The other room...

"Brother Kun, do you feel that Yang Bin's strength seems to have increased a lot?" Shou Hou whispered.

"Well, I've noticed it a long time ago. His strength is ridiculous now." Zhao Kun frowned.

"What's going on? Although the guy was fierce at the beginning, if we really want to fight, the three of us can definitely beat him down. Now I feel that even if the three of us go together, he will beat us to death." Lao Hei said with a dark face.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be because of the red crystal he dug out of the zombie's head." Zhao Kun pondered.

After hearing what Zhao Kun said, Shouhou and Laohei also thought about it..

"Now that you put it that way, it's possible. It seems that he got stronger after eating that thing."

"But how did he know that the zombie would have that thing on its head, and he dared to eat it?" Laohei said puzzledly.

"That's what I can't figure out. I always feel that the two of them are a little unusual. They didn't turn into zombies even after being scratched.

And did you notice that when we were cleaning up the zombies in the afternoon, Yang Bin seemed to know whether there were zombies inside, and he could always make plans in advance." Zhao Kun said.

"Well, I also found out. I wanted to ask at that time, but I thought about it and held back." Shouhou nodded.

"So, it seems that the two of them are freaks. Should we join them?" Laohei frowned.

Zhao Kun pondered for a while and said, "It's better to follow them before leaving the dormitory. At least our lives will be more secure if we follow them."


"But we have to find a way to get some crystals ourselves. I don't want to be suppressed by him all the time." Zhao Kun said.

"Yes, don't worry, Brother Kun, we will definitely help you get it."

Stairwell on the sixth floor..

Yang Bin frowned as he looked at the zombies in the corridor.

Although the previous battle on the rooftop attracted some zombies on the sixth floor, there were still more than a dozen zombies in the corridor on the sixth floor, and the special zombie was among them, which gave him a headache.

Although he was confident that he could fight the special zombie alone, it would definitely not be possible to deal with so many zombies at the same time, including one special zombie.

After thinking for a while, Yang Bin looked at Chen Hao and said, "Haozi, that special zombie is in the middle of the zombies. The tall zombie in black clothes is it. Do you have any way to lure him over here or to a dormitory?"

Chen Hao poked his head out and glanced at the zombies in the distance. After thinking for a while, he said, "You can try."

"Well, be careful. If it doesn't work, forget it. Remember, using special abilities will consume mental energy. Once you feel dizzy, you must retreat quickly, otherwise your invisibility will fail." Yang Bin instructed.

After speaking, he took out a handful of stones from his pocket and handed them to Chen Hao. These stones were put in when he led the zombies. He had a lot in his pocket.

"Don't worry, Brother Bin, I understand."

Chen Hao took the stones and his body quickly disappeared from the spot..

Under Yang Bin's true vision, Chen Hao walked over carefully and stopped five meters away from a group of zombies.

The zombies were still wandering around and did not find Chen Hao.

Seeing this, Chen Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, and then took out a stone and threw it into the dormitory next door.

Soon, the sound alarmed several zombies, and suddenly, two zombies rushed directly into the dormitory.

Seeing that this trick was effective, Chen Hao followed suit and threw a few stones again, successfully attracting seven or eight zombies.

At this time, the special zombie was already exposed. Chen Hao stepped back a few steps and threw a stone at its feet.

The special zombie looked at the stone on the ground in confusion and did not move. It seemed to be smarter than ordinary zombies.

Chen Hao was not discouraged, and he threw stones while retreating.

The special zombie finally couldn't help but follow curiously, but the two zombies behind it also followed.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao had a headache. He only wanted to attract the special zombie, but didn't want to attract three.

He tried several times in a row, and found that the two zombies were like followers, wherever the special zombie went, they went.

Chen Hao looked helplessly at Yang Bin in the distance.

Yang Bin also saw this situation, gave Chen Hao a gesture to bring him over, then walked up the stairs and hid at the corner of the stairs.

With Yang Bin's permission, Chen Hao carefully threw stones all the way, slowly brought the three zombies over, and kept leading them.

At the corner in the middle of the stairs.

Yang Bin held the iron pipe tightly and was ready to go.

At the moment when the three zombies came up, the iron pipe suddenly stabbed out and stabbed an ordinary zombie's head fiercely.

Suddenly, the zombie's head was directly stabbed and fell to the ground.

It was not that Yang Bin did not want to stab the special zombie, but he knew very well that he could not kill the special zombie with one blow, and then they would face the attack of three zombies.

So, Yang Bin simply killed one first.

As Yang Bin made his move, the other two zombies also found him and rushed towards him directly, especially the special zombie, which was extremely fast.

Yang Bin pulled out the iron pipe and swept it across the two zombies.

The ordinary zombie was directly hit and rolled down the stairs, but the special zombie just took a step back and rushed up again.

Yang Bin stabbed the iron pipe instantly and accurately stabbed the other party's head.

However, this time, unlike ordinary zombies, the iron pipe could not penetrate directly after making a hole in the opponent's head.

Special zombies are much stronger than ordinary zombies in terms of strength, speed and physical strength.

The iron pipe in Yang Bin's hand is not sharp, and it is obviously not that easy to directly pierce the head of the special zombie.

However, Yang Bin was mentally prepared. He quickly pulled it out after failing to hit it, and hit the zombie again with the iron pipe to force it back.

At this time, the zombie that rolled down also climbed up and rushed up quickly, but was stopped by Chen Hao who suddenly appeared.

Two battlefields started at the same time. In this narrow stairwell, the iron pipes in the hands of the two people were particularly inconvenient to use.

Fortunately, the zombies' fighting style is very simple. They only know to pounce on the opponent. They rely on the length of the iron pipe, and the zombies can't get close to them at all.

Yang Bin forced the special zombies back again and again, and stabbed them hard in the head again and again.

Finally, after stabbing seven or eight times in a row, a sound of bones breaking was heard, and Yang Bin's iron pipe finally pierced the opponent's head.

The special zombie finally stopped moving and slowly fell to the ground.

On the other side, Chen Hao also stabbed the opponent's neck.

At this time, a roar sounded below. Obviously, the noise from their side still alarmed the zombies on the sixth floor.

Yang Bin quickly reached into the head of the special zombie and quickly found a red crystal.

"Let's go!"

The two quickly went upstairs and retreated to the dormitory before the zombies found them..

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