Doomsday Master

Chapter 509 Shoji Yoshida

Chapter 509 Yoshida Shoji

Yoshida Shoji.

He is a student from a university in the Japanese country, and one of the subjects he studies happens to be Chinese.

Although the Huaxia language of this era is still inferior to that language, it has become a mainstream language that the whole world needs to learn. In addition, Huaxia is developing extremely fast, and many countries have begun to set up the language of this language. major.

In the past, the Wa Kingdom would never set up this course in such an open and aboveboard manner, but the strength and speed of development of Huaxia made even the Wa Kingdom tremble.

So quickly set up a series of courses about Huaxia, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win all battles.

Yoshida Shoji's Chinese language is very good, so he understood the meaning of what Lin Yi said before.

At this time, Yoshida was trembling in World War II. If it weren't for the support of him, his legs would have been unable to support him and he would have fallen to the ground.

He looked at the blood in front of him, all the acquaintances who used to be full of hideous faces, but now they were dead and cut off at the waist. Even if the crystal has a powerful and invincible healing effect, there is no possibility of saving their lives.

Yoshida Shoji's face was terrified, and the bright red blood gathered and flowed towards the low place. The strong blood energy made the zombies behind him go crazy. Although the two little guys are very strong, they are also exhausted at the moment, but this situation is more Get them excited, fighting is their favorite life.

Yoshida Shoji didn't notice this, his heart was completely occupied by panic, especially the scarlet flowing blood, which stimulated him again and again.

It's okay if you don't look at it, the more you look at it, the more you will be immersed in fear. I feel the surroundings are empty, and my heart is raised in my throat, which makes it difficult for me to breathe.

Lin Yi looked at Yoshida Shoji's terrified appearance, and shook his head in his heart. He was too courageous. It is a miracle that such a person has survived to this day, but he is also very smart. He had noticed Yoshida Shoji before.

Among all the people, Yoshida Shoji's position is undoubtedly very good, a little bit behind the middle, no matter whether there is danger in front or behind, he can avoid it as much as possible. When staying with other people, take the opportunity to escape.

The reason why he stands in the middle is probably the same in his mind.

A person who can live from the end of the world to the present is enough to show that he is extraordinary. Yoshida Shoji's courage is very small, but he has to say that because he is timid, he chooses a very good position in the crowd, so he can survive until now, and this little cleverness has helped a lot.

"Do you know why I kept you?" Lin Yi moved, walked up to Masaji Yoshida, and said.

Yoshida Shoji shook his head, then nodded after thinking about it. He raised his eyes to look at Ji Dong, and when he found that Ji Dong's gaze had been on him, his body turned cold with fear, and he quickly lowered his head, not daring to meet Ji Dong's gaze.

"Just know."

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "Since I know the reason why I kept you, I'll start asking. I hope you are smart and don't lie, otherwise those people who fell on the ground will be your fate."

"No, it's worse than this." With a change of tone, Lin Yi said with murderous intent.

Yoshida Shoji nodded fiercely, he was very afraid of death, he had already made a decision in his heart, as long as he knew what he knew, he would know everything without saying anything, and he would not hold back anything.

The murderous intent on this person was too terrifying, it made him feel like he was undressed, as if he was in an ice cellar, and he couldn't bear the cold.

Ji Dong nodded his head in satisfaction, being as timid as a mouse has its benefits, if this Yoshida Shoji is really a person who is not afraid of death, no matter how threatened he is, he is unwilling to reveal the slightest bit, then he will be the one who has a headache.

Therefore, after glancing at Masaji Yoshida, Lin Yi immediately asked, "Is there any organization or someone in northern Kyushu that imprisoned Chinese people?"

Yoshida Shoji was startled, his pupils shrank instantly, how did this person know?

He was very conflicted, worried and terrified. He knew what Lin Yi asked, and he knew it very clearly, but he didn't know whether he should say it, because once he said it, the Huaxia person would definitely come to him Yes, at that time, more Japanese compatriots will die at the hands of this person. In a way, as long as he says it, he has betrayed his motherland.

He didn't know whether he should say it or not.

However, if he doesn't say anything, this person will never let him go, there is no doubt about it. He didn't have any confidence in escaping from Ji Dong's hands, could he escape at a speed that could leave afterimages? Even those two little monsters, he is no match.

"What should I do, what should I do?"

"Speaking of which, I will betray my motherland. Even if those people were not killed by me, they will die because of me."

"But if you don't say it, I will die, immediately, immediately at the hands of this person."

"He said, I will die even worse."

"In history, China has a tormenting punishment, Ling Chi."

Yoshida Shoji immediately recalled the knowledge he had learned.

Ling Chi is the cruelest form of death penalty. A total of 3357 knives are needed, and the criminal must be stabbed to death in the last knife, which is the 3357th knives, in order to be successful.

It takes 3357 knives to kill people at the last knives.

Thinking of this, Yoshida Shoji shook his head violently.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet. It's the end of the world. Even if I don't say it, those people may not survive. In this case, it's better to survive by yourself. Yes, you go to die! It's what you did, Why should I bear the death, you deserve to die, not me."

The more Yoshida Shoji thought about it, the more excited he became. This idea is correct, and only this idea is correct.

They deserve to die, not themselves.

Once this idea was born, Yoshida Shoji immediately raised his head, looked at Ji Dong excitedly, and said: "I said, I said, I didn't do any of those things, they did it, they all deserve to die , yes, they all deserve to die."

"Yeah, they're all damned."

"Then tell me all you know!"

Jiong followed good advice, this Yoshida Shoji had already fallen into the brink of madness, he couldn't stimulate this person too much, otherwise it would be easy for Yoshida Shoji's spirit to collapse directly.

Having received Ji Dong's "appreciation", Yoshida Shoji became more and more happy. He recalled it and seemed to be thinking about something, but it didn't take long for him to speak.

In any case, no matter how many people die, he must die.

The death of others has nothing to do with him.

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