The food was fresh and delicious.

In the cafeteria...

Except for those who were still queuing for food, most people were already eating with a big bowl of rice and a small plate of potatoes.

This was definitely the most delicious meal in all these days.

Potatoes, which were so annoying before the end of the world, are now comparable to delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

Yang Bin and his friends also took a bowl of rice and a plate of potatoes to eat at the table. It was not that they did not want to be special, but there were only potatoes in the kitchen.

"Don't say it, after eating bread and biscuits for a few days, I found that rice is so delicious." Chen Hao said with emotion.

"Well, potatoes are also delicious. It seems that there are masters of cooking in their team." Hu Wenliang said vaguely.

"You haven't eaten vegetables for a long time, everything tastes delicious. These potatoes are just stewed in a big pot, nothing is added except oil and salt. How can you tell that you are a cooking expert?" Yang Bin said speechlessly.

"Uh... well, it seems that Brother Bin, you know how to cook."

"Brother Bin has been cooking for himself since he was 10 years old, and he has also worked part-time in the hotel kitchen. Do you think he knows how to cook?" Chen Hao rolled his eyes.

"Uh, okay, forget about it." Hu Wenliang said awkwardly.

"It's better to have more people. The food for so many people is ready so quickly." Chen Hao sighed.

"Well, Tang Weiwei, this woman, is good at managing a team. The people in her team have strong execution!" Yang Bin said seriously.

"I think so too, but I believe that Brother Bin, you are definitely better than her." Chen Hao said firmly, he never doubted Yang Bin's ability.

"I believe this too." Hu Wenliang said the same.

"Stop flattering me, both of you. Eat quickly. After dinner, Haozi, eat this crystal. We will probably have to clear the way ahead. Even if there are many people, the pressure ahead will be great, so you should upgrade to the third level as soon as possible."


Chen Hao nodded, quickly finished the rice in front of him, and then took the crystal handed over by Yang Bin and swallowed it without hesitation.

After a long time, Chen Hao finally absorbed the energy of the crystal completely and became a third-level evolver.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, a team with two third-level people would definitely crush 99% of the teams.

More than an hour later, the people in the cafeteria had basically finished their meals, and they were clean.

At this time, Tang Weiwei stood up again and said loudly: "Is everyone full?"

"Full! Thank you, Miss Tang!" Everyone responded loudly.

During this time, everyone also knew Tang Weiwei's name. After all, they were all from the same school, so there was always someone they knew.

Because she killed the villain, saved the group of women, and now cooked for everyone and made everyone full, Tang Weiwei had a very good image in everyone's mind at this time.

"It's good to be full, but I need to tell everyone a bad news. The meal just now was made with all the remaining rice in the kitchen, which means that there is no food in the kitchen now."


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Although they also doubted it at the beginning, when they saw the fragrant rice, they threw all their thoughts behind their heads.

Now hearing Tang Weiwei's words, they were struck by lightning.

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the kitchen and take a look!" Tang Weiwei said again.

As her voice fell, many people really rushed into the kitchen.

After a long time, these people came out one by one with ugly faces.

Not to mention rice, there was not even a leaf of vegetables in the kitchen, and the floor was cleaner than their faces.

"Why do you do this! !?" Many people began to question Tang Weiwei.

"The food in there can only last for three days at most, even if you eat porridge every day. It's better to have a full meal than to live three more days hungry. What do you think?" Tang Weiwei said with a smile.

"If we can live three more days, maybe rescue will come. You are just cutting off everyone's retreat!"

The people who were just grateful now glared at Tang Weiwei and others.

"Rescue, rescue, you think about rescue every day, don't you know how to save yourself?"

"If rescue doesn't come, will you wait to die?" Tang Weiwei said angrily.

"We will leave soon. If you want to leave, find a way to remove the table legs as weapons and rush out with us. If you want to stay here and wait to die, it's up to you!"

After that, Tang Weiwei no longer cared about others, but returned to the team to discuss.

As she finished speaking, the faces of the people present kept changing.


To be honest, after so many days, they actually didn't have much hope for rescue in their hearts, they just didn't want to face it.

People are like this, as long as it's not the last moment, they won't think about fighting for their lives.

Although they only eat porridge every day in the cafeteria, at least they won't starve to death. One day is a day, maybe rescue will come at any time.

However, now there is no food, and staying here will only starve to death.

At this time, these people finally began to face reality, and they also knew that they had to go out to survive.

Now someone took them out, this is the only chance. If they didn't catch it this time, they could only wait to die.

No one wanted to wait to die, so soon someone started to remove the table legs.

Turn the table over and kick it hard. It can still be broken with a few more kicks. If it doesn't work, get a few more people to help.

Soon, the table legs were removed one by one. Although they were not very strong, they were at least good weapons.

After taking the weapons, a group of people looked at Tang Weiwei.

"Very good, it seems that none of you want to stay here and wait for death. In that case, we will rush out together later."

"But I'll say it first. It's very dangerous to rush out this time. Be prepared. If anyone dares not to kill zombies, stay here honestly, otherwise going out will be a death!"

"Is there anyone who dares not to kill zombies!?" Tang Weiwei shouted.


The people below showed a firm look.

Since they chose to fight, this difficulty must be overcome.

Tang Weiwei nodded and walked towards Yang Bin.

At this time, everyone realized that this powerful woman seemed to have been asking for the opinion of that person.

If I guessed correctly, it must be this guy's idea to cook all the rice.

After all, this guy said that he would eat all the food for himself.

Many people looked at Yang Bin with unkind eyes.

I really can't understand why Tang Weiwei, who has 70 or 80 people, would ask for the opinion of a team of only three people.

The same was true for Tang Weiwei's team members.

They also found that Sister Weiwei, who used to act calmly and decisively, seemed to be less confident in doing anything since she met this guy.

"It seems that we have to stay away from these guys as soon as possible." The handsome man named Mo Yu said in his heart.

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