Chapter 32 The God Killer, the mysterious Cana, the fleet is completely destroyed.

[The group of warships outside the Moonlight Throne is scorching at this moment. 】

“Ships! Full speed pursuit! ”

“If you can’t hit, press all the firepower up!”

The Wind Lawyer flew under intensive artillery fire and got a little bored over time.

“Hey, how did I get the same as the one who was chased and beaten.”

“This group of people really don’t cherish their lives~”

“Speaking of which, I seem to have seen a similar movie with Little Bird?”

“Humans… There will always be plots of pretending to be cool to self-sacrifice, it turns out that the movies are real. ”


“Extermination….. Humans……..”

Wendy: “Hate… Humans…”

“Man is a creature of calamity……..”

“It must not be allowed to leave this sky…”

“That’s the only meaning of your existence…”

“It’s noisy, it’s boring!”

An inexplicable sense of unhappiness and anger welled up in her heart, and Wendy threw out the wind blade very irritably, and there was always a battleship that would be unlucky.

“It’s enough to say it once!”

“I’m not comfortable at all, what’s the difference between this and before……..”

“Meaning, mission, does life really need this kind of thing, so annoying!!”

“The whole ship, the main gun is locked!”

The human fleet took advantage of Wendy’s irritation to seize the flaw of the moment and decisively attacked.

“If you kill these annoying guys, will you be liberated…”

Wendy looked at the fleet blocking her in front of her, and a strong killing intent flashed in her turquoise eyes.

“Let’s solve it in one go.”

The wind is roaring, and the game is over!


A succession of explosions sounded in the air, deafening, and the fleet of many floating warships collided violently in the sky and then exploded.

“It’s not fun at all.”

Fighting a floating battleship is like cutting melons and chopping vegetables.

“So, you all me!”

Boom, rumble!

The lawyer’s hurricane-like offensive suddenly disrupted the rhythm, and the steel battleship looked like fragile toys under the hurricane.

“The Third Fleet is all destroyed! The losses of the Fourth Fleet exceeded 80%! ”

Looking at the number of these injuries, the communication officer gasped, and reported the battle situation with a trembling tone of 26,

“Sixth Fleet to make up! She must not be allowed to get in the way of the main fleet! ”

Looking at the battleship that had regathered around her, Wendy’s face showed a look of disgust.

“Didn’t you hear, you guys are bored–!”


The violent roar sounded again, and Wendy’s offensive was unstoppable.

“The Fourth Fleet is all destroyed! The Fifth Fleet is all destroyed! ”

“The one over there that exudes collapse energy should be the boss type.”

“Then you’ll be next.”

Looking at the moonlight throne that was protected behind her, Wendy smiled happily.

The Wind Law quickly opened up and headed towards the Moonlight Throne.

Inside the Moonlight Throne, Phimilis faithfully reported the situation.

Femia: “[Despair] The Fourth and Fifth Fleets are completely destroyed, and the Sixth Fleet cannot continue to pursue the Lawyers. ”

“[Desperate] She’s coming to our side!”


“[Warning] Wow wow wow! Warn! Warn! The hull is under attack! ”

“Let the cha come back, cross the formation to hide the whereabouts.”

Mei Lin frowned, understood the seriousness of the matter, and quickly issued a new order.

“[Worry], but in this case, other warships will still be shot down!”

“That’s their fate.”

Mei Lin did not waver, because it was all a planned sacrifice.

“Phymilis, execute.”

Mei Lin urged Phimilis.

“[Hesitation] However, Femilis should have helped everyone to get to the space station alive…”

Mei Lin: “…. Disconnect the secondary connection and change to manual mode. ”

There is no time to hesitate, and they can’t walk without running.

“[Dissatisfied] ah! Wait! ”


Correspondent: “Lord Mei Lin, there is a situation, and I saw the figure of Raiden Bud on the passage to the God Killer Armor Gnaku. ”

“I’ll deal with it, and the rest of the people will act according to the deployment and wait for my orders at any time…”

The situation was urgent, and Raiden Bud Yi rushed here almost at maximum speed.


When he saw a familiar person in front of the door, Raiden Bud’s face was a little more solemn.


Mei Lin stopped in front of Raiden Bud Yi.

“The current situation is very bad, let me pass.”

Raiden tried to get Merlin to back down.

“There is no need to let the people on other battleships die in vain.”

“They’re ready to awaken, and we’re one step away from reaching the space station.”

“Now is not the time to be emotional!”

“My side is also ready for enlightenment…”

“Get out of the way for me from there!”

Drawing his sword, Raiden put the knife on Mei Lin’s neck.

If she doesn’t get out of the way, Raiden Bud Yi is not recommended to do it directly.

“Do you know what you’re doing!?”

Mei Lin wrinkled her brows, calmly inquiring about Raiden Bud Yi, and did not take her threat to heart.

“I know very well that putting on the god-killing armor, defeating the lawyers, and saving those lives within reach.”

“Even if that makes everything go down the drain?”

“It won’t.”

“I broke through that maid’s obstruction, which is enough to prove that I have recovered my physical strength.”

“This time, it is definitely not courageous.”

“Yes, what if I refuse?”

Mei Lin narrowed her eyes, looking a little dangerous.

“Mei Lin, you should know better than anyone how to choose a higher winning rate.”

“Maybe I won’t kill you, but there are more ways to get you out of the way.”

“Go away, I’m serious.”

The two looked at each other, and in the end, Mei Lin gave in.

Raiden Bud Yi got the power to act as he wished, and got the set of god-killing armor.

Mei Lin watched in silence as Raiden Bud Yi obtained the armor and stood in front of her.

“There’s one thing you probably don’t know.”

After getting the armor, Raiden Bud was in a good mood.

“God-killing armor is not something that MEI made for itself.”

“Even if I really die in battle, the armor will not become unusable.”

“Before reaching the limit, you must return home.”

Mei Lin stared at the back of Raiden Bud Yi until the other party disappeared at the end of his gaze.

On the deck of the Moonlight Throne, Apricot is still fighting the incoming Honkai Beast.


Waving the scythe in his hand, Apricot smiled excitedly.

Roar……………… Simple and simple – Zila…… Multiply………….


“Hey, who!”

Angrily turned on the communicator, and Xing said with a bad temper.

“Apricot. Apricot! ”

It was Xi’er who came, but her tone was a little anxious.

“Why, I told you not to shoot, but don’t run out for me!”

“No. No……. Danger…..”

I wanted to ask what had happened, but the communication was broken.

“Run away!”

Xing was a little dazed as she listened to Xi’er’s words to let herself run away.


“Don’t go.”

A green light streaked through the air, and then a lawyer appeared in front of Xing.

Wendy had a smile on her face and stared at the people below.

“You guy is finally here! Uncle Ben has been waiting for you for a long time! ”

“Oh yes.”

“But Wendy is closed today.”

“Just die.”

With a fierce glare, Wendy was almost annoyed by the voice in her head and was now working seriously.


The sudden attack made Xing’s eyes widen.


“Let me be your opponent!”

At the moment of the attack, Raiden Bud dressed in god-killing armor arrived in time to block Xing’s face and catch the attack of the Wind Lawyer.

“Lawyer attack. Defense succeeded. ”

“We’re safe for the time being!”

Watching the lightning bud suit block the attack of the Wind Law, the correspondent was a little sad and happy, the situation happened too quickly, the brain has not yet reacted, which kind of emotion is good.

“Hey! Don’t come to the bad guys! ”

Uncle Xing on the deck looked at Raiden Bud Yi with an unhappy expression.

“It’s not good for you to fight here, and I don’t want to say this a second time.”

“Go back, apricot.”


Compared with the rather unhappy apricot, Wendy recalled with some curiosity the moment she saw the lightning bud clothes.

“You… I’ve seen it. ”

“When you fought that big robot at sea, you cut it off with a knife~”

“It’s really like a scene in a movie.”


“It should be fun to play with you, but Wendy just wants to go home now.”

“Can you stay out of the way?”

“This lawyer does not feel the resentment of the past.”


“If you don’t go away, I’m welcome!”

“Come on, Beichen Yi Dao Liu–”


After a short exchange, there was already a bottom in the heart between God Killer and Wendy.

“Sure enough, you’re different.”

“But I don’t want to fight you anymore! It’s a waste of time! ”

Wendy was irritable, but on the other hand, Buddy looked calm and could still find time to think.

“Control the collapse energy level at a medium level, and there is no problem if you stalemate.”

“The question is how to get out with one blow…..”

“Did you listen to me!”

Wendy looked at the absent-minded Raiden Bud with some dissatisfaction, frowning, very unhappy.

“I want to go back so much, just go directly~”

The girl in the white dress appeared in front of Wendy, with a little smile on her quiet face.


“Oh, poor bird, why don’t you go home?”

Cana looked at her and repeated the same words.

“Cana, what are you going to do.”

Looking at the Cana who suddenly appeared, Raiden Bud Yi looked at her with a serious face, and asked with some doubt.

“Impressed by your back, so I wanted to come up and take a look.”

“Does this reason convince you?”

Bud Yi: “Huh? ”

It’s a little strange no matter how you think about it.

“In you, it seems that you can really see a glimmer of 9898 hope”

Looking at the two guys who were talking happily, Wendy, who was suddenly ignored, expressed great dissatisfaction.

“Hey, hey! Don’t ignore me! ”

Turning around, Cana looked at Wendy in the sky.

“You don’t seem to have answered my question yet.”

Faced with Cana’s question, Wendy was a little dazed and overwhelmed,

“Ah, because… Because………….”

Wendy, who didn’t like to think, was a little crazy, and then she decided to change the subject.

“No, you’re the so-called”

“Did God send to kill me!”

It’s rare that I kind enough to tell you interesting things, it seems that you don’t need it?


Wendy loves fun things.


Cana scoffed.

“A bird that longs for freedom, you are not bound by anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have not existed in any cage.”

“Because of Honkai–”

“God” cannot directly intervene in our actions. ”


Wendy couldn’t believe her ears, she was hearing something.

“But! I really have it in my head.”

“So, what are those voices!?”

Looking at the mysterious Cana, Wendy desperately wants to know the answer to the question.

Taking advantage of the fact that Cana and Bud Yi dragged down the pursuit of the Wind Lawyers, the fleet quickly withdrew from the place and headed towards its destination.

“The lawyer stopped moving, at the same time, the Sixth Fleet has reached the combat area, please instruct.”

Mei Lin decisively gave the order,

“Main gun preparation, Bronia, railgun preparation.”

Bronia received Mei Lin’s instructions, but her situation was not optimistic.

“Hah Ha 393..”

Gasping for breath, Bronia’s somewhat overstretched pale face covered with sweat.

“Already.. Locked…”

Almost using the little strength left in her body, Bronia said.

It was pitch black in front of him, his body was shaky, and he finally couldn’t hold the pressure of the God of Soldier railgun, and Bronia fell to the ground, which startled Xi’er on the side.

“Sister Bronia–!”

After a little look at Bronia’s situation, Mei Lin didn’t look at much, just thought calmly.

“Railguns are no longer used, no way.”

“Rely on the main gun to suppress the lawyer, the main ship, take advantage of this opportunity to escape as fast as possible.”

“Power room!”

Isseline: “The power room has been urgently repaired and there is no abnormality. ”

“Very good, whole ship, main gun locked; Moonlight Throne, engine charge 150%, full power start, maximum battle speed! ”

“All staff prepare for the impact!”


Correspondent: “Main gun, fire!” ”

Mei Lin’s instructions were carried out methodically, and the main cannon of the Moonlight Throne locked onto the unsuspecting Wind Lawyer.

The torrent of light filled people’s field of vision, and the violent impact made the moonlight throne vibrate violently.

“Tell me, what the hell it is”

Wendy looked at Cana with a serious face, trying to learn all this.

But a sudden attack interrupted all this conversation!

The main gun of the Moonlight Throne successfully shot Wendy, and she was buried by artillery fire!

“Take advantage of this gap and head to the space station!”


As the Moonlight Throne rushed out of range, the rest of the warships were still blocking the Wind Lawyer.

“Individual information confirmation, lawyer. Survive by day. ”

The voice of the correspondent is trembling, how can you believe this kind of thing! Even the main cannon of the Moonlight Throne was able to follow unharmed in an unguarded situation.

“Ships, get ready for the next wave of attacks!”

Wendy hung her head and looked at the deck where there was nothing, her clenched fists trembling.


Full of angry voices, Wendy gritted her teeth and looked at the surrounding fleet.

“The guy who got in the way……… All to die..”

The purple collapse energy flowed in Wendy’s body, and began to charge continuously, and the green wind began to blow violently, which was a hurricane that was enough to destroy the earth and tear the firmament.

Under the explosive concentration of collapse energy, the screams of the fleet personnel rose and fell one after another, but in a fleet, the fleet in the air was instantly destroyed under the attack of the Wind Law.

[On the blue sky, it was replaced by huge golden patterns. 】

“This is the Ultimate Lawyer!?”

Kevin’s eyes widened, as calm as him, and he couldn’t help but get emotional at this time.

“Incredible lawyer, I didn’t expect that the Wind Lawyer would actually do this trick.”

Otomo clenched his chin, and his conjecture about the upper limit of the lawyer’s power increased by another span,

“Now Wendy, there is no doubt that she is the strongest lawyer under the final lawyer, not a vain name!”

PS: Ask for flowers and rewards, ask for tickets.

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