A few minutes later, Lin Chou walked onto the iceberg on the dark sea of ​​the ancient well, his expression on his face was so presumptuous.

Ahem, in principle, it is not presumptuous.

It's just that in the eyes of others, this way of clearing all the sea beasts and then making a grand appearance on the stage is simply too pitiful.

Is this the so-called highest Realm: Pretending to be like the wind and always accompany me?

However, Leng Han and the members of the Second Bandit Brigade were slower to follow - after all, they had to wait for Leng Han to make a way out of the sea ice to keep up with Lin Chou's speed.

Can't rely on swimming...

The proprietress is stepping on the sea surface with pia chi pia chi's big horse golden sword and handsome and blasting. Are they dog ​​shavers or freestyle swimming behind them, it seems that the style is not right?

So, pull it down~!

In front of everyone, the ice surface lying on the dark sea is centered on a towering cone-shaped iceberg, covering a huge area.

At this time, there are huge bodies of sea beasts everywhere on the ice. Some of them have been removed. Red, blue, and black blood and fragments of stumps are all over the ice, like an overturned palette. , Chaotic and coquettish.

As the sea surface was completely blocked by Boss Lin "buying out" the right to use it, the army of sea beasts was weak, and the sea beasts on the ice were quickly slaughtered by the black army.

Without unprecedented numbers, these sea beasts didn't appear to be ferocious in front of the black army, which was clinging together and sticking together. At least compared to the intensive attack of the virtual beasts on the city wall, the fighting intensity on the ice surface was a little watery.

Lin Chou immediately noticed the difference as soon as he stepped on the ice.


The ice surface under his feet gave him a mysterious and mysterious "sense of intimacy", yes, it was intimacy.

It's like if you raise a cat or a little hamster, and when they get home from 9 to 5, they will meow to you or stick out their tongues or they will walk like flying in the small roulette and try to lose weight.

After Lin Chou froze for a short while, he blurted out with a silly sound.

"Calendar, Xuexuexue dumpling boss?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, Lin Chou felt that the ice surface seemed to move slightly, and it felt as if he was responding to his words.

Leng Han: "..."

Lieutenant General Leng obviously felt it too.

Her blood is related to water, so she perceives the horror of the ice covering hundreds of kilometers of the sea before Lin Chou-it is alive!

Leng Han stared at the ice under his feet in a daze.

(Sure enough, this is the correct way to open the snowman, my vacation...)

——At this moment, the old man Gao who was in Lushan shuddered suddenly.

The old man's whole person is not well, it seems that a pair of malicious, extremely cold eyes locked on him in the dark, trying to grab something from his old man.

Lin Chou coughed,

"So, who is the Captain of the Sword Advance?"

For a long while, no one answered.

Leng Han looked around, his big eyes narrow and cold.

"Has the Black Army started enlisting deaf-mute people in batches?"

As a result, the scene was quieter.

Where did anyone dare to beep, even gasping for a while, for fear of being misled by Cold Tyrannosaurus for expressing some dissatisfaction and then being slaughtered.

Dozens and hundreds of people in the whole family are counted, Leng Mo certain shot, at least 200 million direct descendants kneel down every minute.

Lin Chou scratched his head in annoyance. Sure enough, if he looks too handsome, he will look out of place.

"Excuse me, goodbye!"

Suddenly a white-faced brawny man covered with bones came out of the crowd,

"Are you looking for me? I am going forward..."

The knife is moving forward. I really wanted to find a hole in the ground to count the ball. However, there is no hole in the ground. The scene of being caught by Leng Han will be even more bloody and bloody.Lin Sorrow is overjoyed,

"You are? That's actually... eh... Leng Han, what are you doing..."

Seeing the cold tyrannosaurus waved, Mimi Mimi rushed forward, and the two of them moved forward and set up their knives like a little chicken.

The sword moved forward with his legs weakly kicking, but unfortunately, due to his height disadvantage, his feet couldn't touch the ground at all.

The sword advances with a sad crying face,

"Leng... Lieutenant General Leng... what is this... if you have something to say, if you have something to say! I haven't offended you recently, I haven't even shown my face!"

Leng Han didn't say a word, and the smile on Mimi Mi Mi's dark and fleshy face made the knife move forward with cold hands and feet.

He was completely panicked. Looking at this posture, he was afraid that he was going to be dragged to a place where no one was there and cut the account?

"Leng...Lord General Leng said that you have to call me brother... I didn't make a mistake... You can't do this to me... I haven't lived enough yet..."

Leng Han stopped suddenly, and Mimi looked at her boss in confusion.

Mimi said,

"Too noisy? Should I remove his jaw?"

Leng Han glanced at him, and the sword advanced silently.

Leng Han said,

"The surnamed Dao, when will you be a little prosperous, don't say I know you in the future."

Lin Chou: "..."

What a bit like asking for help!

Lin Chou said quickly,

"Um, Captain Sword Advance, don't get me wrong, I actually need your help for something, your bloodline ability..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) .But I need Ge Ye's help, he can greatly increase my skills."

Someone from the Second Bandit Brigade,

"Ge Ye? I know, how many people will come with me!"

In less than three minutes, a thin man with a swollen nose and fainted face was lifted by four sturdy ladies.

The scene was utterly sad to hear and tears, four black bears each carrying a certain rabbit, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, one leg, and one leg, have anyone seen the scene-I am afraid that one of the bears sneezes, and the poor rabbit will be instantly divided. corpse.

The knife moved forward and covered his face,

"It's over... Ge Ye will break my friendship..."

Mi Mi smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, it won't!"

The knife advances: "(a_a)?"

Before he could figure out what Mi Mi meant, he saw a fist the size of a claypot getting bigger and bigger in front of him.


Before the black screen, the last thought of the knife going forward: "Fuck, daddy's nose..."

Mi Mi shook her hand, very proud.

"Boss, do you think there are not many beautiful women like this girl in this world who are gentle and considerate? I saved a friendship that was about to collapse~"


I don’t know how long it took, but the knife moved forward and was awakened by the severe pain in his face.

"Ah, it turned out to be a dream..."

When I opened my eyes, a face that couldn't be seen blue and purple swollen in shape was close at hand.

The cold sweat of the knife went down,

"My grass...what the hell..."

Ge Ye faintly said,

"Go forward with the sword! If the two of us can survive today, I will strangle you by myself tomorrow."

The knife went forward and opened his mouth, speechless.

Looking around, I suddenly found that I was already in the den of thieves...ah no, it was on the sea hunting boat of the Second Bandit Brigade.

Well, although there is no essential difference between the two, the most respected (biao) from (mian) code (shang) is still necessary, which is related to the consciousness of a qualified black general.

Considering that the whole ship, except the awkward-faced young man next to him, is all with a fierce expression and a more fierce body that will kill you three thousand members, the sword advances and feels that his own quality and consciousness can be higher, bigger and stronger.

Mimi handed a peculiar "tentacles" and said to the knife forward,

"Here, look for it, this is the hair shed from the proprietress pet."

(Madam boss? That little white face standing over there? Well, it's strange, why does it seem a bit familiar...)

The knife went forward without saying anything, dare not say anything.

Leng Han was staring at him, if he dared to pop up half a word——o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

For this cousin far, far, far, far away, she didn't know anything about other things, but she knew from an early age what is meant by order and prohibition.

By the way, this cousin who is far away and the "child of someone else's family" spoken by his parents has just started to dream of being a soldier, and has been taking them from far away relatives who are very far away. His nephews are the soldiers under his hand to toss.

What to climb the snow mountain and travel in the wilderness to catch the gangsters and beat the land... These are the main tasks of the sword and his friends before the age of six.

Thinking about it now, it's a shadow of childhood.

The knife moved forward and glanced at Ge Ye.

"Ah, Old Ge, can you help me?"

Ge Ye rolled his eyes wildly,

"Ha ha!"

But still start to work honestly.

The bluish origin glow rose from around him like a plume of smoke, gradually becoming denser.

Ge Ye shouted, the glow continued to condense, and finally condensed into the image of a vivid little fox.

The little fox probed his head and stood still on Ge Ye's shoulder, Ge Ye moved forward with a knife.

"Fox fake tiger, go!"

The little fox made of light bared its teeth, reluctantly floated to the head of the sword and stood still, sweeping restlessly with a large furry tail that was disproportionate to the body.

The knife went forward and rejoiced, strode towards the bow,

"Look at me, hiding, fishing for the moon in the water!"

A bright "moonlight" above his head went straight into the air, stagnated and condensed thousands of meters high, and turned into a huge round moon after a while.

Lin Sorrow sighed,

"Mingguang should invite him to perform during the New Year's Day. The moon looks exactly like the real one. Isn't it better than the evolvers fighting and putting on'Fireworks'?"

The original glow of the cave on the little fox's body diffuses along with the beam of light above the head of the knife, soaking it into a blue-blue color.

The knife moved forward and rubbed the hair of the hair ball in his hand, biting his finger so that the blood soaked it and throwing it out.

Strangely enough, the almost indestructible hyphae of the hair ball instantly turned into fly ash, while the full moon in the sky was shining brightly.

The knife moved forward and pointed at the sea and said,

"Look... there..."

The sea was reflecting the bright moon above the sky, and a dynamic picture of the seabed suddenly appeared in the fuzzy blue tones when the tide was surging.

In the picture, an extremely huge gray cocoon is supported by a small figure moved by dense ants, moving in a certain direction.

Mimi exclaimed,

"What is this? Hey, are those little people living corpses?"

It is obvious that these villains have webs on their hands and feet, and fish-like scales on their bodies.Isn't this just the water life corpse that Lin Chou had a relationship with? At the beginning, Shen Feng in the Millennium Building on the seabed caught two living corpses and earned a lot of circulation points in the research institute.

As for the giant cocoon, it is obviously composed of the hyphae of the hair ball.

Lin Chou suspiciously,

"What happened to the hair ball? How could it become a cocoon..."

Leng Han's expression became more solemn,

"The Water Life Corpse has evolved a master?"

Living corpses are creatures dominated by instinct. They don’t know what kind and cooperation are at all. In their eyes, there is only the difference between “food” and “non-food.” If they want to do something in such a concerted effort, the only possibility is the corpse. High-rank controllers who can manipulate other living corpses appeared in the group.

Since the water life corpse was discovered by Mingguang, it has not been taken seriously-in fact, regardless of whether it is aquatic or terrestrial, Mingguang has always laughed at it.

After all, they are much weaker than the alien beasts as a whole, and it is not the early stage of the catastrophe, the era of glorious living corpses has long ended.

There are almost tens of thousands of living corpses carrying the giant cocoon, almost occupying the surface of the giant cocoon, and supporting the giant cocoon to swim forward a little bit in the most stupid way.

Lin Chou asked,

"How far are they from here?"

The knife went forward and said,

"I won't know where they are until they stop."

"Money fishing in the water has nothing to do with distance, and with the blessing of Ge Ye, as long as they don't get out of the sea, I can keep tracking them."

Lin Chou nodded,

"Oh, surnamed Liu, if this handsome doesn't blow you up this time, I will write my name upside down!"

Or the familiar formula, or the original taste-dare you to say that this is not the ghost of the rebellious party and Liu Renjun?

Why is it that the ghosts are still there? You are all toads, don't bite and respond.

Leng Han said,

"You mean...rebelling against the party?"

Lin Chou nodded,

"I don't know what the controller is. Even if there is a controller in the corpse of Water Life, what is the use of the clothes that steal the hair ball? The bottom of the sea is too cold to chop wood and burn?"

"So, it must be Liu Renjun's prodigal stuff, who else can be so cheap besides him!"

Leng Han continued,

"If it is Liu Renjun, is it possible that these living corpses will bring the fur balls back to the rebellious party headquarters?"

Mingguang and the rebellious party have been pinching each other for hundreds of years. Their hiding place has always been a mystery. When Leng Han thinks of possible important discoveries, his whole person is immediately excited.

Lin Chou shook his head.

"Impossible. I have destroyed two dens where the rebels kept blood corpses, and I didn't see any rebel members."

"Also, if the rebels control the group of living corpses and stole the fur ball, doesn't it mean that the black army has the eyes and ears of the rebels? What's to be happy about."

——Only the black army knows that Mao Qiu's clothes sank under the black sea!

As the two of them were talking, the sword moved forward and the whole body was shaken, and the moon's light in mid-air dimmed for a while before returning to normal.

The knife went forward with a puck,

"Niang Xipi, this guy is such a strong Mental Energy! Hey, but I don't have the ability to bypass my bloodline!"

Leng Han asked excitedly.

"who is it?"

The knife went forward,

"It's not ‘who’, but ‘what’, I feel that it should be a mental energy field that actively attacks."

"Well, look at the picture."

"My guess is not wrong. This Mental Energy field doesn't even let the fish go. If Mental Energy doesn't have enough brains, it will go down and be burnt to a paste."

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