Doomsday Master

Chapter 508 You are worthless

Chapter 508 You are worthless

However, Ji Dong suppressed the smile on his face, watching the leading man suddenly appear in front of the leading man.

"What a fast speed!" The leading man's pupils shrank violently immediately. This was the first time he had seen such a speed. Knowing that the man in black was really not easy to mess with, the leading man became even more fearful.

"My lord, if you feel that 70% is a bit low, I'm willing to add 10%." In order to survive, the leading man didn't care about that much anymore. He took out 80% of the crystals, and they still have 20% left on their bodies. Although it is not much, But enough for their daily use.

Ji Dong shook his head, looked directly at the leading man, and said, "Can you understand Huaxia?"

Seeing Ji Dong looking directly at him, the leading man was terrified and lowered his head in fear, but when he heard what Ji Yi said, he was startled. He couldn't understand what this man said at all.

"He...he is from China!"

At the same time when the leading man was stupefied, in the crowd, someone who could understand Huaxia language stood in the crowd and shouted, his face was full of horror, and his body kept moving backwards.

Hearing the screams coming from behind, the leading man suddenly raised his head, looked at Ji Dong with horror, and panic flashed in his eyes, this man doesn't want to kill us, does he?

He looked at Ji Dong, and when he saw Lin Yi's cold eyes, the leading man couldn't help but shudder.

This person has murderous intent towards them, absolutely murderous intent towards them.

The leading man felt chills in his heart. From the Chinese man's eyes, he saw disdain and shock. As for why this man didn't attack them just now, he couldn't figure out the reason, but it didn't affect the panic in his heart.

This Huaxia man was too strong, so strong that he didn't dare to make the slightest movement, so he could only back away slowly, not daring to take his eyes off the man in black.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "If you don't understand Huaxia, then you are of no value."

After finishing speaking, Ji Dong's eyes shot out a strong killing intent.

The leading man didn't understand the meaning of Lin Yi's words, but from Lin Yi's eyes, he saw the killing intent aimed at him, and this glance made him terrified.

He quickly backed away, and kept shouting: "This man is from Huaxia, this person is from Huaxia, he wants to kill us, come on, let's go together, kill him, we can live if we kill him go down."

Due to the loud yelling of the Japanese man before, dozens of Japanese people were still in a daze, their expressions were in a trance, but when the leading man yelled, and adding the words that the Chinese man wanted to kill them, they immediately went to bed. Aroused the anger and killing intent in everyone's heart.

If this person is from the Wa country, and the leading man yells like this, they don't have anything in their hearts. They are willing to pay 80% of the crystals for a powerful evolutionary.

But this person is different, he is from Huaxia.

It is the Chinese people who have a deep hatred with their Japanese country. When they meet Chinese survivors, they will never die. Either you die or I die. There is no second possibility.

They still remembered that half a year ago, the Wa country slowly came out of the horror shadow of the end of the world, and started a brutal plan to arrest all the Chinese people living in the Wa country.

Those who are not from our race will have different hearts; those who are not from our country will have different hearts.

And now, the Huaxia man in front of him must also die.

Even though they knew that this person was very strong, the killing intent in their hearts made them forget their fear and danger. Everyone raised the submachine guns in their hands, and some evolutionists pulled out the Japanese knives from their waists.


After a short period of calm, when the leading man said "Kill", all the Japanese people surrounded Lin Yi, their faces were extremely ferocious, and seeing Lin Yi was like seeing their father and enemy killed.

On the side, the leading man looked at the dozens of evolutionaries rushing up, but he didn't rush forward, but slowly moved aside and fled to the left.

This Huaxia man is not something they can kill at all. What he said just now was just to arouse the anger of the crowd and let these people block the Huaxia man for a while so that he has time to escape.

However, just as he rushed out from the crowd, Ji Dong's gaze was fixed on him, and his light tone reached the ears of the leading man, immediately making him look behind him as if he was about to be struck by lightning, as if seeing a ghost.

Ji Dong had already appeared behind him, staring at him with a pair of dark eyes.


The huge pressure caused the leading man to scream, and Ji Dong's figure was reflected in his horrified eyes. He raised the submachine gun in his hand, and the bullets poured out crazily when he pulled the trigger. The tumbling flame filled the bullets even more. power and lethality.

"No matter how powerful you are, you will be wiped out in front of bullets." The leading man laughed wildly, but in the next second, Ji Dong's voice came from behind him, making his finger that pulled the trigger feel ashamed. Can't help but relax.

"As I said, you are no longer worth living."

Lin Yi stretched out his hand, and under the terrified gaze of the leading man, directly twisted his neck. The leading man tilted his head and died completely. Ji Dong shook his hands and threw the leading man aside.

The scene was suddenly quiet for a while, but it didn't take long before anger broke out again.

"He killed the leader, this Chinese man deserves to die!"

Ji Dong killed their leader, which completely aroused the anger in their hearts, and they raised their swords to kill them.

However, Ji Dong's expression remained unchanged. He reached out and pulled out the bloodthirsty sword. The speed force poured into the sword, and an orange sword light appeared on the bloodthirsty sword blade.

A group of ordinary evolutionists dared to attack him.

The long sword flashed across in an instant, and a crescent-like sword path was drawn in front of his eyes. And the light on the blade flew out in an instant, and then expanded rapidly, spreading out like a cold full moon scimitar.

Puff puff! ! !

Puff puff! ! !

As the full moon scimitar flew out, dozens of Japanese evolutionists who rushed up in front of them all looked at the orange light that arrived in an instant with horror, and it was too late to avoid it, and they even reacted. In no time, this orange mysterious light flashed from their waists.

More than forty Japanese evolutionists were all chopped off by this sword. Blood spattered, pieces of meat flew, and the ground was in a mess, filling this small area with a strong smell of blood.

Of course, among these people, there is still an evolutionary of the Wa country who has not died, and that is the young man from the Wa country who could understand Chinese.

Ji Dong controlled this sword very well. The energy infused by the speed force just poured into the man's body before dissipating into nothing, and did not hurt the Japanese man at all.

This is the "Four Swords Technique" Dharma Sword, a kind of folk swordsmanship from ancient China that has been passed down to this day. It allows the swordsman to strengthen the control of his own source power, and the power of each style can be improved.

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