Doomsday Wonderland

One thousand eight hundred and ninety-five 1 false alarm?

No matter how long you survive in the apocalyptic world, you will always find a new form of despair.

After the oxygen was burned out of his blood, Lin Sanjiu didn't know how long it had passed. His thoughts that had been relatively complete and coherent before were finally shattered into countless urgent, fearful, and intense fragments.

The primitive instinct to take another breath is far stronger than any desire that people can think of; as long as the air can flow into her lungs again, she can't wait to insert her hands into her sternum and open her chest and lungs—— The ability goes back and forth between sleeping and waking up, but it doesn't make much difference.

The green lake water enveloped her thickly, pressing her down without being moved at all.

All Lin Sanjiu's struggles, efforts, and kicks fell into the endless lake water, and were quietly absorbed by it, turning into a slowly spreading ripple. The screams in her mind and body were so sharp and loud that they drowned out all her thoughts; but in her ears, there was only the endless silence in the depths of the Green Lake.

Time has long since ceased to exist.

When her movements gradually softened, she was still floating in the same place, not even rising an inch. Even the vivid fear just now was blurred and scattered; she slowly raised her head in the dull and silent lake, looking at the small group of dark green skylight in the distant heights, feeling a little confused.

Following her friend's footsteps through one world after another, in the end she lost the battle at the bottom of the lake surrounded by dungeons without even a single person?

Even her vision began to abandon her, trying again and again, as if it wanted to slip away from the corners of her eyes. Lin Sanjiu kept raising her head, looking at the small group of distant skylight, watching it gradually dim.

Before her eyes closed, a black spot appeared in the sky.

The black spot was getting bigger and closer, with a straight shadow trailing behind it, and soon turned into a familiar shape that she recognized; but Lin Sanjiu, who was on the verge of coma, still wanted to What is it if you don't get up?

The rectangular black figure pushed through the lake water, stirring up waves all the way, seemingly unaffected by the resistance of the water, until it landed not far from Lin Sanjiu's head, shaking and pushing away the nearby waves. As the water surged, she finally recognized it: a large light sign reading "Sunset Hotel."

It's the Killing Hotel!

Lin Sanjiu suddenly sobered up a little, and the hand that had been trying to calm her struggles was thrown away by her again. She could feel that the lake water that was originally weighing her down began to topple and fall under the agitation of the light sign, as if it could no longer stand; as the waves shook, the imprisonment on her body was also shaken again and again. It was knocked loose.

When the light sign crossed the water waves and paused for a moment, she saw the right opportunity and struck out her consciousness at the same time as the next wave of the light sign - from the gap in the lake that suddenly widened, she kicked her feet hard, He threw himself upwards with all his strength.

Lin Sanjiu is average, but she can swim a short distance, not to mention her life is at stake; she doesn't have to swim up to the lake in one breath - she can't do it now - when she gets close to the light sign, she He grabbed its pole and put his life on his hands. There was no space left for thinking in his mind, and everything was filled with suffocating cement.

The whole process of being dragged to the lake shore was like something that happened to someone else in a dream. Apart from the fact that she could finally breathe again, Lin Sanjiu could not remember at all how she moved from the bottom of the lake to the lake shore. Yes.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Lin Sanjiu's breathing was too deep and heavy, and it even made a sharp sound like a whine. Her fragmented and scattered thoughts finally grew and merged together under the nourishment of the air; she blinked hard, and then she realized that the Killing Hotel was in front of her.

This is not surprising; he must have noticed something was wrong in the lake, and then he put down the light sign to save her. Other copies - yes, other copies!

Lin Sanjiu was frightened until then, and she leaned on the ground to sit up.

After the truck driver discovered that she was a human, he got ashore first, which meant that other copies must have known her identity; the Killing Hotel dragged her ashore, perhaps because she was forced by other copies. They came here just to see a living person, so naturally they would not let Youhu Park hold her underwater all the time——

"Take that thing off your body quickly," Killing Hotel suddenly whispered, "Water, don't forget the water!"


Lin Sanjiu was startled and then realized that he was referring to his own consciousness.

Now you still need to pretend that you are not wet?

That means...

The weakness and lingering fear that had nearly caused her to suffocate and coma had receded a lot. She quickly turned her head and glanced around, and couldn't help but be stunned.

The Killing Hotel dragged her up from the other side of the lake, and the other copies were standing on the other side. The dungeons stood loosely in several groups, surrounding the swollen giant in the center. They were not nervous at all. After seeing her coming ashore, another dungeon shouted from a distance: "How about it? You didn't find anyone at the bottom of the lake." ?"

what happened? How come it's like nothing happened? I couldn’t see where the truck driver had gone for a while.

Lin Sanjiu didn't even know how to react, so she just shook her head subconsciously.

\u0026quot;The truck driver knew,\u0026quot;

After the copy turned around, she whispered urgently to the Killing Hotel: "He was trying to catch me at the bottom of the lake. Didn't he come up first?"

"Did he find out you were a human?" Unexpectedly, Killing Hotel was shocked and asked: "Are you sure? After he came up, he said he said a few words to you in the lake, but you ignored him and said He took a look at the bottom of the lake after transforming into a truck. There were no humans. He didn't like staying in other people's copies, so he came out first - what? Did Lake Tour Park hold you down just now? No... I was looking at you. I've been under the lake for too long, and I felt something was wrong, so I deliberately asked me to put out a light sign to check it out. To be honest, I'm not sure if something really happened to you down there."

Not sure if it was because he had been deprived of oxygen for too long, or if the current situation was so confusing that Lin Sanjiu couldn't think straight.

The truck driver didn't discover his identity?

Could it be that after he grabbed her wrist, he communicated through the copy channel as he said, but she misunderstood because she couldn't hear?

Then why didn't he explain why she attacked the truck driver?

"I'm not sure whether the fresh food truck found you or not."

After hearing this, Killing Hotel whispered: "However, since your friend is not in the lake, you should leave quickly. There are too many copies here. If there is a slight leak, UU Reading no one can protect you... …The situation is getting weirder and weirder now. Logically speaking, Youhu Park couldn’t do anything to you just now.”

Lin Sanjiu suddenly remembered.

"We suppressed him." The words of Killing Hotel were obviously a metaphor - they did not really suppress the swollen giant to the ground. "I've explained to you that this dimensional space is formed by our energy, so in a many-to-one situation, we can use the space energy to suppress him and prevent him from making arbitrary arrangements in the copy... that is to say , he wants to attack the people in the lake, there is no way we can’t detect it.”

It was precisely for this reason that the two of them felt that Lin Sanjiu's plan had a chance of success. She looked at the copy across the lake shore and then at him. "but……"

Kill Inn nodded. "Youhu Park really took action, and we really didn't notice it."

Why is this happening?

"Let me tell you," Youhu Park said at this moment, "There is no one under my lake, what about now? Are you satisfied now? Do you still want to send people down to take a look?"

One copy muttered something, as if he found the matter rather boring.

No, she's going to run out of time.

Once the replicas dispersed, no one could restrain Youhu Park, and Youhu Park could turn around and deal with her with peace of mind; the fake puppet master's trap could not have any other purpose besides deceiving her. Although the trap formed by the "Puppet Master" failed to catch her, it successfully pulled Lin Sanjiu from the dark to the light - then, force was enough.

Lin Sanjiu jumped up from the ground, grabbed the arm of Killing Hotel, and whispered: "Let's go now!"

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