Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 174: The Clown's Happiest Time

Outside the tower, Baichuan City.

"Can they be found? How long will it be?"

Bai Wu asked again. He asked once two minutes ago.

In the current situation on the battlefield, Jing Wu was held back by Lin Rui, and the Heijin Island coalition forces on Huangquan Island were restrained by the clown's laughter. The situation is in a state of draw.

But Bai Wu knew very well that the opponent still had a strongest monster that hadn't appeared, and if this monster arrived in Baichuan City, everything would be over.

So it was the first time that Baiwu was looking forward to the zero being able to descend from the sky again.

But maybe No. 0 is indeed on the way, but the movement track and route of the machine clan, the white silkworm teachers have never been able to know.

"Still not found."

Bai Wu didn't seem very anxious.

From the beginning to the end, in this battle, only when he got the news of Hong Yin's death, his expression changed a little.

This battle is too important, and Bai Wu always reminds himself that maybe anyone he likes may die, including himself. So you must be calm, only by calmly responding can all the layouts be fully effective.

Zero's support was indeed later than Bai Wu imagined, but Bai Wu had considered all the possibilities.

Only at this time, something unexpected happened to him.

[My old buddy, the long journey will always come to an end, but he may come back, maybe you can break the long and almost endless karmic cage, but now... you should accept a reality, take out the mask. 】

what's the situation? Why did the Eye of Prell suddenly pop up a message?

Bai Wu felt her heart beat a beat slower, and subconsciously thought of something.

He took the mask out of the pouch.

The smile on the smiley face mask still looks a little funny and evil, and Bai Wu found that the mask played a pivotal role in his entire journey.

This mask, which would become increasingly damaged as he was injured, should have been intact at this moment.

But there was a crack on the mask. This crack was not enough to make the mask unusable, but a strange feeling emerged in Bai Wu's heart.

It's as if... the mask that's always been smiling is crying.

He froze in place, momentarily at a loss.

After a few seconds of silence, Bai Wu still spoke calmly:

"Could you help me see... Lin Rui's side?"

The white silkworms don't know what's going on yet, they are constantly looking into the distance with their peeping pupils, looking for clues of reinforcements.

One of the white silkworms nodded, and quickly turned its sights to the battlefield where the two strongest fighters in this war were.

It's just that Jing Wu's figure has disappeared.

What the white silkworms saw was only a corpse with no limbs, whose body was constantly being eaten away by black matter.

It was Lin Rui's body.

White Mist has no fear and sorrow, but these teachers do exist. Twelve of them joined together, and soon they all knew what one of them had seen.

So for a while, the teachers didn't know what to say to Bai Wu.

The command room fell silent.

About a minute later, Bai Wu guessed something, he looked into the distance, the white silkworms behind him did not speak, but he responded:

"okay, I get it."

Bai Wu's back looked extremely desolate. He held the mask tightly in his hands.

"It's time for me to leave. I'm the only one who can attract Jing Wu. There are no tactical arrangements for the future. I have done everything I can."

These words sound ordinary, but the white silkworms felt that the building was about to collapse.

Human affairs are exhausted, and everything is left to fate.

For Bai Wu, this state of leaving everything to God is a state he doesn't like very much.

But long before the war started, he knew that the chances of the refuge were slim.

Hong Yin died, and so did Lin Rui.

Although the eyes finally gave a riddle, it only mentioned a possibility. If even Prell's Eye couldn't give an exact judgment, it also meant that the possibility of this matter was extremely slim.

At least now... Lin Rui is dead.

The most powerful hero in Baichuan City died at the hands of Jing Wu.

Bai Wu didn't know the real cause of Lin Rui's death, he only knew...that red door was faintly opened.

An emotion called anger... emerged bit by bit in his consciousness.



Baichuan Middle School, outside the dormitory area.

Jiang Yimi was originally transferred to the command room by Lin Rui, but was then arranged by Bai Wu to go to the dormitory area.

Among the students who can go to support, there are many who are capable of fighting. These evil people need Jiang Yimi to mobilize.

There are also many weaker combatants, and Jiang Yimi needs to be ready to transfer at any time.

Jiang Yimi didn't know what was going on at the front line, she was waiting anxiously at this moment.

The long night has no end in sight. For Jiang Yimi, as long as the clown's laughter is still there, the situation should be stable.

But at this time, the vision happened.

In the dormitory of 404, countless black figures jumped out.

These black shadows are those students who were killed, and were rescued by Jiang Yimi and the original masked monster.

Countless black shadows walked out of the 404 dormitory. After they felt Jiang Yimi's breath, they came to Jiang Yimi's side.

And Jiang Yimi also discovered one thing... as shadows, these shadows are undergoing a certain change...

They are gradually dimming.

The original pitch-black shadow unexpectedly began to slowly become transparent.

Jiang Yimi was puzzled:

"Why are you here?"

The shadows that had become transparent had no way to answer Jiang Yimi's words. They no longer rushed out of their own actions like at four o'clock in the morning, but circled around Jiang Yimi, making gestures.

This kind of silent communication tests the tacit understanding. These students who once feared Jiang Yimi, hated Jiang Yimi, and now love Jiang Yimi finally have a tacit understanding with Jiang Yimi.

Jiang Yimi could also see that...they were writing their names...

One after another, the names that once belonged to this school reappeared in the movements of countless shadows.

Jiang Yimi didn't remember these names, and it was impossible for her to remember them all, but there was a kind of sadness of parting in her heart.

"You...what the hell are you doing..." Her voice was crying.

But the black shadows couldn't speak, their last gesture...was a farewell, an expression of gratitude to Jiang Yimi.

At this time, Jiang Yimi finally realized what the problem was. She frantically ran up the dormitory building and came to room 404.

Finally, she saw the mirror...

The mirror has been shattered piece by piece, and the things reflected are extremely fragmented.

Jiang Yimi sat slumped on the ground, as if she had no strength left.

She looked at the mirror with difficulty, only her confused and pale face was in the mirror.

"How could it be could the mirror be broken..."

After the uncle left, Jiang Yimi always thought he was dead.

But she also remembered that the uncle said that as long as she was alive, this mirror would still be there, and it would continue to protect those students.

But now... the mirror is broken.

The world in his eyes split like a broken mirror, and then became blurred.

In the past seven hundred years, Jiang Yimi has been in despair again and again, but the mirror is still there, making her cautiously hold hope.

She didn't dare to get carried away, for she was afraid that her expectations would be too high and they would eventually fail.

She just thought... Maybe the uncle is still alive, as long as this is enough.

But now, the mirror is broken.

Does this mean that the uncle may have really been alive, but now... he is dead?

But if he's alive...why didn't he come to see me?

Or is it that he's already here... I just don't know?

At this moment, Jiang Yimi thought of a terrible scene, and then trembled in fear.

She stood up and rushed out of the dormitory area in a daze.

The black shadows were so dim that they could not be noticed, they bid farewell to Jiang Yimi, but Jiang Yimi no longer cared about these things.

With tears on her face, she looked extremely embarrassed, and hurriedly walked towards the front line.



Baichuan City, outside the school gate.

Jing Wu frowned.

The Baichuan City covered by laughter was beyond its expectation. Even the judge's requiem and death worship did not overwhelm the laughter.

And the battle between myself and the masked man didn't last too long, but I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, this laughter would control all the evil in the entire Baichuan City, no matter the invaders or the defenders.

"It's a very interesting ability, but those who stand in my way will die."

The power of perception is suddenly released, and unlike judges, businessmen, Nie Chongshan and Gu Hailin, who are powerful villains, Jing Wu's ability is completely another level of existence.

Its perception is several levels stronger than these great evils.

Soon, under Jing Wu's perception, he found the source of the laughter.

The clown and Yan Jiu in the distance still realized that they had been locked.

Jing Wu also unexpectedly felt the breath of the white mist.

"Finally willing to show up? The account of the Machinery City should also be settled! But before that, I will let you understand what despair is."

Jing Wu's figure disappeared.

It has a speed that even Lin Rui can't completely suppress, so although the distance between Joker and Jing Wu is very far, it can still reach it in a few breaths.

A few seconds later, somewhere outside the Beicheng District of Baichuan City, Yan Jiu looked at Jing Wu in horror as he suddenly approached at an exaggerated speed.

"Humans? Or pure, non-combat humans?"

It wasn't the clown that surprised Jing Wu, it had no difficulty in finding and killing the clown.

It's just that Jing Wu didn't understand why there was a human being here.

Fortunately, this human being has no special features, no strength, no talent, and no half-evil.

Jing Wu quickly lost interest in it. But when it was about to kill Yan Jiu, the clown stood in front of Yan Jiu.

This scene surprised Jing Wu again.

"It's interesting, you have such a powerful force, I wanted you to be loyal to me, but you actually stood in front of a human?"

The clown didn't speak, but just opened his hands, protecting Yan Jiu just like protecting his own child.

The gap between it and Jing Wu can be said to be worlds apart, but when Jing Wu was about to kill Yan Jiu, it still stood in front of Yan Jiu without hesitation.

But soon the clown felt the difference in strength. After blocking Yan Jiu's body, he discovered that the monster who had killed him suddenly could imprison him with only his aura.

This terrifying force is definitely not something he can deal with.

So at this moment, the clown started to laugh crazily, it wanted to use the laughter to confuse the devil-level existence in front of it.

But for Jing Wu, it was just a dream to swallow him up with such laughter.

"It's really noisy... The sound of bliss, I never thought that such an interesting entry would be created under the obsession of human beings. But since it can't be used by me, then I will die..."

Jing Wu's fingers moved slightly, and the black substance shot out from the fingertips like a spear, and then easily penetrated the clown's throat.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

In the next second, the black matter began to spread continuously, destroying the clown's body.

Standing in front of Yan Jiu, the monster with funny costumes... finally couldn't stand up straight, it fell on its back and fell into Yan Jiu's arms.

Yan Jiu's pupils shrank with fear, she hugged the clown whose body was decomposing, her whole body trembling slightly.

Fear, sadness, anger, all negative emotions poured out at this moment.

Jing Wu realized that he didn't need to do anything at all. This human being might be engulfed by negative emotions and turn into a monster.

Yan Jiu really regards the clown as a friend.

This person will care about his own life and death, will stand in front of himself, and will truly desire to be happy.

For seven hundred years, the wish of the clown has been distorted in solitude, but its original heart is just to hope that everyone can be happy.

Hatred and grief seemed to overwhelm Yan Jiu, and her tears kept falling on the clown's dying body.

But at the moment when she was about to be swallowed by negative emotions... the hand of the clown held Yan Jiu's hand.

"'t cry..."

The clown whose throat had already been pierced, at the last moment of his life, still wanted to make Yan Jiu happy, so he forcibly yelled these words.

It can no longer laugh loudly, and even uttering these few words, it is exhausted, and the sound is like scrap iron becoming more and more rusty...

The sadness that the girl was trying to endure broke out completely at this moment, and she began to vent those emotions, crying loudly.

But maybe it was some kind of infection... Yan Jiu, who was almost on the verge of degeneration, although still sad, did not suffer from any disease.

She tried her best to squeeze out an ugly smile, which was more rigid than many smile drills she had done.

But the clown is very happy.

It looks forward to the happiness of the audience for a lifetime, but it doesn't want to get a girl's tears when life is the most satisfying.

The clown dies.

The laughter that permeated Baichuan City also disappeared, only the crying of the girl, which could not stir up any waves in the dark night.

Jing Wu was very surprised. This girl should be easily swallowed by emotions, but she didn't turn evil.

It has no mood to wait any longer, intending to kill this human girl.

But just when Jing Wu was about to do this, an extremely huge wave of black energy erupted in Baichuan City!

Even if it is far away in the northern urban area, it can feel the strength of this force.

"Is there such an interesting existence in this city?"

At this moment, Jing Wu didn't pay attention to Yan Jiu any more, he couldn't figure out whether the owner of this black energy was an enemy or a friend.

But it can feel some force that distorts cause and effect. When the drunkard, ice bird and others were retreating, it was this force that hindered them.

The power of doom.

Sensing a slight threat, Jing Wu no longer had any interest in Yan Jiu, and the next second, it disappeared into the night.



The disappearance of the laughter made Bai Wu realize something even more terrifying. The clown and Yan Jiu may have encountered an accident.

If there is no force capable of holding back Jing Wu, then this war has already been lost.

Because a monster of this level is enough to easily kill the entire battlefield...

The evil spirits on Huangquan Island gradually regained their consciousness.

The judge blew the requiem again, and the octopus said that he didn't want to make a hoo hoo hoo sound for half a year.

Blacksmith, Mirror Evil Fallen, Six-Armed Swordsman, Dandelaire, these powerful Evil Fallen have all entered the state of preparation for battle, and at the same time... Hydra Gu Hailin and the twenty-four cavalry also have the awareness to fight to the death.

But no one noticed that in the open space not far from the tallest building in the city center, a girl shrouded in black mist let out a sad cry.

The black cat sensed a certain breath, and moved away from its owner's shoulder in fear.

Jiang Yimi.

She lost her mind along the way, and finally saw the scene she least wanted to see. Maybe it's because she couldn't ask for it, she even thought that she shouldn't expect him to live.

But when he really saw Lin Rui's body with his limbs torn off, Jiang Yimi was still overwhelmed by great grief.

Her cries were extremely shrill, such grief and despair, only in seven hundred years, when the man who told her that a hero would never die died.

Powerful bad luck began to pour out crazily under the extreme grief.

Both the attacker and the defender managed to get rid of their laughter, but they were both overwhelmed by this terrifying black force.

With Jiang Yimi as the center, waves of bad luck began to sweep across the entire city, but soon, the bad luck seemed to be forcibly pulled back by the master's will!

The white mist in the distance also saw the majestic doom surging in the night sky.

At this moment, he guessed a result, and he didn't know whether this result would bring good things or bad things.

He just hoped that Jiang Yimi could remain rational and fulfill Lin Rui's last wish.

But Bai Wu didn't know whether Jiang Yimi was an enemy or a friend now.

Because of fusion disease, it broke out.

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