Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 149: Involvement Between Strange Talks

(Short and weak, but unreasonable and strong, asking for a monthly ticket)

It is impossible to see through the existence of cause and effect, which means that there is no definite number on whether the establishment of the shelter will be successful.

Jing Liu came here, maybe everything was already arranged, maybe it was a big gamble.

Thinking of this level, Number Zero said:

"What kind of existence are you? Don't you have any weaknesses? Who is the strongest among you? What is his position?"

Number Zero had several questions in succession, but Jing Liu didn't answer all of them:

"We don't know what kind of existence we are, but maybe just like your name, we are infected person zero. Before the mutation came, when other creatures were still accumulating the possibility of mutation little by little, We have already mutated completely, possessing extremely powerful power even after seven hundred years."

"The strongest among us is my elder brother. He is far stronger than the rest of us. Even I don't know where he has come."

No. 0 noticed that Jing Liu used his words quite rigorously, the others were elder brothers, and the strongest one was his elder brother.

Obviously, the status of this elder brother is much higher than that of other elder brothers.

"He has no position, and we have no weaknesses. At most, there are things that we are not good at, just like I am not good at fighting. But that is also compared to you and my other brothers."

Jing Liu's always calm face showed a slight fluctuation:

"However, my brother did have three weaknesses later on. Back in Denglin City, in order to save the world, he provided himself to the scientists in Denglin City for research. The scientists did plant the most powerful body in his body. Entered three weaknesses."

This is news that moved No. 0. He has never fought against Jing Liu's brother. But thinking about it, Jing Wu is not at the same level at all.

This kind of existence may already be the concept of God, but even so, there are still three weaknesses that human scientists can implant in it...

"Is the weakness fatal?"

"It's not lethal, but it does provide some sort of countermeasure against it."

"This is really a great research result." Number Zero admired it sincerely, but also felt sorry.

Because of the latter matter, even if Jing Liu didn't say anything, he would know about it.

If there were such a powerful scientist who had been researching under the protection of the Jing family brothers and sisters, perhaps the world would not be what it is now.

But now there are only all kinds of distorted creatures and all kinds of strange and distorted rules left in this world.

Scientists should be dead.

Since Jingliu's brother is an uncertain position, it means that he who tried to save the world has also done things to destroy the world, so his behavior cannot be simply defined as good or bad.

And for some special reason, although Jing Liu could spy on some causes and effects, but now he can't see them.

Number Zero can only be sure of one thing, there is an extremely positionist in this world.

He still has a lot of questions he wants to ask Jing Liu, but Jing Liu has already fulfilled the right to inform. She is going to leave.

As he was about to leave, Number Zero finally asked:

"The most powerful existence, is it missing?"

"Yes. My brother is missing."

"Have you found it? Even if his position is hard to judge, I believe that having the power beyond the world will definitely attract many people to covet him, at least I am very interested in it."

Jing Liu didn't answer this question, but gave Number Zero something.

"What's this?"

"Doomsday Puzzle Fragment, Karma Mirror. You don't have the power of Karma, you can only use this fragment once."

Doomsday puzzle pieces, number zero is no stranger to this thing.

"Why does this fragment exist?"

"When it comes to the source, you can understand it as a device to restore the world. Part of this device counteracts the rules of distortion, and part of it has the same power of distortion, using distortion to defeat distortion. The sequence that humans have is The power of the same source."

Jing Liu said:

"I have to go now."

"What about the function of the fragments?" Zero asked.

"It will give you a chance to absorb karma, but you are not me, you don't have the power of karma, and you can't exert its full effect, but if you just save the person you want to save across a short time and space, it is not difficult .”

Zero understood that, as a fallen self, he could not break through the limitations of the area. Although several existences of the Jing family are also evil, they obviously have the particularity of suppressing the rules.

Jing Liu turned around and walked out of the Mechanical Temple.

Where is Jing Si hidden? For all Tic Tac-level existences, it is very valuable information, but it is also a question that cannot be answered.

But everything in the world is actually not a problem for Jing Liu. The question and the answer are two pictures presented to her eyes at the same time.

No. 0 suddenly felt—maybe the strongest of the six wells had already been found by Jing Liu.



Baichuan City, Guaitan Apartment, seventh floor.

It was already night.

The laughter echoing between heaven and earth seemed to reach Bai Wu's ears.

Not long ago, he was rummaging through boxes and boxes in a room on the seventh floor, like a scavenger when the end of the world came seven hundred years ago.

Listening to the faint laughter in the distance, he didn't feel anything.

The function of laughter is to express negative emotions in a joyful way. If a person does not have joy, he will not be recruited.

White mist, on the other hand, has no negative emotions. He smiled, not because he was infected by the laughter, but because he simply felt that the laughter was... quite joyful.

As night fell, Bai Wu pressed the light, but there was no response. The rules did not allow this apartment to have electricity. is tolerable.

Without lights, the current visibility is not high, making everything in the white mist's sight stained with a layer of dark blue.

With her astonishing eyesight, Bai Wu was still able to look up some information. In particular, the "information" in his hands is not a paper document.

After leaving the fifth floor and fooling around with two ghost stories, Bai Wu spent the next hour or so flipping through various documents.

Because on the seventh floor, he found a special room.

So far, he probably knows what happened on the seventh floor, there are many strange things, but these strange things are also involved, and which strange thing succeeded in cultivating Gu in the end became a strange story, Bai Wu still doesn't know.

The first strange thing is that there is a middle-aged blind man living on the seventh floor. He always leads a puppet, and he takes the puppet to beg every day.

Of course, compared to those who just beg for food after setting up a bowl, this middle-aged blind man is quite talented. To a certain extent, this is not called begging, but busking.

The puppet in his hand came alive under his control. Let the audience applaud.

Audiences discovered that the puppet was really capable of a lot of motion.

Some spectators would intentionally make things difficult, but the blind man listened to their descriptions, shaking the silk thread with his fingers, and performed this set of movements in a short time, even the expressions were the same.

Relying on one-handed craftsmanship, he can earn a lot of food every day. Because people gradually find that money has lost its value.

In Baichuan City, people began to rely on the edible food in circulation as goods.

Of course, it is impossible to record these things in the blind man's home. The blind man's house is bare. There are only some doll limbs, the detachable ones, and the notes are very strange——

[They are indeed part of the doll. 】

This word seems to indicate what happened. But after scanning around, Bai Wu still didn't find anything suspicious, so he went to the opposite room.

That is, the second of the ghost talk potential stocks-peepers.

Regarding the manipulation of the puppet by the middle-aged blind man, the voyeur recorded everything in his vlog device,

There are more than 500 categories of vlog, different time, different events, different families...even different high places.

Such as men, women, single, married, kitchen, living room, bedroom, even - toilet.

There are many surveillance videos in it. It is said to be vlog, but in fact it has the dubbing of the voyeur himself, plus the editing of the voyeuristic screen.

He almost spied on the residents of half an apartment building.

Regarding the middle-aged blind man, the reason why Bai Wu felt that it might be one of the strange stories was because the voyeur described it in this way.

In the video, a middle-aged blind man is climbing the stairs. The strange thing is that this blind man walks very steadily and slowly, and the step by step distance is extremely standard, but he does not hug the puppet, but still shakes his fingers... to control the puppet. Puppet, climb the stairs step by step.

Making the puppet climb the stairs with himself seemed like an exercise in some kind of handicraft, except that the peepers apparently didn't see it that way.

"I have been observing the blind man opposite me for a long time. He can always beg for a lot of food. It is so strange. It is obvious that the outside has become like that, but some people will watch his performance, or some people will be willing to do it for a puppet show. Take out food in exchange. Isn't this bullshit? I always feel that there is a wicked secret in it."

"Is this witchcraft? Or did he arrange a puppet? But what's even more strange is that every time he comes back, he will continue to manipulate the puppet instead of picking it up directly... His life is very regular, and he will go to bed at the end of the day , but every time I spy on his house... it always feels creepy."

There are a lot of videos, and the reason why Bai Wu stays here for a long time is because of the voyeur's voyeuristic desire, leaving behind a lot of files.

There is also a family of three about the strange girl downstairs.

There is even Zhao Cuican's on the second floor.

He already knew that he had found two of the six ghost stories, one was on the phone, and the other was watching everything on the TV.

The voyeur is very similar to the strange talk on TV, his name is Liu Yiyan.

Of course, Bai Wu would not judge a person by their appearance, let alone by their name, but he had to admit that many times people lived up to their names.

At first glance, Liu is considered a half-hacker, with a strong desire to monitor. Rather than saying that he likes to spy on other people's privacy, it is better to say that he is just afraid of something that is out of his control.

But this also led to disaster.

Because the apartment itself has begun to distort, under many strange rules, some videos disappeared.

Only Liu's voice could be heard inside, but the picture was pitch black. Liu Yi could feel the fear in these voices.

He's clearly photographed something that science can't explain. These things are not willing to be photographed by him, so the picture is black.

Without relying on his eyes to prompt, Bai Wu relied on Liu Yiyan's classification habit to quickly screen several videos with black screens, trying to determine the possibility of several strange stories.

The voice inside is like this:

"On the first day after I moved into the apartment, I heard a grandma tell me, don't go to the apartment building, because at two o'clock in the middle of the night, an old man will appear, and this old man will hold a thermos and ask If a person wants tea, he will go door to door asking, don’t answer, hold your breath, and wait for him to leave.”

"I'm curious, how could there be such a person? So I installed surveillance. Well, it has nothing to do with this. I just like surveillance. To live is to keep spying on others. Only in this way can I be alive!"

This is the first video. It stands to reason that Liu Yiyi should be recording his room at this time, but the video screen is already dark.

This made Bai Wu suspicious... Liu Yiyan later became one of the strange stories. He continued to look down.

"Crime has already started in some houses. I saw that there is a secret hidden in the shell-like TV. It's strange. Doesn't he think the smell is too strong? Wait, this doesn't seem to be the point... What am I ignoring ?”

"The little girl on the second floor suddenly woke up again. Is she sleepwalking? He keeps knocking on the door, and his brother sleeps like a dead pig. Hey, it's funny. Does he know his sister would do such a horrible thing? Damn it , hell! Is she Superman? How did it happen?"

"The elevator stopped on the thirteenth floor. No one pressed it. I should be able to see something in the elevator, but there is no picture. I know there are things in this area that I want to see, so I can see it. If I don't want me to see it, I can't see it." I's really annoying!"

"Hey... This little girl is really bad... Tsk tsk tsk, I can't provoke her... The people in this building have a lot of ways to hide corpses."

There are many video records about midnight in the device, Bai Wu pays attention to the time interval and finds that they are almost every few minutes.

He felt a little strange for a moment, imagine it.

A man switched the screen from time to time around twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and kept talking about some of his own views related to the screen at a very fast speed.

"It should be a disease."

Many videos cannot be viewed, but the base of voyeuristic videos is very large. Bai Wu noticed that Liu Yiyan even bought a server to store his own monitoring.

It's hard to imagine a single person monitoring an entire apartment.

There are plenty of crimes worth talking about in these videos, but in short, this apartment... has a lot of talent.

In order to survive in the last days, all kinds of theft, robbery, murder and burial emerge in endlessly.

But in the eyes of Bai Wu, there are only a few that can be regarded as strange talks so far, and only these videos are black and have no picture, only the voice of Liu Yiyi.

Someone hid the body in the TV. Only those old-fashioned big color TVs have space for Tibetans.

And this incident may have triggered the strange talk of "I'm looking at you".

Secondly, the little girl on the second floor has the possibility of sleepwalking, and during sleepwalking, she made actions that Liu couldn't understand at a glance. But Bai Wu is very strange, on the second floor... the one with a younger sister, isn't it Zhao Cuican?

Then there's a middle-aged blind man who is suspicious as well as his puppet.

In the end, it was my grandmother who said that at midnight, an old man with a vacuum flask would appear.

And this grandma, who is very likely to be nonsense, was judged by Bai Wu as one of the strange stories.

Because in this room, Bai Wu saw a thermos. The remarks also confirmed one of his thoughts.

[People will always challenge those horrible things to prove their disbelief, but this behavior itself is very confusing, isn't it? Some things we do know he doesn't exist, but again, respect the rules, my old man. 】

Clues slowly emerged. Obviously, this Liu Yiyan chose some kind of desperate behavior, and responded to the old man who was holding a thermos and asking if he wanted to drink tea.

But why did the vacuum flask stay in Liu Yiyan's room?

The night became thicker and the laughter in the distance became more exaggerated. It seemed that the number of infected people was increasing. Bai Wu frowned and opened the window.

And at this moment, in the room next door, the room where the puppet was hidden... there was a laugh.

This laughter was no different from the laughter outside, and Bai Wu also laughed, not because he was infected, but because he suddenly discovered that this laughter seemed to be infected by a strange story...and assisted him.

So Bai Wu quickly came to the opposite room, the middle-aged blind man's room was very simple, and the bed was just a straw mat.

There are many limbs of dolls here, and Bai Wu was still a little confused before, why the eyes didn't give any hints.

Why he didn't see the doll, now he understands.

"It's not difficult for a blind man to accurately perform the actions described by the spectator, but why can he make the expression of the spectator? Either he is not blind...or, what...he is the puppet, the puppet in his hand, is the A real manipulator."

In the darkness, those limbs seemed to be connected by silk threads, and they began to be spliced ​​together until they became a complete puppet.

[Congratulations on finding the third strange story. Believe me, its ability is very useful to you. Even if your limbs are broken, you can still stitch them together in a broken state. But you know, there is a premise for all of this. Let it attach to you, and get the other five ghost stories. 】

Bai Wu was ecstatic, isn't this the weakness transfer ability of the mummy on the flight? Good stuff!

The puppet in the dark let out a piercing laugh. This scene frightened Liu's eyes for a moment, but in Bai Wu's ears, he felt the sound of heaven.

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