At the same time that the huge war hammer hit the monster's head, Yang Ye struck out with a palm from a distance, and the two-pronged attack directly knocked the monster away.

Huanglong rolled and crawled back, his arms bleeding profusely.

"Hurry up and let me see where you're injured, and I'll help you treat it." Tumei hurriedly supported Huanglong and stopped the bleeding from his wound.


Looking at the monster, even though its face was covered in blood, it was not afraid at all. Instead, it became more ferocious. After shaking its head a few times, it rushed towards Lin Xiaomei.

"Smelly dog! Get out of here!"

Even though Lin Xiaomei is a woman, her fighting style is quite strong. She was not at all inferior when fighting against the ancient gods in the realm of pretending to be a god. Coupled with Yang Ye's mid-range palm attack, she steadily controlled the situation.

"How's the injury? Is it serious?" Qin Lang took the time to glance at Huanglong. Rabbit Girl's face was a little gloomy. "The bleeding has stopped, but the monster's wound is poisonous. I don't have the ability to detoxify the ancient god's poison."

When Qin Lang heard that he was poisoned, he hurried over to check and sure enough, Huanglong's right arm was rotting.

"Brother, I can't help you, I let you down..." Huang Long looked ashamed.

"It's not like you've been pulling your hips for a day or two. Why are you apologizing?" Qin Lang didn't take it seriously.

"When you say that, I want to die even more, ugh!"

"Is there a way to detoxify?" Qin Lang looked at the witch and asked, who shook his head, "I'm not good at detoxifying, but there is the simplest way to deal with this poison. Just kill the monster and burn its hair into Applying ashes to the wound should have an effect. In human terms, there will be an antidote within seven steps."


Qin Lang patted Huanglong and said, "Don't panic."

"Silver Tiger, Black Monkey, come on, let's fight quickly."

Qin Lang clicked two fingers in succession, raising the realm of the two to pseudo-gods. The four of them attacked together and easily suppressed the monster.

In the end, the monster's head was smashed by Lin Xiaomei's war hammer and turned into a white mist.

In order to prevent the monster's physical body from disappearing, Qin Lang asked the black monkey to pluck a handful of hair in advance, burn it and apply it on the wound of the emperor dragon. The medicine was indeed cured. Within a few minutes, the emperor dragon became more alive.

"Be careful when clearing land in this damn place. Fortunately, it was your arm that was bitten. If it was your head..."

Huanglong nodded, "I know, boss, I will definitely pay attention."

"That's good."

Qin Lang turned around, and suddenly, Lao Li exclaimed: "Boss, be careful!"

Qin Lang was stunned. Apart from Huanglong and Tumei, there was only a wall behind him. Could it be that a monster rushed out of the wall?

In this flash of lightning, a large starlight appeared on the surface of Qin Lang's skin.

The one who attacked Qin Lang was not a monster, but an imperial dragon.

At this time, Huanglong's eyes turned red, and he bit Qin Lang's arm tightly without letting go, muttering in his mouth: "Bite, bite, bite you to death... Ouch!"

"What's going on? The poison hasn't been detoxified yet?"

Qin Lang was shocked, and at this time everyone swarmed up and restrained Huanglong.

Huanglong completely lost his mind, stretched out his tongue very long, and let out bursts of barking.


The witch's expression was solemn, "The poison has been removed. He is not poisoned, but contaminated."

"Contamination? Why was he the only one who was contaminated, while everyone else was fine? Could it be that being bitten was the trigger?"

Qin Lang frowned, what kind of pollution can actually pollute a god?

While he was still confused, Lao Li shouted, "Boss, come on, use some strength, there are a lot of dogs coming out again!"

Qin Lang rushed over to take a look, and sure enough, many green eyes flashed in the dark corridor, and at least seven or eight monsters rushed over.

What worries Qin Lang is not these monsters, but a powerful being behind these monsters, who was hiding in the darkness at that time.

Judging from the aura he released, his strength was no less than that of the captain.

"I'll deal with the big guys at the back. Teacher Wan, you and the witch join forces to defend."

Qin Lang pointed continuously and used all the remaining six rounds of the ceremony.

At this time, a group of monsters arrived.

Lao Li Han was not afraid of death and took the lead in rushing to the front line. The others also used their techniques to attack the monsters.

"Sacred Bridge!"

Qin Lang muttered a word in his heart, and Shenqiao immediately rushed out and surrounded his body. He made a circle and rushed towards the existence in the shadow from the right side.

The existence obviously noticed that Qin Lang was approaching, and let out a cold snort. There was a flash of black light, and a whip struck across the air. Qin Lang dodged sideways, and the ground under his feet was whipped into pieces.

"Get out!"

Qin Lang pointed his sword in the distance, and the divine bridge roared out and entangled the creature. The creature was very fierce. It grabbed the divine bridge that entangled itself and threw it to the ground with strange force.

At this time, Qin Lang saw clearly the appearance of this creature. It was three-quarters like a human and seven-quarters like a ghost. He was dressed in ragged clothes, and his two dead branch-like arms held a whip and a basin respectively.

"This is the soul of the beast tamer of the Order of the Fallen Gods..."

A dull voice suddenly came from his side. Qin Lang turned his head and saw that it was the Blood Lord. He didn't know when he followed him.

"You are really strong. You actually broke through the first level. I like it very much."

"My friend is contaminated, how can I figure it out?"

Qin Lang frowned tightly.

"Simple, as long as you kill him, the pollution will naturally subside. But hurry, if you wait too long, even if you kill him, your friend may become a dog slave forever." The Blood Lord paused, "Visual inspection, It won’t take more than ten minutes.”


Qin Lang almost cursed, killing an ancient god in ten minutes... What's the difference between this and joking?

"If you need help, just say it, the Blood Lord is never stingy."

"Tell me your conditions, don't waste time."

"If you are lucky enough to make it to the end, the Blood Lord hopes to take a look at the secret treasure here."

"Deal, make a move."

The Blood Lord shook his body, and countless blood lines entangled the trainer.

The trainer was not afraid at all, and suddenly smashed the basin-shaped weapon to the ground, and the domain unfolded.

"Oh no, it's the God Falling Domain again, come to me for a one-on-one fight!"

Qin Lang wanted to join the battlefield, but he was a step slower, and the Blood Lord and the trainer both disappeared.


Qin Lang was so angry that his teeth itched, but there was no other way, so he could only turn to attack the group of creatures that besieged everyone.

With Qin Lang joining, killing eight monsters became a very simple matter.

Watching the eight monsters turn into white gas and disappear, Qin Lang felt a little depressed. Huang Long was becoming more and more like a dog. He was biting Tu Mei's shoes and drooling all over the floor...

"Time is running out..."

Qin Lang frowned, but unfortunately he could do nothing.

Time passed by.

Just when white hair began to grow on Huang Long, Blood Lord fell from midair, along with the dead trainer.

"Boss Qin, look at Huang Long, he is recovering." Tu Mei said with great joy.

The haze in Qin Lang's eyes was swept away, the white hair was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Huang Long's eyes gradually changed from frenzy to clear and stupid.


Blood Lord got up with difficulty, "Blood Lord helped you so much, you have to pay more..."

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