The five-flavored goose with green peel sauce is the hatred value that has been stabilized since the boyhood.

As for the iron-bone pig, the purpose is relatively pure.

After thinking about it for three seconds, Lin Chou said to himself,

"Just some lard bibimbap?"

Bibimbap with lard has a big flavour, which is a very inconspicuous but classic existence.

If you insist on finding a profound history for bibimbap with lard, the "Book of Rites" records the "eight treasures" dedicated to the food of the emperor in the Zhou Dynasty. Among them, "Chun Biao", which takes the top spot, is mixed with lard. Something similar to rice.

"Fried glutinous rice is added to the Lu manuscript, and the fertility is anointed, and it is said that it is Chunzhuo."

Hai is a kind of seasoned minced meat. There are more than ten varieties of hai, such as cattle, sheep, dogs, hogs, chickens, deer, moose, geese, pigeons, and snails. Hai is a high-grade condiment at that time, and most people eat it. No, the ancients mostly used it with other foods to eat raw.

Spread the minced meat on top of glutinous rice and top with lard. This is the pure boil of Universe.

Lu Xun and his old man once said: Bibimbap with lard may not be the best in bibimbap, but it must be the fattest!

Its method is also relatively simple. First of all, you have to have a hot pot of rice, whether it is brown rice or polished rice, whether it is green rice or ordinary rice, you can eat it all.

Lin Chou's taste is to make the rice used in the lard bibimbap a little harder, so that the lard bibimbap can be eaten smoothly, smoothly and fragrantly.

The lard used for bibimbap also needs to be processed briefly. Take some iron-bone pig suet and cut into cubes, add some water to the pot and boil to make the oil easier.

㸆The fire of lard should not be too high. The lard will also "scorch". Too high temperature will make the oil black and bitter, and the mellow aroma of animal fat will be completely unrecognizable.

When the water in the pot has evaporated and the leached lard begins to cook the oil residue, put the knots, whole piece of ginger, and dried red onions in the oil pot to add flavor to the lard.

The next steps are more cute. Lin Chou only needs to prepare chopped green onions and soy sauce.

But radish is best served with lard bibimbap. Grated radish or radish mixed with vegetables are both beautiful choices.

One meal, one dish, one soup, and...

Everyone was a little dazed at the table.

(I knock, Heixinlin took the wrong medicine today? So many dishes!)

Lin Chou introduced one by one with a smile on his face.

"This bowl, lard bibimbap, topped with oil residue and chopped green onions."

"This is Taibai Sauce Pork."

"Well, I also work hard on this soup, watercress, fresh Chen kidney and old fire pork bone soup."

The other dishes are individually prepared for the Dreamcatcher Wanderer.

Fresh blood tofu mixed with wild wild vegetables, fresh chili coriander and wild celery are added; ambition, pig blood soup, three-in-one soup.

So in fact, the wandering demon directly harvested three bowls of soup, lined up in front of him, the old bowl of giant thief Jill was spectacular.

Shan Ye envied,

"Hey, special treatment, it's incredible."

The wandering demon laughed and couldn't wait to put a piece of blood tofu into his mouth.

The bright red blood tofu was cut into cubes by Lin Chou, and each piece was naturally broken into two halves nestled together. On top were the same hot chilli crushed and paste minced chilli, coriander, shallots, wild celery and lemon The aroma of the leaves is tangy, and there are also various unknown green leaves of wild vegetables.

The wandering demon closed his eyes intoxicated, savored carefully, and finally exhaled a breath full of spicy heat.

"Um...too tender..."

It is a habit of wandering demons that when they eat delicious food, they will never open their mouths before eating them-for fear that the food in their mouths will fly away.

The fact that ordinary people can't accept this doesn't mean that Lord Shan belongs to the ranks of ordinary people.

Shan Ye swallowed his saliva,

"Then what, you have a lot of pots, please give me some points!"

Shan Ye had eaten Lin Chou's bear blood tofu during the collision with the mountain musk deer. The taste made him unforgettable in his life. The fresh blood tofu in front of him seemed pretty good?

Sikong opened his mouth slightly,"Go go, you two moved the table to eat, the smell of blood is too strong!"

For nothing else, Young Master Sagong was really afraid that he could not help but tempt him to eat special foods. This raw blood tofu would be difficult to bear with his fragile small body.

The Lord Shan moved the table happily, and he was already eating it with "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

"Hey, it's pretty good, these wild vegetables and coriander chili are just like, the bloody flavor is hidden in it, what Lin Zi said is that it clicks when it chews?"

Lin Chou said,

"It's water chestnuts."

Master Shan said,

"I think we should add more tender red ginger, just add ginger shreds. The ginger taste is a little bit weak-sizzle, the pepper is so spicy, it's really enjoyable."

Everyone started, the soup and the soup and the rice.

"Huh? This soup...a ​​strange taste...but it's delicious!"

Sikong sipped the soup lightly,

"Is it watercress pork bone soup? Well, let me see, there are almonds in it?"

"The watercress and pork bone soup I used before was all with sea coconut. Is it just that the change in the taste of almonds?"

Lin Chou bought a pass,

"Taste it again."

Leng Han guessed,

"Did you add ham?"

Lin Chou: "..."

No, no, absolutely not.

Sikong thought for a while,

"There is indeed a little bit of wax in it. It seems to have the taste of birds. Well, it has the taste of offal. It should be foie gras, right?"

Huang Dashan was holding an old bowl of Gudong and ate half a bowl of soup in one bite, muttering,

"Foie gras? Offal? I smell like I have boiled the tap water..."

Lin Chou almost lifted the table.

But the goose is actually...

Duck kidney is rich in zinc, selenium and iron. In theory, if you lick a water pipe or radiator, it really tastes like that.

Lin Chou said with a black face,

"It's duck kidney, fresh duck kidney and cured duck kidney."

Huang Dashan crooked his mouth,

"Crazy and mad, there are so many things to say, can the duck be happy if you are such a female watch so hypocritical?"

Everyone was so speechless.

Sikong coughed.

"This soup is a bit powerful. Watercress soup can be stewed so thick."

Lin Chou tasted it himself,

"The main reason is that the pork bones are very good. The bones of iron-bone pigs are really a bit different. There is no oil in the bones. The soup is white and white."

The wanderer picked a bone from the soup,

"This pig's bones are terrible, look at it."

The wandering demon threw the bones up, smashed them with fists with both hands,


The shining radiance of the original source splashed everywhere, and it could be seen that the wandering demon was using all his strength, but apart from the sore sound of the teeth, the half of the spine did not even appear.

Leng Han’s eyes changed.


This hardness is a bit tough, you must know that the power of the wandering demon can already be called the pinnacle of the fifth-order power evolutionary.

The wandering demon smiled,

"It's a bit embarrassing to say that if it weren't for my bloodline ability to control blood, I wouldn't really be able to catch this iron-bone pig."

Pork bone soup has a thick and delicious taste that is different from ordinary pork bones after stewing. The taste in the mouth is like a sweet oil. Watercress brings the refreshing and sweetness of green leafy vegetables. A bowl of watercress Fresh Chen kidney and old fire pig bone soup, I feel the whole person is warm and full of strength.

Especially after drinking the soup, the lips seemed to be coated with a layer of oil, and the whole lips were tight when the wind blew.

Leng Han took a few sips of soup, his eyes sparkling, and he was full of expectations for the square and thin slices of meat.

(Well, it looks like bacon!)

In Leng Han's view, this large plate of meat is as eye-catching as a beacon in the dark from the moment it was served.

"It seems a bit different..."

Years of experience made Leng Han see that this piece of "bacon" was cooked.

"Bacon that can be cooked and eaten?"

The skin of this "bacon" is dark red, with no pores visible. It is very smooth. The fat part is crystal clear, but there is no grease on the surface, and the lean part is very delicate, even the texture of the meat itself. It's not obvious anymore.

The Fang Zhengzheng slices of meat were sliced ​​very thinly by Lin Chou, so thin that the other side can be vaguely seen through the fat part, dimly.

I picked up a piece of meat and put it under my nose and sniffed it,


Leng Han looked at Lin Chou with innocent and doubtful eyes.

"What did you do to this bacon? Why does it smell so strange!"

That expression and tone, it was as if Lin Chou had really done something unbelievable and terrible.

Next to him, Xia Yu's little guys were stuffed with pieces of meat in their mouths, and they looked a little sullen while holding their cheeks—their choking eyes were all round.

The little guys just want to take the opportunity to eat more now.

Every month, I "enjoy" at least 20 Nine Heavens canteen cuisine's all-round three-dimensional care. When the children tasted the first bite of Taibai Sauce, the children almost didn't see tears in their eyes.

Very moved!

Sikong had half a piece of meat in his mouth,

"Emmm...this meat...emmm...what is this??"

Huang Dashan is more direct,

"No, this meat needs to be paired with wine, and I will give you a wide wine for the Lord Shan!"

Lin Chou coughed and started Lin's science popularization.

"This meat method has some origins, let me tell you..."

Sikong rolled his eyes and said,

"Chef Lin, can you speak well?"

Lin Chou put on a serious face,

"Taibai sauced meat, this dish is said to be born out of the famous dish'Taibai Duck' presented to Emperor Xuanzong by Li Bai, a poetry immortal. It is estimated that no one except the ancients at that time is unclear, even afterwards. There are even dozens of methods without duplication."

"Well, Li Bai, Sikong must be very familiar with him. Killing a person in ten steps can be done without leaving a thousand miles..."

"According to the New Book of Tang Dynasty, Li Bai was the ninth grandson of Emperor Xingsheng, that is, Emperor Li Hao of Liang Wu Zhao. According to this statement, Li Bai is the same clan as the kings of Li and Tang, so his old man is the same generation brother of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin. In his childhood, Li Bai moved with his father to Longchang, Jinzhou, where Chuanjiang Youqinglian, Taibai Duck and Taibai Sauce Meat appeared."

"Imperial relatives, Guoqixuefu, five cars, Yunwen, Yunwu, Shixian, Lu Ziye is still romantic, how can such a person be settled down?" Lin Chou said, holding a piece of meat and throwing it in his mouth, "Well, the taste is real. Yes, yes, yes, not in vain."

"So, in the thirteenth year of Kaiyuan, Li Bai'went to the country with the sword and resigned from relatives and traveled far away.' You think, what the old man Li Bai said, "The danger is high! The difficulty of the road of Shu, it is difficult to go to the sky!" The high mountain road is not easy to walk, so don't Li Bai and his elders have to bring some rations?"

Sikong looked at Lin Chou and then at the meat on the plate, his face turned black with anger.

Ha ha...He can accept what he said before, but behind—

Can you accumulate some ethics for the senior whom this son admires? My Daqinglian Sword Fairy can you beep at will, too? Aren't you afraid that my son will cut you under his hip with a sword? !

Shan Ye thoughtfully,

"So you mean he brought sauced meat... Does it taste so strong..."

Lin Chou nodded solemnly,

"Then how can it be said that it has a heavy taste? The land of Shu is old and hot, hot and damp, so should I put more seasonings?"

"Maybe it is precisely because of eating this piece of sauce that the old man Li Bai was able to write frightening poems into weeping ghosts and write down this kind of poem "Shu Dao is difficult"~"

Everyone: "..."

Today I have gained a lot of knowledge. It turns out that Boss Lin also had such a skinny time.

Regardless of what Lin Chou said next, everyone had no intention of listening, and began to feast on it.

The rice was smashed into the mouth, with two slices of Taibai sauce meat, and a mouthful of watercress pork bone broth ended up forming a perfect circulating power system. After a few mouthfuls, the sweat followed.

Leng Han was a bit dull.

The taste of Taibai Sauce Meat is completely different from the bacon and the like that she usually eats.

When chewing the red-skinned meat slices, the sweetness of the sauce is instantly revitalized and is re-released from the meat.

Maverick and extraordinary.

The taste of Taibai Sauce Meat is like the ancient Sword Technique. The thick seasoning and sauce have extremely strong Shuzhong characteristics, which instantly leave a deep mark in the mind.

Sauce meat has incredible toughness and can stand up to the repeated tossing and grinding of the teeth. Not only does the flavor not drift away with the chewing, but the more chewing it gets, the richer it becomes.

After a long time, Leng Han finally spoke.

"This bacon is very strange, but it's delicious."

Lin Chou was sweating.

Huang Dashan glanced at this table and came over with the plate.

Sikong sternly said,

"What are you doing?"

Huang Dashan opened his mouth.

"Hey, I'll order something, order something."

in unison,


"Don't you still have it?"

"Eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, heh, man~"

"Please respect yourself."

"Hei Rufei dare to get involved in Europe? Fuck! You dare to even think of a sauce with such a European name?"

Huang Dashan almost died of anger, his hands trembled.

"I knock, you shit..."

No matter how strong the spirit of Shan Ye is, he has no ability to snatch under the noses of so many people.

Dantian is ready to convince people with morals,



The original weapons of a group of people were all revealed, regardless of whether it was Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3 or how much...Unprecedented opponents of the same hatred, so they just got the weapon directly on the face of Lord Shan.

"Draw your sword!"

Speaking of this, it's Shan Ye's own pot, it's really bad if he can't stand him.

Shan Ye is quite capable of grabbing food, and the dishes that others can't take care of are as clean as the ones licked by the dog.

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