Doomsday Master

Chapter 514 Are You Chinese?

Chapter 514 Are You Chinese?

The four people below did not notice that on the roof of the toy factory in front of them, there were Japanese evolutionists with guns aiming at them.

However, the few people crawling on the top of the building did not take action, but after waiting for the order from above, the Japanese man with a telescope picked up a loudspeaker from his side and yelled loudly to warn the four people.

"People in front, please pay attention, this is a private territory, please leave as soon as possible, otherwise we will regard you as enemies and open fire immediately."

This person speaks Japanese language, very fast.

The four continued to walk forward. After hearing the warning sound from the front, the expressions on their faces changed immediately, and their forward steps stopped immediately.

Chen Xi squinted his eyes and raised his head to look forward. The voice just now came from the roof of the toy factory in front of him. He looked at the roof for a while. where.

Looking at the above, Chen Xi seemed to be able to feel that several guns had been aimed at him, as long as there was something wrong with him, the other party would shoot immediately.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi gave the other two winks, and the three slowly retreated with their ten-year-old child.

Along the way, the four of them had no communication.

The end of the world is coming, and there are too many evolutionaries with magical abilities. They must be cautious. Once they speak, the other party has an evolutionary with vision and can read lips, and the four of them will be completely exposed.

They were not Japanese, but Chinese. The reason why they brought a child with them was because they were afraid that these Japanese would discover their true identities.

With a distance of more than one thousand meters, the four of them came to a hidden place. At this moment, Chen Xi frowned and said: "We have been discovered, we can't move on, otherwise the other party won't care if we are from the Japanese kingdom or not." People, I am afraid they will shoot us directly."

"However, if we can't confirm where our compatriots are being held, how can we rescue them. We are too short of manpower now. If we can rescue those detained, we can establish our own base in Wa country and counterattack These Japanese dogs." Miao Tong said viciously, talking about Japanese people, he immediately gritted his teeth.

However, Chen Xi shook his head and said: "I know what you said, but we are now only fifteen people, and we can only act cautiously and cautiously. Now we can no longer reduce the number of staff. None of the plans can go ahead."

"Our death is small, but we should die worthy and deserve it, instead of blindly sacrificing. That kind of sacrifice is the most worthless and stupid behavior." Chen Xi said seriously.

"That's right, Miao Tong, don't worry, there is always a solution to any difficulty, and blindly sending him to death will not help." Liu Shang nodded in agreement, and at the same time advised Miao Tong.

Miao Tong is too impulsive, and has almost exposed his identity several times before, so it is necessary to talk about it.

"Brother Miao Tong, look at what Brother Chen Xi said. You are always impulsive. We have fewer people in our hearts. When those brothers and sisters are rescued, we will have more people. By then, there will be more people and more strength. But those rascals?"

The little girl in Chen Xi's hand raised her fist, making everyone laugh.

"Yes, what Yiyi said is correct. From now on, Brother Miao Tong will definitely do what Yi Yi said, and he will not act impulsively." Being "taught" by a little girl about ten years old, Miao Tong not only did not get angry, but instead I laughed happily.

Yiyi, this is the princess among them. In this end of the world, she can bring them laughter from time to time.

Yiyi came to Wa country two years ago, and never went back. When the apocalypse broke out, Yiyi's parents died at the hands of other monsters. Yiyi, a little girl, insisted on living in a metropolis full of monsters. down, until half a year

met them before.

Although Yiyi is young, she is a very strong girl, she is even calmer than them when encountering some monsters. When they first saw Yiyi, they were almost frightened by this little girl who was only ten years old.

The heart is too big.

Yiyi didn't care about the events that made them tremble when they saw it.

After hearing Miao Tong's words, Yiyi's eyes lit up immediately, and a crescent moon appeared on her face, "Brother Miao Tong said it, but Yiyi doesn't need Miao Tong to listen to what Yiyi says, Yiyi doesn't understand a lot of things , Just listen to Brother Chen Xi."

Seeing Yiyi's lovely appearance, the three felt warm.

They didn't want to bring Yiyi out together. After all, finding a place where other people are being held is too dangerous a task. One who doesn't do well will be killed. Yiyi is still too young, and it's too dangerous to come out.

But without bringing Yiyi out, they couldn't come out to do this kind of thing at all.

Japanese people are not fools, they will definitely confirm when they see people, and with Yiyi by their side, they can reduce a lot of danger.

However, although Yiyi is young, she can be regarded as a woman. She has no fear at all. On the contrary, when she heard what they said, she was still very excited. This is why they were embarrassed at the time, and they thought it was very dangerous. Yiyi Yi is very happy.

Just when Chen Xi and the three of them chuckled lightly, Yi Yi's lovely face changed.

"Yiyi, what's the matter?" Chen Xi quickly noticed the change on Yiyi's face. They all knew that Yiyi had a strong sense of the aura of creatures, and they also had this level of consideration in bringing her.

Every time Yiyi showed such an expression, there was no doubt that within a hundred meters of them, some kind of creature was coming towards them.

"There are things coming towards us, three breaths, but one is very weak, Yiyi doesn't know if it's right." Yiyi raised her head and said.

"Three ways?" Chen Xi frowned.

"Could it be those Japanese people who warned us just now?" Liu Shang guessed.

Chen Xi shook his head, "Probably not, if so, they should have caught us just now while we weren't paying attention."

"However, what should we do if they have already seen through our identities and just deliberately let us go so that we can go back, and then pursue us to find our base?" Liu Shang analyzed.

After Liu Shang expressed his conjecture, both Chen Xi and Miao Tong showed seriousness. Liu Shang's analysis may be a little nonsense, but it is a point that has to be considered. If it is true, then they must not go back.

But when the three of them were frowning, a voice appeared beside their ears.

"Are you Chinese?"

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