To be on the safe side, Chen Tian decided to wait for Tu Yungang and them all to wake up before trying it himself.

That's a week.

In seven days, Tu Yungang and a few of them woke up from their slumber one after another.

The little black dog was the first to awaken, and its size doubled, and other than that, the external characteristics did not change much.

In order to find out whether the little black dog had awakened its bloodline, Chen Tian personally tested it.

The final result is that the defense power of the little black dog has directly increased by nearly five times, and this is only the beginning, with the mastery and evolution of the bloodline, its defense can become stronger in the future.

Tu Yungang woke up the day after the little black dog woke up.

The first thing he did when he woke up was crying out for hunger, and after eating a meal, the amount of food increased three or four times.

After Chen Tian's personal test, Tu Yungang's strength and defense have been greatly improved, but it is far less obvious than the little black dog.

As for the mutant rhinoceros, it woke up on its last day.

When it comes to changes in appearance, it is the most obvious.

The first is the change in body shape.

Before, it was as big as a small hill, but now it is only the size of a large buffalo, and the rhinoceros has turned golden yellow.

It is similar to the "golden horned beast" of the past.

"I'll call you 'Golden Horn' in the future!"

For this mutant rhinoceros that had not yet awakened his sanity, Chen Tian chose a name very casually.

It can also be regarded as a name to commemorate the devoured "Golden Horned Beast".

The Golden Horn should be the one closest to the Golden Horned Beast that fuses the "bloodline energy", and it may be precisely because of this that its strength has broken through to the "middle stage of awakening", which is equivalent to the level of an intermediate warrior.

Of course, in this big family, it is the weakest one.

So, next, it will have the privilege of enjoying the unique welcome of this extended family.


In the two sand dunes, the 'Golden Horn' was like a rolling leather ball, and under the warm welcome of the Tyrant, the Snow Emperor, and Tu Yungang, it had no strength to resist at all.

Faced with this phenomenon of obviously bullying newcomers, Chen Tian did not intervene at all.

If they go to make trouble, they won't be in danger of their lives anyway, and this way of fighting back and forth is very suitable for tempering defense.

"Golden Horn, Tyrant, and Tu Yungang and the three of them awakened the bloodline, and the 'bloodline energy' consumed was less than two."

That mass of "bloodline energy" was divided into ten parts, and now, there are so many left.

Chen Tian was about to start his bloodline awakening.

Although when it was his turn, there was no one else to help, but he accumulated a lot of experience.

"Go crazy!"

As soon as his mind moved, Chen Tian directly entered the state of madness, his eyes became extremely red, and his body exuded a fierce aura.

With this level of "madness", he can still remain conscious and will not hinder his next operation.

"Gold plating!"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tian used the second skill.

In an instant, his body was covered with a layer of special energy, shining with metallic luster under the sunlight.

After the two exclusive skills were used at the same time, Chen Tian began to condense his mental energy.

The purpose of this is to help control the "bloodline energy" within a controllable range.

Finally, the most critical step has arrived.

Even Chen Tian did not dare to be careless, he first withdrew a trace of "bloodline energy" and tried to refine and absorb it.

"Huh? Didn't feel it? I

don't know if it was an illusion, but when he successfully absorbed this trace of "bloodline energy", he didn't feel any discomfort.

"Come again!"

Chentian continued to try.

After coming down a few times, he determined that the refining process was safe, just like the mutant rhinoceros at that time, without any rejection.

"Try to increase the portion!"

Chentian began to increase the "bloodline energy" that would be refined, and it was still very smooth.

In the end, when he reacted, a whole part of "bloodline energy" was sucked up by him.

But that feeling of lethargy did not appear.

Moreover, Chen Tian himself also felt that this amount of absorption was far from enough.

He needs to absorb more "bloodline energy".

What the reason is, Chen Tian is not clear, it may be related to his being a "controller", or it may be that he has been quenched by heavenly thunder and is different.

Anyway, when things come to this moment, there is no reason to give up halfway.

Since there is no feeling of rejection, then continue to absorb!

Soon, another whole portion of "bloodline energy" was easily absorbed by Chentian.

The desire emanating from the cells of his body told him that he needed more "bloodline energy."

"My strength is growing!"

Chen Tian clearly felt that his body was undergoing some kind of transformation.

Probably because of the peculiarities of the body.

Before he fell asleep, he already felt his body transforming.

If he had hesitated to continue absorbing the "bloodline energy" before, then at this moment, there was no hesitation at all.

Even if he still couldn't awaken the bloodline after absorbing all the shares of "bloodline energy", he didn't regret it.

Time passes minute by minute.

Chen Tian also felt more and more clearly that he had changed.

It seemed that in the process of absorbing the "bloodline energy", even his knowledge of the sea had been expanded.

"'Bloodline energy' is worthy of being a good thing!"

Chen Tian felt like he had eaten a big supplement, and his body was growing at an alarming rate.

This growth comes from invisible places.

"It's incredible, and my mental energy is slowly changing."

Perception acts on himself, and Chentian can perceive changes more clearly.

Finally -

when there were still two "bloodline energy" left, a raging feeling of exhaustion hit.

"Night Night Armor, I want to sleep for a while!"

After saying these words, Chen Tian fell headlong.


Night Armor had already helped him first.

"Master, you sleep, there I am!"

Night Night Armor: Chentian was carried into the fighter, gently placed on the recliner, and intimately covered with a blanket.

After doing this, the night armor turned into a stone statue and stood there motionless.

It's just that those eyes always look at Chentian.

As night falls, the wind rises above the desert.

A huge sandstorm that covers the sky.

The three of Tyrant, Snow Emperor, and Tu Yungang ran in from the outside and brought in a layer of yellow sand.

Only the "Golden Horn", stupidly staying outside the fighter to eat sand.


The tyrant said: Why didn't the golden horn come in?


The Snow Emperor replied: It's not that you hit it too hard and beat it stupidly.

Tu Yungang looked out the window and muttered, "I know, this is a kind of practice, fighting against nature and strengthening the physical body." I

don't know what to think, Tu Yungang actually rushed out again.

The tyrant thought that the appearance of the sky full of dust was also fun, and it could also experience the feeling of being swept up into the sky, so he also rushed out.

There was only one Snow Emperor left, and after staying for a while, it also ran outside to go crazy.

Inside the fighter, only Night Armor, and Chentian, were once again left.

"Master, the IQ of several of them is worrying!"

Ye Yejia flashed such a sentence in his heart.

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