During this time of sleep, the "City of Dawn" operated as usual.

An Qing had just finished his inspection work and was about to go to the training room for a while, when suddenly, a loud air defense siren sounded.

The sirens went from low to high, repeating as if to wake up the city completely.

"What happened?"

An Qing stopped a patrol soldier.

"Inspector, the radar has detected ferocious beasts, there are hundreds of them, and they are flying from the eastern sky."

"How long do you expect to get here?"

An Qing asked with a frown.

It had just been calm for a while, but I didn't expect that there would be groups of ferocious beasts coming again.

This winter was extraordinarily uneventful.

"According to the conclusion obtained from the latest data, in ten minutes, those ferocious beasts will arrive at the 'Dawn City'."

"Ten minutes!"

An Qing was taken aback.

Time was too tight to evacuate the crowd in such a short period of time.

Dingdong Dingdong~

At this moment, the communicator on Anqing's waist rang.

"I'm Anqing, please speak!"

In the earpiece, an eager voice came: "Lord Inspector, the latest news indicates that one of the fierce beasts flying here has reached the level of 'king-level'. "

King-class?" An Qing shouted directly.

How terrifying the king-level ferocious beast was, he had seen it with his own eyes in the last beast tide.

And this time the group of fierce beasts, although they still do not meet the standard of the beast tide, but they are flying fierce beasts.

This is the trickiest point.

Flying ferocious beasts, the trajectory of the movement is the most difficult to capture.

They come and go freely, unable to predict where they will fly from the battery, so they cannot concentrate their firepower.

As the ferocious beast got closer and closer, the "City of Dawn" was immediately filled with a tense atmosphere.

In order to avoid panic among the people, the air defense siren that has just sounded has not yet been announced to the public.

A few minutes later, the vanguard of the ferocious beast swept over the "City of Dawn".

They are fast, like white light and shadow.

Click~ The

nearby defense tower began to spray fire snakes.

The super-large caliber bullet is like weaving a large net in the sky.

"They are so fast that heavy machine guns simply do not have time to aim!"

"Concentrated vitality coverage!"

The soldiers guarding the first line of defense constantly pulled off the board machine.

Even if you can't hit the target, you can't stop at all.


A giant ferocious beast descended from the sky, stretched out its sharp claws, and directly grabbed a truck and flew high.


The truck was thrown down and smashed on the car parked on the side of the road, causing an explosion.

Nearby residents panicked in fear, and the screams of women and the cries of children were sandwiched between them.

The "Dawning City" is like a fig leaf lifted, just a fierce beast, paralyzing the traffic of the entire street.


The giant ferocious beast shouted, as if it was demonstrating, and a pair of huge wings flapped the wind.


The glass of high-rise buildings burst and flew around like snowflakes.

Those who hid nearby, shivered.

The size of the human being is as small as a bug in front of the fierce beast.

Just as the ferocious beast was about to expand its destruction, a cyan light came from far and near.

It turned out to be a person!

An Qing, dressed in battle armor, stepped on the flight pedal and was rushing over at the fastest speed.

The ferocious beast seemed to be aware of something, and turned its head to look at An Qing, who rushed over.


harsh sound, as if to tear people's eardrums and nerves apart.


Coming to Anqing, his figure once again increased his speed, as if he turned into a green dragon, and flew directly above the head of the fierce beast.


The combat knife in his hand slashed down with lightning speed.

There is no doubt that this is Anqing's all-out sword.

In the face of this extremely threatening ferocious beast, he needs to be fatal with one sword!


The force fed back from the blade to the handle made An Qing under the helmet frown.

"So hard!"

His sword did not break through the defense of the ferocious beast.

The ferocious beast in front of him should have reached the "general level".

An Qing didn't expect that the first ferocious beast he encountered was so tricky.


In the air, there was a tearing sound.

The sharp claws of the ferocious beast, like large machinery, grabbed Anqing who was close at hand.

An Qing raised back slightly, and narrowly avoided the past.

The flight pedal has this disadvantage, although it can maintain high-speed floating flight, but the agility is still a little worse.

"It seems that the knife just now still has some effect!"

An Qing knew that if it was a normal blow from this ferocious beast, he might not be able to dodge it.


The attack of the ferocious beast struck again.

You can see that it is a little angry.

Combat on the ground, not its specialty, gives it a feeling of being restrained.

If it was in flight, it would never have been hit by that sword.

After the attacks fell in succession, the ferocious beast flapped its wings and soared into the air.

It didn't come here to play with a tiny human being.

It came with a mission to explore the area.

"Don't go!"

An Qing knew that once he let this ferocious beast fly into the air, he would lose his advantage, and it would be difficult to deal with it again.


The black armor is full of blue light, which is his exclusive energy.

Unfortunately, the gap in strength is not so easy to bridge.

The ferocious beast eventually flew into the air, and between breaths, it had gone elsewhere.


An Qing was busy contacting the tower, trying to locate the ferocious beast that had just flown away.

As a result, he accidentally learned a bad news.

This batch of flying ferocious beasts, the weakest in strength, have reached the "lord level".

For a moment, Anqing seemed to see the destruction of the city.

"Understaffed! Flying ferocious beasts are too tricky, and if you don't think about it, the casualties will only increase.

Just when An Qing was anxious, the figure of a teenager suddenly flashed in his mind.

He thought of Chentian!

He hadn't seen it for more than a month, and he almost forgot about this demon boss.

Busy retrieving the address book, An Qing called Chen Tian by video.

He knew that during this time, Chentian was not in the "City of Dawn", and as for where he went, even Xu Da's family did not know.

The phone was in contact for several minutes and could not be reached.

Anqing had to give up.

He knew some of Chentian's temper to some extent, and knew that there would be no result if he waited any longer.

What's more, in the current situation where every second counts, he can't afford to delay time.

Anqing, who was about to rush to the next chaotic location, unexpectedly received a message.

Fierce beasts, fly away!

An Qing thought that he was dazzled, and deliberately changed the angle.

As it turned out, he was not mistaken.

According to the latest report, those hundreds of ferocious beasts have flown away from the sky above the "Dawning City".

"What the hell is going on here?"

Anqing did not relax because the crisis was lifted.

Instead, he faintly felt that the group of fierce beasts that acted strangely had an unspeakable secret.

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