Doomsday Wonderland

One thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, half of the puzzle is missing

The heavy iron chain made a harsh sound as the human body hit it again and again, breaking through the sound of the engine from time to time, and then being wrapped again.

The hoarse cry was like a looming shadow in the water, making the rumbling and dark sound of the truck more and more indifferent - "Let me out!" A woman half begged, half screamed, "Let me out of the car!"

Different from the scene at the Killing Hotel, where the woman who was hiding in the darkness and screaming screamed several times, Lin Sanjiu still saw a dark truck compartment in front of her eyes.

Is it because the truck driver kept grabbing her and never let go, so the copy of the "trailer" never ended?

"I know, I know, it's the one on my left." I don't know if it was saliva or blood, but the woman's broken and urgent voice was muddled: "The left one is the vegetables -"

What vegetables?

Lin Sanjiu couldn't tell whether he was still floating in the green lake. It seemed that his body and soul were separated. The more the cracks were pulled, the bigger the cracks became. He could only feel that his left wrist was being pressed tightly by an iron gate; it was dim. The fear of the woman seemed to have infected her.

Her abilities and combat prowess were both asleep. She was trapped deep in a copy of the lake. The water blocked and swallowed up her power, and her wrists were tightly clasped... If all this was not bad enough, there is another point to add: Lin Sanjiu always saw a replica of the truck in front of her eyes, and what she heard was always the woman's frantic cry for life. She couldn't see her own body, and fear and doubt were rapidly burning the air in her chest.

She wanted to shout and let go, but as soon as she opened her lips, she felt blisters rising on her lips.

It was as if the body and soul had escaped from their shells: the body was still underwater and was being held tightly by the truck driver, but the soul was trapped in the truck compartment.

She tried hard to direct her body to move, but her struggle was like waving a ribbon; her body always lagged a few steps and slowly dispersed, and the little bit of strength she gathered always failed to reach its target.

what happened? What's happening now?

Lin Sanjiu had never sensed any malice from the truck driver, and her keen intuition had never made her wary of him; even when she first caught her wrist, she immediately thought that the truck driver just wanted to attract her attention. .

But if the truck driver grabbed her wrist just to get her attention, why didn't he let go?

What is that truck driver who talks very brightly and finds it torture to have to go round and round in search of evolvers in hopelessness? What is he doing now?

For him, he should still be a copy, and he has no reason to attack a copy...

She didn't know if it was adrenaline or a sudden realization, but it shot into her blood coldly.

To him, is he really still a copy?

When Lin Sanjiu suggested that he go to the lake to find someone, one of the dungeons that surrounded the lake park said, "It's really appropriate to let it go."

However, when the truck driver said that he wanted to come with him, he said, "Let her go into the water by herself, wouldn't it..."

If in the eyes of other copies, "Meeting an old friend in a foreign land" should be an "it"; then why in the eyes of the truck driver, he is a "she"?

Perhaps the correct question should be, when and how did the truck driver discover that Lin Sanjiu was a "she" and not an "it"?

She knew she didn't have the luxury of taking her time to think.

The words of Killing Hotel still ring in her ears; if she is held down by a copy and unable to escape for a long time, she will eventually turn into a copy creature - if she does not choke to death first.

"I want, I want to jump again, I want to jump to the tenth box in the third row, I want to survive!"

The woman in the "trailer" of the copy seemed to have regained her consciousness, and when she screamed again, she was no longer so hysterical; although she was just an image in the picture, coincidentally, she and Lin Sanjiu They are all trying to survive from the same copy at the same time.

Lin Sanjiu couldn't escape from the truck driver's confinement with just her physical struggle.

She struggled a few more times, but felt that the breath in her chest was getting thinner and shorter, and she knew she couldn't afford to waste much time. She gritted her teeth and "groped" her body from the vague and indistinct feeling. She dragged the other hand in the distance and finally put it on without seeing anything. Truck driver's arms.

The "character" created from the copy is also in human form; if it is in human form, it can be absorbed by the seed ability, right?

But like other abilities, the seed ability also fell into a deep sleep.

At such a critical moment, Lin Sanjiu seemed to be aimlessly fishing for something in the dark abyss with her eyes covered; she didn't know how many times she "fished" before finally touching the edge of the seed's ability. , jolting it awake a little.

Like a real living creature, Lin Sanjiu forced and squeezed the seed out of his hand as soon as it made any movement.

Even if it's just a "character" who puts away the copy, as long as she can escape temporarily, then——

The truck driver's arm suddenly slid into the seed ability.

Can succeed!

Lin Sanjiu didn't even dare to be surprised for a moment, as if his entire soul was concentrated, like the tip of a needle, concentrated on the point where the seed's ability came into contact with the truck driver.

The absorption process didn't even take a second, but it was packed with accidents that couldn't even be crammed into it for several hours.

What she touched was obviously the truck driver's other arm, because her own left hand was still subject to his restraint; the arm bitten by the seed ability continued to fall in uncontrollably, and had been swallowed up in the blink of an eye. His whole arm - just when his shoulder was about to follow suit, his seed ability suddenly stopped.

Immediately, it dissipated completely like a light that was extinguished.

Before Lin Sanjiu had time to react to what had happened, he felt as if he had suddenly hit a piece of solid land that did not exist just now. For a moment, his five senses, soul, and perception of space were all knocked away like a bell. outside the body.

Even with the lake as a buffer, she was caught off guard and was still hit. Her vision was blackened under the severe pain, and she spun and fell into the waves of the lake.

At that moment, everything disappeared: the image inside the truck, the woman trying to survive, the force holding her left wrist... Lin Sanjiu endured waves of pain that seemed to make her faint, and managed to emerge from the chaos. In the filthy green water, a blurry vision reopened.

She understood what had knocked her away.

The truck driver had disappeared from the water; from where the truck driver had been, there was now only a huge truck, slowly sinking toward the depths of the lake.

No wonder the seed ability failed after absorbing an arm. It turned out that the truck copy saw something bad and immediately changed into the truck form. He was able to immediately realize that the danger came from the "human form", and he was indeed a replica; but after changing into the truck form, he naturally lost all mobility in the water, and for a while he could only drift toward a clump of trees. Sinking among the pale corpses.

Puppet Master, you have to rescue the Puppet Master first——

Lin Sanjiu didn't even have time to rush to the surface of the lake for air. She turned around and plunged into the depths of the lake.

She concentrated on swimming towards the black figure at the bottom of the lake. Only in her peripheral vision, could she vaguely see that the truck in the lake in the distance had disappeared and transformed into a human form again. This time the truck driver did not come to catch her. Instead, he swam up to the lake and quickly disappeared from the lake.

Why? Have you gone to report to other copies?

If there was a puzzle in front of her, then at least half of the pieces seemed to be invisible to Lin Sanjiu.

But the invisible half is not important now; whether the driver went to report the news is not important in comparison.

There was only one thing, or rather one person, that always stuck in her field of vision. UU Reading www.uunshu.nett

The deeper Lin Sanjiu swam, the dimmer the light became; the pale and huge corpse floated past her as if walking, and pairs of dim white eyes rose and fell from the darkness.

When she finally swam to the puppet master, she could hardly see anything clearly.

She felt as if she was about to sink into the mud at the bottom of the lake and never float again.

A set of black clothes at the bottom of the lake was bulging with mud and sand. Lin Sanjiu once thought it was the puppet master's hair that was floating around, but it turned out to be a large ball of black waterweed. She just pushed it hard, and the waterweed floated away leisurely.

All it takes is a desperate grab or two, and the vague shadow of a puppeteer on the shore will obediently break into a few pieces.

When Lin Sanjiu realized that this was a trap, she found that she would never be able to float to the surface again.

The green lake water seemed to have suddenly developed a dense and continuous texture, holding her tightly and pressing her deeply to the bottom of the lake; the faces of the corpses floating from the bottom of the lake seemed to have breathed a long sigh of relief because of the success of the plan, and floated on it. He smiled.

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