Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 148: The meeting between No.0 and Jing Liu

Suddenly a person who was not affected by the laughter appeared. Lin Rui felt that there seemed to be a breakthrough, but he felt that it was wrong.

Because he thought about it carefully and found that although this beautiful lady could resist this kind of laughter, the other party was just an ordinary human being.

It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary human being to change the current situation.

"The dormitory area is too dangerous for you. Now you have to be transferred to another place. The shelter is not safe now. This kind of laughter can swallow other people's sanity." Jiang Yimi said.

Yan Jiu nodded, she didn't want to cause trouble for Bai Wu, after being rescued by Bai Wu at the wedding, these days she was waiting in the house like a little daughter-in-law.

She is still a little uncomfortable with this place.

Jiang Yimi decided to transfer Yanjiu to her own house first, while Lin Rui still went to the source area of ​​the severe infection of laughter to find the real owner of the laughter.

So the two girls held hands and prepared to leave here, but at this time, many students who were beaten unconscious by Lin Rui woke up unexpectedly.

They took a few steps back, fixed their eyes on Yan Jiu, and kept laughing.

Lin Rui reacted quickly and was ready to shoot in an instant.

These students flaunted their teeth and claws, their smiles were still fanatical, but they seemed to sense Lin Rui and Jiang Yimi's two masters, so they stopped approaching Yan Jiu and kept laughing.

To resist this kind of laughter at such a close distance, Lin Rui couldn't hold on for too long, but before he made a move, he saw something strange again.

Students in the dormitory area are constantly infected by laughter, but they all seem to have received a certain order.

Under this order, a large number of students came out of the dormitory area and surrounded Yan Jiu and the three of them.

The dark crowd was like a city full of zombies. Suddenly, someone roared and attracted all the zombies.

Breaking through is actually very simple. Adding all these evils together, Lin Rui is sure to solve them in a short period of time, but he found a problem——

"Strange, they all only stare at you!"

Lin Rui covered his ears with his hands, but he was not afraid, and he yelled loudly.

Jiang Yimi's mental strength is extremely strong, but she can withstand such laughter for a while.

She also discovered that these students had been bewitched by the laughter, and they seemed to be about to do something, but even though she and Lin Rui were the most powerful beings here... But these students did not even look at themselves and Lin Rui.

"The girl brought by the uncle is very weak, but these students seem to have some kind of attachment to her,'s not these students, it's the master of laughter."

Jiang Yimi felt incredible.

Gradually, Yan Jiu no longer panicked.

She could hear laughter before, but she didn't understand why people laughed. Even when she arrived just now, she was quite puzzled why these people were chasing after her crazily while laughing.

But now... listening to the laughter one after another, she seemed to gradually understand.

Lin Rui also remembered that he didn't encounter any animals chasing him in the zoo, even though someone found him, it was just that the laughter became clearer.

But the scene where the group of villains surrounded the three of them made him feel...the other party seemed to be targeting Yan Jiu.

"It wants to make me laugh."

Yan Jiu spoke suddenly, and when she said this, the whole world seemed to be quiet for a second, and even the voices in Lin Rui and Jiang Yimi's minds suddenly disappeared for a short time at this moment.

But only for this moment. Laughter soon rang out, and Lin Rui and Jiang Yimi's minds resumed their hustle and bustle.

"They didn't mean to hurt me...otherwise I wouldn't be able to escape."

Lin Rui also realized that this good-looking girl is obviously just an ordinary person without any accompanying power.

It is impossible for the degenerate students to run slower than her.

A large group of villains spread their teeth and claws behind her. At that moment, both Lin Rui and the Lord himself thought that the other party was going to attack... But now it seems that they are doing other things.

Lin Rui doesn't consider himself an analytical school, but Bai Wu once taught him to carefully observe the situation and lead everyone to make correct thinking.

"I was in Baichuan Zoo, and I saw many circus signs... Although the three monsters... were very curious, like drinking nuclear waste water, but they didn't hurt me. When they saw me approaching, they just laughed louder A little bit."

"The clothes on them also look like people in a circus...they are surrounded by mechanical animals, but they look out of place, obviously because the area changed not long ago, and they blended into this area."

"The essence of the circus is to bring laughter, but it's quite possible that desire has been twisted ... so it's become some kind of horror term."

Jiang Yimi saw that Lin Rui was thinking about something, so he protected Yan Jiu behind him, Yan Jiu shook his head slightly:

"They won't hurt me."

"This laughter will make people violent. Before I figure out the situation, I can't let you get hurt. This is the task left by uncle."

Jiang Yimi's words seem to have given Lin Rui a reminder:

"This ability seems to allow people to express negative emotions through joy... But the girl brought by the predecessors has no way to perceive joy..."

"The laughter is terrible, especially as I can feel the violence being aroused a little makes everything have an evil air."

"This kind of laughter spreads, and even gives me a sense of crisis that will fall a large area."

"But maybe the owner of the laughter... doesn't have evil desires, it's just the principle of the entry, which caused some side effects of the emotional transformation?"

Lin Rui knew very well that this was just his own subjective inference. Maybe the truth is very different from what I imagined.

"But no matter what, this kind of laughter has swallowed everyone's thinking, and the source of the laughter must be solved!"

In this world, there are indeed existences that are not evil in themselves, but because they are too powerful and cannot be retracted freely, they eventually commit a series of evil deeds.

Jiang Yimi 700 years ago was half of such an example. The outbreak of Fusion Disease had badly affected some areas of Baichuan Campus and some surrounding areas.

Laughter can't affect Yan Jiu, but the gathering of countless students can start to affect the surrounding area.

If Baichuan Middle School fell completely, the so-called refuge would be just a joke.

"The source of the laughter must be found, but to find it... Maybe it depends on this girl... If my deduction is correct, maybe everyone in the circus will try to get close to her..."

It is not easy to find the owner of this laughter in the huge zoo, but because Yan Jiu cannot perceive joy, she will not be affected by the laughter, which interrupts the function of the entry.

People in the circus might try their best to make Yan Jiu laugh...and then take the initiative to find Yan Jiu.

This is Lin Rui's idea, but everything is just speculation, Lin Rui also has concerns, he finally decided to speak out his thoughts:

"Listen, there is a very troublesome thing now. My previous investigation found that the laughter should have come from a certain circus in the suburbs. To find the source of the laughter, you have to go to the suburbs, the area that has not been purified. There are many Mechanical evils... and those evils in the circus. They are stronger than ordinary evils, and they are more dangerous."

"Let the laughter spread and the city will fall, but it is very difficult to find the source of the laughter, even if I have narrowed the area."

Lin Rui looked at Yan Jiu:

"But you are different... Now it seems that because you cannot perceive joy, you will not be affected by laughter, and this characteristic has attracted the attention of the owner of the laughter. Maybe as long as you are brought to that area, It will take the initiative to come to see you."

Jiang Yimi said:

"No, uncle told me to protect her."

Lin Rui didn't speak, this was also what he was worried about. Everything is just my own inference, in the face of this kind of laughter, I will occasionally lose my mind.

In such a dangerous place, maybe if I didn't pay attention, this girl would die.

If the situation wasn't too urgent and the entry related to laughter was too incomprehensible, Lin Rui wouldn't even say this idea.

More and more students lost their will in the laughter, and they kept gathering.

The little black cat on Jiang Yimi's shoulder looked around in fear with its tail between its legs.

Yan Jiu looked at Lin Rui, felt the laughter spreading between the heaven and the earth, and said:

"It's okay, please... please take me with you, I'm willing to go."

Jiang Yimi was stunned, and Lin Rui was also a little surprised, because this girl didn't seem very courageous to him:

"But I want you to know that going to that area is very dangerous... and everything is just my speculation, and there is a possibility that my judgment may be wrong..."

Yan Jiu shook her head, and expressed her attitude before Lin Rui finished speaking:

"It's okay, I want to blend in here, and I also want to do something for this place. Everyone's hard work can't be wasted... If I am needed here, I will be very happy."

When a very weak person utters some courageous words, Lin Rui, a youthful person, will always be moved.

What a kind person. Lin Rui thought so, obviously this girl doesn't know what happiness is at all.

He nodded and patted his chest:

"Okay, don't worry, even if you risk your life, I will protect you well!"

The golden energy vortex gathered under the feet of Lin Rui and Yan Jiu. Most of the time, in order to save energy, Lin Rui will not use large-scale space transfer.

He is more about changing the time dimension to make himself faster, but the situation is too urgent right now, and he has to race against time, and he has come up with his own unique skill without caring too much.

The huge golden energy vortex completely submerged Lin Rui and Yan Jiu.

Jiang Yimi could see that Yan Jiu was actually very nervous. The girl's face was pale, but it was not entirely caused by fear.

People always think that once they have courage, they will face difficulties without fear... But in fact, many times people are afraid while fighting against difficulties.

The latter is actually more moving than pure fearlessness.

Lin Rui and Yan Jiu disappeared and started their adventure to save Baichuan City.

Jiang Yimi was stunned in place, suddenly felt that the laughter around her was so annoying, and she turned into an idler...

Recalling the experience of the food field last time, she showed a frustrated look amidst the laughter:

"Ah... the girls around uncle are all good, but I'm so bad..."



In order for that illusory refuge to be successfully established, all the heroes of Baichuan City gathered by the white mist are working hard.

But in fact, if the living environment is not considered, there is indeed an area in this world that can meet the basic needs of shelters.

Machine City.

In the battle not long ago, the huge mechanical city was affected by the battle between two top powerhouses, and a large number of buildings collapsed.

But the efficiency of the machine clan is extremely high, especially the city lord of the machine city, who seems to have returned to the strongest moment in the past seven hundred years.

At the most critical moment of the Machinery City, the Machinery City welcomes Jing Wu.

Now that the Machinery City is gradually prospering, another guest with a tic-tac-toe is ushered in.

In the mechanical temple, Zero looked at the woman in the cloak in front of him, and he was no stranger.

A long time ago, he had already come into contact with the other party.

Well six.

Outside the Mechanical Temple, Shen Shuyue, Jing Liu's servant, was also there.

Ever since the secret about the black mist was discovered in the black box, Zero has been trying to keep himself from forgetting...

What humans cannot do, he can actually do, because he can digitize memory.

It's just that he didn't know that this memory would disappear... Now that he knew, he was naturally prepared.

Zero thought that the other party came for the contents of the black box.

"Are you here for what's in that box?"

"My ability is no longer enough to support me to calculate things that are too vast. I came this time for other things." Jing Liu denied.

Number Zero frowned. The last time we met, he was still relatively weak, and this woman hadn't been eaten too deeply by the force of karma.

This meeting, the situation of the two people was reversed.

Zero became stronger than ever before, while Jing Liu gave him a very weak feeling.

"You defeated one of my elder brothers, which is a good thing and a bad thing."

"What's wrong? You came this time to give an early warning?"

"Well, there are not many predictions I can make. Various images of the world are presented in my eyes, in no order. It is like a wall of information composed of countless display screens, but every time I try to accept these information , part of the body will disappear.”

Zero frowned. If what Jing Liu said was true, then this woman... might be dying soon.

At least compared to Jing Wu, she really looks a bit weak.

"A new city is about to appear, and it will be a city similar to your country. The world seven hundred years ago will eventually reappear, but with the appearance of something that has never appeared, such as you, such as white mist, such as Sanctuary. Those sleeping behemoths will slowly wake up."

Zero frowned:


Jing Liu's tone was dignified:

"My brother won't let it go. It will join forces with other brothers to launch an attack on Baichuan City, and you will be involved when the time comes."

"The new order and power are destined to be born in extinction, but it's a pity, whether it will exist for a long time like your mechanical city, black gold island, or farm, and become another behemoth, I have no way of knowing."

"All I can do is let you prepare in advance."

Jing Liu was able to give the black box, a secret that no one knew, and this point made No. 0 convinced that Jing Liu was definitely an existence detached from other beings.

Now that she appeared here, she brought the crisis that Bai Wu would encounter from the refuge, and this must not be an ordinary crisis.

It was just about the refuge, about the white mist, and Number Zero quickly figured out the logic. He even showed a smile:

"Sanctuary? He really came up with something amazing, no wonder he rejected my invitation."

How can those forces that have been silent outside the tower for hundreds of years tolerate human beings?

It is conceivable that if the shelter really appears, as the scale expands, it will inevitably experience a difficult battle for survival.

"But why should I help him? I hate humans, you know."

Jing Liu smiled and did not speak. She looked at No. 0 calmly. Not long after, No. 0 shook her head:

"Don't you think this kind of life is meaningless? You can see all my reactions. You also know that I will not refuse to help Bai Wu."

Although he hates humans, he doesn't hate the white mist.

This is No. Zero's real answer, so when the refuge encounters a major crisis, he will help. After all, he is the only one who can deal with the Tic Tac-level existence.

No. Zero didn't say all this, but Jing Liu knew it, she shook her head and said:

"This kind of life is a joy to me. You owe me a favor."

"You have been helping Bai Wu because you saw some possibility of him?" Zero asked.

"Yes. One day in the future, I will die because of spying on the cause and effect. At that time, you will need to repay my favor and do what I have not done."

Zero knows that this woman likes to say things that others don't understand, but maybe it's not a trick, but the way of thinking is different from normal people.

He asked other questions:

"What you said, the crisis from the shelter, how long will it take?"


"How soon is it?"

"They've started to gather."

"I think this force is stronger than the force that invaded the mechanical city."

"Yes, Bai Wu and his friends will have their own opportunities, and his growth will be faster than you think."

"So since this battle will come soon, why can't you see the result?" Zero asked.

"Because it involves the existence of cause and effect that I cannot see through."

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