Doomsday Master

Chapter 513 Four Chinese

Chapter 513 Four Chinese

Squeak——This bloodthirsty mouse made a painful and frantic hissing sound. The sparse hair all over his body exploded in an instant, and the color changed from brown to dark red. And the body grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, stretching the strong ligaments tightly into its hair, and soon, the volume of this bloodthirsty mouse reached the size of a young cat.

Professor Matsumoto watched the mouse that was struggling crazily, and his face suddenly changed.


The position of the bloodthirsty mouse's head suddenly swelled at an extremely fast speed, too fast. In just less than 0.5 seconds, it swelled to the size of a fist, blood was squeezed out of the eye sockets and mouth, and it was scarlet. The whole head was blown to pieces like a balloon filled with air, blood and pieces of meat splashed onto the bench.

"Ten seconds." Professor Matsumoto quickly pressed the timer on the side, looked at the timer next to him, his face darkened, he lowered his head and thought for a moment, then took out the experiment notebook from the pocket of his white coat, and quickly recorded it: " The 130th time of the gene unlocking experiment, the result: for ten seconds, the experiment failed, the body of the mutant mouse was not strong enough to support the huge energy released by breaking the gene, and the body was instantly broken into pieces."

"If you're okay, go out first, I want to test the cause of the failure." After recording, Professor Matsumoto said casually to the young man in black.

He likes to do experiments in a very quiet environment without anyone. He is a little uncomfortable when someone is around, as if he is being watched by someone. He doesn't like this feeling very much.

The young man in black glanced at the headless mouse corpse, frowned slightly, turned and left the laboratory without saying anything.

"Brother!" The young man in black had just left the laboratory, when suddenly a short-haired young man came running from outside, quickly saluted the military, and then said: "Just now the patrol team saw on the roof that there are several people seven miles west of this toy factory. The traces of the survivors look a bit like Chinese people, could it be that those Chinese people who escaped want to come back to save those people, should we capture them?"

The young man in black raised his eyebrows and said, "How about the number and strength?"

"The four of them are all equipped with guns and knives in their hands, but they haven't encountered any monsters, so it's hard to know what kind of ability they are." The short-haired young man thought for a while, and said: "There is also a five-six children around age."

"There are still children?" The young man in black was startled slightly, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and secretly said: "With the way the Chinese people do things, they will never bring a child to save others. It is ruled out that this is intentional to confuse the line of sight."

He pondered a little, and ordered: "You send other people to test it out. If they are only people from our country, stay away immediately and don't come back here for the time being. If they are really Chinese people, then catch them back. It just so happens that the latest experiment requires A lot of people came to do experiments, and I'm afraid that those Chinese people won't be able to use them all."

"Understood." The short-haired young man grinned, turned and left.


call! ! !

The manic wind whizzed by my ears.

Ji Dong was walking through the air at a moderate speed, and he slapped a mutated bird and beast rushing towards him, and suddenly felt something, turned his head to look, and suddenly there was a place on the right On a tall building, I saw a mirror reflecting light.

"Binoculars?" Ji Dong glanced down at the roof of the building. There was a survivor looking around with a telescope. He didn't pay attention. Given the distance he traveled, it was normal to meet a few survivors.

"Well, there are others."

Just as he was about to move forward again, Lin Yi saw from the corner of his eye four figures moving towards the man holding the telescope. These four figures were very careful, but they didn't know it. Above the factory building in front of them, someone has already spotted them through a telescope.

Not long after, on the other side, from the house on the other side of the factory, five Japanese people came out. These five Japanese people seemed to be evolutionaries, but the habits before the end of the world made them still hold a gun.

Ji Dong shook his head. It has been a year since the apocalypse, and there are still people who believe in the power of guns so much. These people are undoubtedly weak, at least not strong in terms of mood.

If these people were holding guns like the Barrett Heavy Sniper, Ji Dong would not feel this way. After all, the strengthened Barrett Heavy Sniper is equipped with bullets, and its power is absolutely extraordinary. The speed reaches a speed of nearly a thousand meters per second, and ordinary monsters and evolutionaries cannot avoid it.

It can be said that Barrett is a strategic weapon, it can be used to snipe and kill those powerful creatures, and it is very effective.

As for submachine guns and pistols, they are almost useless against powerful creatures except for ordinary monsters and evolutionaries.

And right now, these people are still holding a gun in their hands. It has to be said that Ji Dong felt that he had already overestimated the evolution of the Japanese country before he came.

It seems that the five Japanese evolutionists did not want to attract the attention of the four people opposite the toy factory, so every step was very small, and they stopped when they reached the corner of the toy factory, walking in the depths of the person at the front. After watching with his head, his eyes swept over the four people, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

To be honest, the superior asked him to confirm whether these four people were from Huaxia, and they could not attract the attention of the other party for the time being. This kind of thing is undoubtedly difficult to do.

There were ten thousand reluctances in his heart, but he was helpless.

After observing for a while, he couldn't prepare to make a judgment, so he was ready to go back in his heart.

"Come on, these people should not be from Huaxia, we just go back."

"Then what do these people do when they break in?"

"Others will handle it."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and waved it, and the group of five people retreated carefully again.


From above, Ji Dong saw the actions of these five people. After these people returned the same way, he refocused on the four people with a child.

Just now, the five Wa people just took a few glances and then went back. They should have come to confirm the identities of these four people, but the person who led the team thought it was troublesome, so they went back immediately after just a few glances.

In fact, it's just that these five Japanese people are too careless in their work, otherwise they should be able to find out that these four people are just Japanese people in disguise.

Every Chinese person has the unique temperament of being a Chinese person, which cannot be imitated by people from other countries.

These four people have this unique temperament. Although they pretend to be Japanese people in disguise, the temperament cultivated for five thousand years cannot be hidden, and they will be more or less exuded.

These four people are from Huaxia.

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