao Kun and others lived.

"No, we are just in a cooperative relationship with them. It's okay if there is no conflict of interest. Once it involves a conflict of interest, there will inevitably be problems. I can't give them this kind of thing."

"Okay, then when are we going down?"

"We'll go down after a rest, and try not to alarm them."


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