Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 175: Assemble of the Investigation Corps

The huge misfortune began to be continuously compressed by Jiang Yimi.

Gradually, these misfortunes completely enveloped Jiang Yimi like a protective shield.

Half evil will not become evil because of emotions, they are the most perfect creatures in this world.

It is a completely different existence from other species after the end of the world.

But under strong emotional fluctuations, there will be a more terrifying reaction-fusion disease.

It is an extremely powerful weapon, but also too powerful to control.

Every time the masked monster breaks out of fusion disease, it will appear in different time and space, but because of this, its strength becomes stronger.

And Jiang Yimi's fusion disease last time covered all of Baichuan Middle School, and even spread to the surrounding areas, directly changing the fate of many people and Evil Fallen.

This is an unimaginable force, so that Jing Wu didn't even care about his prey, and disappeared into the night, rushing over quickly.

For a long time, the invaders from the two islands, who thought that only the five masters of Jing had such power, also stopped.

At this moment, the war seems to be no longer important.

The huge black sphere of doom in the city center is like a bomb capable of destroying the entire city.

Bai Wu prayed in her heart that after seven hundred years, Jiang Yimi's ability to suppress bad luck would not do some stupid things...

Otherwise, the location of the city center, once the doom explodes, the city will suffer completely.



In the city center, Jiang Yimi, shrouded in bad luck, hugged Lin Rui's body.

Before Jing Wu got close, he discovered that the shape of the ball of doom began to change, and there were traces of things like tentacles spreading out, which were constantly approaching him.

"Have I become your prey? This feeling is quite novel."

Jing Wu could feel that the girl in the doom sphere had a strong killing intent towards him.

"Half-evil...has the same physique as the judge. But the symptoms of the fusion disease are far more dangerous than his fusion disease. It is a purer half-evil."

Of course Jing Wu knew what was going on with the half-evil depravity. On the farm, such an existence was directly K-level.

In a sense, the demigod is as rare a species as himself.

There have been two k-levels in the farm, one is a lunatic and the other is also a lunatic.

Of course, these were only what Jing Wu learned about from other sources by accident when the well was opened last time.

It has never seen two lunatics, otherwise it would not have made some mistakes.

The k-level existence is very worthy of attention in the description of Jing Wu's brother, the farmer. If they are used, they can find the tower earlier. On the contrary, if they become hostile, they will pose a threat that can change the entire world.

It's just that Jing Wu doesn't know what will happen to the two K-levels.

It also doesn't know much about the demigod.

But it knows one thing, only those who have never entered the tower are eligible to become half-evil.

Facing the white mist, Jing Wu no longer had the arrogance he had before, but he was definitely not too humble either.

Facing Jiang Yimi, it showed a fighting spirit, wanting to see if the existence of K-level in the farm was that exaggerated.

After all, Jiang Yimi is not like Lin Rui and the masked monster. In the past seven hundred years, she has not been training herself.

Therefore, in Bai Wu's arrangement, it is impossible for Jiang Yimi to face Jing Wu. It's tantamount to murdering one's own friends.

But Jiang Yimi in the extreme mood is completely another possibility!

When Jing Wu approached, the bad luck in Jiang Yimi's body continued to erupt, and the sphere turned out to be bigger.

The spreading bad luck built four barriers and a roof around Jing Wu.

This scene is very similar to the cage that Jing Wu built when dealing with Lin Rui.

Jing Wu's expression became serious:

"Karma is ineffective for me and my brothers and sisters. Your power has the ability to distort karma, as if it can change people's luck, but you don't think this kind of power can deal with me, do you?"

Jiang Yimi couldn't hear Jing Wu's words at all. All she could think about was revenge. She built this barrier, not to trap Jing Wu, but the last reason——

She didn't want this city where Lin Rui and everyone had sacrificed their lives to be affected by her. The four huge barriers of bad luck were for the purpose of imprisoning herself, not Jing Wu!

Seven hundred years ago, she was a cursed woman who was hated by everyone in this city. Friends around her died one by one, and people only cursed, spurned, and feared her.

But seven hundred years ago, someone pulled her out of the quagmire of despair. It's just that all this is also the beginning of her self-isolation.

After the masked man disappeared, Jiang Yimi fell into deeper self-blame.

Seven hundred years later, the place that was once full of curses turned out to be the cradle of new hope. Two people, both related to the mask, brought the girl a new life.

She thought that she had finally got rid of the bad luck that she couldn't get what she wanted, but she found that fate had never forgiven her from the beginning to the end!

Terrifying tentacles continued to protrude from the sphere of doom, and Jing Wu actually had a feeling of déjà vu.

It suddenly remembered that the process of killing Lin Rui by itself was also the same?

This should be a coincidence, but it made Jing Wu vigilant, as if he sensed some kind of confluence of fate.

"Baichuan City, I remember this city."

Powerful demigods that can drive doom, all kinds of regional geography that bends the rules, and a clown with a diffuse evil laugh that can bewitch all living things.

This city gave Jing Wu a lot of novelties.

The black matter in the Soul Devouring Swamp also spewed out from Jing Wu's body, and both sides seemed to be enveloped by some kind of black energy.

It was as if a huge ancient god descended upon him.

Bad luck is definitely an extremely terrible method, but Jing Wu can still rely on the unique black substance of the Jing family to isolate all kinds of forces!

In the huge four barriers of doom, countless black energies draw an arc trajectory, which is intercepted by countless black energies.

The whole space seemed extremely chaotic, Jing Wu frowned, this half-evil woman actually gave it a feeling of being suppressed.

The doom in the giant doom sphere is almost inexhaustible!

Like a row of missiles launching, it needs to constantly defend. Mingming Jingwu can feel that this kind of thing can't hurt him, but the sense of crisis in his heart will still drive it to defend.

Jiang Yimi, who was caught in the sad memory, didn't know what she was doing. She had already erected four barriers to prevent bad luck, and all that was left was to give everything to madness!

She was venting her sadness and anger crazily, and the fusion disease was even more exaggerated than last time!

It seems that endless misfortune and emotions are constantly gushing towards Jing Wu, and Jing Wu's figure retreats step by step, and finally there is no way to retreat, and there is a huge barrier of doom behind him!

Jing Wu's whole process from paying attention, to having a premonition with difficulty, to being horrified, lasted only tens of seconds.

It can't believe that there are human beings who can suppress themselves head-on!

Outside the barrier of doom, the forces of Huangquan Island, Heijin Island, and the garrison forces of the refuge were also watching the battle.

They can't see how the battle is going on, but they can feel the energy fluctuations in another dimension, and feel that all the battles seem to have no meaning to go on.

This kind of power collision that greatly surpassed the cognition of evil depravity, only before the result is separated, will everyone have the mind to take care of other things.

The white mist has also reached the periphery of the campus. When his eyes were focused on the huge barrier of doom, he was also shocked by Jiang Yimi's strength.

Unlike others, Bai Wu can see a different kind of battlefield——

[So don’t provoke unlucky ghosts, little unlucky thinks he is too unlucky, and every time he thinks that life will be sugary, he is poked in the heart by fate every time. Now she is angry, although she will definitely be exhausted after being angry, but after that, she will win you the time you want to be. 】

When the eyes were focused on the resentment barrier, Prell's Eye gave the contents of the white mist.

Bai Wu understood that this meant that Jiang Yimi, who was suffering from Fusion Disease, could trap Jing Wu!

The battle inside the doom barrier was just as described by the eyes—extreme anger made Jiang Yimi's doom explode wildly.

But such an outburst also made her feel exhausted very quickly.

Regardless of whether the fusion disease can be controlled or not, it is the last resort for the half-evil degenerate.

Jiang Yimi fell to the ground, overwhelmed by fatigue, and soon lost consciousness.

Jing Wu realized that this battle should be over.

This kind of power that can suppress oneself positively cannot be used all the time.

In its view, Jiang Yimi has already performed at a super level. It seems that for a "k" level existence, it is not bad to be able to achieve this step and give himself a sense of crisis.

It really thought so, but it obviously underestimated the historical heart k and club k that escaped from the farm, and it didn't think about a question-why after Jiang Yimi fell... the spherical doom did not Did not dissipate.

When Jing Wu tried to leave, he suddenly found that he couldn't leave!

Several huge doom barriers completely trapped it.

And that terrifying sphere of doom constantly provides energy for this cage.

Jing Wu's terrifying force hit the barrier, creating cracks one after another, but as the seemingly endless misfortune emerged from the doom sphere, these cracks quickly disappeared.

Its madness destroys the cage, but soon the cage will be restored.

"Obviously without consciousness, these powers should dissipate, but why do they still trap me?"

Jing Wu has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

In its view, Jiang Yimi is the source of this power, and this power that can change the cause and effect and distort the fate of people has no effect on it.

But it ignores one thing, its body is immune to this power, but not to the rules.

The most powerful thing in this world is all kinds of distorted rules, which top creatures like them must abide by.

Jiang Yimi did lose consciousness. But this does not affect the power of doom to generate new rules in this area!

It's like a student who can never leave the classroom if he can't answer the questions, or a student who has to fight endlessly as long as he is in the teaching building, or a person who can't find his head in the basketball hall.

The powerful rule of asking for something is back in force.

The effective area is within the four doom barriers.

Jing Wu was not trapped by this force of bad luck, but was trapped by the rule of not getting what one wants.

The powerful force in the spherical doom has escaped Jiang Yimi's control, and has begun to become a shackle preventing Jing Wu from leaving!

In a sense, Jiang Yimi, who was far from being able to defeat Jing Wu, sealed Jing Wu by relying on the powerful power after the fusion disease broke out!

Not long after, Jing Wu also realized that what he was facing was no longer a half-evil woman and the power in her body, but rules.

This rule makes it impossible to do anything, at least not until it is completely broken.

"Trouble... It seems unrealistic to want to come out in a short time."

Rules are only broken and obeyed.

It would take a lot of time for Jing Wu to break this rule.

But Jing Wu is not unable to communicate with the outside world.



The duel inside the black barrier seemed to have stopped.

The invading forces of Huangquan Island, Heijin Island, and the guarding forces of the refuge are all waiting for the outcome of this battle.

Jing Wu's transcendent strength has made everyone understand that the huge number of evils in front of him is second, and Jing Wuyi is the real monster enough to destroy the shelter.

But suddenly it became quiet inside the barrier.

The merchants and blacksmiths were instructed at this time.

"My lord will be fine, just trapped. Now, destroy the enemy in front of you and find that human!"

The blacksmith was loudly conveying Jing Wu's instructions.

Right now, Jing Wu is very calm. Although he is trapped by the rules, his subordinates are not.

The combat power of Baichuan City is simply not enough to deal with the evil army of Heijin Island and Huangquan Island.

The two most powerful human beings in this city, one was dead without a whole body, and the other fell in front of him, as long as he broke the rules, he could kill her.

On the human side, there is no longer any existence that can stand alone.

So the war started again.

The merchant opened his domain, the blacksmith waved his warhammer, the judge flute, the six-armed swordsman drew his sword, the mirror evil fell in front of Nie Chongshan again, and Dandelaire set his sights on the biggest hydra .

In addition to the powerful generals, there is also the terrifying army of the underworld.

Without clowns, without the obstacles of various twisted rules, there is no defense that can resist intruders on Xuefu Street, which is hundreds of meters away.

The only thing that can be used for defense is the life of the defenders.

Cole started to fire wildly, and Yuan Ye kept killing the enemies among the ghosts in Huangquan.

Lu Yan and Qian Yixin faced the inexhaustible enemy with their backs facing each other.

The people in the original Shudu Prison fell down one after another.

Everything was as Jing Wu judged, even if it didn't make a move, the refuge had no chance of winning.

The gap between the coalition forces of the two islands and the refuge is extremely huge.

In Jing Wu's plan, he will eventually break this rule, and at that moment, his subordinates will tie Bai Wu, an annoying human being, in front of him.

It will torture Bai Wu and Bai Yuan, the most hateful father and son, with the most terrifying power.

But what Jing Wu didn't know was that... not being able to ask for it is really a very terrifying power, and this kind of power is indeed unable to cause harm to such a terrifying existence as the Jing family monster.

But it can hinder its fate.

When the terrifying army of invaders defeated Gu Hailin, Nie Chongshan, Yuan Yekeer, etc., and when the evil degenerates in the original Shudu Prison suffered heavy casualties, Dang Baiwu was finally going to participate in this war, waiting When the final defeat...

Reinforcements from the Tower have arrived.

The huge Hydra stopped in front of the army, like a city gate. Nie Chongshan, Liu Mu and others were like the arrival of the city guards. The soldiers approached the city, and even the commander Bai Wu had already arrived at the front line.

Maybe in the next second, everyone in the shelter will launch a tragic charge! Everything is like a repeat of ninety years ago.

But at this time, Bai Wu's familiar aura came from behind!

These breaths are very weak, but they are constantly strengthening!

At first, only a few people appeared, but slowly, more and more people formed into rows, columns, and formations!

At first, Bai Wu looked at a few unfamiliar faces, but still didn't feel any possibility of hope in her heart.

Even he has made up his mind to go up and down with the shelter.

But soon...he saw a familiar face.



Yan Zizai and Xie Yingjie have been working hard to make this support more efficient.

The safety of the personnel must be guaranteed, even if they are going to die, it is also necessary to ensure that everyone is equipped with mechanical arms that can cover their teeth. Let the enemy feel the most powerful resistance from human forces!

Then there is the dredging of the bottom layer. The function of the traction wheel is to allow the area that cannot be teleported for more than three days to be sensed by the stone tablet again.

In order to increase the efficiency of support, on this day, all the miners at the bottom of the entire tower stopped working.

They got a message that the human coalition forces will fight in the red zone again!

Although Bai Wu once fought in the red area, and many people at the bottom have seen the light of the red stele, the last time the two armies entered the stele on a large scale was ninety years ago.

In the fiasco ninety years ago, there was not even a single returnee.

That defeat made people no longer dare to expect extravagance. Ninety years later, they will see such a magnificent scene again!

The ruler of the tower, the cadres of the survey legion, the generals of the survey legion, and many mercenaries who were persuaded to temporarily join the survey legion, they did not care about life and death, and formed a long line in front of the five steles.

It took a lot of effort to make all this orderly, banquet free, Xie Yingjie, Xie Xingzhi, Wu Jiu, and Qin Zong.

Bai Wu didn't know all this.

He stood on Gu Hailin's giant snake head, and when he saw familiar figures appearing, he felt his blood burning.

When Liu Mu saw the former Robes appear again, the gloom and despair in his heart were swept away. Everyone in the investigation legion appeared wearing the uniform of the investigation legion and equipped with Xie family's weapons.

They are orderly and neatly arranged, as if they are waiting for a slogan belonging to the investigation legion.

Wujiu, Meng Yuan, Long Xiao, Feng Zhan, Qin Zong, Lin Wurou, Shang Xiaoyi, Yin Shuang...

One by one, the faces from before appeared in front of Liu Mu again. Once upon a time, he thought that he had become the evil self, and he would never see this scene again.

Nie Chongshan, who was fighting against Jing Eluo and being suppressed, also felt auras from humans.

He looked back and smiled.

These least a bunch of bloody trash!

It was the first time for Gu Hailin and others to see the investigative legion. When more and more members of the investigative legion appeared...

It also laughed.

Ninety years have passed...the uniform is still ugly. Only this time... I don't want to watch my subordinates die in front of me again.

For the first time, Bai Wu had such a strong desire to win, even when facing Zhong Xu, he was not as excited as this moment when he saw the reinforcements coming.

Human beings... have not surrendered after all!

Among the crowd, Bai Wu saw Wu Jiu at a glance, and Wu Jiu also found Bai Wu at a glance.

Wujiu is a legend in the Investigation Corps, he doesn't need to cooperate with others, because no one can keep up with his speed.

At the next moment, Wu Jiu's figure flashed, and relying on the talent sequence snapshot, he came to Bai Wu's side.

Gu Hailin never imagined that after ninety years, he would actually be able to meet an existence with the same sequence as himself.

It's a pity that he has become evil and can no longer use the sequence.

He hoped that this man... would not experience the regrets he had experienced.

"team leader……"

Bai Wu had a very strange feeling, as if he hadn't seen the captain for a few days, but it felt like it had been a long time.

"If you are chatting, wait until you win! Kill the enemy first!"

Wujiu's tone was the same as always, and he quickly picked out an extremely powerful monster among the enemies.

Six-armed swordsman.

When the voice fell, Wu Jiu had already appeared beside the six-armed swordsman.

Bai Wu laughed.

Now he already has very powerful power, the apostles, various guardian spirits, and even the accompanying power have far surpassed the majority of the investigation legion.

But as long as I see the captain, I still have that feeling in my heart - I can always trust the captain!

The former partners charged at the sound of orders and rushed into the army of Huangquan. Qin Zong, the descendant of the ruler, took the lead.

Everyone unreservedly released the strength accumulated outside the tower over the years.

Originally, Bai Wu thought that the reinforcements from the Machinery City should be the ones who decided the outcome of this battle, but now he realized that he was wrong.

These human beings who are not afraid of life and death can also rewrite the fate of the shelter's defeat!

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