As the number of people decreased, the pressure from the crowd increased.

Chen Hao also came to Yang Bin's side, and both of them gave up defense and attacked the zombies frantically.

Under the desperate attack of the two third-level evolvers, the group of people moved forward much faster.

A few minutes later, Yang Bin kicked the seven or eight zombies in front of him to the ground with a fierce kick, and then stepped on them directly to rush out of the zombies' encirclement.

The people behind him also followed up as soon as possible, and rushed out before the zombies formed another encirclement.

However, there were originally more than 1,800 people, but now there were less than 500 people left, directly losing more than two-thirds.

"Run to the teaching building!"

Yang Bin shouted, and then swept the barbell bar horizontally, knocking back the group of zombies that surrounded him.

The group of people who were still alive were relatively smart. After hearing Yang Bin's words, they did not dare to stay for a moment and ran madly towards the teaching building.

Yang Bin and Tang Weiwei and others also ran in that direction, killing the zombies chasing them while escaping.

After a while, a group of people rushed into the teaching building, quickly went upstairs, and then began to guard the stairwell.

Killing zombies in the stairwell was a piece of cake for Yang Bin and his friends.

The stairwell of the teaching building was much larger than that of the dormitory, but fortunately there were more people now.

Yang Bin and his three people, plus Tang Weiwei and Mo Yu, two second-level evolvers, were enough to guard the stairwell steadily.

The five people dragged their tired bodies to guard the stairs, and the others quickly hid in the classroom.

Yang Bin shook his head. He originally wanted to lower his standards and find some teammates from these people, but now it seems unnecessary.

Half an hour later, the stairwell was completely blocked and the five people collapsed on the ground.

This time, they were really exhausted. Even Yang Bin felt that he could not hold the barbell.

After a while, they recovered. Tang Weiwei looked at Yang Bin and said sincerely: "Thank you... This time thanks to you!"

"Don't thank me, we just want to escape by ourselves, you are just a by-product." Yang Bin waved his hand.


"Anyway, without you, it would be impossible to escape this time." Tang Weiwei said seriously.

She knew very well how difficult this trip was. Their team was reduced from 70 to 80 people to more than 40 people, almost half of them.

They were like this in the back, and it was conceivable how difficult it was for Yang Bin and others who had been leading the way in the front. If it were her, she would definitely not be able to rush out.

"I'm very curious. How did you three manage to improve your strength to this level in such a short time? I didn't see any special abilities from you guys." Tang Weiwei asked in confusion.

"It's not convenient to tell you this. You're not Liangzi's wife."


"I'm talking too much." Tang Weiwei said speechlessly.

Yang Bin smiled and said nothing more.

The few of them sat on the ground and rested.

Almost all of them were injured, but with outsiders around, Yang Bin couldn't let Hu Wenliang treat them.

Hu Wenliang's special ability was quite special. If people knew about it, there would be a lot of trouble, so he could only go back to the dormitory for treatment.

After resting for more than half an hour, Yang Bin got up from the ground.

"Okay, it's getting dark, we should leave, I don't want to spend the night in the classroom."

"The stairwell is blocked, how can you get out?"

"Jump from the second-floor window. The teaching building is not as closed as the cafeteria, so there is no place you can't go."

"You don't care about them?"

"I'm not their parents, why should I care about them? It's good enough to bring them out." Yang Bin rolled his eyes.

"Okay, then you won't dig these crystals?" Tang Weiwei pointed to the corpse in the stairwell.

"Give it to you!"

Yang Bin smiled and then took Chen Hao and the others to another classroom.

They no longer care about the first-order crystals. They just want to go back to the dormitory to heal their wounds as soon as possible.

"Weiwei, let's try to stay away from them in the future." Mo Yu whispered as he watched them leave.


"I think they are too dangerous." Mo Yu whispered. He didn't dare to say that he was afraid that Tang Weiwei would be abducted by the other party.

"It's not bad actually. Although Yang Bin looks cold and heartless, he is not without sympathy. At least he brought the person out."

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that this person is stronger than me in terms of strength and ability. If I can make friends with him, I will try my best to make friends with him. In the end times, more allies mean more chances of survival!" Tang Weiwei said seriously.


At this point, Mo Yu couldn't refute it. He could only be more careful in the future and not let anyone abduct him.

Yang Bin and his friends came to the window of a classroom and looked down.

The teaching building is higher than the dormitory. The second floor is about 3.5 meters below.

Although this height is a bit scary, it is a piece of cake for them who are second and third level.

There are more than ten zombies downstairs, so it's not a big problem.

Yang Bin jumped down first. After more than ten zombies found him, they quickly rushed towards him.

Yang Bin waved the barbell bar casually a few times and solved them all.

Soon, Chen Hao and Hu Wenliang also jumped down, and then they walked carefully towards the dormitory.

As soon as they returned to the dormitory, the three of them fell directly on the bed and didn't want to move.

After a while, Hu Wenliang got up to treat everyone.

Although the few people were not fatally injured, they had a lot of major and minor injuries on their bodies, so they still had to be treated quickly.

After more than an hour and several breaks, Hu Wenliang finally healed the wounds of several people, and he himself was exhausted and fell asleep on the bed.

Yang Bin and Chen Hao were in high spirits.

"Fortunately, Liangzi is here. What do you think we should do if other people are injured?" Chen Hao suddenly said.

"In fact, the physical fitness of the evolvers has improved, and their recovery ability will also improve. As long as they are not fatally injured, minor injuries can be cured in a few days. However, it is definitely better to be able to treat them, so Liangzi's abilities should not be exposed casually, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble."


"Brother Bin, what should we do next? Continue to improve our strength?"


"I see that others are expanding their teams. They obviously want to make a big difference in the end times. Should we also..."

"No hurry, you should know that the official will definitely not allow the situation of self-determination.

Although the official control ability has been greatly reduced now, the official strength is definitely the strongest. Not to mention hot weapons, the official evolvers alone must be the most.

So don't touch the official bottom line now, and see how the situation develops. Let's improve our own strength first. When there is a complete chaos one day, we will have the capital to fight for it."

"Yes, Brother Bin, I listen to you. No matter what you want to do, I will follow you!" Chen Hao said firmly.

"Good brother!"

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