The enemy was in trouble.

No matter what others thought, Tang Weiwei had already come to Yang Bin.

"When will it start?"

Yang Bin opened the True Vision Eye and looked in all four directions. He found that there were the fewest zombies on the side where they had just come in. Moreover, there were no third-level zombies on this side, but there were on the other two sides, so this was the best breakthrough point.

"Give them ten minutes to prepare, and rush out from the side door in ten minutes. At that time, I will lead my people to open the way in front, and your people will be responsible for the two sides and the rear."

"It is extremely difficult to open the way in front. Are you sure you three can do it?" Tang Weiwei said with some doubt.

"If you doubt our ability, I can let you open the way. I have no objection." Yang Bin waved his hand. If other people didn't have this ability, he wouldn't want to take this job.

"I don't mean to doubt your ability. I just think that the three of you are a little too few. After all, the danger ahead is too great."

"Then you should come to the front too. It is indeed better to have more people." Yang Bin said.

"Okay." Tang Weiwei nodded.

"Okay, that's it. Remember, this time is mainly for escape. Tell them clearly that no one is allowed to take the crystal. Anyone who stops to take the crystal will be killed directly!" Yang Bin said coldly.

"Why don't you tell them!?"

"You have more prestige." Yang Bin smiled.


Tang Weiwei rolled her eyes, always feeling like she was being used as an assistant.

Ten minutes later...

"Are you ready?" Yang Bin shouted to a large group of people behind him.

Everyone nodded solemnly.

Yang Bin glanced at Tang Weiwei, who nodded, waved his hand, and soon, her teammates quickly moved the tables and chairs away.

Then Chen Hao pulled the door open.

Yang Bin rushed out instantly, swept the barbell, killed all the zombies at the door who had not yet reacted, and then rushed forward directly.

Behind him, Chen Hao, Hu Wenliang, and Tang Weiwei followed instantly.

Then, the others quickly followed.


The sudden appearance of a large group of people made all the zombies excited, and then they rushed towards everyone madly.

The crowd formed a triangle formation, and Yang Bin took the lead in the front, smashing the barbell in his hand wildly, killing the zombies one by one quickly.

On both sides, Chen Hao and Hu Wenliang quickly dealt with the zombies rushing from both sides, and Tang Weiwei, who was holding a fire axe, suddenly felt that she had no sense of existence.

In the end, she could only step back a little and kill the zombies on the side and rear with other team members.

As Yang Bin went deeper and deeper, the others soon met the zombies in close combat.

Perhaps the previous ideological work was done well, or perhaps these people figured it out.

At this time, everyone took the table legs and smashed the zombies rushing in.

Although the attack was somewhat disorganized, it prevented the zombies from approaching for a while.

At this time, the advantage of strength in numbers was reflected.

If all four or five thousand zombies attacked Yang Bin and his men, they would be exhausted to death.

But now there are so many people to share the pressure, at least they don't have to be attacked from both sides.

However, the zombies now are no longer ordinary zombies. Facing the first-level zombies that keep coming one after another, how can these ordinary people withstand it?

After a while, casualties began to appear in the crowd. One after another, they were pounced on and bitten to death by zombies, which made the people around them tear their eyes out.

However, as more and more people were killed by zombies, these people seemed to be stimulated, and they also became crazy from the initial fear.

Now there is no turning back, and only death will come if they don't fight.

Everyone threw away their fear and smashed the zombies rushing towards them crazily.

In front, Yang Bin didn't know how many zombies he had killed, and there was still no end in sight.

These zombies would rush at him again after killing one, making his forward speed extremely slow.

Fortunately, Yang Bin was already at the third level, and his strength of more than 800 kilograms made him unshakable like a god of war in the zombie group.

No matter how many zombies rushed at him, he could resist without taking a step back. Although his forward speed was slow, he still led everyone to rush forward firmly.

Many people were shocked by Yang Bin's strength. They finally understood why even a woman as strong as Tang Weiwei had to listen to him.

Tang Weiwei was also shocked at this time.

She was closest and could feel Yang Bin's strength more.

Although she guessed that the other party was already at the third level, she felt that she had special abilities and believed that she would not be too far behind.

, but now it seems that she is really not a little bit different from that person. If they really fight, the other party will probably not be able to catch a single blow.

What shocked her most was that the other two people beside him were also ridiculously strong.

Three people, two third-level and one second-level peak, how could they be so terrifying.

The other people in Tang Weiwei's team also shut up at this time.

Before, Tang Weiwei said that their team might not be the opponent of others. At that time, they were still unconvinced. Now they are afraid of it.

If Tang Weiwei hadn't stopped them, they would have died.

The battle has been going on, the number of people is constantly decreasing, and the whole team is breaking out little by little.

According to this situation, if nothing unexpected happens, there will be absolutely no problem rushing out, and perhaps the loss will be smaller than Yang Bin expected, because Yang Bin didn't expect these people to be completely crazy.

However, just when everything was going well, a person who was knocked to the ground by a zombie accidentally touched a crystal.

The desire to survive made him forget the rules before leaving, and he swallowed the crystal directly into his stomach.

Soon, the crystal turned into energy and merged into his body. He was about to be bitten to death by the zombies, but suddenly he burst out with powerful strength, pushed the zombies away, and then stood up instantly, and smashed the zombies to death with an iron pillar.

This scene made many people's eyes light up, and then their eyes began to look around.

Not long after, a person who was bitten by a zombie and was about to become a zombie, holding the mentality of dying horse as a living horse, took out a crystal from the head of a zombie and swallowed it quickly.

Soon, in the surprised eyes of everyone, his body slowly returned to normal, and he completely got rid of the crisis of becoming a zombie.

Someone on the Internet said that the first-level evolver could resist the energy erosion of the first-level zombies before, but I didn't expect it to be true.

At this time, the crowd couldn't sit still at all. There were zombie corpses everywhere on the ground. As long as they got one, not only would their strength increase greatly, but they would not have to worry about getting injured and becoming zombies.

At this moment, the rules set by Tang Weiwei had been completely forgotten. In their hearts, as long as they became stronger, they would have a better chance of breaking out.

So these people began to take the crystals secretly, and then began to rob them.

When Yang Bin and others discovered this situation, it was already out of control.

"Fuck!" Yang Bin cursed angrily, and the thing he was most worried about still happened.

"Why don't your people keep an eye on it!?"

"Everyone is dealing with zombies, who has so much time to watch them!" Tang Weiwei said helplessly.

At this time, because everyone was robbing the crystals, the formation was in chaos. Under the impact of the zombies, the team was soon divided into several pieces.

Without Yang Bin's opening, these people who were separated could be declared dead.

"Follow those who don't want to die, and go dig crystals if you want to die!" Yang Bin shouted angrily, and then ignored the others and accelerated his actions again.

"Follow us, don't worry about those people!" Tang Weiwei shouted to her teammates, and then quickly followed Yang Bin's footsteps.

Some people who were still sober also hurried to follow.

When those who finally grabbed the crystal raised their heads, they were surrounded by zombies..

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