Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 962 What kind of fairy is this special?

Lin Chou didn't worry much about Mao Qiu's clothes running away with long legs, of course, it is still inevitable that the anger will be full.

Why, why, there are always people who can’t wait to harm me, is it because of my beauty in the prosperous age?

Stealing clothes counts as a few meanings, can it be considered skill?

This handsome has a big business of 200 million yuan. Do you want to steal a few? It's 200 million yuan every time!

The sense of direction transmitted by the hair ball has been changing, causing Lin Moumou to point over and point to the past for a while.

Lin Chou's original sense of direction was relatively weak (ahem!).

As a result, not only is the distinction between east and west, north and south silly, but also confused to the point where the left and right sides are a little out of balance.

The whole person was swaying, and even his eyes were a little confused.

Leng Han frowned slightly, a white steam hovering around Lin Chou with a chill.

Lin Chou shook his spirits and swallowed his saliva.

"Hi...what's the matter?"

It has been so long since he got the system, of course Lin Chou felt how unreasonable the Goube system was.

His own road idiot attribute is blessed by the system. Although it is not a good thing, it also means that in most cases, the dog beep system will not allow any similar state to be superimposed on itself.

This system is very unique! Do you dare to try to shit on its head?

Leng Han stared at Lin Chou,

"It's not normal. Although you only have Tier 1, your physical fitness is by no means inferior to any Tier 6 evolutionary. The same should be true for various resistances. How can you be affected by this lowest-level'desensitization' attribute? ?"

Lin Chou suddenly retched twice.

"I don't know... I... vomit..."

Before I finished speaking, my brain felt violent pain. This pain was like a "cang-kang-kang" in the brain, and a diligent voice in the ear was yelling non-stop-eighty! eighty! eighty! forty! forty! forty!

In the next second, the connection between Mao Qiu and Lin Chou was suddenly interrupted.

Lin Chou: "???"

Am I pretty... Daddy's fur ball... seems to be... stolen...

Lin Moumou only felt that there was a blood vessel in his temple that was jumping very sharply, and he hammered the eyeballs on the bone side like a drum.

"Ne, f*ck exploded!"

A group of fat and strong... er... big waist and round... er... muscles... er...

Forget it, in short, a lot of sister-in-law mountains swarmed up like a tsunami, and instantly surrounded the crumbling forest sorrow - the agility of the sister-in-law's movements and the quick response even Leng Han was squeezed in minutes. Outside the circle.

"Wow, lady boss, are you hacking?"

"His face is so pale, oh yes, the boss may be suffocating!"

"Get out of the way, you guys are all out of the way, the lady boss hold on, I'm here to suck your artificial skin wow hahaha~"

Lin Chou's entire face was squeezed out of shape by things such as the pectoralis major, which was so hard that he was panicking, and the thief who rolled his eyes.

In particular, anyone who encounters this posture will suffocate, especially when you see a female version of the wandering demon-shaped mountain master pouting like you flying over.


"Ding, wow."

The soft golden streamer swept across, and there was no one around Lin Chou.

Only Leng Han's slightly pale face remained, um, the corners of her mouth were still twitching slightly.

Lin Chou said so and so, Leng Han suddenly showed an expression of error.

"Forcibly interrupt the Mental Energy link? This is the most familiar way of rebelling against the party... No one else has done this except for them...""But... here? Under the black sea? Rebellion?!"

Don't say Leng Han doesn't believe him, no one will believe it-let's not mention how the rebels "stolen" Mao Qiu's clothes and Mao Qiu in seconds.

If the rebels really have the power to ride across the seabed of the black and sunken sea where sea beasts are everywhere, the light will not be wiped out early by them, and there will be no scum left?

Lin Chou stared at the sea, his eyes were moist.

Once upon a time, he was also a top loach fish who pierced for three minutes without getting out of the water to change his breath.

But now...

Haha, I blame this dog beeping system!

Leng Han pondered for a second,

"Yes, the Black Army has an acquaintance who can be regarded as a distant relative who can't reach the Leng family. If I remember correctly, his bloodline ability is a rare bloodline that has the ability to track, called'fishing the moon in the water', as long as The target is surrounded by water and cannot escape his tracking."

Lin Sorrow is overjoyed,

"Then what are you waiting for! Go! Go find him..."

Leng Han sang,

"This...actually, my relationship with their family is very stiff..."

Lin Chou blinked, seeing Leng Han's embarrassed expression suddenly recalled.

The reason for the so-called stiff relationship between Cold Tyrannosaurus, maybe 80% is related to her nickname.

Beside, Mimi Mimi picked up the intercom and ordered loudly,

"Come on, young ones, head to Realm, the black army on the coast line of defense. Let's help the boss's wife grab the head~"

There were cheers from dozens of super giant sea hunting ships at the same time,


"Fuck him~"

Leng Han suddenly squatted on the deck with his back to the crowd, the cold air filled.

Mi Mi poke Mi Mi,

"Sister, are we too much..."

Mi Mi nodded,

"You are 484 stupid? You said the boss and the boss, who will be the head of the house?"

Mimi thought about it seriously,

"It stands to reason that the probability that the boss lady has the upper hand is much higher, but our boss lady is not—"

Mi Mi interrupted,

"The eyes of the crowd are discerning. What kind of gender does the boss’s wife be the boss? It’s not good to behave right now, be careful that the boss’s wife will put you on small shoes in the future."

Mimi straightened up immediately,

"Master Big sis taught it!"

The fleet rushed forward through the wind and waves, and arrived at the foot of the coastal defense line about two hours later.

Lin Chou helped his chin so as not to damage the feet.

"I knock... the city wall of the coastline..."

Even if the height of 270 meters in Mingguang's four-wall plan is in front of the black army's city wall, I still have to call Dad obediently.

This road, which is like a giant dragon, lays across the black sea. Each brick is 30 meters square. The height is unrecognizable. It seems to rise directly into the clouds. The thick, churning mist hangs from the wall like a waterfall. Then, "flowing" spread out on the surface of the sea.

God knows how this huge city was built in the first place-even if you want to build such a wall with the ability of an evolver, I am afraid that there will be thousands of more Meng Jiangnus, right?

The sister-in-laws yelled noisily,

"The lady boss was stunned."

"Ha, the old lady almost cried when she saw this city wall for the first time."

Leng Han waved his hand, ascending a serpentine column of water froze into a spiraling staircase.

"The people from the third team brought their equipment and followed me up, and the others stepped back ten nautical miles and stood by at any time."

Then he turned around and explained to Lin Chou,

"The people from the Second Bandit Brigade can't go up too much, cough, our relationship with the black army... actually is quite stiff..."

Lin Chou nodded and was the first to walk up the steps.

The stairs are just a starting point, because the physique of this group of people will not climb up the stairs like ordinary people, and they are tens of meters high when they stretch out their hands.

A few minutes later, Lin Chou turned over and jumped onto the city wall.

"Good guy, I'm afraid it's really thousands of meters high..."

Standing on the city wall were a few black soldiers wearing fish-skin armor and holding original weapons or giant fishbone forged weapons and looked back at Lin Chou and others in amazement.

"Wha, who!"

The black army city guards had been messed up in the formation that they had cooperated with, and they looked confused.

Are you as easy to climb as the walls of the black army, without any defense mechanism? If anyone can perform the technology of climbing the city wall with bare hands, it won't be called the coastal defense line!

Everyone is also a nine-year compulsory education. Why are you so good? You are all class representatives, right? Will you be able to travel in outer space with a few rods?

Lin Chou was also a little confused.

What's the matter, this seems to be different from the black army that this handsome imagined, this dress and dress, it looks like a beggar.

Anyway... Anyway, you guys also get decent uniform uniforms...

That old man, you still have fish scum on your fish skin. Hey, I'm afraid it was just picked off from the fish?

These guys were in a daze, but Lin Chou suddenly yelled.


I saw Boss Lin beckoning in a graceful manner.


A blaze rumbled from far away, ripping away the haze and galloping towards Lin Chou's hand, looking a mess.

Lin Chou slapped forward with a shovel in one hand,


The earth moved and the mountains shook, and the hurricane blew a group of evolvers to the ground, and occasionally huge pebble-like sharp objects smashed on the body and collapsed on the walls.

When the guy from the Black Army slowed down and looked back, a three-kilometer-long virtual beast was folded into a right angle and embedded in the ground of the city wall, with its tail raised high and twitched.

Lin Chou pinched his chin and said "emmmmm".

"Hey, this is a virtual beast? Isn't this a big whale with a layer of stone skin?"

The width of the end of the city wall is about five or six kilometers, and the head of the virtual beast has been completely embedded in the ground and can't come out.

The head of the virtual beast encompasses a radius of several hundred meters around the part that is conveniently shoveled as the center, densely intertwined with cracks, and a strange black mist with a thick bloody smell evaporates from the cracks in the virtual beast's head, mixed with a little spark. .

Mimi's face was numb: "This is a good trick, hehe..."

Mimi and Mimi had prepared their psychological development in advance. As for the other people who came with the Second Bandit Team and the black army on the city wall, their eyes seemed to see a ghost alive and the ghost was still eating shit.

Lin Chou asked,

"Who, where is the team going forward?"

A certain black army subconsciously stretched out his hand in a certain direction.

Lin Chou patted him on the shoulder,"Thanks~"

After a vertical leap and swish, the shadows disappeared, and Leng Han and the members of the Second Bandit Brigade followed one after another.

After a long time, the talents on the wall were unlocked from the puppet state,

"I'm your mother... who is this big guy... where is the fairy who popped out..."

"Isn't the one who didn't make a sound behind the boss? Cold Tyrannosaurus?"


The virtual beast that was photographed into the city wall was not completely dead yet, and suddenly struggled frantically, and the entire city wall trembled with its movements.

The wall suddenly became a mess,

"Go up, up, not dead yet! Up side by side, say him!"

"Grass, catch alive! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, our coastal defense line has not caught the precedent of a living imaginary beast!"


On the other side of the coastal defense line is still a vast expanse of black and sinking sea, but the original face of the sea level is no longer visible. All kinds of sea creatures have emerged from the water, facing the coastal defense line and beyond, a silvery white Bingberg launched a desperate attack.

Most of the sea beasts' huge body alienation skills are mainly water, and the size of some sea beasts is even more terrifying than the virtual beasts.

For example, Lin Chou saw a giant sea turtle that looked like an island rampaging in the center of the battlefield. Whether it was a sea beast or a Black Army ship in front of it, all had only been crushed. Every subtle movement of the giant sea turtle could be achieved. Set off a huge wave tens of meters high.

Lin Chou was also anxious. He plunged into the battlefield in the direction pointed by the black army member just now, smashed countless sea beasts, and hurriedly grabbed the dumbfounded black army and asked.

"Where is the team going forward?"

The black army who was caught by Lin Moumou said, "Where the hell are you, the monster that popped out, hello", but he could only tremble honestly or point out a certain direction or shook his head again and again.

The members of the Second Bandit Brigade followed Lin Chou, Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but at the same time they felt so fucking fun.

Then there was a spectacle in the battlefield:

Looking from the sky above the battlefield, the vigorous sea beasts that had been making waves thumped and found that the surrounding sea water had no movement, as if it had become a solid. They tried hard to jump up and down again, and the sea water still completely violated the laws of physics. A pool of stagnant water does not even carry a larger wave.

Lin Chou and the others were like knives cutting into the butter, tearing the battlefield straight into two pieces, and the blocks flew horizontally where they passed, forming a scarlet and eye-catching dividing line.

Gradually, people on the entire battlefield realized that something was wrong--because the surrounding sea beasts suddenly sparsed out.

Well, of course it was not killed by Lin Chou, but directly sank to the bottom.

Maybe the sea beasts are always thinking about making things so happy, maybe the system has been slandered by Lin Moum for too long and it is very irritable.

The surging deep blue halo bloomed from under Lin Chou's feet to the surrounding area. Wherever he went, these sea beasts that had been swimming in the sea for a lifetime suddenly felt a sense of suffocation of a cracked wall, like a fish thrown on the shore. Struggling desperately, but the warm black sinking sea no longer generously give them the buoyancy they deserve.

So they sank to the bottom... gurgling bubbles and sank to the bottom...

After a while, the sea surface of dozens of hundreds of kilometers was like a smooth and dark mirror surface, and even a wave of waves was no longer produced.

No sea beast can be seen anymore, only the ships of the Black Army wandering alone.

A certain black general opened his mouth in astonishment,

"I...I..." He stumbled on the deck, "What's the situation..."

Following the subtle movements of the general, the boat under his feet swayed very slightly, invisible to the naked eye, then perhaps 0.0000001 centimeters, slightly shaking the surface of the water.


The ship disappeared into the sea in the blink of an eye.

Fell down!


It felt like the sea suddenly opened an elevator door, and the ship plunged into the abyss under the door without even a sound.

The people on the next few brothers’ boats are scared to pee, okay?

Dare not move, dare not move...

I'm afraid it would be swallowed up by the black sea like that boat.

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